Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 62 Water Village

Chapter 62 Water Village
The river is misty with smoke, and the sky is covered with darkness.Chaisang Water Village is brightly lit.

In the water village, a small boat sailed out, with the leader holding a lamp. There were two sailors on the boat, one holding a bow, to guard the surroundings.A person shook the oar, swaying the river water and causing ripples.

The man driving the oar yawned and said impatiently: "Under the night, you can't see your fingers, so there are no enemy invaders. Why not find a place to sleep, then report back to the commander and complete this night patrol." "

The soldier holding the lantern in his hand snorted coldly and said: "Zhang San, you know how to sleep every day. If Jiang Xia invades and we don't notify you in time, I don't know how many heads you can lose!"

Zhang Sanwei was slightly disdainful and said: "If Jiang Xia really attacks at night, do you think it will be useful to rely on us? We should probably retreat to Chaisang."

"It's up to you to decide whether to use it or not." the soldier holding the lantern scolded.

"You~" Zhang San tried to retort.

The sailor holding the bow moved his ears slightly and said in a deep voice: "Why are you making so much noise? Be quiet. It seems like there is some noise in the reed marsh."

The two people who were quarreling shut up, and the soldier with the lantern moved closer to the reed swamp, trying to illuminate the front.The sailor holding the bow also tightened his grip on the bow and arrow and aimed into the reed marsh.


Several frog calls sounded from the reed swamp. At this time, another gust of wind blew by, and the reeds swayed and made a rustling sound.

"It's just frog sounds, no one is there." Zhang San said.

"To shut up!"

Before he finished speaking, more than ten sharp arrows shot through the air towards the water pawn who was good at bowing.


The water pawn who was holding a bow was unable to dodge, and was killed by several arrows. He fell into the water with a plop.

"Enemy attack!"

Shouting resounded in the silent night sky, trying to be heard by the colleagues in the water stronghold. Unfortunately, the water stronghold was also under attack.

Immediately afterwards, several black shadows emerged from the water, and when the two were unprepared, one person with one foot dragged them into the water.


Zhang San fell into the water, but was held by a water ghost from the Jiangxia army under the water. One person hugged the waist, and the other stabbed Zhang San in the chest with a dagger.Zhang San struggled in the water for a long time, and with the bright red blood floating on the water, he stopped moving.

At the same time, seven or eight small boats sailed out of the reed beach and picked up their colleagues in the water.

"Let's go!" The commander of the village waved the ring-shou knife in his hand and shouted: "Break into the water village and capture the dock."


At this time, fire broke out in Chaisang Water Village and smoke rose into the sky. Gao Xiang led his troops to attack the water village from land at night.

Gao Xiang broke into the water village with a bloody knife in his hand. Several corpses of those killed in battle were lying on the ground. He ordered his soldiers and shouted: "Quickly put out the fire. Is anyone able to escape?"

"Alert to other departments, the main road has been blocked. The direction of the dock is also blocked by Jiangxia Army. No one should be able to escape." Gao Chen replied.


"The water village is successful, report to the army immediately!"


More than thirty miles away from the water village, hundreds of warships were anchored on the river, waiting for news from the front.

On the deck, Huo Jun and Liu Bei stood facing the wind.

Liu Bei was condescending, looked at the ships in front and behind, and sighed: "The ancients said that northerners ride horses and southerners sail boats. It seems to be true today. If the north sends troops, how can they travel thousands of miles a day, float on the river, and the navy rushes in to seize the enemy? Water village, cut off the news."

Liu Bei, who fought in the north and south, also continued to strengthen his understanding of the south.The battles in the south were really different from those in the north. Not only did the ships have different models, but just in terms of the use of the ships, Huo Jun's lightning assault and divisional attack opened his eyes.In the north, only the nomads in the north can master the tactics. I didn't expect that water transport could be used to replicate it in Jiangdong.

The army is parked on the river tonight to wait for the vanguard to successfully seize the water stronghold and prevent the water stronghold from spreading the news of the army's attack.Then the army took the opportunity to divide into three parts and complete the blitz plan formulated by Huo Jun.

Huo Jun held his hand on the Yangtze River and said with a smile: "Although navy is convenient, being able to control the water area is the key. Not long after Ming Gong arrived in Jingzhou, it was difficult to adapt. These matters are not surprising. After staying in Jiangnan for a few years, you will know Here's the trick. Except for the river battle planning, land battles are similar to those in the north. Ming Gong can show off his skills!" Huo Jun asked Liu Bei to practice naval warfare in Xinye before, not to enable Liu Bei's troops to operate boats. Marching battle duel.It was to allow Liu Bei and his men to become familiar with the properties of water, so that they would not get on the boat and rush on the road, vomiting and having diarrhea, which would slow down the march.After all, although the Qishui River is wide, the river is not deep and the flow is not fast.

When Liu Bei was about to speak, he saw a dozen fire lamps waving in the dark night ahead, as if they were sending some signal.

"It's done!" Liu Bei waved his fist excitedly.

Seeing this, Huo Jun cupped his hands and said, "Ming Gong, let's part here. Wait for Jun to take down the firewood and meet up with Ming Gong at Haihun."

Liu Bei calmed down and said. "I wish Zhongmiao can defeat Chaisang soon!"

Huo Jun left Liu Bei's ship, took a small boat, and came to Huang She's warship.

Huang She met Huo Jun and said with a smile: "Zhongmiao's strategy is definitely a good one. Separate land and water to seize Chaisang Water Village, so that none of the enemy invaders can escape. Our army will march into Chaisang tomorrow and reach the city gates, which will probably frighten Xu Sheng." "

With that said, Huang She took Huo Jun's hand and said, "To get firewood and mulberry trees today, does Zhongmiao have any good ideas?"

"The plan is poor!" Huo Jun said with an innocent and simple smile: "To get Chaisang, I probably need Bo Zhong to take action himself. However, today's troops suddenly arrived at Chaisang City, and Xu Sheng was afraid that he would be unprepared. Bo Zhong raised his troops to attack and break the city. It's not difficult."

With tonight's victory, Huang She's self-confidence exploded, and he said: "That's okay! Xu Sheng will definitely be afraid when the army approaches the city. We are outnumbered and we can attack with force, so why not worry about being defeated."

Seeing Huang She's confidence, Huo Jun nodded inwardly. What he wanted was Huang She's confidence.Xu Sheng was both brave and strategic, and he knew how to use troops. It was really difficult to break the city if he held firm.If they can be lured out, it will be easy to defeat and plunder the city, but Huang She will have to suffer a lot.

Huo Jun looked at the river at night and suggested: "Now that the water stronghold has been broken, Bo Zhong can send a signal for the army to advance!"

"Okay!" Huang She waved his hand and said: "Send the order to the rear army and march forward. Our army will anchor at Chaisang and rest for the night."


Lanterns were hung up, and the ships moored on the river in the back row began to get busy.


"Raise the sails!"

The ships except Huang She and Huo Jun's headquarters stayed in the water village, while the other ships moved one after another. Their goal was different from Huo Jun's, they were to go deep into Pengli Ze.Huang Zu, who commanded the main fleet, took the lead, followed by Liu Qi, Liu Bei, and Wenpin; finally, Guan Yu, Zhao Yun, Gan Ning and other tribes hung on the tail of the fleet and went down the river.

Under the illumination of the bright moon, the surface of the river is sparkling, and the bottom of the boat cuts through the surface of the river, causing ripples.

On the bow deck, Liu Bei stood facing the wind, the joy on his face difficult to conceal.

Xu Shu came over holding his sword and asked: "Why is my lord so happy today?"

Liu Bei put his hands behind his waist and laughed and said: "Bei is a bird in a cage and a fish in a net. Now the soldiers are going down to the east of the Yangtze River. This journey is like a bird ascending to the sky and a fish entering the river and sea and being liberated. Why not be happy!"

"Congratulations, my lord, if I defeat Taishi Ci now, I will take over Yuzhang!" Xu Shu said with a smile.

Hearing this, Liu Bei put his hand on his belt and sighed: "Ziyi is skilled in bow and horse and should not be underestimated. I haven't seen him for a long time, so I don't know what Ziyi is like!"

After a pause, Liu Bei thought of Zhang Fei and asked, "Yide, are you still seasick?"

Xu Shu nodded with a smile and said: "General Zhang is much better than when he first got on the ship."

"That's good!"

At the end of the fleet, Zhang Fei, who was seasick, was holding on to the wall of the ship and vomiting.After vomiting for a long time and getting tired, he leaned against the hull of the ship, sighed and said, "When will this ship be big enough?"


After a while, Zhang Fei lay on the wall of the ship and vomited facing the Yangtze River.

ps: I actually coded a chapter this afternoon, but it wasn’t posted because the quality was so poor.This chapter is published after adjusting the status, as a transitional chapter.

I don’t know if there will be any tonight, but if not, I will update three times tomorrow as a make-up update.

(End of this chapter)

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