Chapter 61
After listening to Huo Jun's story, everyone had to admit that Huo Jun's plan was better than Guan Yu's.It may be more appropriate to describe Guan Yu's plan as a strategy rather than a tactic.

Huo Jun's vision was grand. Soochow deployed its main force on the east bank of Penglize, but the east bank lacked deployment.If the army is limited to fighting on the west bank, it will be too limited to one city and one place.As the attacker, the coalition army will not be able to take advantage of its large number of soldiers. When Sun Quan mobilizes a large army to attack, it will be difficult for the large army to fight.

Therefore, we must take advantage of the weak points of Yuzhang's defense line and use the navy's rapid movement to quickly insert Peng Lize.Capture the counties around Pengze, use Huang Zu's navy to control the waters of Penglize in a short period of time, and then boldly penetrate and form an encirclement of Taishi Ci.Then in one fell swoop, he captured the northern part of Yuzhang and the surrounding area of ​​Penglize, and gained a firm foothold.

Guan Yu pondered for a while and then asked: "The troops are divided into three groups, although they are marching like the wind. However, if we cannot capture Chaisang, our army may lose its foothold in advance and retreat. I wonder how Zhongmiao wants to deal with it?"

Huo Jun smiled and said: "Although Jun is not talented, he wants to lead the important task of attacking Chaisang. The generals under the command of Duke Ming can serve as partial troops. They will send troops to the east bank of Pengli Ze and enter the counties to recruit troops. Duke Ming will assist the eldest son's troops. Entering the sea and facing off against Tai Shici."

Allowing Liu Bei's generals to conquer the counties actually gave Liu Bei an opportunity to grow his troops.Of course, they also need to take risks. They go deep alone and rely on their own abilities to conquer the city.And if Huo Jun can't take Chai Sang, they will easily be cut off.

At the same time, this is also suitable for Liu Bei's generals. After all, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Yun are strong in their own abilities and have the ability to conquer cities and complete army expansion.

Liu Bei thought for a moment and asked: "It is feasible to march into the counties with troops, but I am worried that Zhongmiao will not be able to get to Chaisang with his own troops. Is it necessary for him to leave Yide or Zilong to help him?"

Huo Jun pondered for a while and said: "There are many people in the Huangjiang Xia tribe, and Chai Sang will take over the county for them. Jun Ke and Bo Zhong went to attack Chai Sang, and Huang Taishou led the navy into Penglize to control the waters. After all, let the Huang Jiang Xia army alone I’m afraid I’m also afraid of entering Pengli.”

The lone army went deep into the east bank of Penglize, trying to build a territory suitable for Liu Bei's generals. If Huang Zu came, it would probably not be possible.It is better to let him control the water and contribute to the Chaisang that is about to be obtained.

With the military ability that Huo Jun had shown before, Liu Bei did not worry about Chai Sang's problem. Instead, he looked at the map of Yuzhang and sighed: "Zhong Miao's strategy, the troops move like the wind, divide the siege and attack. This is the general's plan." Strategy. If Chaisang can attack, it will not be a problem for our army to occupy more than ten counties in northern Yuzhang before the end of this year."

"My lord, we have a military strategy, so we should advance quickly. Now let the eldest son raise his account, gather all the generals, and conquer Jiangdong." Xu Shu suggested.

"Okay!" Liu Bei ordered: "Yuan Zhi summons the generals to prepare for the attack."



At the suggestion of Liu Bei and Huo Jun, Liu Qi raised the tent.Liu Qi is in the middle, with Huang Zu, Liu Bei, Wenpin, Wang Can, Pan Jun and others on the left and right.

Liu Qi sent out so many conquest documents, but notoriously no one came. Only Wang Can and Pan Jun accompanied the army to take up official posts.

In the tent, Huo Jun spoke eloquently about his military plan, and said: "Under this strategy, Chai Sang is the top priority. Jun thinks Huang Bozhong can conquer Chai Sang, and Jun is willing to assist him."

Huang She, who was sitting at the table, felt his heart skip a beat. The last time Huo Jun went on an expedition with him, he had taken away his military power and commanded his sergeants to defeat the enemy.Now that he is going to war with him again, is there some mystery here?
Liu Qi looked at Huang She and said, "Huo Shenjun's strategy is as fast as lightning, and he will advance in divisions. However, if he wants to succeed, Chai Sang is the most important thing. Bo Zhong has always had generals, I wonder if he is willing to accept this important task?"

Under the eyes of everyone, Huang She gritted his teeth and said: "Huang Jiangxia leads the navy alone, and he is worried about shooting. Huo Shenjun is a master of military strategy and has always been a general. It is better to go alone. If there are few soldiers and horses, shooting will not be possible." Help one or two.”

Huo Jun said with a smile on his face: "General Huang led the army to shoot Xu Kun and behead Ling Cao, which shocked Jiangdong and made the Wu people timid. The importance of Chaisang today is related to the safety of our army, and no one but the general can defeat it!"

"Exactly!" Wenpin straightened his back and said, "Although Huo Shenjun's strategy is the best one, Chai Sang's matter is very important, and Huang Pian will worry about the overall situation."

The more he heard Huo Jun say this, the more Huang She felt uncertain, and the more he thought Huo Jun was trying to trick him.His hesitant words made everyone frown.In the meantime, Huang She looked at Huang Zu again, but Huang Zu did not speak.Obviously Huang Zu believed that Huang She should personally lead his troops to attack Chaisang. After all, taking Chaisang would be his own.

Liu Bei, who was silent by the side, asked, "Is it possible that General Huang is afraid of Xu Sheng and his 800 people?"

Huo Jun glanced at Liu Bei out of the corner of his eye and silently praised him in his heart.Although Liu Bei seems to be an honest man, he is actually quite evil in his heart. Some words can always drive people to a dead end, such as his words to persuade Cao Cao to kill Lu Bu.

When the words came to this point, Huang She could only smile awkwardly and said: "She is not afraid of Xu Sheng, but She knows Huo Shen's army strategy. If he trains it, he will become a general. The key to Chaisang today is that She is willing to lead The troops march out."

"Does Huang Jiangxia have a different opinion?" Liu Qi asked.

Huang Zu cupped his hands and replied: "The strategy of joining the army is indeed a wise idea. Zu is willing to lead the navy to control Peng Lize."

"Uncle, can you lend a helping hand to Qi?" Liu Qi asked again.

"How can you not want to!" Liu Bei said: "Bei has ordered Guan Yunchang, Zhang Yide, Zhao Zilong and other troops to prepare for war. When the eldest son gives the order, the troops will be sent to Pengli Ze and capture all the counties. Bei will lead the remaining troops to assist the eldest son and the Taishi Fight with kindness.”

Seeing that everyone had no objection to the arrangement, Liu Qi smiled and said: "If there is no objection, we will march as follows. Send an order to Pandi to send troops to march east from Changsha to cooperate with our army in the battle."

"No!" Everyone responded.

As the military discussions concluded, the number of soldiers and horses from each group also emerged.Huang She and Huo Jun led 8000 troops to besiege Chaisang; Liu Qi and Liu Bei, with [-] soldiers, attacked Haihun to contain Taishi Ci; Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, and Gan Ning each led [-] troops to attack Pengze, Yuhan, and Poyang. , Fanyang and other counties; Huang Zu and Su Fei commanded [-] naval troops to control the waters of Poyang Lake; Liu Pan and Huang Zhong led [-] troops to attack Ai County and Jianchang eastward.

After leaving the camp, Huang She went to Huo Jun and asked, "Zhongmiao, why did you let She attack Chaisang?"

Huo Jun smiled and said: "Xu Sheng has only 800 men, so there is nothing to worry about. Please rest assured, Major General. Letting the Major General attack Chaisang now is Jun's repayment of the Major General's kindness."

Huang She looked at Huo Jun suspiciously and asked, "Does Zhong Miao have a plan to defeat the enemy?"

Huo Jun shook his head and said: "Chaisang is difficult to defeat, and there are eight hundred soldiers defending it. Jun has no strategy, so it is better to attack by force."

Seeing this, Huang She felt relieved and said goodbye to Huo Jun.

After Huang She left, Xu Shu walked up to Huo Jun and said with a smile: "I heard from the scouts that Xu Sheng is famous for his courage. He has many infantrymen with bows and crossbows, and his shooting skills are outstanding. If we attack by force, Why didn't Zhongmiao let Yide or Zilong go on the expedition? I'm afraid Zhongmiao has deep intentions if he lets Huang Bozhong lead the army."

Xu Shu had a friendly relationship with Huo Jun, and he also learned some of the content of the Jiangxia battle.

Hearing this, Huo Jun smiled and said nothing.He also knew a little about Xu Sheng's abilities.Among the tiger ministers in Jiangdong, Xu Sheng can be said to be a rare fierce general.Sun Ce and Sun Quan put Xu Sheng in Chaisang to guard the gate of Jiangdong. How could it be so simple?

ps: I’m writing in a different environment today, so I’m not in a good state.

(End of this chapter)

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