Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 614 Is there any honey water?

Chapter 614 Is there any honey water?
Cao Pi's serious illness was like a heavy blow, interrupting all Wei army's movements on the battlefield.

In Guanxi, due to Cao Pi's summons, Cao Zhen had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​​​conquering Longyou westward, leaving troops and horses to guard Guanzhong, while he led his cavalry to Luoyang.

In Jingwan, Sima Yi, who was confronting Zhuge Liang, couldn't help but sigh after receiving the edict from Luoyang. The house leaked and it rained all night, which is a true portrayal of Cao Wei's current situation.

After the envoy was settled, Sima Yi summoned General Zhang He of the left on the pretext of discussing confidential matters.

Hearing that there was secret military information, Zhang He hurried to the big tent.

As soon as he saw Zhang He enter the tent, Sima Yi politely asked Zhang He to take a seat and said: "General Zuo, there are changes in Luoyang today. I may need to withdraw our troops!"

"What changes have occurred in Luoyang?"

Zhang He seemed to have thought of something bad, and frowned and asked, "Is it possible that there is a rebellion in Luoyang City?"


Sima Yi hesitated for a few moments, and because Zhang He was a veteran of Cao Cao, he said: "General Zuo, this is a sacred weapon that concerns the country. Now that it comes out of my mouth, the words will reach your ears. I hope that the general will strictly guard the confidentiality and not disclose it to outsiders."

Listening to Zhang He's straightforward words, Sima Yi smiled bitterly and said tactfully: "If there is a good treatment, there may be a chance of recovery."

Saying that, Sima Yi patted the table in frustration and said, "Let Villager Zhuge be a little proud. If Your Majesty hadn't recruited me today, how could I have let him take away Xinye!"

"Captain, please rest assured!"

For example, after the Battle of Xiangfan, the Southern Han Dynasty occupied Xinye; when Liu Bei withdrew his troops from Guanzhong, Xinye was retaken by the Wei army. Today, due to the withdrawal of troops, we have no choice but to abandon Xinye. Next time, we will seize the opportunity and recapture Xinye. It will not be difficult!

However, with Cao Pi's accession to the throne, people with a discerning eye can see that Cao Wei is declining and is no longer as prosperous as it once was. First, there was the turmoil at the beginning of Cao Pi's accession to the throne. Ma Chao rebelled against Longyou, Liu Bei's Northern Expedition to Guanzhong, and Huo Junzhi captured Pi. At that time, the capital was shaken.

Zhang He sighed and said: "The country is in a difficult situation today, and we should all work together to repel the enemy. Suddenly, Your Majesty is seriously ill. God will not bless our Wei Dynasty."

For example, after the defeat of Chrysostom, Cao Cao could not unify the world. However, his troops entered Guanxi, recaptured Longyou, Guanzhong, and Hexi, and even extended their tentacles into Hanzhong; in the subsequent battle of Xiangyang, although Yu Jin destroyed seven armies, for Cao Wei, who had a great family and great business, there were still more than a dozen Ten thousand mobile troops are available.

Sima Yi looked helpless and said: "If our army retreats to Wancheng, Xinye will probably not be able to be defended. Although Xinye is a strategic point, it is not a fortified city. If we lose it today, we may not be able to capture it again tomorrow!"

Zhang He looked serious, raised his hands and said, "Although He is a martial artist, he understands the importance of national affairs. If it is not convenient for him to speak now, He will never ask more questions."

Zhang He nodded and asked: "What if our army withdraws, but I don't know what Shouchun should do?"

"Abandon the city!"

"General Zuo is a veteran of the late Emperor and has served His Majesty for many years. How dare Yi not distrust the general as a person?"

Sima Yi bowed his hand to Zhang He and said: "After Yi leaves the stronghold and returns to the capital, General Zuo will take care of all the affairs of the army!"

Zhang He looked shocked and asked.

Xiangfan and Wancheng are four to five hundred miles apart, and Xinye is located between them. In the North-South confrontation, the area around Xinye is a buffer zone.

Sima Yi pondered for a while and said: "To be honest, General, because of the defeat of the Jianghuai Army, Your Majesty became ill from anger and sorrow. For several months, His Majesty has been trapped by illness and his body has been sinking. The day before yesterday, His Majesty's condition worsened and he almost fainted. . Now that Yu is seriously ill, we must recruit someone to the capital!"

Then Cao Pi took advantage of Liu Bei's death and led a large army to conquer the Yangtze and Huaihe Rivers. However, he destroyed half of his troops, which led to the current difficult situation. Now it was time to think of a way to retreat from the enemy, but unexpectedly Cao Pi was about to die.

"Your Majesty will die?"

Zhang He, as a surrendered general of Guandu and a veteran of the Cao and Wei dynasties, almost enjoyed the peak period of Cao Wei. However, after the Battle of Chrysostom, Cao Wei's fortune gradually declined, but because Cao Cao was taking care of it, he still could not realize Cao Wei's weakness.

Such a sudden change made Zhang He not know what to say. He could only blame God for not protecting Cao Wei.

Zhang He seemed to have remembered something and asked: "Now that the governor has returned to the capital, what should the army do? If we withdraw our troops, Xinye will be surrounded by enemy invaders and may be captured by the bandits!"

After a pause, Zhang He said worriedly: "General Gongming is still defending Shouchun today!"

Sima Yi was silent for a while and said vaguely: "Shouchun is not under the supervision of Jingwan. Let's see what the Henan troops plan!"

Zhang He seemed to understand what Sima Yi meant, and couldn't help but mourn for Xu Huang.

If Shouchun was like Xinye, Xu Huang could still escape unscathed. However, Shouchun was surrounded by Huo Jun. Now, not only was it difficult for the troops to rescue, but even Xu Huang had a hard time breaking out. When the troops came to rescue, Xu Huang would either be defeated or die.

With the decision made, Sima Yi led his Qingqi to Luoyang day and night. Zhang He met the lieutenant generals of Xinye City and withdrew to Wancheng. On the way to withdraw, Zhang He was worried that Zhuge Liang would pursue him, so he deliberately set up an ambush.

Zhuge Liang was worried when he saw that the Wei army had withdrawn without any reason. Even though many generals requested pursuit, they were blocked by Zhuge Liang. When they learned that Zhang He had set up an ambush, the generals admired Zhuge Liang even more.

After the Wei army retreated, Zhuge Liang did not continue heading north. Instead, he sent a letter to Huo Jun detailing the Wei army's movements.

Zhuge Liang then led his troops to occupy Xinye City, observed the movements of the Wei army, and gathered the refugees from all directions for a long-term plan.
In July, when Sima Yi returned to Beijing from the front line, Cao Pi's condition became more and more serious. During this period, he orally issued an edict to ennoble Sima Yi, Chen Qun, Sun Quan, and Xu Huang.

That is to say, Sima Yi was named the General of the Fu Army, Chen Qun was the General of the Zhenjun, Sun Quan was the General of the Auxiliary Army, and Xu Huang was the General of Chariots and Cavalry. Compared with the canonization of the former three, Xu Huang's canonization is better said to be posthumous.

Cao Pi hoped to use the edict to canonize Xu Huang to force Xu Huang to defend Shouchun instead of surrendering like a ban. This strategy was not Cao Pi's idea, but came from Sun Quan's hand.

When Xiahou Shang, the general who conquered the east, arrived in the capital in a hurry, Cao Pi saw that the five Tuogu people had arrived, so he ordered Cao Zhen, Xiahou Shang, Sun Quan, Chen Qun, and Sima Yi to enter the palace.

The five people walked into the hall and saw Cao Pi lying on the couch, his face was pale and his breathing was rapid, as if he was terminally ill.

Cao Rui, King of Pingyuan, knelt beside the couch, trying his best to look sad. But after careful observation, it is not difficult to find that Cao Rui is not very sad. The five members of the Fengzhao group had a close relationship with Cao Pi. Seeing that Cao Pi was seriously ill and haggard, they couldn't help but feel sad and their eyes were filled with tears. Even Sun Quan's eyes were wet with tears, and his tears kept flowing.

"Cough cough~"

Cao Pi braced himself and said: "Today's national affairs are difficult, and there are many wars on the frontier thousands of miles away. I originally wanted to fight with all the ministers. Unexpectedly, I have become seriously ill since this month. I am afraid that I am approaching my age, so I specially order all ministers to go to Luo and take care of the national affairs." ”

"I hope your majesty will take good care of your body so that you can sweep away the four wastelands in the future." Sima Yi said with cupped hands.

Cao Pi shook his head and said: "Although I have many children, there are few who are mature and sensible. Only Cao Rui, King of Pingyuan, and Cao Lin, King of Guantao, are older and can continue my great cause. Among the two sons, King Guantao has a cruel temperament and is difficult to be the emperor; King Pingyuan He is well-read in poetry and literature, and he is very virtuous, so he can succeed me."

"However, the King of Pingyuan is young and has been closed all the year round. He does not pay attention to the courtiers and does not ask about political affairs. He may not be able to conduct state affairs exclusively. I hope that you will assist me with your heart and do not let me down."

Hearing this, Sun Quan burst into tears and said sadly: "Why did your majesty say such sad words? I am willing to serve your majesty to the best of my ability until I live forever."

Cao Pi pointed at Sun Quan and said with difficulty: "Zhongmou comes forward and speaks!"

Sun Quan took a few steps forward, knelt in front of the couch, held Cao Pi's right hand with both hands, and said with choked sobs: "Your Majesty, the power is here!"

Cao Pi forced out a smile and said: "As the prince, I have been assisted by Zhongmou many times in the past, so that I can succeed to the position of unification. I hope that I can assist the current prince well in the future to consolidate the current situation."

Sun Quan cried bitterly and said, "I must do my best to repay you!"

Cao Pi looked at Sima Yi and said: "Zhongda is proficient in military strategy, and I know the capabilities of the military. When it is time to use military force, Lai Qing will lead the army to conquer all directions."

Sima Yi wiped his tears and said sadly: "Your Majesty, please rest assured. Yi will do his best to assist the prince in return for your Majesty's kindness."

Cao Pi waved his hand, and Sima Yi and Sun Quan retreated. Then he ordered Cao Zhen and Xia Houshang to come forward and explain the matter of Tuogu.

"Your Majesty~"

Cao Pi looked at Cao Zhen and Xia Houshang, and sighed and said: "I deeply agree with the words of the late emperor to recuperate and wait for the right time. I cherish the weather and do not miss the year, and my body is getting worse. The two monarchs are the generals of the clan, and I hope to be able to assist the prince. , and settled the border city to consolidate the territory of Wei State."


Cao Zhen and Xia Houshang took orders.

Cao Pi looked at the haggard Xiahou Shang, sighed and said, "I feel guilty for strangulating your beloved concubine. Now that your concubine is dead, your wife and daughter are still alive. I hope Boren will treat her well and don't let her down."


Xiahou Shang was originally angry because Cao Pi killed his beloved concubine, but when he saw that Cao Pi regretted it and was about to die, he couldn't help but feel sad.

"Long article?"

"Chen is here!"

Cao Pi held Chen Qun's hand and said, "You are as talented as Xiao He in governing the world. After the prince succeeded to the throne, he paid more attention to state affairs. Now that the Central Plains is in turmoil, the states in Henan should recruit their own troops. Hebei is an important place for the military. We should be cautious in governing.”


Chen Qun's eyes were red and he said: "I should try my best to repay Your Majesty and assist the Crown Prince to bring peace to the world!"


With the support of Gong'e, Cao Pi took Cao Rui's hand and said: "Although the country is in turmoil today, there are more people in the Central Plains than in the southern part of the country. If Yuan Zhong is good at governing and has many wise words, he will be able to stabilize the situation."


Cao Rui squeezed out tears and cried loudly.

"Pass an edict to make King Cao Rui of Pingyuan the Crown Prince and announce it to the world. If I die, General Cao Zhen of the Central Army, General Xiahou Shang of the Eastern Expedition, General Sun Quan of the Auxiliary Army, General Sima Yi of the Fu Army, and General Chen of the Zhenjun The group is composed of five ministers assisting the government."


Sun Zi submitted the drafted memorial to Cao Pi.

With the help of his attendants, Cao Pi stamped the edict and handed it over to everyone.

After explaining this, Cao Pi also exhausted all his energy and fell into a deep sleep. Cao Rui, Cao Zhen, and Xia Houshang, led by their attendants, stepped out one after another.

After being comatose until the night, Cao Pi woke up in the middle of the night and summoned Queen Guo. However, after just a few words, Cao Pi's body couldn't bear it anymore, and he passed out again.

When he woke up again, Cao Pi was in good spirits. It seemed that he wanted to reflect on his past and sent someone to invite the Queen Mother Bian. However, Empress Dowager Bian still hated Cao Pi's acceptance of Sun Ying and was unwilling to visit Cao Pi.

Understanding Empress Dowager Bian's attitude, Cao Pi was in a depressed mood. He wanted to drink honey water to relieve his mood, so he asked: "Is there any honey water?"

The attendant glanced at the empty kettle and said, "Your Majesty, wait a moment, there is no honey water available yet!"

Cao Pi lamented, and not long after, he died without drinking the honey water!

In 225 AD, the first year of Jianxing, Cao Pi passed away under the age of forty.

(End of this chapter)

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