Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 59 The Han Succubus

Chapter 59 The Han Succubus (5.7k, [-]-in-[-])

After Gan Ning refused to go to Jiangdong, he offended Huang Zu again and had to stay hidden among the lakes and waterways.Huo Jun asked Huo Du to deliver meals to Gan Ning and his men every day in the name of practicing navy.

Six days later, Liu Bei led his sergeants to arrive at Xiakou first. In order to understand the situation in advance, Huo Jun took the lead to visit Liu Bei alone, and then led Gan Ning to visit Liu Bei.

Liu Bei also treated Gan Ning with generous gifts and promoted his subordinates to serve in civilized and military positions.

"Your Majesty, this is Gan Xingba!" Huo Jun cupped his hands and said, "Jin Jun has lived up to your envoy's instructions and invited Xingba here."

When Gan Ning first entered the tent, his eyes glanced at Liu Bei, and he saluted and said: "Xingba pays homage to the envoy. I would rather cause more trouble and worry about you."

Liu Bei stood up and left the bed, shook hands with Huo Jun first, and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Zhong Miao!"

Then, Liu Bei held Gan Ning's arms, looked at him, and saw that he was majestic and tall. He praised him and said, "Zhong Miao has praised Xing Ba many times for his majesty and extraordinary courage. What he said today is true!"

"Don't dare!" Gan Ning was quite flattered. He offered the seal and ribbon around his waist and said, "I deeply admire you for your broad-mindedness. However, I would rather not accept the high official title of General Hengjiang Zhonglang. I beg you." If you take it back, it is enough to have the position of Zhonglang General."

Liu Bei lifted Gan Ning up again, pretending to be displeased and said: "A man crossed the Yangtze River, bravely championed the three armies, attacked with a light boat, and beheaded Ling Cao. How can he be called a lieutenant general? How can he use his talent to become a hegemon? If you cannot lead General Hengjiang Zhonglang, there is no need to worry."

"Envoy!" Gan Ning shouted softly with a moved expression.

Gan Ning has been wandering around the world for more than ten years. He thinks he has outstanding talents, but unexpectedly, he is often looked at strangely by others because of his character.In particular, he lived in Jiangxia and was despised by Huang Zu. It was difficult to apply for talent and achieve ambition.

Suddenly being treated so favorably by Liu Bei, regardless of Huo Jun's factor or not, one can imagine Gan Ning's inner feelings under such a contrast.

"Xingba, let me introduce my colleagues to you!" Liu Bei took Gan Ning's arm, introduced the civil and military officials on both sides, and said: "This man with the beautiful beard is Bei's second brother, his surname is Guan, his given name is Yu, and his courtesy name is Yunchang. . He prepared to fight on the battlefield for decades. In the Battle of White Horse, Yan Liang was killed. He was worshiped as Hou Tinghou of the Han Dynasty and became a partial general. "

"Ning pays homage to you, your lord!" Gan Ning bowed and saluted, and said with respect, "I've heard of your reputation for a long time!"

Guan Yu cupped his hands towards Gan Ning and said, "I have heard about the name of Xingba. There is no need to worry about Zhang Feng."

"This is Bei's third younger brother. His surname is Zhang, his given name is Fei, and his given name is Yide..."

"Meet General Zhang!"

Zhang Fei laughed a few times and said in return: "Kill Zhang Feng angrily and run away. Fei Jing, you are a man."


From Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Mi Zhu, Mi Fang, Xu Shu, Sun Qian and other ministers of civil and military affairs, Liu Bei recommended them all to Gan Ning.

When meeting everyone, Gan Ning felt the courtesy of everyone, his face kept smiling, and his heart was even more excited. It seemed that he had found his own harbor after wandering for a long time.

At this opportunity, Huo Jun sat next to Xu Shu, who was familiar with him, and asked, "What does Yuan Zhi think of Xing Ba?"

Xu Shu stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Xingba is so majestic. As Zhong Miao said, he will be able to defeat ten thousand enemies in the water!"

"How do you view Zhang Feng's matter?" Huo Jun asked.

Xu Shu pondered for a while and said: "My lord, if you want to win over Xingba, you may have a grudge with Huang Zu, which will make it difficult to go to Jiangdong. Let's see how my lord will deal with it. You and I are not in a hurry!"

Liu Bei took Gan Ning by the hand, sat on the couch, and said, "I'm going to the east of the Yangtze River now. I hope you will work hard with Bei."

"Willing to serve the Lord!"

Gan Ning and everyone responded in unison.

However, after answering, Gan Ning looked troubled and said, "My lord, I would rather kill Zhang Feng and run away. Now that I have surrendered to my lord, I am afraid that my lord and Huang Zu will become enemies."

Huo Jun, who was sitting with Xu Shu, noticed the change in Gan Ning's address and raised his eyebrows slightly.

I saw Liu Bei showing disdain at first, then he looked slightly serious and said: "We have prepared troops in Zhuojun, traveled around the world for decades, defeated the Yellow Turban, defeated Yuan Shu, and fought against Cao Cao. If we are not afraid of a big battle, how can we be afraid of it?" Now that Xingba has called Bei to be his lord, Bei should protect Xingba."

With that said, Liu Bei patted Gan Ning's arm and said proudly: "Don't worry, we are all prepared. Don't worry about Zhang Feng's success."

Listening to Liu Bei's confident words, Gan Ning felt a sense of relaxation, as if a thousand pounds of weight had been lifted from his body.

Is this a good master?

Appreciate talents and promise to be rewarded with high-ranking officials; if you bear a heavy burden, you can protect your subordinates from wind and rain.

Gan Ning knelt down and said in a deep voice: "My lord, I would rather do nothing in return. I am willing to serve my lord as hard as a dog or horse from now on!"

Guan Yu stroked his beard and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

The reason why he abandoned Cao Cao, Nantou's eldest brother, was not because of his sense of righteousness that attracted him.When Cao Cao attacked Xuzhou, there were few soldiers and horses in the plains, so his eldest brother joined in the fight against Cao Cao's atrocities without hesitation.If he didn't dare to protect the murder of an official today, he would be wrong about his elder brother.

Zhang Fei smiled extremely happily when he saw Gan Ning recognizing his master.

He had never worried that his eldest brother would not dare to take responsibility. When he lost Xuzhou, the army was impoverished and hungry. As a last resort, the soldiers ate the flesh of the dead. However, his eldest brother did not say a word and still treated him as a younger brother.He only cares about whether Gan Ning is really talented, otherwise he will be suffering from his elder brother's hard work.

Huo Jun was chatting and laughing with Xu Shu, and was quite happy to see Liu Bei impressed Gan Ning.

After getting along with him for a long time, Huo Jun understood Liu Bei's character and character quite well.He was not worried that Liu Bei would not accept Gan Ning. After all, Sun Quan could ignore Ling Cao's affairs and reuse Gan Ning. How could Liu Bei be inferior to Sun Quan.

What he was worried about was whether Liu Bei could control Gan Ning well.Gan Ning is like a sharp sword, hurting others and himself. It depends on the leader's ability.However, Liu Bei can control people who are extremely vengeful and vengeful. There is no reason why he cannot control Gan Ning.

After having a deep chat with Gan Ning, Liu Bei asked Zhang Fei to take Gan Ning to get acquainted with his soldiers.

After Gan Ning retreated, Liu Yan looked worried and said: "My lord, our army is temporarily under Liu Jingzhou. Now we are going to conquer Jiangdong. We need to work together with Huang Zu to fight against the enemy. My lord protects..."

Before Liu Yan could say a few words, Liu Bei stood up with his sword in his hand and said in a deep voice: "Who does Wei Shuo think Bei is? Bei already knows everything about Xing Ba. If he is a treacherous villain, I will never protect him. But Xing Ba A hero, he does not abandon his troops and prepares the weak generals. He leads his troops to surrender, how can he not protect Xingba!"

"And Zhang Feng is not Huang Bozhong. The matter of his life can be big or small, it all depends on how he deals with it. Wei Shuo doesn't need to say more, Bei has a way to solve it in his heart."


Listening to Liu Bei's bold words, Liu Yan was quite ashamed, but in turn admired Liu Bei's courage.

"May I ask how your lord will solve the problem of Xingba?" Xu Shu asked.

Liu Bei pondered for a while and said: "The name of Huang Jiangxia is well known. Although he respects the scholars, he has an impatient temper. He is greedy and is interested in profit. If we want to solve the problem of hegemony, we need to let famous people come forward, and Saying this with great courtesy can save Xingba from disaster."

After a pause, Liu Bei said: "Although Bei lives in the care of others, he is fortunate to have a good reputation. Gongyou is a disciple of Kang Chenggong (Zheng Xuan). He has good manners and is highly regarded by Liu Jingzhou. Yun Changwei killed Yan Liang and did not admire the powerful. He abandoned Cao and returned to me. . Prepare a banquet for Huang Jiangxia, with Yunchang and Gongyou as guests, pay a lot of money to talk about it, and resolve Jiangxia's grievances. It must not be difficult!"

Huo Jun cupped his hands and said, "Jun and Huang Bozhong, the son of Huang Jiangxia, have always known each other. Do you need Jun to go and lobby?"

Liu Bei waved his hand and said: "Zhong Miao is an official of the eldest son. If he is involved, it may be detrimental to the eldest son and his wife."

Huo Jun understood something and said: "If you pay more attention to courtesy, it will be difficult for Huangjiang Xia to clear up his grudges. If you don't like it, after taking Yuzhang, cut off Chaisang and Xiazhi counties and put them under Huangjiang Xia's tent."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone frowned and considered the implications.

After a while, Xu Shu laughed and said, "Zhong Miao's plan is really clever!"

With that said, Xu Shu explained to Liu Bei and the people who were confused: "Chaisang, leaning against Pengze in the east and E County in the west, is a critical place on the river. Huangzu always had a peep at Chaisang, and often wanted to annex it as Dongfan and control it. Wei Jiangxia is suffering from the power of Jiangdong and is difficult to defeat."

"Now the eldest son is going to Jiangdong. Although Huang Zu has been ordered to lead the army, it is unknown whether he can use all his strength to conquer it. If we take the opportunity to cut off the firewood and mulberry trees to Huang Zu and lure him with the land, Huang Zu will be tempted. Wait for our army When attacking Yuzhang in the south, its navy will be stationed at Chaisang, which will serve as a barrier for our army."

Xu Shu bowed his hands to Huo Jun in admiration and said, "You can kill two birds with one stone. Zhong Miao is really talented!"

"Don't dare!" Huo Jun said modestly.

When Liu Biao's military order was issued, Huo Jun murmured in his heart.As an important force in this coalition, Huang Zu was ordered to march eastward, but Liu Biao did not give him any reward.For example, Huang She's Zhangling Prefect was renamed Lujiang Prefect as a signal to reward the territory.

Liu Qi was also given the position of Yuzhang Prefect. With such treatment, Huang Zu would be able to contribute some effort in the early stage, but due to the interest relationship, it would be difficult to do his best in the later stage.

It is better to draw the cake in advance and let out the mulberries and pheasants.Chaisang's geographical location is key. If Huang Zu took it, how could Jiangdong Navy let him go? They must be fighting each other to the death again.Unless Huang Zu was willing to spit out Chai Sang, but with his greedy character, how could he be willing to give up.

As for Huang Zu, will he not want it?

It is basically impossible. Jiangxia, where Huang Zu is located, lacks a barrier and is often attacked by the Jiangdong navy to Xiakou.If there is Chai Sang and Liu Qi serves as a barrier in the south of Yuzhang, the entire Jiangxia area will become the rear and protected from war, and Huang Zu will basically make a lot of money.

Just like the Battle of Changping, the State of Zhao knew clearly that the party in Han Dynasty was poisonous and would turn against the State of Qin after annexation.But Zhao still took it, and the Battle of Changping broke out.


Liu Bei couldn't help but applaud, praising Huo Jun's strategy in his heart.I thought that Gan Ning's matter would be solved with blood, but now it seems that blood will still be shed, but it can be less, and Huang Zu will also be dragged into the quagmire of war with Jiangdong.

Liu Bei stood up and said: "The eldest son, Lao Zhongmiao, will tell you, and Huang Zu will be prepared to deal with it himself."



A few days later, Liu Qi led the main army to Jiangxia.Liu Bei personally hosted a banquet in honor of Huang Zu and Liu Qi, accompanied by Sun Qian, Guan Yu and Mi Zhu. "I've met the eldest son!"

"Thank you Huang Jiangxia!"

Liu Bei bowed his hand to Huang Zu and said: "Huang Jiangxia, guarding Dongfan, has a powerful reputation in Jiangdong. Bei has always heard of it. I saw him today, and he is really well behaved."

Listening to Liu Bei's praise, Huang Zu's face wrinkled a little more, and he smiled and said: "I don't dare. Liu Yuzhou dominates the world and is respected by the world. I dare not accept it!"

Liu Bei took Huang Zu's arm and introduced Guan Yu, Sun Qian, Mi Zhu and others to him.

Huang Zu bowed his hand to Guan Yu and said: "Guan Junhou abandoned Cao Nan and returned to the south. All Jingzhou scholars have heard of his loyalty. His white horse killed Yan Liang with great power, and my ancestors also heard of it."

"Huang Junhou shot the tigers east of the Yangtze River, defeated Sun's soldiers and horses, and protected the people of Jingzhou. Yu also heard about it." Guan Yu replied.

When it was Sun Qian's turn, Huang Zu also praised him and said, "My ancestors often exchanged letters with Liu Jingzhou. Liu Jingzhou praised Gongyou for his erudition. He really deserves to be a member of the Kangcheng family."

Sun Qian was sent to the state by Zheng Xuan. After Liu Bei succeeded to the throne of Xuzhou, Liu Bei appointed Sun Qian as his official.When Liu Bei went south to Jingzhou, he sent Sun Qian and Mi Zhu to meet with Liu Biao.

Liu Biao thought highly of Sun Qian and often talked with him about Confucian classics.When writing a letter to Yuan Shang, he placed Sun Qian alongside himself and Liu Bei, urging them to make peace.Since entering Jingzhou, Sun Qian's reputation has been high due to Liu Biao's influence.

Under the courtesy of Liu Qi and Liu Bei, Huang Zuchu entered the banquet with a smile on his face.He likes to make friends with scholars, but how can those scholars compare with celebrities like Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Sun Qian who have been famous for decades.How could Huang Zu not be happy to see him today and praise him again.

Liu Bei and Liu Qi lived together in the upper position, and Huang Zu took the second seat. The three of them had a banquet and enjoyed themselves.

When he was getting drunk, Liu Bei held the wine and said with a smile: "When Bei first arrived in Jiangxia, he didn't think of it as a gift. Instead, he sent five horses as a gift, and now they have been sent to Huang Jun's tent."

Hearing this, Huang Zu was overjoyed, but he pretended to postpone it and said, "My ancestor is the master, and my father is my guest. I will give you five horses as a gift. Zu An dares to accept them."

In troubled times, a horse was too expensive. Lu Bu had a dispute over the horse and went to war with Liu Bei; Zhong Yao got [-] horses for Cao Cao, which made Cao Cao very happy; in the battle of Jiangling, Jiangdong got [-] horses All achievements need to be written down in detail.

In the south, the price of a war horse can be worth ten thousand gold, but it is not worth as much as a man.There were only more than [-] war horses in Huang Zu's army. Liu Bei gave five war horses as a greeting gift when they first met, which was really generous.

"Nothing!" Liu Bei smiled and said, "I feel very lucky to meet Huang Jun. Such a small courtesy is insignificant!"

Huang Zu shouted, but he felt secretly happy in his heart.I really feel that Liu Bei is a bold and generous person, and he can have many contacts.

After a while, when the atmosphere was almost calm, Liu Bei asked: "I heard that there are many troubles in your army, but is this so?"

Huang Zu sighed and said truthfully: "I'm afraid Xuande Gong is joking. The rebels under Zu's tent ran away, slaughtered the chief secretary, and fled to Jiangdong. There were about five or six hundred people, and the leader's surname was Gan."


Liu Bei pretended to be shocked and asked, "That man's surname is Gan, his name is Ning, and his given name is Xingba!"

"Exactly!" Huang Zu asked in surprise: "How does Duke Xuande know this person?"

Liu Bei patted his thigh and said: "Huang Jun, this man surrendered to Bei's tent recently, saying that he was a wandering army. Bei thought that there were no soldiers in the tent, so he left him with his troops. Unexpectedly, this man was killed. He had a grudge against Mr. Huang, and he accidentally killed the chief bookkeeper."

"Yun Chang, call Xingba in quickly!"


After a while, Guan Yu pushed Gan Ning into the camp.

"Gan Ning, you are so brave!"

Huang Zu saw that he was furious and drew his sword to kill Gan Ning.However, when he saw Guan Yu standing behind Gan Ning, he squinted his eyes and put his hand on his sword, a terrifying aura suddenly emerged.


Suddenly, Huang Zu was too timid to draw his sword and looked at Liu Bei.But Liu Bei grabbed Gan Ning and asked, "Who is this person?"

Huang Zu nodded and said: "Mr. Xuande, he is exactly this person. I wonder if I can hand over this man and his subordinates to someone so that he can be dealt with according to the military law."

Liu Bei picked up the whip heavily, slapped Gan Ning, and said: "A common man, you dare to leave the military camp, and almost created a gap between Bei and Huang Jun."

After a few strokes, Liu Bei sighed and said: "If it had not been taken into account before, it would be fine to hand it over to Huang Jun. But now it is a sergeant under Bei's account. If it is handed over to Huang Jun, Bei will lose his trust, and how will he be able to run the army in the future?"

Huang Zu's expression suddenly changed and he asked, "What does Mr. Xuande mean?"

Then, Huang Zu looked at Liu Qi in his seat, as if he wanted Liu Qi to deal with it.

Liu Qi also stood up at the right time and said: "Gan Ning ran away from General Zuo and was not a rebel. However, he led his army to run away and killed the chief secretary. We still need to deal with it!"

"Exactly!" Huang Zu said, "I'd like to trouble Duke Xuande to hand over Gan Ning to my army."

Liu Bei pondered for a while and said: "In the past, Hongyang asked the officials to buy grain to supplement the official position, which was a sinner's atonement. Bei is willing to go out with you to atone for Gan Ning. From now on, I would rather not see you, and you will not see Ning. How about the grievances being wiped out?"

Seeing that Huang Zu was silent, Liu Bei said: "How about ten horses to atone for the sin of Xingba?"

Faced with Liu Bei's price, Huang Zu remained silent. Obviously, the price was not enough in his eyes.

"Thirty horses!"

Seeing that Huang Zu still didn't answer, Liu Bei said in a deep voice: "Fifty horses will atone for Xing Ba's sin. If Huang Jun refuses, Xing Ba will be taken away!"

Huang Zu looked at Gan Ning who lowered his head and said nothing, and then thought about the fifty war horses, with greedy eyes and said: "The hegemony is over, but what should we do with the hundreds of people in his tribe?"

Liu Bei paced and pondered, and asked, "Huang Jun, what do you think?"

Huang Zu stretched out two fingers and started to kill, saying: "Two hundred horses are exchanged for 800 men. Except for Gan Ning's troops, whatever the shortage is, Zu will choose the best to make up for it."

Liu Bei sneered in his heart, Huang Zuzhen took himself as the enemy. It seemed that the five horses had worked.

"Two hundred war horses are too much!" Liu Bei shook his head and refused.

After saying that, Liu Bei pondered for a long time and said: "Bei set out to conquer Jiangdong, and was highly regarded by Liu Jingzhou. He said that he would like to write to Yuzhang, and prepare Chaisang and Liling to serve as a city. How about replacing the Chaisang city with eight hundred soldiers now?" "

After hearing this, Huang Zu became jealous of Liu Bei and deeply felt Liu Biao's injustice.When he heard that Liu Bei had come to exchange for Chai Sang, he was instantly moved.Just as Xu Shu said, he had been spying on Chai Sang for a long time. In exchange for those people, Chai Sang would have made a lot of money.

"Could it be that Mr. Xuande was laughing? Chai Sang is now in Sun's hands, and An Neng can replace it." Huang Zu said with a smile.

Liu Bei waved his hand and sat on the couch and said: "Although Chai Sang is in Jiangdong's hands, we want to conquer Jiangdong. After Chai Sang conquers it, he will hand it over to Huang Jun. If he fails, I will give him two hundred horses." .”

As he said that, Liu Bei looked at Huang Zu with a half-smile but asked, "What's going on?"

Huang Zu was worried that Liu Bei would regret it, so he asked, "Can the eldest son be a witness?"

Liu Qi put down the wine bottle in his hand and said with a smile: "Qi should be the witness!"

Liu Bei pushed Gan Ning to Huang Zu and said sternly: "You bastard, you still don't thank Huang Jun!"

Gan Ning lowered his head and gritted his teeth, cupped his hands and said, "I'd rather thank you for your pardon, General!"

Huang Zu looked at Gan Ning who was bowing his head, laughed a few times, reached out and patted Gan Ning's face, and said: "If Xuande Gong hadn't offered you a horse to atone for your sins, you would have died under the blade of a knife. I will pay more tribute in the future." Be careful and serve Duke Xuande well!"

Gan Ning was led out by his attendants, and Huang Zu said to Liu Bei: "If it weren't for Mr. Xuande's magnanimous spirit, and our ancestors and the Duke hit it off as old friends, they would never have pardoned this man. This man bullies his subordinates and offends his superiors, and is unruly, so you should be careful. If there is any abnormal movement, troops and horses will be mobilized to surround and kill them."

Liu Bei held Huang Zu's arm and said with a smile: "Bei also saw that he had some courage, so he took it into his account. If things don't go his way, he should follow Huang Jun's advice. In water battles, Huang Jun will be needed to take care of him."

Seeing that Liu Bei's attitude was still modest, Huang Zu felt a little more comfortable and said with a smile, "Don't worry, sir!"

After talking and laughing, Huang Zu came back drunk.

After the banquet was over, Gan Ning walked into the tent, knelt on his knees and said, "My lord, I would rather not repay you for such kindness. From now on, I will treat you as your lord, and I will go through fire and water, even to the death."

Liu Bei hurriedly stood up and Gan Ning said with concern: "Those whips on the tent can hurt Xingba!"

Hearing this, Gan Ning, a tough man, his eyes turned red and said: "If I can get Ning into the king's tent without war horses or firewood, I can even whip Ning to death!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Liu Bei laughed and scolded: "If a hegemony dies, who will capture those horses for me? Who will capture those cities for me?"

"I would rather take ten cities for the lord, pay [-] horses, and repay the lord's kindness ten times!" Gan Ning choked and said.

Liu Bei held Gan Ning's arm and said with a smile, "How about Xingba and Bei sleeping together tonight?"

"How could you not want to!"

(5.7k, [-]-in-[-]. I have something to do today, so I’m temporarily gone)

ps: I will sort out the plot today and go to Jiangdong tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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