Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 443: The throne of emperor, rewards for officials

Chapter 443: Become the emperor and reward hundreds of officials

March of the twenty-fourth year of Jian'an.

Wuhan, Han Palace.

"Your Majesty, Cao Cao usurped the throne, annihilated the Han Dynasty, stole artifacts, robbed loyal people, and was ruthless and ruthless. People and ghosts are angry and poisonous, and they miss the Liu family. There is no emperor in the world, and the sea is panicked. Everyone in the group is writing. More than 800 people are praised for their fortune-telling, diagrams, and prophecies."

More than a hundred officials from Wuhan, including Langya King Liu Xi, Wei General Liu Pu, Grand Tutor Zhang Zhao, and Military Advisor General Zhuge Liang, all knelt in front of the palace and asked to report to Liu Bei.

"The Yellow Dragon saw the Lujiang Thunder Pond and left in nine days. The Xiao Jing's Supporting Deed says, 'When virtue reaches Yuanquan, the Yellow Dragon will see you.' The dragon is the symbol of the king. In the ninth year of the Qian Dynasty, 'The flying dragon is in the sky', which means that the king is like a dragon. To be promoted is to ascend to the throne of emperor."

"Now Guan Yu is surrounding Xiangfan, and the men Zhang Jia and Wang Xiu are offering jade seals; Huo Jun is leveling Jiaozhou, and the sea people Zhang Fang and Wu Shou are bringing out pearls. The seal is submerged in the Han River, and the pearls are floating in the sea, lying in Yuanquan. The scenery is shining brightly, and the aura is clear. sky."

"Hufu Han, the title of the country established by the great ancestor is the one who determines the world. The great king followed the trajectory of the previous emperor and also prospered on the Han River. Today, Zixi left Xiangyang, at the end of the Han River. Wuhan of the Ming Dynasty took its downstream and rushed to Hankou. This is a sign of auspicious destiny, and what the destiny desires is beyond the power of my human power."


As he spoke, Liu Xi took the lead and said loudly: "Today the Emperor of Han Dynasty collapsed, King Fu Wei came from the palace of Emperor Xiaojing, King Jing of Zhongshan. He has been in the branch for hundreds of generations, and he has only surrendered to Zuo... It is better to follow the example of Emperor Shizu, Shao Si Zhaomu, after inheriting the Han Dynasty, established the Han Dynasty."

Zhang Zhao stood up and stepped forward, admonishing and saying: "What God has given me, your Majesty cannot deny it!"

Then, Liu Xi quickly got up from the ground, personally presented the watch to Liu Bei, and said: "Please give me the name of the King of Han, Shaoxing Han Dynasty."

"May your Majesty live long and blessed lives!"

Liu Bei hurriedly helped Liu Xi up, looked at the ministers in the palace, and sighed: "It is the injustice of all the ministers to be alone!"

Liu Bei looked worried and said: "The traitors of the Han Dynasty have not been wiped out, so what does the king say about restoring the Han Dynasty?"

Liu Bei helped Zhuge Liang up, shook hands and said: "I can't be as noble as I am today, but I owe it to your help. The king and his ministers are one, sharing honor and disgrace."


Seeing that Liu was ordered to proclaim himself emperor, all the ministers in the palace shouted excitedly.

Hearing this, Liu Xi was so frightened that he knelt down and said: "The Chinese Han Dynasty inherited the throne of the former Han Dynasty, but because of my unscrupulous connections, the throne was usurped. How dare I honor you? Brother Wang inherited the throne of the former Han Dynasty and accepted the position of emperor." , inheriting the etiquette of the Chinese and Han Dynasties, he should be able to ascend to the throne of emperor!"

"I have chosen a good time for Your Majesty to build an altar on Guishan. At that time, I will go to the altar with Bailiao and receive the emperor's seal and ribbon." Zhuge Liang said.

"Today the Emperor of the Han Dynasty has been killed, and the world has no master. Brother Wang is sitting in the six states of Yi, Jing, Yang, Jiao, Xu, and Liang. He has millions of soldiers and thousands of good generals. Why not proclaim himself the emperor and restore the Han Dynasty, and share the great cause with all the ministers? Destroy Wei Xing Liu Hu?"


"May your Majesty live long and blessed lives!"

Zhuge Liang bowed deeply and said, "Liang is a farmer in Longzhong. I am lucky to meet Your Majesty. I should be grateful!"

In the twenty-fifth year of Jian'an, the first year of Zhangwu, it was Bingwu day in March.

"The words of the sage say what is not right is not right. There is no master in the world today. May I ask who your Majesty is the minister of?"

Liu Bei hesitated a little, then sighed and said: "The emperor was killed, and the great revenge has not been avenged. Now he succeeds and proclaims himself emperor. It is not the courtesy of a minister!"

Liu Xi's eyes were red and he was about to shed tears, and he said: "Cao Cao was unethical and killed the emperor and his queen. All the Han ministers were afraid and the people of Li were in panic. Brother Wang Wulie raised troops in Wu to eliminate the thieves and help the Han Dynasty. Therefore, my brothers Run south."

As he said this, Liu Xi burst into tears and said, "If my brother doesn't ascend to the throne now, my brother is willing to die in the palace to show his ambition!"

Liu Bei looked at Liu Xi and said: "The Chinese Han dynasty is the descendant of Emperor Shizu, not the lineage of King Jing of Zhongshan. The king's younger brother is the successor to Emperor Shizu of the Han Dynasty!"

Zhuge Liang stood up with a fan and said: "Your Majesty is the heir of Emperor Xiaojing, Prince Jing of Zhongshan, and the descendant of the main lineage of Liu. Now that you are proclaimed emperor, you will be the emperor. This is a legitimate name. What can be discussed?"

"Chen Xi, the king of Langya in the Central Han Dynasty, the acting general Chen Pu, the Taifu Chen Zhao, the former general Chen Jun, the military advisor general Chen Liang, the left general Chen Yu, the right general Chen Fei, the Zhenbei general Chen Ning, the minister ordered me to be honest,...please respect me. Go up, establish the etiquette, choose the commanding hour, and the name of God.”

Liu Bei proclaimed himself emperor at Guishan, west of Wuhan.

On that day, Liu Bei rode in the emperor's carriage of Liusi, wearing black clothes with twelve chapters and twelve crowns on his head, and led his ministers to the Guishan altar.

Dozens of civil and military officials from Wuhan, including Liu Xi, Liu Pu, Zhang Zhao, Zhuge Liang, Xu Jing, etc., all dressed in red black robes and crowns of advancement, walked up the steps.

At the high platform, all the ministers stopped, and Liu Bei climbed up the steps slowly. The bells and drums on both sides were like thunder, the music and music were high-pitched, the singers were chanting in a deep voice, the ritual songs resounded through the sky, the flags were flying in the sky, and the altar and the cauldron were burning high.

When Liu Bei came on stage, Wang Can presented him with a scarf, and the sound was still.

Liu Bei held the silk and read it, and said: "On Bingwu in March of the 24th year of Jian'an, Emperor Bei dared to use Xuanmu to tell the emperor, heaven, god, queen and earth gods: Han has the world, and it has no boundaries. In the past, Wang Mang usurped and robbed, and Emperor Guangwu He was so angry that he executed him, and the state of the country was restored. Now Cao Cao prevents his troops from being patient, kills the queen, and floods the sky, destroying the summer, and ignores the heavenly manifestations."

"...'The destiny cannot be ignored, the ancestral heritage cannot be replaced for a long time, and the world cannot be left without its owner.' I am prepared to look forward to one person. I am afraid of the fate of heaven, and I am also afraid that the Han Dynasty will be annihilated on the ground,... Xiu Burnt I will complain to the gods of heaven, but the gods will live in the Han family and live forever in the world!"

Compared with Liu Bei who hastily ascended to the throne in history, the current territory is wider, there are more ministers who present memorials, and there are many people who understand etiquette and law. Under the auspices of Wang Can, Liu Bei not only completed the ceremony of enthroning the emperor, but also completed the process of ascending to the throne of emperor.

The position of the Son of Heaven and the position of the Emperor were separated in the Qin and Han Dynasties due to different names. All Han emperors inherited the title of Son of Heaven and Emperor. Only after complicated etiquette were they recognized by the officials as the Son of Heaven/Emperor of the Han Dynasty.

However, with the passage of time, the emperor and the emperor gradually merged into one. By the Song and Ming dynasties, the throne of the emperor was the throne of the emperor.

Under Wang Can's ceremonial singing, Liu Bei bowed three times and kowtowed nine times.

Then, Langya King Liu Xi presented the jade seal, and Liu Bei took the jade seal symbolizing imperial power with both hands. Liu Bei held the jade seal in his hand and turned around to look down at the ministers below. The bead was swaying in front of him, and through the bead he could see all the ministers performing the royal courtesy, kneeling on the ground and shouting loudly.

"I pay my respects to Your Majesty!"

"Long live!"

"Ten thousand years!"

"May your Majesty live long and blessed lives!"

There was an endless stream of celebrations, and it didn't end until Liu Bei smiled and raised his hands slightly to indicate to the ministers to abstain from courtesy.

"Zhongxuan, read the edict!" Liu Bei said.


Wang Can took the scarf from the attendant and said in a deep voice: "In March of the first year of Zhangwu, I burned the sky to tell the heavens, and immediately ascended the throne. However, the prosperity we have today is all due to the hard work of all the ministers. Now the founding of the country has established its foundation. Hundreds of officials are vacant, and all ministers will be appointed."

Then, under the eager gaze of everyone, Wang Can took the edict from the tray, spread it out and read it.

Queen Mi Shi is honored as the queen, and the crown prince Liu Chan is the crown prince.

The general Liu Pu was granted the title of King of Shanyang, and Liu Xi was granted the title of Duke of Langya. Pu and Xi were enshrined in the clan, and they were granted the title of King of Shanyang without surrender, and lived as long as the country.

The former general Huo Jun was appointed as the general of the Hussars, and he was added to the list of ministers. During the holidays, he was appointed pastor of Xuzhou. There are 2,000 households in Yishi Town, and the quota reaches 10,000 households.

He moved General Guan Yu of the Left to the rank of general. During the holidays, he was made the governor of Yuzhou. He was granted the title of Marquis of Hanshou County and a settlement of 6,000 households.

General Zhang Fei was moved to the right and made general of chariots and cavalry. During the holidays, he was made the governor of Jiangzhou. He was given the title of Marquis of Xixiang County and a settlement of 4,500 households.

After the move, General Huang Zhong was appointed as former General and Duxiang Marquis.

Gan Ning, the general of Zhenbei, moved to the left general, and became the Marquis of Linjiang County during the holidays.

Wen Pin, the general who conquered the south, was promoted to the right general, the governor of Jiangxia, and the dutinghou (fengyi was not included).

Mi Fang was promoted to the post of general, governor of Nanzhong, and duxiang marquis.

General Lu Xunjin conquered the West, General Zhenbei, Governor of Hanzhong, and Marquis of Duting.

Zhao Yun, the general who conquered the east, was changed to the leading general and the duxianghou.

Huo Du, the general of the Dang bandits, was promoted to the general of the Southern Expedition and the title of Duxiang Marquis.

Wu Yi, the general who opposed the rebellion, moved to the general who conquered the east and became the Marquis of Guannei.


Huo Fan, the general of Zhonglang, entered Anhan General on equal terms.

Xinghan Zhonglang General Guan Ping was promoted to Xinghan General.

Zhang Lu and Liu Zhang were transferred to civilian posts, but Liu Bei treated them as Jiuqing.

Mi Zhu was made a Taiwei and was awarded the title of Marquis of the Country; Zhang Zhao was made a Situ and Liu Xian was made a Sikong.

Military strategist general Zhuge Liang was appointed prime minister, in charge of government affairs, and was granted the title of Marquis of Ting.

The secretary supervises Wang Can, the ministers Ma Liang and Liao Li, the ministers Guan Xing and Zhuge Ke; the minister orders Fa Zheng, and the minister's servant shoots Sun Shao...

Xu Shu, Pan Jun, Yi Ji and other old ministers each added food to their homes, thinking that they could make use of their old achievements.

He was promoted to Wuhan County as Wuhan Yin, and Huan Jie was appointed as Yin Shou.

Gu Yong, the governor of Jingzhou, Bu Zhi, the governor of Yangzhou, Lu Dai, the governor of Jiaozhou, and there were no changes in the governors of Yi and Liang prefectures.

Except for the fact that Gan Ning was unable to stay and was about to die in the near future, Liu Bei added more food and towns to comfort the civil and military officials above, and the rest were rewarded according to their merits.

After Wang Can finished reading the thousand-word reward list, everyone at the rank who received the reward was happy. The officials and titles given by Liu Bei had all satisfied their needs.

"I thank your Majesty for the reward, and I will do my best to be loyal in the future to repay Your Majesty's kindness!" All the ministers saluted and bowed.

"Excuse me, gentlemen!"

ps: Huo Qubing: plagiarized Yao Xiaowei - General Hussar - General Hussar - Da Sima (titled) General Hussar.

"Historical Records": The order was given to the hussar general Zhilu and the general. Since then, the generals have retired, and the hussars have become increasingly expensive. Many of General Ju's old friends went to serve as hussars, and they often got officers and titles, but Ren An refused.

"Book of the Later Han: Biography of Jingdan" states that when the emperor ascended the throne, he used prophecies and prophecies to pacify Di General Sun Xian to lead the army, which displeased the public. Those who could be promoted to the rank of Great Sima were recommended by the ministers to be Wu Han and Dan. The emperor said: "General Jing is the general of Beizhou. However, General Wu has the honor of establishing great strategies, and he also killed Miao Youzhou and Xie Shangshu, which is a great achievement. The old system of hussar generals is also the same as the chief minister." "So Wu Han was appointed as the Grand Sima, and Bai Dan was appointed as the General of the Hussars.

(End of this chapter)

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