Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 58 Dusk

Chapter 58 Dusk
At dawn, it was just dawn.The river was hazy with mist, and a cockroach floated in the river, with the flag of "Zhonglang Jiang Huo" on the tree.

On the deck, Captain Li Wei frowned and said: "Join the army. It was the night before yesterday that Captain Gan killed someone and ran away. Jiangxia Navy searched all day yesterday and couldn't find it. Should we pursue him now?"

"Of course we have to pursue him, how can we not pursue him?" Huo Jun looked at the vast Yangtze River waterway and said in a deep voice: "Order the entire fleet to pursue him, and we must intercept Xingba in front of Jiangdong."

Li Wei waved to his men and shouted: "Raise the sails and turn the rudder."


The sailors who had just finished their shift walked across the deck, pulling the cables to raise the sails.The cockroach floating on the river water flows along the current and under the influence of the sail.

Seeing that the boat was sailing, Huo Jun gave up his anxious mentality and sat on the bow, feeling the river breeze in the early morning.

To be fair, Huo Jun was not unhappy or angry about Gan Ning's behavior of killing people and running away.Huo Jun admires his character with a clear distinction between love and hate. There are too many submissive people in this world.As for Huo Jun himself, he often worries about gains and losses when doing things, and he is rarely as open-minded and free-spirited as Gan Ning.

However, it was only in the chaotic times of the late Han Dynasty that there was room for people like Gan Ning to survive. If it were the peaceful years of later generations, resistance would be considered a fight, and there would be even less room for people like Gan Ning to survive.

I pursued him both ways, not only because I cherished Gan Ning's talent, but also valued Gan Ning's character of repaying kindness and being clear about love and hate.Ruo Ganning was the kind of Lu Bu who jumped around repeatedly and had a wolfish character, so he could not be so kind to him.

After captain Li Wei finished commanding his men, he also sat next to Huo Jun and asked, "Do you think we can catch up with Colonel Gan?"

Huo Jun felt the breeze of the river and said, "According to one's expectations, Lieutenant Gan has not gone far yet. It will not be difficult to catch up with him."

"Oh?" Li Wei said curiously: "May I ask why you joined the army?"

Huo Jun made simple gestures on the deck with his fingers and said: "According to the sentry, Colonel Gan led the crowd to kill people late at night, and no one was seen on the river for dozens of miles. In my opinion, he must have hid in Among the lakes and rivers on the south bank. The navy searched the lake yesterday, but found no trace of it, so it was probably hiding. After all, there are many lakes on the south bank and they are interconnected, and it is more than enough to hide hundreds of people."

"If I were Lieutenant Gan, I would have taken advantage of the navy's relaxation last night, after a day's search, to get out of the lake waterway and rush to the east of the Yangtze River. Lieutenant Gan's boat was not fast, and he was afraid of wind and waves. We waited The ship is big and travels fast, so it shouldn’t be a problem.”

The speed of ancient sailing ships was about 3-6 knots (nautical miles per hour). One knot per hour was one nautical mile, about 1.852 kilometers.The 艨艟 is also known as the 艨Chong. As its name suggests, it is a warship used for raids in the navy. It has a long and narrow hull, fast speed, and quick movements. It can almost reach 5-6 knots when the current is flowing.

After saying that, Huo Jun stood up and said: "Based on the distance, maybe we can intercept it near Mount Xisai and pursue it with all our strength."


The scorpion flies down with the wind, first meeting the rising sun in the east, then the scorching sun hanging in the sky, and then the setting sun.In just a few hours, the cockroach sailed hundreds of kilometers and was approaching Xisai Mountain.

At about dusk, drizzle was falling, smoke covered the distant water, mist enveloped Xisai, and the green water rippled.

"Join the army, Captain Gan's fleet should be in front of you!" Li Wei shouted.


Huo Jun walked out of the cabin and saw seven fighting boats and Ge boats sailing on the river in the distance, with a smile on his face.

"Come on!"


At this time, the sailors on Gan Ning's fleet saw a big ship chasing behind them. They were in a panic at first, but then they saw the 'Huo' flag carefully and called Gan Ning out of the cabin to meet him.

"General, Huo Shenjun is coming by boat."

"Zhong Miao!"

Gan Ning looked at the cockroach in the distance with a troubled look on his face, mixed feelings in his heart, and then a sense of panic came over him.He has been wandering around the world for so many years, killing people like crazy, and has never felt afraid, but when he saw Huo Jun, he didn't have the courage to face it.

Is Zhong Miao here to hold him accountable for killing people and leading others away?

Or should he blame himself? He worked hard in Xiangyang, but he didn't appreciate it, not only killing people but also running away?
What should I do if I face his attempt to stay?
He had killed the chief secretary of Jiangxia and almost had a deep hatred with Huang Zu. Who could solve it?

If he comes to say goodbye, he won’t be able to see her face to face!
Gan Ning was afraid. He did not dare to face Huo Jun's face.

After hesitating for a long time, Gan Ning returned to the cabin, lay down on the wooden board, and stared at the cabin in a daze. Then he pulled up the blanket and wrapped his head.

"If Huo joins the army and comes, tell me I'm sleeping!" Gan Ning said in a muffled voice.

After a while, the boat caught up with Gan Ning's fighting boat. Huo Jun stood on the deck and said, "Huo Zhongmiao, please come out and meet your general."

Zhang Heng glanced at Gan Ning, who was afraid to see anyone, and said bravely: "My general didn't sleep all night last night, and he is sleeping now!" "Wake up your general!" Huo Jun said angrily.

He had traveled thousands of miles for several days and nights, and his body almost stinked. He finally met Gan Ning, but he returned this attitude, which made Huo Jun very unhappy.

"General, Huo Canjun is here!" Zhang Heng called out awkwardly and saw Gan Ning waving in the cabin.

Zhang Heng looked at Huo Jun helplessly, cupped his hands and said, "My general can't wake him up!"

Huo Jun smiled hoarsely and scolded: "Gan Ning, my ancestor is yours! Give me a pleasant word and you won't be able to come out."

Gan Ning in the cabin listened to Huo Jun's laughter and scolding, rubbed the blanket irritably, knowing that he couldn't hide, so he pretended to wake up and walked out of the cabin.

"Zhong Miao, I have just awakened from the great awakening, but I have missed the welcome from afar."

Huo Jun glanced at Gan Ning, threw the hanging ladder down, and said angrily: "Come up, I have something important to talk with you."

Seeing Huo Jun turn around and walk away, Gan Ning climbed up, feeling guilty.

Zhang Heng and other subordinates couldn't help but laugh when they saw the always rebellious Gan Ning being so obedient.Seeing Gan Ning's copper bell-sized eyes glaring at them, everyone obediently shut their mouths.

Huo Junyi sat on the ground on the bow deck. After seeing Gan Ning sit down coquettishly, he took out the seal ribbon and placed it on the deck.

Gan Ning looked at Yinshou wrapped in a brocade bag and said, "This is Zhong Miao?"

Huo Jun did not look at Gan Ning, but looked at the clear water in the distance, and said: "This is the seal of the Hengjiang Zhonglang general. Jun chased Xingba in a hurry, and the Zuo general used the Yamen Zhonglang to temporarily send the seal to Xingba."

Gan Ning had just untied the silk tie, and when he heard what Huo Jun said, he looked shocked and said, "Isn't he the general of the rank and file?"

Huo Jun sneered and said: "General Zuo was afraid that you would dislike your junior position and be unwilling to serve him, so he also named you General Hengjiang Zhonglang."

Gan Ning's face turned red, he was ashamed and angry, but he didn't want to get angry. He said in a low voice: "How can Xingba be a person who covets official positions! Now he is running to Jiangdong. To be honest, Ning first wants to make a career in Jiangdong; secondly, he wants to make contributions to Jiangdong; In order to take refuge, I am afraid that Huangzu will divide my tribe and harm my life."

As he spoke, Gan Ning lowered his tone, fearing that Huo Jun would be displeased. I don’t know when I will be able to make great achievements.”

Immediately afterwards, Gan Ning waved his hand again and explained: "Seeing this seal and ribbon now, Gan Ning has a shallow vision and does not recognize the courage of General Zuo."

Gan Ning's current position is that of a school lieutenant, and he is still a school lieutenant without a title.Now that he has been promoted directly to the title of Lieutenant of the Miscellaneous Number, skipping the rank of Lieutenant Commander, and promoted directly to the rank of Lieutenant Commander of the Miscellaneous Number, he is already said to be receiving a huge reward, not to mention that he is offering such an offer without even meeting him in person.Such a monarch has either had his brain kicked by a donkey, or he has a big heart.

In the old fight between Liu Xiang and Xiang Yu, Xiang Yu seemed to be heroic and a great man.However, the reward was in vain, and the seal and ribbon were held in his hand and he was reluctant to give it.

Liu Bang's courage was far greater than that of Xiang Yu. When faced with Han Xin's request for a leave of absence as the King of Qi, Liu Bang bluntly said that if a man wants to be the real King of Qi, why not pretend to be the King of Qi?
Liu Bei, who obviously has the legacy of his great ancestor, falls into the latter category.Official position is nothing, talent is the foundation.

Gan Ning was not an ignorant person. When he heard the news, he was impressed by Liu Bei's broadmindedness.

Huo Jun turned to look at Gan Ning and said: "There are so many heroes in the world. Liu Zhang's son inherited his father's legacy and settled in Yizhou, but he was no more than a dog guarding the house; Liu Biaodan rode into Chu and dominated Jiang and Han, but he was just a name in vain. Generations. The two of them have a foundation, can they be the masters of the Ming Dynasty?"

"Both of these two people can have a foundation, so why worry about Xuande Gong not having a foundation? Xuande Gong is a hero. Today, Long is wandering in the shallows and is trapped for a while. Why is Xingba like this?"

Gan Ning played with the seal and ribbon, his expression was joyful at first, then depressed, and said: "Now that I have killed Zhang Feng and led his troops to run away, I have already grudged Huang Zu. If Ning surrenders to Duke Xuande, it will put Duke Xuande in a dilemma. This is Ning is worried about the present!"

Huo Jun laughed a few times and said: "Mr. Xuande was born as a ranger in Youzhou. He had known Xingba's temperament before leaving. He told Jun before leaving that you are a man of temperament and you may kill others in anger. Therefore, Mr. Xuande said, I will bear it with all my strength.”

Patting Gan Ning's shoulder, Huo Jun said in a deep voice: "When troops are sent to the east of the Yangtze River, it is the time to make meritorious deeds. With Xuande Gong's ability, there will be achievements. Gong Xuande will take charge of the matter of killing Zhang Feng for you. You should do it." I will repay Duke Xuande generously."

Gan Ning's heart was surging. He knew that he could receive such an appointment because of Huo Jun's hard work. How could he repay this kindness!

Suddenly, Gan Ning stood up, bowed to Huo Jun, and said in a deep voice: "From now on, Zhong Miao will be like my brother, and we share our lives."

"Brother Xingba, please get up."

Huo Jun quickly helped Gan Ning up and said with a smile, "How can a man act like a son?"

ps: There are only two updates today

(End of this chapter)

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