Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 446 When will there be a general?

Chapter 446 When will there be a general?

In the midsummer of Jianghan, Xiangfan has a lot of rain and the weather is changeable.

The scorching sun is often in the sky in the morning and afternoon, making people sultry and irritated; in the afternoon, the clouds are dense and the summer rain pours down, using rain to dissipate the heat.

At this time, Pang De led his cavalry to gallop outside Fancheng, fighting against the Wei cavalry commanded by Yan Xing.

But he saw Pound riding a white horse, standing in front of people, drawing a bow and setting an arrow, and the arrows shot people down. His archery skills were very superb.

Encouraged by Pang De, hundreds of cavalrymen on the left and right showed great courage and extraordinary performance. They used bows and arrows to shoot with Wei cavalry.

The small-scale conflict between the two sides is what is happening on the battlefield in Xiangfan today. Guan Yu blocked Xiangyang and stationed his troops and horses on Yuliang Island. Although he could not be said to have taken the initiative, he could also be said to have gained an advantage on the battlefield.

Guan Yu, who had the upper hand, faced Yu Jin and Yan Xing who came for reinforcements. Without certainty of victory, he refused to send troops to fight.

Yu Jin wanted to take advantage of his northern soldiers, defeat Guan Yu head-on, and open up contact with Xiangyang City. However, Guan Yu never confronted him head-on. Instead, he asked Pang De to lead his cavalry to harass the Wei soldiers, so the two sides fell into a confrontation.

While the two cavalry were shooting at each other, thunder suddenly broke out in the gloomy weather. The sound was deafening. Several bolts of lightning flashed across the sky. Together with the thunder, it seemed as if it was going to hit everyone's heads. The cavalrymen on both sides shrank their heads in fright. The movements in his hands stopped.


Hao Zhou, who was standing by, said: "General, the rainy season is coming today and the Han River is rising. We should choose a higher place to move the stronghold. And there is a letter from Your Majesty, saying that the Han River is rising, and the Italian water thieves will use their troops to keep our army in seclusion without fighting. Retreat to higher ground."

Although Yu Jin was not famous for his martial arts, he obeyed military orders and ran the army strictly. Whenever there is a rainy season, I often personally patrol to prevent food and grass from getting wet and ordnance from getting wet in the rain.


After several thunders, the rain fell down, hitting everyone with crackling sounds. The sound was so much like the sound of a stray arrow hitting a shield that the cavalrymen immersed in the battle subconsciously raised their shields. Halfway through the lift, they realized that this was not the opponent's arrow, but heavy rain.

The rain poured down incessantly, turning the low-lying muddy ground into mud. At this time, both the Han soldiers and the Wei soldiers chose to return to their camps to take shelter from the rain.

The habits of thirty years of fighting have long been ingrained into his bones, and even though he is a former general, he still behaves in this way.

Yu Jin raised his head and looked around, only to see a dense curtain of rain, surrounded by pools and pits. It rained for several days, making it difficult to drain the accumulated water in the camp in time.

In the north of Fancheng, the Wei army's stronghold was located.

In a few breaths, the raindrops connected into lines, and many rain lines formed a rain curtain. A curtain of rain instantly covered the battlefield, accompanied by thunder and lightning that flashed from time to time in the sky.

In an instant, it started pouring rain!

"General, it's raining!"

At the beginning, large drops of rain fell intensively, hitting the ground and suppressing the dust raised by the galloping horses; it fell on the face of the Han cavalry, making people feel vague pain.

Yu Jin wore a raincoat and ran in the rain, inspecting the storage conditions of food, supplies and ordnance in the camp with his close associates.

Logistics officer Lu Jian touched the rainwater on his face and said: "Fan City is low-lying, and the rain in recent days has gradually disappeared into the camp. Food, grass, and arrows are placed high, and there is nowhere to put the swords and axes, so they can only be placed here."

Yu Jin pointed to the knife covered by the oilcloth and said: "Although the ax knife is not afraid of rain, we should try to move it to a higher place to prevent it from getting rusty and dull."

Pang De looked at Wei Qi who was gradually reining in his horse and retreating, spat out saliva mixed with rainwater, and said: "Cut off the enemy's right ear on the ground and withdraw the troops back to the camp."

Seeing that the stagnant water was difficult to drain, Yu Jin thought about moving the camp and said, "Let's make arrangements like this first. Let me see the chariot and cavalry general before we talk about moving the camp and withdrawing the camp."

When the cavalry fights in rainy days, most of the bows and arrows in their hands cannot be used. The bowstrings will become loose and unglued when wetted by rainwater, and the arrow feathers will fall off when wetted by water, and the range of the bows and arrows will be greatly shortened. Therefore, when fighting in rainy days, cold weapons are mostly used.

The knight came over, hid the bow and arrow in his hand under his robe, and said: "The rain is too heavy, I'm afraid it will damage the bow and arrow. Today's attack has been completed, why not lead the troops back to camp and fight another day."


Whenever any mistakes are seen, the relevant responsible persons will be called immediately, and they will be dealt with according to military orders, either executed or punished. They will never bend the law for personal gain. Therefore, under the rule of the forbidden army, theft of military supplies and water leakage rarely occurred.


In Cao Cao's edict, the chief general on the Xiangfan battlefield was Cao Ren, and Yu Jin was the deputy general. Yu Jin wants to move the stronghold now, which is beyond his control. He needs to consult with Cao Ren to determine the feasibility of moving the stronghold.

The general's bounden duty to obey military orders is a true portrayal of the ban.

After inspecting the heavy supply stronghold, Yu Jin walked to the gate of the stronghold and met Yan Xing who was leading his troops back. He asked, "Is there any progress in fighting the bandit cavalry today?"

Yan Xing stood under the rainless camp gate and said helplessly: "Pang De is skilled in bow and horse, brave and good at fighting. He can behead generals in battle. He is as brave as a horse to surpass him. Today, when the water thieves and cavalry come to the rescue, they often rely on their own strength to lead the army." Hundreds of cavalry on the left and right will attack our army. If they advance, they will use cavalry to attack them, and if they retreat, they will use bows and crossbows to shoot them back."

As for the deployment and use of cavalry, Pound, as a northwest cavalry general, is proficient in it. Especially in small-scale conflicts between cavalry and cavalry, Pound can bring his own bravery to the extreme.

"That's it!"

Yu Jin sighed slightly and said: "It was difficult to defeat Guan Yu in the past spring, let alone the summer rain season? Water thieves are accustomed to riding on boats, and the summer rain season is the time when thieves and soldiers are at their peak. Your Majesty has written to me now. The army should be cautious in fighting and choose a high place to camp, waiting for the use of troops in autumn and winter."

"Using troops in autumn and winter?"

Yan Xing handed over the war horses to the left and right and asked, "Your Majesty, you want to march south in autumn and winter?" "Last year, because your Majesty proclaimed himself emperor, and thought that Guan Yu was only a minor problem, he ordered you and I to lead the army south and open up the Xiangyang Passage. However, the war broke out. It will be difficult to defeat Guan Yu for a long time, so your Majesty is worried about the change and wants to wait for the Han River to descend in autumn and winter, and then recruit troops southward."

Yu Jin pointed in the direction of Fancheng and said, "If General Yan wishes, he can follow a certain person into Fancheng, meet with General Cao, and discuss the matter of choosing a camp and moving the stronghold."


The Wei camp under the forbidden post was only two or three miles away from Fancheng, almost next to Fancheng, and the two sides camped at an angle. Because Guan Yu was forbidden to come to help, he gave up the siege of Fancheng and only camped outside.

Yu Jin and Yan Xing traveled by car and entered Fancheng under the notification, and met Cao Ren, the cavalry general.

Cao Ren, who was defending the city, did not lose weight due to the anxiety of the war. Instead, he gradually gained weight because he defended the city and had nothing to do every day.

Seeing Yu Jin and Yan Xing, Cao Ren felt very happy. He invited them into the hall and the maid served them drinks.

Compared with Yu Jin and the Wei soldiers of the Seventh Army who were fighting hard in the rain outside the city, Cao Ren who was defending Fancheng was not only fine, but also had a maid and a beautiful concubine to accompany him, and his life was very nourishing.

"I wonder why Wen Ze and Yan Ming entered the city?" Cao Ren asked with a smile.

Yu Jin handed the handkerchief for wiping his face to the maid and said: "To the General of Chariots and Cavalry, the rains in summer have increased, the terrain around Fancheng is low-lying, and there is already a lot of water in the camp. Now your Majesty has issued an edict, saying that the Han River will flow in summer The rising tide is beneficial to the water thieves and not beneficial to our army, so we are ordered to retreat to high ground and camp.”

"This general is the chief general. He has been in Xiangfan for a long time and is well versed in the geographical advantages. He is not allowed to be a deputy general, so he went to the city to ask Shang to move the camp to the stronghold."

Cao Ren pondered for a while and asked, "I don't know where Wen Ze wants to move the camp?"

Yu Jin put down the cup in his hand and said: "The terrain of Yancheng is high and the rain is difficult to invade. Setting up camp in Yancheng can protect the army. Moreover, Yancheng is about thirty or forty miles away from Fancheng, and the cavalry can reach it at a gallop. Abstinence and garrison troops Yancheng, I wonder what the general thinks?"


Cao Ren looked hesitant and said: "Lingcheng is too far away from Fancheng. If Guan Yu besieges Fancheng and sets up an ambush in the road, he may lose his troops and horses!"

After saying that, Cao Ren thought for a while and said: "Why don't Wen Ze set up camp on the high ground ten miles away from Fan City. There is a pond around it and it is close to clear water. It will help the soldiers drink water and help rescue Fan City."

"Ten miles away by the clear water?"

Yan Xing frowned and said: "There are many ponds and ponds with clear water, and there are many small streams. We camped ten miles away. Although it is higher than Fancheng, if the rain rises heavily and the surrounding ponds overflow, I am afraid that the high ground will be flooded. Covered."

"General, in my opinion, it is better for our troops to retreat to Yancheng and camp. Although it is far away from Fancheng, we can reach it in half a day with our cavalry. The water thieves will not dare to take the opportunity to attack the city."

Seeing Yan Xing's rebuttal, Cao Ren was secretly angry and said, "Do you know whether Yan City is far away from Fan City? The general will support it with cavalry. Do you dare to ask the two thieves Guan Yu and Pang De to lead the cavalry to attack them? Do you dare to say they can win?"

As he spoke, Cao Ren looked serious and said: "You cannot know how important Fan City is. Without Fan City, there would be no Xiangyang. Water thieves clearly trapped Xiangyang and secretly plotted against Fan City. Fan City is small and flooded all year round, making it difficult to station large troops. Guan Yu took advantage of the water. When the tide rises, raise troops to besiege the city. Don't send soldiers to stop the attack. Then Fancheng will be in danger!"

Due to its small size, Fancheng could only garrison a few thousand troops. Cao Ren was really worried that after Yu Jin and Yan Xing left Fancheng, his troops would be outnumbered. At that time, Guan Yu took advantage of the rising Han River and was besieged by him.

Seeing that he had few troops, Guan Yu abandoned himself and took advantage of the situation to march north to Yancheng and besiege the Seventh Army. He might not be able to get out of the city. Once the Seventh Army is defeated, can Fan Chengan hold on?

Out of such worries, Cao Ren decided not to let Yu Jin and Yan Xing retreat to Yancheng.

Yan Xing patiently explained and said in a deep voice: "General, a certain cavalry has arrived by the clear water ten miles away. Although it is higher than the surrounding area, it is close to the clear water and there are many ponds. If there is heavy rain, it may overflow."


Seeing that Yan Xing was still there to refute his opinion, Cao Ren clapped his hands on the table, stood up and said: "I have been raising troops with your Majesty for thirty years, defeating Yuan Shu in the south and Yuan Shao in the north. I don't know when there will be a general?"

With a sneer, Cao Ren said: "The general is from the northwest and does not know the water conservancy of Jianghan and Han Dynasties. I have been stationed in Xiangfan for a long time, how can I not know the mountains, rivers and terrain?"

"Ten miles north of Fancheng, although it is located on the bank of Qinghe River, it is a rare hilly slope in Fancheng. In the past, when the Han River rose, the hilly slopes were safe and sound. Could it be that the general wanted to use his own shortcomings to compete with someone else?"

After saying that, Cao Ren shook his sleeves and snorted: "Yu Jin, take care of your people!"

Yu Jin waved his hand and signaled Yan Xing to go out first, and said: "Yan Ming led Han Sui's old troops to surrender, and your majesty thinks highly of him. Now that he is worried about the military, he has clashed with the general. I hope the general will forgive me."

Yan Xing was holding back his anger, but due to Cao Ren's power, he cupped his hands and said nothing.


Cao Ren thought he was an open-minded person and said, "If Yan Xing had not been someone highly valued by your Majesty, I would have held him accountable today!"

As he spoke, Cao Ren changed the topic and asked, "If you don't know the literature, how can you know where to camp?"

Yu Jin looked slightly serious and said: "General Chariot and Cavalry knows the geographical advantages of Jianghan, and Jin dare not disobey. Now Jin will lead his troops to camp ten miles north of Fancheng. If there is any situation, I will inform the general!"


(End of this chapter)

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