Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 606 Wei Beng!

Chapter 606 Wei Beng!

April, the first year of Jianxing.

Cao Pi's southern expedition to the Yangtze River and Huaihe River failed miserably. News of the defeat spread back to China, causing shock to Henan and the capital.

As time went by, Cao Pi gradually felt the impact of the defeat. When Cao Pi led troops from Jianghuai to Qiaojun, he did so to reduce the pressure caused by defeat. Cao Pi issued an edict that those who became stateless due to joining the army were not allowed to impose taxes or corvee on their family members for five years.

When driving to Chen County, Cao Pi saw thousands of fathers, brothers and wives of the fallen soldiers, holding old clothes and paper money to summon the souls of the martyrs. At the suggestion of Tingwei Gaorou, Cao Pi went to the altar to set up a sacrifice, and led the civil and military forces to pay tribute to the soldiers who died in the Southern Expedition. Cao Pi personally read the eulogy to express his condolences for the soldiers who died.

After some manipulation, Cao Pi managed to appease the people. But because the benefits to the people were too few, it was still difficult to satisfy everyone.

And it is not difficult to predict that due to the disastrous defeat of the Huai River army, Cao Wei's rule in the Central Plains has no longer been as prosperous as Cao Cao's late period.

Cao Pi stayed in Chen County for a few days, then led his troops to Xuchang, the southern capital, to rest and recuperate.

When Cao Cao ascended the throne, he made Yecheng, Chang'an, Luoyang, Qiao, and Xuchang his five capitals. Except for Qiao County, it was able to become the capital because of its hometown. The reason why the rest became the capital of Cao Wei was more due to political and military factors.

For example, in the southern capital of Xuchang, the reason why Cao Cao welcomed the emperor Liu Xie to Xuchang in the early days was not only because Xuchang was the base camp of the Yingchuan gentry, but also because the land around Xuchang was fertile and it was located in Yingchuan and on the banks of the Yingchuan River, which was conducive to the development of agriculture.

"I hope your majesty will be kind and consider his father's old merits, and temporarily forgive Bao Xun's crime." Everyone responded in agreement.

Tingwei Gao Rou stepped forward, raised his hands and said: "Your Majesty, for Bao Zhongshu's crime, Rou and his officials have discussed it for many days and thought that Bao Xun could be sentenced to shave his head and wear shackles for five years."

Seeing so many people objecting, Cao Pi suppressed his anger, took a deep breath, and said, "In the past, I remembered my father Xun's great achievements and the late emperor, and I would forgive him. However, Bao Xun did not remember the old relationship, and he committed the same crime again and again, and even more so with Zhou. , Lord Jie mocks me. If I don’t show my authority now, my general will not be my king, and my general will not be my country!”

Kneeling on the couch, Cao Pi drank the honey water offered by his attendants and felt much better.

Today, when Cao Pi went to Xuchang, in addition to passing by on the road, he also wanted to appease the people of Yingchuan.

The attendants set up a green gauze tent for Cao Pi, and then displayed the desks, desks, screens and other objects. The grand ceremony made it look more like a picnic out of the city than a march.

When it was time for lunch, Cao Pi drove to rest on the spot.

"Your Majesty, Bao Xun has not committed any serious crime. It may be inappropriate to sentence him to five years of shackles. In my opinion, it is better to remove him from office and fine him ten catties in accordance with the provisions." Wei Zhen cupped his hands and advised.

Putting down the porcelain bowl in his hand, Cao Pi said angrily: "Bao Xun has no way out, how dare you disobey the order and let him do it. The case will be re-tried now. If anyone is lax in enforcing the law, he will be guilty of the same crime as Bao Xun!"

"Your Majesty, you can't!"

During the Gaoping Ling Incident, Huan Fan persuaded Cao Shuang to take the emperor to Xuchang, not because Xuchang was the old capital, but also because there was a large amount of grain and grass stored in Xuchang city. Cao Shuang wants to compete with Sima Yi. With Xuchang's food supplies, he may not lose to Sima Yi who controls Luoyang.

Chen Qun was the first to go out, and then Xin Pi, Gao Rou, Wei Zhen and others followed Chen Qun to advise Cao Pi.

"Your Majesty, when the late emperor started his business, Bao Xun's father sacrificed his life to repay the late emperor, so Bao has made great contributions to the country. Bao Xun has served your majesty for many years, he has been honest and honest, and hates evil as much as hatred. Although he has made a mistake now, I hope your majesty will have mercy. "Because of my father's merits, I will spare Bao Xun's crime," Chen Qun bitterly remonstrated.

Later, although Cao Cao unified the north and moved the political center to Yecheng, he was determined to vigorously develop Hebei. However, Xuchang's importance to Cao Wei did not decrease. On the contrary, due to the long-term confrontation with the south, Xuchang's military status increased again because of its proximity to the south.

Cao Pi frowned, and the joy of drinking honey water suddenly disappeared. He looked at everyone and asked, "What do you think, sir?"

Cao Pi had a gloomy face. He asked for everyone's opinions, not to let them slap him in the face, but to hope that his subordinates could see his thoughts and agree to execute Bao Xun.

And because of the important status of Xuchang, after Sima Shi took control of the government, his younger brother Sima Zhao took charge of Xuchang to form a horn with Luoyang. Therefore, in the early Wei and Jin Dynasties, Xuchang was the most important in Henan and Yecheng was the most important in Hebei. Once Xuchang is lost, Henan may not be owned by Cao Wei.

With that said, Cao Pi waved his hand, motioning for everyone to step back, and said, "No need to say more, gentlemen, I have made up my mind."

During Cao Cao's southern and northern campaigns, he moved many people in the area to Yingchuan, and then adopted the farming system to govern the people, from which Cao Cao extracted a large amount of grain and grass to supply the army.

"Shave your hair and wear shackles for five years?"

No matter in history or today. When Cao Wei was conquering Wu and Chu in the south, his grain must flow out of Xuchang, flow into the Huaihe River along the Ying River, and then be collected in Shouchun to supply the army of the southern expedition.

"Your Majesty~"

Xinpi shouted, as if he wanted to fight for it again.

"The meal time has come, you can all return to your tents to have your meal!" Cao Pi said to drive everyone away with euphemistic words.


Everyone looked at each other with disappointment on their faces.

"Your Majesty, please leave!"

Under Cao Pi's change of direction and driving people away, the ministers had no choice but to leave the tent silently.

They tried every means to save Bao Xun's life, but Cao Pi was unmoved and still wanted to kill Bao Xun. They had no choice.

Chen Qun came out of the big tent, talked a little with everyone, and then went back to the tent to have a meal.

While Chen Qun was eating, he seemed to miss Xia Houru very much, so he sent a letter to Zhuge Liang on the pretext of greeting Xia Houru.

In the letter, Chen Qun spoke kindly and asked Zhuge Liang to take care of Xia Houru who had surrendered. Then he asked Wang Can and Zhuge Liang about their physical conditions.

After the letter was dried, Chen Qun had someone send it to Wuhan.

After all, work is work, but don't ruin your friendship with your friends because of work. After all, sometimes one more friend and one more way out.

After Cao Pi took a little lunch break, the car started slowly and drove to Xuchang City not far away.

Due to heavy rains in the past few days, the current Xuchang City Tower made of rammed earth appeared to be covered with dust. As the dust continued to fall down, several pieces of broken soil also fell down.

The broken South Gate Tower immediately aroused the vigilance of Cao officials. After all, Emperor Cao Pi is going to visit Xuchang. If something bad happens today, they may lose their heads.

Just when the prefect of Yingchuan arrived, more and more dirt fell from the south gate tower, and even pieces of dirt as big as bricks fell, and there was an abnormal sound from the tower.


Such a strange situation in the South Gate Tower made many officials realize something and hurriedly asked the onlookers to disperse. Just when everyone dispersed for more than ten steps, with a bang, the South Gate Tower collapsed!
In an instant, a large amount of broken soil and large earth cubes were piled up on the city road. Smoke and dust filled the sky, causing many onlookers to cover their mouths and noses.

When the dust gradually settled, everyone suddenly discovered that before Cao Pi visited, the South City Gate collapsed in front of everyone!
"The south city gate collapsed!"

The officials who reacted couldn't help shouting.


"How to do?"

"Inform the prefect immediately!"


When the Xuchang city tower collapsed, the prefect of Yingchuan quickly ordered a report to Cao Pi immediately.

The fast horse set off from Xuchang and headed east, and met Cao Pi's oncoming chariot on the spot.

"Urgent report from Xuchang!"

The official Cao held the reins and galloped his horse, hoping to see Cao Pi.

At this time, Cao Pi was driving in a car. When he saw a sudden stop in front of him, he asked, "What happened?"

Sun Zi came quickly, presented the wooden box, and gasped: "Your Majesty, Yingchuan Prefect Zhang Shun has urgent matters to report, and here is the scarf!"


Because Cao Pi sat in the chariot and didn't want to take it, he asked Sun Zi to read it by himself.

Sun Zi glanced at the content on the scarf, looked slightly dazed, and said, "Your Majesty, the Xuchang South City Tower has collapsed!"

"Xuchang city tower collapsed?"

Cao Pi frowned slightly and asked, "Why did it collapse?"

"Collapsed for no reason!"

"Xuchang South Gate collapsed for no reason!"

Cao Pi muttered for a while, as if he thought of something, his face suddenly turned ugly.

Sun Zi saw that Cao Pi looked unhappy and asked, "Your Majesty, are you going to Xuchang as usual?"

Cao Pi's face was gloomy, he pointed in the direction of Luoyang and said, "Instruct the driver to change the route back to Luoyang!"


The driver changed his itinerary and no longer went west to Luoyang, but went north to Chenliu and returned to Luo from Hulao Pass.

The driver's sudden journey caused many officials to react.

Chen Qun, Wei Zhen, Xin Pi and other ministers sent people to inquire. They learned that the south gate of Xuchang collapsed for no reason, and Cao Pi was unwilling to go there. Everyone had different expressions. Some people disagree, some think deeply, and some try to speculate on Cao Pi's psychology.

In the queue of carriages and horses, Chen Qun and Gao Rou rode in the same carriage.

Chen Qun stroked his beard and thought deeply, and asked: "Wen Hui is a well-read classic and has lived in Shu for a long time. He is well versed in the prophecies, but he does not know the prophecies. What are the signs of the collapse of the South Gate of Xuchang for no reason?"


Gao Rou pondered for a long time and did not say anything. Instead, she wet her fingers with water and made a sign of "卍" on Chen Qun's hand.

"What does Wen Hui mean?"

Chen Qun didn't understand prophecies and divination, so he asked again.

Gao Rou looked around, and under the cover of the sound of carriages and horses, she whispered: "Wei is the name of the palace. The gate of the palace has collapsed for no reason. This may be an ominous sign."

Chen Qun's eyes narrowed and he didn't dare to believe Gao Rou's words.

"Today's words, apart from heaven and earth, only you and me know it!" Chen Qun sighed slightly.


Gao Rou stroked his beard and sighed sadly.

It wasn't that Gao Rou meant to say anything reactionary or treasonous, but the collapse of the South Gate of Xuchang really reminded him of it.

In ancient proverbs, Wei Zhe means Liangguanque, which means a person who is in authority and tall. In the prophecy "Those who are in the Han Dynasty should be Tu Gao", Tu Gao has the same meaning as those who are in power and are tall, so it extends to Wei Shang. That is to say, he succeeded the Han Dynasty and became the Wei Dynasty.

Today Wei is interpreted as Guanque, so the city tower belongs to Guanque, which also symbolizes Wei. The collapse of the city tower occurred in Xuchang, the southern capital. The city gate that collapsed at the same time was on the south side, not the other three gates.

The city towers collapsed for no apparent reason. Isn't it an ominous sign for Wei?
I even boldly combined it with Ji Han who was entrenched in the south and the Zhongli defeat that Cao Wei had just experienced.

The collapse of the South Gate of Xuchang for no reason most likely refers to the death of Wei generals at the hands of the Southern Han Dynasty, which is meant to be a sign of the country's demise.

Of course, what is more interesting is that Sima Yi's tenure in Wancheng collapsed for no reason. Doesn't it mean that it collapsed internally, rather than due to external pressure? Or maybe it is said that Sun Quan came from the south, and he collapsed for no reason. Wouldn't it be similar to Sima Yi?

"Han Ji·Five Elements Chronicles 1": Zhongli, the leader of the Wei Dynasty, was defeated and returned to Xuchang. The south gate of Xuchang City collapsed by itself for no reason. The leader of the Wei Dynasty was disgusted with it and refused to enter.

Chen Qun then asked: "Now the south gate collapsed for no reason. What is the meaning of it?" Gao Rou replied: "Wei, the name of the Que, should be painted high." The city gate can be said to be from the Wei Dynasty. Is it clear today? '

The group said, "It's not that serious. What's the meaning of the south gate?" Rou said again: "Tu Gao collapsed in the south. The meaning is clear!" '

(End of this chapter)

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