Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 607 2 Yan Shouchun

Chapter 607 Eryan Shouchun
Huo Jun did not understand what happened on Cao Pi's way back home. Today he is climbing Bagong Mountain with others, looking at Shouchun City in the distance.

Since Huo Jun led his troops westward to Shouchun, the two generals Lu Xun and Pang Tong had divided their control of the upper reaches of the Huai River, blocking the direction of the Wei army's reinforcements.

Huo Jun was able to spend two months gathering scattered troops while gnawing down more than 20 large and small cities around Shouchun one by one with as few casualties as possible.

In Huaixi today, except for Shouchun, all the others have returned to the Han Dynasty!
Among the cities in Huaixi, Zhu Huan, Shi Ran, and Guan Ping performed particularly well. For example, Guanping defeated two cities in five days and five cities in ten days. Shi Ran led his troops to sweep through six cities, and then suppressed bandits in the mountains.

After all twenty-five cities were returned to the Han, Zhuge Dan selected three thousand Wei soldiers whom he could trust and went to Huo Jun's tent to obey his orders. Huo Fan led eight thousand men from Danyang Mountain to Shouchun to participate in the siege of Shouchun. Zhuge Liang sent Cuan Xi and Meng Yan to lead two captains to participate in the siege.

In order to ensure that the campaign could defeat Shouchun, the Han Dynasty sent almost all its excess troops to the front line to help Huo Jun besiege Shouchun. In addition to sending troops, Zhuge Liang also asked Zhang Yi to go east to Chaohu and be responsible for supplying food and grass to the army.

All the ministries were ready, Huo Jun led his troops to surround Shouchun heavily, and surrounded the land and water on all sides.

The sky was slightly overcast, the air was full of humidity and a bit stuffy.

Huo Jun pulled his collar slightly and asked: "Now Xu Huang has withdrawn his troops and defended them. Our army is heavily encircling them. What do you think you have?"

Although Huo Jun planned to use his time to grind away Shouchun. But that doesn't mean that Huo Jun did nothing during this process. After all, from the perspective of siege, there were many key points in the use of troops. That is, how to blockade the soldiers and civilians in the city, and how to choose a location for the army and other related issues.

"And the siege army will last for two months. Sixty thousand people will besiege the city, and thirty thousand people will take turns to rest. If there is a normal war, ninety thousand people will fight together, and they will not be allowed to take turns!"

Huo Jun did not speak, but asked Huang Quan.


"There are still tens of thousands of Jianghuai people in the city. If Fei water is diverted into the city now, many people in the Jianghuai area may be harmed!" Jiang Ji said with some annoyance.

If they were afraid that the rain would flood the camp, so they chose to withdraw the camp and besiege Shouchunzhiyu, it would be out of the question. It would take a long time to run out of grain and grass in the city, and Xu Huang would even drive the people out of the city and plant grain and grass in the open space.

"Da Sima, why not flood the city with Fei water?"

Jiang Ji pondered for a while, pointed to the Han army camp outside Shouchun City, and said: "In summer and autumn, Shouchun is rainy and waterlogged. If you want to keep the soldiers for a long time, you should choose a dry place to camp to prevent the camp from being soaked by rain! "

Hearing this, Huo Jun couldn't help but recall Lu Su, who died of malaria, and said: "From now on, Gong Heng is in charge of military law on behalf of a certain person and strictly orders all troops not to violate military health regulations. Anyone who violates them shall be dealt with according to military law. "

Jiang Ji sighed slightly and then stepped back without saying a word.

Lu Xun's expression did not change and he said: "If the people belong to thieves, they are thieves' people. The grain they produce and the arrows they make are all harm to our army. How can we show mercy for this?"

Now Lu Xun once again mentioned that Feishui should be used to irrigate Shouchun. This is not an abrupt decision, but a reasonable policy. As for harming the common people, it would not be a big psychological burden for a child of a noble family like Lu Xun. After all, fighting for a general is all about achieving military exploits.

"Gong Heng, what do you think?"

“Gongheng’s opinion should be a warning!”

As mentioned earlier, Shouchun is as difficult to conquer as Xiangyang. Due to its low-lying terrain, during the rainy season, the outside of the city will be flooded by the Huai and Fei rivers. Once the outer city is flooded, the soldiers and horses guarding the outside will be soaked by the rain, and they will naturally be defeated without a fight.

Diversion of Fei water into Shouchun was generally a suggestion put forward by Pang Tong, Fazheng and others during Liu Bei's Northern Expedition to Shouchun. Later, he was found out because of the excavation of Fei River, and his plan to solve the problem was in vain.

As for Jiang Ji, who had been in the military for many years, he had no mercy for hurting the people. But he was from Huaixi, and his family was too close to Shouchun. He really couldn't bear the suffering of the people in his hometown.

Because Xiashi is close to Shouchun, Lu Xun came here from Xiashi today. Lu Xun pointed to Shaopi in the upper reaches of the Feishui River and said: "Shaopi is a huge swamp with abundant water and is boundless as far as the eye can see. Now it is better to divert the Feishui to flood the city, let Shouchun soak in the swamp, and use water instead of troops to break the city!" "

"The peripheral cities have been taken out, and the enemy invaders are far away from Jianghuai. The governor wants to encircle Shouchun, so it should be considered a long-term strategy."


Huang Quan thought for a moment, then raised his hands and said, "Sima, it's hard for me to say whether we will divert Fei water to the city. But Quan thinks that Shouchun is about to break, and there are nearly 100,000 soldiers in the army. We should be careful of epidemics. If there is an epidemic, Therefore, if you withdraw your troops, it will be difficult for you to live a healthy life in the future!"

Huo Jun nodded slightly and said: "You should remember what Zitong said. Shouchun is a low-lying place. If you station troops under the city, you may be harmed by the rain. However, if you don't get close to the city and the stronghold, you can't say that Shouchun will be surrounded. And if you go down to the city wall, it will take longer. That’s it!”

"Da Sima, are you going to divert Feishui to flood the city now?" Huo Fan seemed to have an idea and asked.

"If Shi Zai has a clever idea, it's okay to just say it!"

Huo Fan collected his thoughts and said: "Da Sima, Fan thinks that if we use water to decide, we can also carry out a strategy of siege with ships outside the city."

As he spoke, Huo Fan gestured with his fingers and said: "It's like flooding the city with Fei water, and then the Huai water surges. The outside of Shouchun City will be flooded. By then, our army can use iron chains to penetrate all the boats and boats, and then it will be like The city fort can be blocked by boats day and night."

"This plan is acceptable, but we need to prevent the enemy from launching a fire attack!" Huo Jun couldn't help laughing when he thought of Cao Cao's iron chain and ship.

"Please rest assured, Da Sima!"

Huo Fan remembered the incident of burning the Lianzhou and said: "Cao Cao's Lianzhou wanted to sail on the river, and our army's Lianzhou was where our soldiers stayed. It would be better to erect wooden railings in front of the fortifications. To prevent the enemy from attacking, the sergeant climbed up and watched."

"At that time, when the water was shallow, the Wei army came out of the city to attack the camp. I used the boat as a fortress. I could defeat the enemy by holding high positions. If the water rose and the city was covered by a large swamp, I would use the boat as a retaining force. The place can lock the enemy."

"What do you think?" Huo Jun asked.

"If you want to use Feishui to irrigate Shouchun, Huo Anbei's words are the best policy!" Jiang Ji agreed.

After Huo Fan surrendered more than 100,000 Shanyue, he was worshiped as General Anbei and granted the title of Marquis of the Capital Township. As for the more than 100,000 mountains and rivers, under the arrangement of Bu Zhi, the governor of Yangzhou, and with the consent of Zhuge Liang, most of the people were resettled in Jiangdong.

Lu Xun nodded and said: "If the location of the army has been decided, Huo Anbei's strategy may be feasible. Even if the low-lying outside the city is submerged by swamps, the soldiers can also encircle Shouchun. When there is a good opportunity, they can quickly send troops to break the city. !”

Huo Jun looked at Shouchun City, which is located on the west bank of Feishui River, and said in a deep voice: "In this case, build the weir of Feishui River, move the boats to low-lying areas prone to flooding, and surround the boats to build camps. When the rains are heavy, , break the river weir, divert the Fei water into Shouchun, and then wait for a good opportunity to send troops to break Shouchun again!"

Shouchun is a low-lying city all year round, so its city is capable of waterproofing and flood discharge. It is impossible to directly divert the Fei River to break the city, but you can use the floods to consume the soldiers and civilians in the city, and wait until the opportunity to break the city appears.

After a pause, Huo Jun looked at Huang Quan and said: "The location of the army camp will be selected by Gongheng, and then a map will be drawn and distributed to the various armies, so that the generals can set up camp according to the formation map."


When the number of soldiers and horses is too large, the army commander cannot take care of them all. In order to ensure the unity of the army, the best way is to use formation diagrams to draw the responsibilities of each department into an atlas and then hand it over to the generals. If there is an emergency, the general will send scouts to pass the relevant troops.

After discussing the military strategy and arrangements, Huo Jun gave some instructions to the generals before letting them leave. Then the generals descended the mountain one after another and left, leaving only Jiang Ji and Huo Fan on Huo Jun's side.

Seeing the generals retreating, Huo Jun said: "Zitong, what is the situation in the city today? Does the fisherman have a letter to report?"

In the past, Huo Jun had started planning for Po Shouchun. Under the auspices of Jiang Ji, Huo Jun ordered people to bring a large amount of money to Shouchun, used the money to pry open the mouths of the officials, and then blackmailed several officials on the grounds of leaking information, so that those officials could be used by them.

As for the fisherman in charge of the Shouchun intelligence station, he is Huo Jun's confidant Huo Chen. In order not to expose Huo Chen's identity, Huo Jun told the outside world that Huo Chen would take care of the salt farm on his behalf. In fact, Huo Chen acted as a merchant in a silk shop in Shouchun City and provided Huo Jun with a large amount of information about the Wei army.

Huo Chen has been working as an undercover agent in Shouchun for more than ten years. He has been involved in more and more industries. In order to protect his identity, Huo Chen even married a wife and had children in Shouchun. If the Southern Han Dynasty could not defeat Shouchun, they were afraid that Huo Chen would die of old age in Shouchun City with his identity as a fisherman.

Jiang Ji pondered for a moment and said: "According to the letter from the fisherman, Xu Huang was often injured by arrows in his abdomen after the Battle of Xiangfan. Today, when he comes to defend the city, Xu Huang often supports his sick body and wears armor to patrol. Based on the postage estimate, Xu Huang should not live long. When Xu Huang dies, the city will be easily destroyed."

"You can't live long, how long is that?"

Huo Jun frowned and said: "Today we are encircling Shouchun, how can we rely on the enemy generals to die of illness?"

Then, Huo Jun understood Jiang Ji's inner thoughts and said: "When the Feishui floods the city, you can send soldiers to go around the city in boats and try to persuade the people to climb over the wall and submit. Or you can look for opportunities to break through the outer city first, gather the people in the city, and then look for opportunities to return. Destroy the inner city.”

"On behalf of the people of Shouchun, I would like to thank the governor!" Jiang Ji said with his hands in hand.

"Every king should have the love for the people, how dare you accept it!"

As he walked down the mountain, Huo Jun looked back at Huo Fan, his son, and said with a smile: "Shizai, who lived in Danyang and coordinated all the counties, spent nearly three years and subdued 120,000 people in the mountains and mountains. This should be a great achievement." and the country. Now we are becoming more and more prudent, and we will be able to conquer the battlefield in the future."

Huo Fan has been catching Shan Yue in the high mountains for two or three years, and his behavior has become more and more steady, not as impatient as before, which makes Huo Jun very happy.

"Fan's knowledge is still shallow, and he still needs to learn from adults!" Huo Fan said with a smile.

"The best way to use military force is to use it rather than observe it."

Huo Jun smiled and said: "If there is an opportunity in the future, my father will let you lead the troops and use force alone."


Huo Fan asked with joy in his eyes.

Huo Jun walked down the mountain road and said meaningfully: "Let's see if the battle goes well!"

(End of this chapter)

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