Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 63: Cheating

Chapter 63: Cheating (13)

Yuzhang, Chaisang.

Xu Sheng leaned on the couch in the center of the hall, flipping through the bamboo slips in his hands and reading the contents in a low voice.

After a while, Xu Sheng put down the bamboo slips, frowned and asked, "Is there no news from the water village today?"

"To inform the Ming court, there is no news from Shuizhai today!" the official replied.

Xu Sheng was a native of Ju County, Langye. In his early years, he crossed the Yangtze River south to live in Wu County due to war. At that time, Sun Ce conquered Wu County.After Sun Ce's death, Sun Quan succeeded to the throne and appointed Xu Sheng as Sima of another department and concurrently as Chief of Chaisang to resist Huang Zu's attack.

"There may be changes in the water village!"

Xu Sheng vaguely sensed that something was wrong and said, "Send the order and order the soldiers in the city to be on guard and not to be careless."

"How did the Ming court see it?" asked the official.

Xu Sheng stood up with his sword and said: "Jiangxia has been in chaos for a long time. I have made an agreement with the Shuizhai Wang Junhou to report the situation of the Shuizhai every morning. Now that the notification has been passed, there is still no news from the scouts. I'm afraid The water stronghold has been attacked by Jiangxia bandits."


As soon as Xu Sheng finished speaking, a scout from the Wu army gasped and trotted into the hall, saying: "Report to other troops, the water stronghold has been broken down, and the sergeants in the stronghold are being chased by the bandits. They are about to arrive at the gate of our army. I The army goes out of the city to rescue, or so."

Hearing this, Xu Sheng walked away with his sword and said anxiously: "Wait until I go and take a look. Don't put it into the city easily."


At this time, outside Chaisang City, two teams of people were entangled in front and back. One team was fighting and retreating, while the other team was shouting to kill, constantly chasing the fleeing soldiers in front.The figures and sounds of both teams were constantly approaching Chaisang City.

"Blow the drums, blow the trumpets, and notify the headquarters to fight!"

On the upper floor of Chaisang City, Qin Song, who was in charge of guarding the north gate, said loudly.

The soldiers on duty signaled the enemy to attack with drums, and the soldiers who had been resting under the city boarded the tower one after another to prepare for the attack.

Qin and Song stood on the top of the city and saw the front line of troops running away, running straight to the bottom of the city.The men and horses chasing behind were afraid of the soldiers at the head of Chaisang City, so they gave up after chasing for half a mile.But they seemed unwilling to give in and got slightly closer.

Taking advantage of this time, the fleeing people and horses rushed to the city. The rebels were all talking and shouting: "Open the door! Open the door!"

"We are soldiers of the water stronghold. The water stronghold was captured by the Jiangxia bandits. We fought our way out. Please open the door and let me in."

"Ergou, I'm here!"

Listening to the familiar Wu accent, Qin Song looked down and asked, "Where is Wang Junhou?"

"Wang Junhou is dead. He was shot to death by the Jiangxia bandit army with a crossbow."

Frowning, Qin Song asked: "What about Li Fang, where is the chief of the village?"

There was silence in the city for a while, and then a few more people replied: "Captain Li returned to Nanchang last month and is not in the water village."

Qin Song nodded slightly. Whether Li Fang was in the water village or not, he knew very well that this sentence was used by him to deceive them.

"Can you open the door!" The people in the city started shouting again.

The soldiers on the tower looked at Qin Song, but Qin Song was still pondering.

"Xu Biebu is here!"

Xu Sheng hurriedly came to the tower and asked, "How is Qin Bai?"

Qin Song turned sideways to give up his position and said: "The defeated army under the city responded normally. They should be from the water village."

Xu Sheng held on to the city wall and looked down, only to see several people in front of the queue with gray faces, bloodstains on their bodies, and broken clothes and armor.They were obviously the marks of a fierce battle, and their voices were full of impatience and fear.

After looking at it for a long time, Xu Sheng waved his hand and said: "This is the enemy, shoot your arrows!"


Qin and Song Dynasties did not dare to obey the order and said: "How can other tribes see it?"

Seeing that Qin and Song couldn't believe it, Xu Sheng pointed to a few sergeants in the middle of the queue below the city and said: "These people are staring at the soldiers in the front row from beginning to end, and they are also wary of the surrounding arrangements. If the army is defeated, how can it be like this? And they You have taken shelter under our Chaisang City. If the enemy pursues you, you will be killed by our crossbows, so why rush into the city."

"Let's look at the Jiangxia thieves who are chasing them. They stay outside the bows and crossbows, attack but not attack, and leave but not leave. They should be suspicious." Seeing that Qin Song still didn't believe it, Xu Sheng took the bow and arrow and aimed at where he was pointing. That person.


The arrow shot out of the air, and in the shocked eyes of everyone, it shot and killed Sergeant Jiang Xia who was hiding in the crowd.

There were screams and roars from below the tower.

"How can a general kill innocent people indiscriminately?"

Immediately afterwards, Xu Sheng shouted: "Thief, you still dare to deceive me, take another arrow from me."


Seeing this, Sergeant Jiang Xia, who was hiding in the defeated army below the city tower, changed his face. Knowing that Xu Sheng had seen through his plan, he ran back.The soldiers who had surrendered in the water village knelt down on the spot and begged for their lives.

Xu Sheng threw the bow and arrow into Qin Song's hands and said with a smile: "Do you believe what Sheng said now?"

To be honest, Xu Sheng didn't dare to be 100% sure, but the reactions of these people were enough to prove that his guess was right.

"The other department is wise!" Qin Song said respectfully.

"Sir, raise your bow and follow me to shoot."

Qin Song led his men to raise their bows and shoot. More than a hundred arrows flew out from the top of the city. The more than [-] Jiangxia soldiers who fled were pinned to the ground by arrows. They screamed one after another and fell to the ground. There are many dead.Only a few quick-footed sergeants in the back row escaped the rain of arrows and escaped back to the ranks that were chasing them and others.The Shuizhai soldiers who knelt down and begged to surrender were captured by Chai Sang.

Five or six miles away, Jiangxia soldiers were kneeling among the shrubs and bushes, equipped with strong armor and sharp swords, waiting for the moment.

Huang Shezheng and Huo Jun, who were waiting for the military report from the front, boasted and said: "Zhongmiao has a poor plan and is waiting for She to take action. Now the soldiers of Jiushui Village will be ordered to mix with our elite troops. As long as Chaisang opens the city gate and lets them in. When the time comes, She will take action." The elite men under my command quickly seize the city gate, and the soldiers in the back group can then enter the city. When the city gate is ours, Chai Sang can come down!"

Huang She was not an unskilled person after fighting for so many years. When Huo Jun said that he had no strategy, Huang She also thought hard and came up with a strategy, which was to use the defeated army to deceive the city gate and use it to seize Chaisang.

Of course Huo Jun is incompetent, after all, his goal is to conquer Chaisang.If Huang She breaks through the city, he can save the soldiers casualties without having to take action himself.

After saying that, Huang She walked to the high point and stood on tiptoe, anxious to know the outcome of his strategy.

"How's it going?" Huang She asked, "Did Marquis Chen lead his men to chase him to the city gate?"

"Back to the general, Chen Junhou stayed behind the crossbows of Chaisang's defenders and did not come forward." the attendant replied.

Huang She stamped his foot and said, "Marquis Chen does not dare to step forward, how can we convince the defenders of Chaisang?"

The attendant did not dare to answer. It cannot be said that Chen Junhou was afraid of death and did not dare to step forward.

"Bo Zhong, don't be anxious. We and our troops broke through Chaisang Water Village at night, and led the troops to march to Chaisang at night. The soldiers are tired. If it fails, it is better to rest first and attack again tomorrow!" Huo Jun advised.

Huang She turned to look at Huo Jun, feeling secretly unhappy in his heart. He always felt that Huo Jun looked down on him.

After a while, several soldiers rushed back from the front and said: "General, our army's plan was discovered by Xu Sheng, and more than thirty brothers were shot dead by General Chai Sang."

"What!" Huang She said in surprise, "Xu Sheng discovered my plan?"

As he spoke, Huang She glanced at Huo Jun out of the corner of his eye and saw that he was smiling and whispering to Gao Xiang, Huo Du and others, seemingly discussing the failure of his strategy.

"Damn it!" Huang She's face turned red and he said, "If Chen Da hadn't been timid, how could a certain strategy fail?"

With the excuse in hand, Huang She's face didn't look so bad. He paced a little and said angrily: "Order the soldiers to set up camp. Tomorrow I will lead my troops to attack the city."

"General, do you need our army's cooperation tomorrow?" Huo Du asked, cupping his fists.

Huang She glanced at Huo Jun out of the corner of his eye and saw that he was still chatting with Gao Xiang, thinking that he had been hijacked by him before he accomplished his feats. If his plan failed today, he might be ridiculed by him.Feeling ashamed, annoyed and angry in his heart, he snorted coldly and said, "No need, tomorrow you wait to defend the stronghold while I attack Chaisang."


If Huo Jun knew what Huang She was thinking but couldn't tell him, he and Gao Xiang were talking about the details of today's camp, not mocking Huang She.All I can say is that when I feel embarrassed, I always feel like someone is laughing at me behind my back.

(There are two more!)

(End of this chapter)

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