Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 45 Agreement

Chapter 45 Agreement
Xu Kun was killed by an arrow and fell in a pool of blood. No matter how much his men shouted, it was useless.

Huo Jun stood on the heights of the ship, looking at Xu Kun lying unconscious on the deck, feeling ecstatic in his heart.The death of Jiangdong's number one general will bring him more benefits and will also be beneficial to his operations.

"Send the order, the entire team retreats and breaks away from the engagement."

Huo Jun couldn't care less about being happy. Ships from Xu Kun's fleet were coming, and there were ships from the Jiangdong fleet behind them. If he didn't leave now, he probably wouldn't be able to leave later.


The stone bullets hit the hull of the stern, sending sawdust flying across the ship, causing violent shaking.The sailors on the deck tilted left and right, but they, who had experienced water battles, quickly stabilized the ship's walls.

Huang She, who was in the cabin, was so shocked that he was dizzy and his ears were ringing. He fled to the other side in panic, and then hid in the cabin shivering.

Huo Jun grabbed the cable on the ship's pole and shouted: "Let's go!"


Compared with the panic when approaching, they moved in an orderly manner when evacuating, turning the helm and raising the sails in one go.Since Huo Jun had not launched a boarding battle before, Jiangxia Navy turned around in the direction of the southerly wind.However, Jiangdong Navy did not let Huo Jun go, but clung to the ship and followed him closely.

Huo Jun risked his life and boarded the ship, only to see that all the fighting boats that came with him had also left the battlefield, and the fleet withdrew towards Huang She's headquarters, which had previously stayed on the south bank of the Yangtze River.

At the same time, Gan Ning also rescued Su Fei, and the two teams worked together to retreat in tandem with Huo Jun's fleet.

"The command flag, all the ships in the headquarters, stepped forward to respond, firing volleys of bows and crossbows."


As Huo Jun's military order was issued, the Huangshe fleet, which had stayed behind to watch the show on the south bank of the Yangtze River, sailed down the river. Taking advantage of the favorable wind, they used arrows to repel the pursuing Jiangdong fleet. Under cover, the three retreating fleets, together with Huo Jun and Gan Ning and Su Fei cooperated with each other and retreated backwards.

At this time, Huo Jun was standing at the stern of the boat, his hand resting on his long sword. The river wind blew by, blowing his clothes and robes, and his embroidered robes rustled, and his messy hair moved in the wind.Looking at the Jiangdong Navy drifting away, I felt heroic in my heart.

When the two armies were fighting, the general was looking for a fighter opportunity on the river. The fighter opportunity was fleeting, so he mobilized his troops to surround it, just like a bird of prey attacking a bird, killing him in one fell swoop and then escaping.This is not in line with what Sun Tzu said, "Therefore, those who are good at fighting have dangerous momentum and short knots. The momentum is like an expanded crossbow, and the knots are like a machine."

Huo Jun was addicted to this feeling of exhilaration, as if his teammates had to die or run away in team battles in later generations, but he fought back to the limit.

Joy is joy, there is still a problem that needs to be solved by myself.

Pushing open the cabin, Huo Jun walked inside and signaled Huo Xiong, who was guarding Huang She, to get out.

Sitting at the banquet, Huang She looked worried. When he saw Huo Jun getting up, he asked, "Zhong Miao, how is the current situation of the war?"

Huo Jun looked serious and shook his head, as if the battle was not going well.

Huang She's body went limp and he slumped down on the table, covering his face and not daring to face what Huo Jun said.

Huo Jun was very sincere and apologized: "Brother Bo Zhong, it was Jun's fault to seize the ship and go deep into danger, causing my brother to almost die..."

Huang She calmed down and accepted his fate and said: "It's all fate! Brother Zhengping (Ni Heng) was accused by my father, so he shot one step too late and was beheaded. Zhong Miao's soldiers made a dangerous move and were surrounded by the enemy, so he ordered It may be destiny that someone dies in the belly of a fish!"

It was impossible for Huang She to have no complaints against Huo Jun. During this period of time, he hated that he had misjudged the wrong person, which put him in a trap. He was afraid of death. He was afraid of death.But for some reason, when Huo Jun heard that the situation was difficult, he suddenly felt relaxed.

Huang She took off his helmet and began to adjust his clothes. He sighed and said, "Although I am dead, my etiquette cannot be changed!"

Looking at Huang She who was ready to die, Huo Jun touched his nose and said, "Brother Bo Zhong, please listen to me explain in detail. It was a big mistake for Jun to kidnap Bo Zhong. However, Jun shot Xu Kun as a great gift and helped you to achieve meritorious service." To relieve your father's worries."


Huang She's eyes widened and he asked in disbelief: "Zhong Miao shot Xu Kun from the enemy ship group, and then led the ship out of danger!"

"Then why just~"

"Exactly!" Upon hearing this, Huang She was ecstatic. He thought he would fall into hell, but unexpectedly he rose to heaven.He could no longer care about his previous thoughts of resenting Huo Jun, and now he could only feel grateful that he had escaped the disaster of life and death.

Immediately afterwards, Huang She calmed down and said tentatively: "Zhong Miao is an outstanding soldier. Congratulations on your great achievement!"

Huo Jun smiled, shook his head, and said: "The one who made great contributions is actually Brother Bo Zhong. In times of crisis, Brother Bo Zhong volunteered to cut off the throne for Huang Taishou. Accepting Jun's plan, he commanded Governor Su and Lieutenant Gan to work with him. Defeated the Jiangdong navy, beheaded the vanguard Ling Cao, and shot the general Xu Kun."

As he said that, Huo Jun raised his eyebrows and said, "With this skill, I can make my brother and my brother and father powerful and powerful, and be promoted to positions and titles."

Huang She's eyes widened again. He had just passed the death line, but before he could recover, he was hit by a gift from the sky.

After a pause, Huang She squirmed and said hesitantly: "How can a gentleman take away someone's merit? Just let it be safe for now. The kidnapping has long been ignored."

Huo Jun sneered in his heart. If he really took all the credit, even if he didn't die in Jiangxia, then he wouldn't be able to live in Jingzhou anymore.

"Brother Bo Zhong, there is something wrong with what you said. Since Jun entered Jiangxia, he has been taken care of by his brother, which is a kindness." Huo Jun showed gratitude and said: "Although I have made small contributions to the soldiers today, all the soldiers under my command are Bo Zhong's subordinates are so strong that they cannot stand up to defeat the enemy, and they dare not be proud."

Huang She was already moved, but he still considered the issue of image and said: "Everyone knows that Zhong Miao commanded and defeated the enemy, how can he win it with shooting!"

Huo Jun smiled and said: "I am commanding in the name of Major General, and all the sailors on the ship have given instructions. As for Captain Su and Lieutenant Gan, they also believe that the first credit belongs to the Major General."

Huo Jun kidnapped Huang She and commanded the battle. Except for the people on the ship, Huang She's group of subordinates did not know.Su Fei and Gan Ning are also good friends with Huo Jun, so they will naturally help Huo Jun in this favor.

As he spoke, Huo Jun leaned close to Huang She's ear and whispered: "After all, Xu Kun is wearing iron armor. Although we were shot, we don't know whether he will live or die. If it was the young general who did it, Jun thinks that Xu Kun has been hit." Death by arrow.”

Huo Jun saw Xu Kun fall to the ground with his own eyes, so he naturally knew that Xu Kun was likely to die.Why do I say this now? It's also to give Huang She a step down.After all, Huang She wants to take the merit now, but is also afraid of being embarrassed.

"Did he really hit Xu Kun?"

"There's a shot!"


Huang She understood clearly and suddenly felt that Huo Jun was on the right track. He pretended to hesitate and said, "In that case, She would like to speak for my soldiers."

"Thank you, Major General!" Huo Jun said, cupping his hands.

Seeing this, Huang She stretched out his hands to hold Huo Jun's hand, and said in a deep voice: "Please rest assured, Zhong Miao! From now on, Zhong Miao will be She's righteous friend. If there is any danger, just say it, She will do his best to help." .”

In the cabin of the ship, Huang She reached an agreement with Huo Jun under the temptation of killing Xu Kun and Ling Cao.

Huo Jun stood up and pushed open the cabin door, stopped, and signaled Huang She to go first.Huang She pressed his long sword, nodded to Huo Jun and walked out of the cabin.

The moment Huang shot out of the cabin, the sailors on the stern lined up on the deck, raised their hands and saluted and said: "Young General, with great authority, lead us to kill the enemy and kill Xu Kun, which is a great achievement in battle!"

Seeing this, Huang She felt a little uncomfortable and turned to look at Huo Jun, only to see him also salute to him.Then Huang She blushed, feeling quite embarrassed for this group of people.

Huang She took Huo Jun's hand and said with a smile: "Zhong Miao has made great contributions in making plans. She will take this boat as a personal gift and hand it over to Zhong Miao with all the sailors on board!"

Huo Jun, who was relieved, understood Huang She's meaning and said: "Please rest assured, Major General. Jun will discipline the soldiers in the water and warn them repeatedly to prevent them from talking nonsense."

Huang She patted Huo Jun on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Zhong Miao just knows!"

After saying that, Huang She shook his head and sighed to himself, Huo Zhongmiao was not only superior in military strategy, but also extremely intelligent.It seems that the things in his heart cannot be hidden from Huo Jun's eyes.This kind of person will become famous in the world sooner or later, so why should I have a bad relationship with him?

In troubled times, wars are turbulent, and who knows what will happen in the future.As Huo Zhongmiao is the confidant of the eldest son Qi, his family may not be under his care in the future.

As he moved around, Huang She boarded the bow of the ship and raised his sword to face the wind. It seemed that he was the commander who defeated the enemy and killed the generals.

(End of this chapter)

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