Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 549 The stupidity of preparation

Chapter 549 The stupidity of preparation
In the depth of winter, it is bitterly cold, but there is a lot of excitement among the palaces and terraces.

On the terrace, Liu Bei was wrapped in a big coat and was looking down from a high position, watching the riding and shooting practice between Liu Chan and the attendants of the East Palace in the school grounds.

Seeing Zhao Tong's arrow hitting the bull's-eye, Liu Bei clapped and laughed, and said to Zhao Yun: "The tiger father has no dog son, the son of the dragon is brave and extraordinary, and the current son is unique in riding and shooting."

Zhao Yun cupped his hands and said, "This young man is proficient in riding and shooting, but he is not as good as the generals in the army. He cannot bear your majesty's false praise."

Liu Bei pretended to be dissatisfied and said: "Zilong teaches his son strictly, and if he succeeds, he should encourage him with words. How can he fail to use words often?"

"Your Majesty, it's the prince's turn!"

The attendant's sharp eyes pointed at Liu Chan, who was riding a horse on the school field, and shouted.

"Prince, you are successful!" the attendant shouted happily.

"it is good!"

When Liu Bei saw Liu Chan hit the target, he laughed heartily and said: "I have been riding and shooting hard for several years, and finally I have achieved something. I have lived up to my hard work."

"Where are Yide and Zilong!"



The successor king should have great wisdom, have a big mind, be able to tolerate others, listen to good advice, and not be a narrow-minded person.

Liu Bei looked as usual, stroking his beard and smiling lightly, and said: "If there are people in Jianghuai, we can use our troops whether it is Shouchun in the northern expedition or Qingxu in the east."

Seeing that Huo Yi missed the target at first, then learned from experience, and hit the target again, Liu Bei couldn't help but nodded and commented.

He has secured thousands of miles of territory for Liu Chan, and Liu Chan is destined not to have to rush to the battlefield like him in the future. Therefore, martial arts and literary talents are bonus points for the king and cannot determine whether Liu Chan can govern a country well.

After being warned by Zhang Fei, Liao Li looked angry, but lowered his head.

"Bo Xian (Huo Yi), really good!"

Liao Li hesitated for a while and said: "Your Majesty, the Huai people returning from the south are returning home one after another. Huo Du recruited the Huai people's children to consolidate Xu Huai, and there are official appointments all over Xu Huai. It seems to have won the hearts of the people~"

"Congratulations to Your Majesty, the prince is well-equipped in both civil and military affairs. He will definitely be a wise king in the future." A close minister praised him.

Hearing that Liu Bei was going to send off the singer and Huo Jun, Wang Can wanted to tell Liu Bei that Huo Jun was no longer young and might not have much energy. But after thinking about it, Wang Can finally gave up the idea.

Zhang Fei held out his belly, glanced sideways at Liao Li, and warned: "Let's talk about things, don't make unnecessary comments."

Hearing this, Liu Bei laughed and scolded: "Cao Pi is good at writing, but rarely practices martial arts. He is said to be well-equipped in both literature and military skills. Can he be said to be a British master?"

Seeing the resemblance between Huo Yi and his father, Liu Bei thought of Huo Jun and asked, "How is Huo Du doing?"

"Come here, select five beautiful singers from Sichuan and send them to Jianghuai to reward Huo Du for his hard work."

Zhang and Zhao cupped their hands and said, "I'm here!"

"When the children of the Huai people return home, the six counties of Xu and Huai will be prosperous!"

Liu Bei stroked his beard and groaned, saying: "Now the country is recuperating and working hard to govern. However, the forbidden army must not relax in training until it is time to use troops."

After so many years of proclaiming himself emperor, Liu Bei was surrounded by many flattering words. Ordinary monarchs may have forgotten their past a long time ago. Although Liu Bei is old now, fortunately he still has some sense and is not swayed by left and right.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Bei couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth when he saw Liu Chan comforting Zhuge Qiao who missed the target.

After a while, Yang Yi came quickly along the corridor holding a scarf and said: "Your Majesty, Nanzhong is playing quickly!"

"What's the matter?"

Yang Yi opened the scarf, quickly browsed the full text, and said: "Your Majesty, Mi Nanzhong and other ministers were touring the mountains and rivers. Unfortunately, Mi Nanzhong was knocked upside down and his left leg was broken while riding on the horse. I would like to submit a form of resignation today, saying that I am old. Please I will return to the capital to recuperate, and I hope your Majesty will send another minister to serve as the governor of Nanzhong."


Liu Bei took the scarf from Yang Yi, browsed the contents of Mi Fang's letter, and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that nothing was wrong.

Raising his scarf, Liu Bei said helplessly: "If Zifang returns to the capital from Nazhong and his descendants follow him, it may be difficult to govern Nazhong."

Under Mi Fang's management, local tycoons, chiefs and other local gangsters in Nanzhong participated in the business one after another, forming unique interest groups. Every year, slaves, cattle, horses, gold and silver were transported to Wu and Chu, while Bashu transported silk, copperware, and lacquerware to Nanzhong, forming a complete closed commercial loop.

But this does not mean that Mi Fang governed Nanzhong well. Although the Nanhan Dynasty grabbed a large amount of materials from Nanzhong, Nanzhong also obtained a large amount of iron tools from the Nanhan Dynasty. With the influx of external materials, those local tycoons and chiefs became more powerful and had their own marriage relationships, and gradually became emperors of the land.

For the sake of the Northern Expedition, the Han Dynasty chose to govern Nanzhong in a virtual way; the powerful leaders and chiefs of Nanzhong chose to cooperate with Mi Fang for external supplies. Therefore, both sides know it well, and they are just taking what they get. Now that Mi Fang has left Nanjing Middle School, this balance may be broken. "Your Majesty, it is better to let Mi Nanzhong live in the mansion to recuperate and stay in Nanzhong for a few years to avoid hasty chaos." Liao Li suggested.


Liu Bei paced slightly and said, "Zifang has resigned from office, how can we force him to do so?"

Liu Bei has some understanding of his brother-in-law's character, and the fact that he can give up the interests of Nanzhong now shows that Nanzhong has problems that he cannot solve and chooses to run away; or he is really old and can no longer stay in Nanzhong. No matter which one it is, someone will be chosen to replace Mi Fang.

After hesitating for a long time, Liu Bei ordered: "Jian was the prefect Li Yan. He had governed the county for many years and had made remarkable achievements in pacifying the barbarians. Now he is moved to be the governor of Nanzhong. He pays homage to General Anhan and takes over the political affairs with Mr. Mi."


Liu Bei had long planned to use Li Yan, but unfortunately there was no room available. There is now a vacancy for the governor of Nanzhong. With Li Yan's talents, handling Nanzhong will not be a problem.

Even if it caused a rebellion in Nanzhong, it happened to send troops to solve it at once. From now on, we will no longer govern Nanzhong in vain, but send officials to actually govern it.

Not long after finishing the political affairs, the attendant came forward to report and said: "Your Majesty, the Prime Minister wants to see you!"


After a few breaths, Zhuge Liang held a feather fan and a fur coat and walked along the corridor to the terrace.

"Liang pays homage to His Majesty!"

"No gift!"

"I've met the Prime Minister!"

"Hello, gentlemen!"

With Zhuge Liang as his companion, Liu Bei immediately let the people around him disperse and said, "You lords, you can leave the palace on your own!"


The monarchs and ministers roamed on the terraces and corridors, discussing state affairs.

After chatting for a while, Liu Bei put his hands on the covered bridge and asked, "Does it mean that Kong Ming has something important to say when he enters the palace this time?"

Zhuge Liang smiled while stroking his fan and said: "Does Your Majesty know that Ma Chao has sent Jiang Ji as an envoy and he will arrive in Wuhan soon?"

"I heard what the attendant said yesterday and I already know it!"

Liu Bei pondered for a while and said: "It's just that Jiang Ji first paid homage to Cao Pi, then went south from Luoyang, and then paid homage to our country. This is not in line with the etiquette of diplomatic relations."


Zhuge Liang laughed a few times and said: "Liang was originally suspicious of this, but this morning he suddenly became cheerful and gradually wanted to get Jiang Ji."


Liu Bei looked slightly calm and said, "Please give me some advice from Kong Ming!"

"Don't dare!"

Zhuge Liang saluted Liu Bei, then walked up and down, stroking his fan, and said: "Liang is the minister, and Han is the king. Ma Chao sent envoys to pay homage to Han, how dare he not respect the courtesy of our country? Therefore, he must go to the honor table and offer money and things to show his humility and respect. The heart of devotion.”

"Now Jiang Jiong is on his first mission to the Wei State, and then to the Han Dynasty. He has brought many gifts to Cao Pi. Is there any reason why he should give them to His Majesty again? Even if Jiang Jiong doesn't know, how can Ma Chao not know?"

"My actions are rebellious and inconsistent with common sense. Therefore, I thought deeply and worriedly, secretly thinking that Jiang Jiu must have some agenda. The gift he offered may not be good horses and money, but he wanted to introduce himself."

Hearing this, Liu Bei thought thoughtfully and said, "In this case, should I send a minister to greet him and treat him as a guest?"

After walking and thinking, Zhuge Liang smiled and said: "Jiang Jiong is from Longyou. If you go to Luoyang, you will be treated generously by Cao Pi. Why do you leave the road and go south to pay your respects to your majesty now?"

"Liang thought that it was Jiang Ji who observed that Cao Pi had no appearance of a British lord, and that he was devoted to complicated etiquette. In order to find the lord of Ming Dynasty, he went south to see his majesty."

Zhuge Liang stroked his feather fan gently and said clearly: "Just as your Majesty treated the wise in the past, you should treat Jiang Ji with the same courtesy. Everything in Wuhan Yinzhong is as usual, and the old policy will not be changed."

Liu Bei stroked his beard and asked: "Why does Kong Ming think that Jiang Ji wants to serve the Ming Lord instead of trying his best to be loyal to Ma Chao?"

Zhuge Liang laughed dumbly and said: "The world is ruled from the north to the south. Ma Chao suddenly rises to prominence. The reason why the people of Longxi use him is because they are afraid of his soldiers and horses. Boyan captured the two counties in Longnan and forced an alliance under the city. Ma Chao is strong on the outside and strong on the inside. Everyone knows that in Longxi Scholars can be put to good use."

"Your kind words should be used against stupid people!"

(End of this chapter)

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