Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 548 This is the decline of Wei!

Chapter 548 This is the decline of Wei!
It was early winter in the fourth year of Zhangwu.

On the official road, an envoy composed of hundreds of cavalrymen walked from west to east. The pedestrians were neatly dressed, carrying swords and guns at their waists, and the horses were riding along. The sound of hoofbeats was crisp and the horses were neighing.

At the same time, in the fields covered with weeds on both sides of the official road, a group of hungry people were wandering, picking tree fruits among the grass and trees, looking for something edible in autumn and winter.

If they find edible mulberries, the hungry people will pick them up with their cold-red palms and either stuff them into their mouths in a hurry or hide them secretly.

Occasionally, a cold wind blew, making these hungry people shiver with cold. But driven by hunger, he rummaged through the fields for anything edible.

Hearing the sound of horse hooves on the official road, the hungry people looked around and saw carts of property and war horses. They did not show desire, but were very afraid.

In the mission, Jiang Wei held the reins and looked at the refugees in the fields with an expression of disbelief.

He traveled eastward from Guanzhong, and most of the people in the Guanzhong area he passed through were sallow and thin. I thought that Sili was the center of China and the place where the world was governed. Even if there was no great peace and order, the situation would be better than that of the three assistants in Guanzhong.

Unexpectedly, when traveling east to Luoyang this time, they could see hungry people looking for food in the fields. The gap was so huge that Jiang Wei and the accompanying delegation couldn't help but look shocked.


After coughing a few times, Wei Guan forced a smile and explained: "Jizhou was hit by a locust plague, and the people were severely hungry. Your Majesty took pity on the people who were harmed by the locust plague, and specially moved the people to the states in Henan. This winter, the people's food reserves are probably empty, and they are not allowed to go out. Looking for food.”

Jiang Ji took a deep look at the hungry people. Although he felt sorry for the suffering of the people, in order not to cause trouble, he motioned for everyone in the envoy to follow him.

Jiang Wei couldn't bear it, so he galloped forward and said, "It's getting late today, so why not get to Luoyang early?"

Soldiers and their families are collectively called Shijia. Anyone whose native place is a Shijia will serve as a soldier for life. They are not allowed to change careers or leave their nationality. Marriage can only be limited to the same kind, and intermarriage with scholars and civilians is not allowed.


Now they were forced to move south, and they had eaten all their food on the way, and barely survived with the relief of the government. As these people were moved to the designated location, there was no one responsible for their relief. If they did not go out to find food, they would probably die where they were.

Suddenly, a young man jumped out from among the haystacks, knelt in front of Jiang Xiangma, kowtowed and begged, saying: "My lord, my sister is suffering from cold and there is nothing to eat at home. Can you give me some food?"

If a soldier fled, his family members would be severely punished; the children of a scholar's family were called "Shixi" and "Shinu", and they would be inherited by the younger brothers after the death of the father, and they would serve as soldiers for generations. The status of the scholar family in the Cao Wei Kingdom was higher than that of slaves, but lower than that of civilians.


The knight waved his whip and cursed: "A scholar's family has been a revolutionary for the rest of his life, how can he be deprived of his citizenship!"

Don't blame Cao Pi's policy of relocating the people, but Cao Pi really didn't care about personnel matters. In the year of famine, there was no way to provide relief to the victims. Instead, 50,000 households were relocated to the prefectures in Henan. These 200,000 to 300,000 civilians were already short of food, so they could still get better relief if they stayed in their hometowns.

"Wait a minute!"

When Wei Guan saw that it was Jiang Wei who had spoken, he waved his hand and said, "Get to Luoyang as soon as possible."

Discovering the strange behavior of the envoy, the Wei official who led the envoy looked at the hungry people who had brought shame to Wei State, feeling ashamed and annoyed.

After saying that, Wei Guan raised his whip and pointed it forward, saying: "Go forward for a few miles and you will see the village pavilions, where the people live and work in peace and contentment."

Seeing this, Wei Guan signaled his attendants to come forward, and the knight angrily mounted his horse and cursed: "Shixi, please retreat quickly. If you delay, not to mention you, even your whole family will lose their heads!"

This young man wants to sell himself into a noble family, but because of his status, he cannot get what he wants, which is a source of ridicule.

Under the rider's whip, the boy's dark skin burst open, causing him to wail and cry in pain.

During the chaos of the late Han Dynasty, the population dropped sharply. Cao Cao, who was well versed in the martial arts of Shang and Han, specially created the scholar family system in order to better fight the war. Although the word "shijia" and "shijia" are exactly the same, their treatment is very different.

"I have the strength to work for the nobles!" the young man shouted.

"Let's go~"


Jiang Wei was young and kind-hearted, and felt pity for the young man. After the delegation left, he deliberately fell behind the team and threw the grain bag on the saddle into the young man's arms, saying: "The grain is enough for two or three days, and there is some in the bag." money."

The tearful young man stopped crying, stared blankly at Jiang Wei on the horse, kowtowed hurriedly, and said, "Thank you so much, sir. Can you tell me your name to repay your kindness?"

"No need!"

Jiang Wei held the reins and said, "It's getting late. Go home quickly. Don't let your parents worry!"

The young man couldn't stop his tears and said: "A few years ago, my father went south with the army. Since then, there has been no news. My mother was kidnapped by officials and has since married someone else. Only my sister and I are left in the family."

When Jiang Wei heard this, his expression changed and he asked, "Your father died for the country. How can the officials now rob your mother to match others?"

The young man cried endlessly and said: "That day, officials said that my father was dead and my mother needed to remarry."

In addition to the scholar family system, Cao Wei also had a married woman policy. Because the scholar's family was of low status, no normal woman would be willing to marry, so Cao Wei's officials had no choice but to force the situation.

Jiang Wei was filled with indignation and said: "The Qiang people know the love between mother and child, but how come today's well-dressed officials in China are not as good as the Qiang people!" "Hey~"

Jiang Wei looked at the far away delegation and sighed. Wei Guo's unkind behavior made him very disappointed.

At the moment, he could only hope that Wei Emperor Cao Pi would not disappoint others. If Cao Pi was incompetent and virtuous, he would have to persuade his father to go to Wu Chu during this trip.


Jiang Wei looked back at the young man, then whipped his horse and drove away.

Liu Wu knelt on the ground and shouted: "Young man Liu Wu, please leave your name so that I can repay you in the future!"

"Tianshui Jiang Boyue~"

The sun sets in the west and the sound of horse hooves breaks.

The next day, Jiang Wei and his son, who were ordered to pay homage to Cao Wei, arrived in Luoyang. The father and son, who were not allowed to be received by Cao Pi, left the post house and entered the market to enjoy the bustling scene of Luoyang.

Although Luoyang went through wars, it was burned by Dong Zhuo. But as Cao Cao pacified the Central Plains, Luoyang gradually revived. Although it is not as prosperous as it was in the past, the relatively remote Hebei County with few residents is definitely a metropolis, with a huge flow of people and extremely lively.

Jiang Wei and his son walked around for a long time and found a market place to sit down.

"Boyo, why are you in such a depressed mood?" Jiang Ji asked.

Jiang Wei played with the cup and frowned and said, "The Emperor Wei had an affair with his father's concubines and made them his concubines. He has no virtue at all. How can he govern China peacefully?"

The dirty deeds between Cao Pi and Sun Ying could not be concealed from the palace officials at all. As time went by, many people in Luoyang became aware of it, which led to multiple versions of the scandal.

Jiang Wei and his father walked around and had already heard about the affair between Cao Pi and Sun Ying. Although they did not know the general truth, the affair and concubine concubine could not be cleaned up.

"What happened in the palace may be true or false, how can it be taken seriously?"

Jiang Ji frowned and said, "Now in other countries, you should be cautious in your words and actions."

Jiang Wei curled his lips and said: "When I was living in Longyou, I often heard people say that Wei is an orthodox country because it controls China and owns the sea. Since entering Sili, people have been living in the wilderness, and they govern without emotion. If there are scandals and people are angry, how can they be called orthodox?"

Han and Wei fought so many battles. Although the Wei people did not get much advantage on the battlefield, they were mostly fierce in the public opinion field.

After the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Wei State had a large number of Hebei people in its base. The people of Hebei have had the right to speak since the Eastern Han Dynasty. Now, Cao Pi deliberately fueled the situation by comparing the Southern Han Dynasty to Chu Yi, and Liu Bei called them Gongsun Shu and Wei Tuo. Fortunately, Liu Bei's surname was Liu, so he would not be turned into ashes by the Wei people.

Under such an offensive of public opinion, Jiang Weiduo, who grew up in Longyou, was influenced by the culture of the Central Plains. Therefore, in choosing a leader, Jiang Wei leaned towards Cao Wei. Now that he has joined the envoy, Jiang Wei has a thorough understanding of the nature of Cao Wei and no longer has the tendency to have emotions in the past.

Jiang Ji said in a deep voice: "The people of Wei have treated us hospitably all the way, and every courtesy is perfect wherever we go. Why can't we be honest? Now I have been ordered by the king to form a good relationship with the state of Wei, and we must not forget our worries!"

Jiang Wei disagreed and said: "Today there is no distinction between male and female. Emperor Wei did not spit out food and go to meet the wise men of the enemy country. He asked them about success or failure. Instead, he paid attention to formal etiquette. He left his father in the post station and taught the emperor and his ministers to kneel down. This is not rude. From what we can see now, Emperor Wei is not capable of great things, and he is also unpopular with the world!"

As he spoke, Jiang Wei lowered his voice and suggested: "Wei is not strong enough to make plans. It is better for my father to turn to the Han and focus on the south. The Han Emperor inherited Zuo, the country of the two Han Dynasties. Although he was in the barbarian territory of Wu and Yue, he often looked north to the Central Plains. , The idea of ​​reviving the Han Dynasty. If the Han Dynasty is in the process of rejuvenation, my father and I may not be able to follow Ma Fubo's old deeds."

Jiang Ji frowned slightly and said, "We are sending Wei at the beginning and Han again. I'm afraid the Han Emperor has some grudges!"


Jiang Wei smiled and said: "Father, the world is in chaos, and there is no distinction between male and female. The king chooses his ministers, and the ministers also choose their king. If the Emperor of Han treats his father lightly because of this, he is also a person in vain. From now on, I should live in Longyou, wait and see the opportunity, and then Choose a good master and serve."

Jiang Jiu stroked his beard and nodded, fully agreeing with Jiang Wei's statement.

But Jiang Jiong suddenly remembered something, hesitated a little, and asked: "Now that the money is being left to China, why should it be sent to the Han Dynasty? Why not return to Longyou first, report it to the king, and then send the king's letter to pay homage to the Han emperor."


Jiang Wei thought for a long time and said with a smile: "Looking at the events before and after the Han emperor, he wandered thousands of miles, and when he became the hegemon in Wu and Chu, Wei thought he could be called a wise king. He was not as good as Cao Pi, who had received the kindness of his father."

"My father has traveled thousands of miles to visit Wuhan today. Although he did not bring a big gift, he has actually sent a big gift. If the Han emperor loved money and gave gifts but had no eyes to recognize talents, how is he different from Cao Pi?"

Jiang Wei not only knew about Cao Wei, but also knew about Southern Han.

In Jiang Wei's eyes, the reason why Liu Bei was able to make a fortune quickly was related to his ability to win people's hearts. First of all, Liu Qi died of illness, and Jingzhou welcomed him as the ruler of Jingzhou; secondly, Yizhou invited him to join Yizhou, first taking Hanzhong and then Yizhou. These two laid the foundation for the current territory of the Southern Han Dynasty.

At present, Liu Bei is not yet satisfied with his ambitions. He still has a courtesy heart and will definitely value their father and son. How can he care about this small amount of money.

Jiang Ji looked around at the no one around and said with a smile: "As Bo Yue said, first pay homage to Emperor Wei, and then send envoys south to Emperor Han!"


(End of this chapter)

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