Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 46 Don't talk about martial arts!

Chapter 46 Don't talk about martial arts!

Xu Kun's cold body lay on the wooden board, surrounded by Jiangdong generals. Everyone was either feeling sad or filled with righteous indignation.

No one expected that Xu Kun, who had been fighting all his life, would die under a cold arrow!
As his cousin and son-in-law, Sun Quan stared blankly at Xu Kun's body, speechless.

In the quiet cabin, Huang Gai, who was fighting side by side with Xu Kun, cursed: "Despicable villain, cunning and cunning, actually used that dirty trick seriously..."

Thinking of the cruelty of war, Huang Gai held it in for a long time and said angrily: "Don't talk about martial ethics!"

"I pity Xu Pinglu who fought all his life, conquered Dong Zhuo, and conquered the left side of the Yangtze River, but he died under a stray arrow. How painful it is!" Cheng Pu said sadly and regretfully.

Xu Kun followed Sun Jian to fight. Cheng Pu, Han Dang, and Huang Gai, three generations of veterans, had a close relationship with Xu Kun. They had received favors from Xu Kun in the past, and they also admired Xu Kun's ability to command troops.

The early stages of this battle progressed smoothly under Xu Kun's command, and the Jiangxia Navy was defeated. Who would have thought that Xu Kun would be seized by the enemy because of his greed for merit, and he would be surrounded and shot to death by using treacherous tactics.If Xu Kun had commanded calmly, not been greedy for merit and aggressive, and not arrogant about his military strength, perhaps he would not have ended up like this.

Or maybe Huo Jun lacked a keen sense of battlefield and did not dare to take risks. Without the means of spreading beans and blowing smoke, it was difficult to defeat Xu Kun quickly.After all, water warfare does not have as many methods as land warfare, and it is generally a head-on game.

Compared with everyone's sadness or regret, Sun Quan's emotions are more complicated. He can be said to be a mixture of sadness and joy at the moment.

As a general of the Sun clan, Xu Kun was in charge of the armies east of the Yangtze River.In the early days of his succession to the throne, Sun Quan married the Xu family and received help from Xu Kun.With the help of Xu Kun, Sun Quan solved the problem of seizing power in the clan, and then pacified Li Shu in Lujiang.

But there were advantages and disadvantages. After Sun Quan had overcome the initial difficulties, he seemed to have discovered that his father-in-law Xu Kun was blocking his way and preventing him from taking over the military power in Jiangdong.

At the time of Xu Kun's death, Sun Quan was deeply saddened by the death of his own relative and his general.However, he is happy that the obstacles to his control of Jiangdong have disappeared. Now he can use means to make those generals obey him one after another.

Under the silence, Sun Quan's eyes became brighter and brighter, but the grief on his face became heavier.

Zhou Tai, who was in the crowd, saw Sun Quan like this and said comfortingly: "My lord, although our army has suffered a small setback, the main force of the navy is still there. Please cheer up my lord and lead us to fight the Jiangxia navy again."

Listening to Zhou Tai's words, the Jiangdong generals responded one after another and said: "My lord, please lead us to fight again with the Jiangxia navy."

Sun Quan stood up and supported everyone with his bare hands, and said in a deep voice: "Huang Zu killed my biological father, and now he shoots me Jiangdong general, Gu Bi will lead my Jiangdong soldiers, take his head, and massacre his clan to avenge this blood feud. "

After Sun Quan succeeded Sun Ce, he was granted the title of General in Fighting against Capture and Prefect of Kuaiji by the Eastern Han Dynasty.However, in order to show his prestige, Sun Quan went out of his way to use Sun Ce's self-proclaimed "Gu" to show that he was Sun Ce's legal heir.

The solitary one not only belongs to the king, but also to the marquis who calls himself.Therefore, many people with noble titles are called orphans to express their status.If it is a person who works under someone else's account, even if there is a marquis, considering his status, he will not be alone.

Seeing that Sun Quan had gathered military power in his hands, Zhang Hong coughed lightly, cupped his hands and said, "My lord, although the Jiangxia bandits are not as good as our Jiangdong navy, they also have strong generals and brave men, and cunning people should not be underestimated. At this time, We should have dealt with them proactively, but Hong received news of bandits from the east of the Yangtze River causing trouble, causing trouble in counties and counties, and blocking traffic, so we had to get rid of them, otherwise people would be uneasy."

Sun Quan turned to look at Zhang Hong, his eyes full of doubts. The Jiangxia navy was defeated in one battle. If Xu Kun advanced carefully, how could they seize the opportunity to surround and kill him.If he commanded the army and learned from this lesson, it would not be a big problem to defeat Jiangxia Navy. This was the moment when he was making great achievements, how could Zhang Hong interrupt him like this.

However, considering Zhang Hong's support for him in the past and his resourcefulness, Sun Quan asked: "In the east, what is the situation of bandits in Jiangdong today?"

After Sun Quan succeeded to the throne, he called his subordinates by their cousin names.But the only exception was Jiangdong Erzhang. Taking into account their reputation and achievements, they called Zhang Zhao Zhang Gong and Zhang Hong Dongdong to show their respect for them.

"I am reporting to my lord that Ma and Bao Tun have rebelled and are blocking the Jiangsu Passage; Shanyue in Kuaiji has rebelled and is harassing the counties; in the remaining counties, there are bandits in each county and they need to send generals to put them down." Zhang Hong said: "It is better to wait and be respectful to the rear. At that time, attack Jiangxia again."

After pondering for a while, Sun Quan glanced at the Jiangdong generals and said, "I will camp and rest today, so that I can think about it."


After the generals withdrew, Sun Quan left Zhang Hong behind and asked with a frown: "In the east, now is the time when Gu is in charge of the military. If he can make contributions to Jiangxia, Jiangdong will definitely obey Gu!"

Zhang Hong shook his head and said, "My lord, you underestimate the Jiangxia navy!" "Huh?" Sun Quan asked, "Why do you say this in the east?"

Zhang Hong stroked his beard and analyzed: "My Lord, do you think Jiangxia Navy is incompetent?"

"Jiangxia Navy was defeated and retreated, and our army pursued it. The enemy general was able to rely on the water conditions in the crisis to mobilize his troops before most of our army arrived. He defeated Captain Ling first and then surrounded and killed him. Xu Pinglu has extraordinary courage and military skills, so he should not be underestimated!"

Hearing this, Sun Quan frowned and interrupted: "In the east, Xu Pinglu and Ling Xiaowei were killed because he was greedy for merit and fell into the enemy's treacherous strategy. This person may have military strategies, but why? His military strategy is superior and he is a powerful enemy of our army."

After listening to Sun Quan's rebuttal, Zhang Hong said calmly: "My lord, when the enemy general is retreating, he can see that our officers and soldiers are eager for success and advance rashly. This can be said to be aware of the changes in fighting opportunities; when the army retreats, Luring the enemy deep into the enemy's territory, taking advantage of favorable winds and rivers, and sending troops to surround and kill them, can be said to know the terrain; to lead the boat division alone, to meet the enemy with weakness, and to defeat the enemy with strategies, can be said to be wise and courageous."

"This general is defeated but not in chaos. He can recognize the changes in fighting opportunities, distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, and knows how to use strategies. He should have the talent of a general. How can he be underestimated because of his despicable methods? My lord, do not underestimate him."

Zhang Hong knew that Sun Quan had no military talent, so he deliberately broke these words into pieces and analyzed them for Sun Quan to listen to.

Sun Quan patted his cheeks and sighed: "It is a pity that such a great talent will not be used by me in Jiangzuo, but instead it will be used by our enemies in Jiangdong!"

Zhang Hong stroked his beard and continued: "Look at Lieutenant Ling, who has always been known for his courage. When he was fighting against his subordinates, he joined the army and was often the vanguard to defeat the enemy. Now Hong heard that the enemy's bell bell general led his troops to advance. , killed Captain Ling, rescued Su Fei, and forced Captain Huang to retreat, he is a brave man."

"When Jiangxia was defeated, Huang Zu would definitely reuse this general and promote the brave men. However, our navy won first and then was defeated. The general died and his morale was taken away. Therefore, if the lord wants to use Jiangxia to establish his power and lead the army to attack it, I'm sorry. Hong bluntly said that it is really difficult to defeat the enemy."

After a pause, Zhang Hong said: "At present, there is a rebellion among bandits in the east of the Yangtze River. My lord sends his troops to fight back, sweep away the bandits, appease people's hearts, appoint confidants to the local areas, and gain the hearts of the generals. Then the power will be established. This should be the best policy. If you care about Jiangxia, Jiangdong will be in turmoil, and if the lord is difficult to defeat, how can you convince the people?"

Sun Quan fell silent. He already understood Zhang Hong's meaning.

Even though the Jiangxia navy was defeated by them, there were capable people in the Jiangxia army. That capable person emerged in this battle and will definitely play a greater role in the subsequent battles.And Sun Quan, who originally wanted to make achievements and show his prestige, might not be able to convince the public if he doesn't fight well.

It is better to pick a soft persimmon and pinch it. After all, pinching a soft persimmon can also improve your prestige, so why stick to a hard persimmon.Moreover, soft persimmons are more harmful than hard persimmons and must be dealt with.After he has the military power of Jiangdong in his hands and the place is completely pacified, it will not be too late to challenge this tough persimmon.

After calmly analyzing the pros and cons, Sun Quan said: "Fortunately, thanks to the advice from the East, my decision was almost wrong!"

After a little hesitation, Sun Quan asked worriedly: "Now that Xu Pinglu is dead, Gu Chu is in charge of the military, and there is no trusted general to assist him. I wonder if there is any good idea in the east?"

Zhang Hong smiled and said: "My lord, among the ministers, Gong Jin is loyal and trustworthy. He knows both military strategy and advance and retreat. In Hong's opinion, my lord pities the enemy generals, so it is better to promote his generals and make them his confidants." "


Sun Quan looked thoughtful.

It is different from the novel. During Sun Ce's period, Zhou Yu's treatment was not much different from that of the generals of the Sun family.For example, in terms of troop allocation, Zhou Yu had 50 soldiers and [-] cavalry. They were on the same team as Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, Han Dang and other retainers, and were outside the town of Baqiu in Yuzhang.

When it came to Sun Ce's final arrangements, Zhou Yu was not the only minister to be entrusted.

But Zhou Yu seized the critical moment. When it was difficult for Sun Quan to ascend the throne, he brought [-] troops to Wu County to stand on Sun Quan's side and support Sun Quan's succession.At this point, Zhou Yu became the Central Protector and jointly took charge of military and political affairs with Zhang Zhao, the minister of Tuogu.

After Sun Quan succeeded to the throne, he only held the position of general, and the etiquette of the generals and ministers was simple. Only Zhou Yu used the etiquette of a monarch and his ministers to maintain Sun Quan's dominance.

"Thank you Dongfang for your advice!" Sun Quan nodded slightly and said, "Gong Jin is loyal and trustworthy, and he has the military strategy of a general and can be used."

"Don't dare!"

(End of this chapter)

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