Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 615 Disturbing people’s hearts

Chapter 615 Disturbing people’s hearts
In AD 225, the first year of Jianxing, in the seventh month of autumn, Cao Pi died at the age of thirty-nine.

Compared with history, Cao Pi lived only one year longer than Liu Bei and one year shorter than his original life span of 40 years. The Wei state left behind by Cao Rui can be said to be in a mess. More than half of the troops and horses were lost in the southern expedition, Ma Chao rebelled in the west, Shouchun in the south was besieged, and Kebi Neng was arrogant in the north.

It cannot be said that Cao Wei is in danger of subjugation, but it can be said that there are wars on all sides, and Wei seems to be on the way downhill.

After Cao Pi's death, Cao Rui successfully ascended the throne with the help of the five assistant ministers. Cao Pi was buried first, and then Bian was named the empress dowager, Queen Guo was the empress dowager, and Sun Ying was the empress dowager.

Cao Hong, who commanded the troops in Henan, was named Grand Sima by Cao Rui due to his seniority; Cao Zhen was appointed as General in charge of the military affairs in Guanxi. The remaining four began to divide political resources on the premise of protecting each other's interests.

Not to mention that within Cao Wei, due to the death of Cao Pi, the war machine was forced to stop operating.

In August, the Han army besieging Shouchun City received news of Cao Pi's death through scouts.

Bagong Mountain, the stronghold of the Han army.

In the central military tent, Yu Shao was reporting to Huo Jun, saying: "Captain, according to the scouts, the puppet emperor Cao Pi died of illness, and the country is mourning for him. The reason why the Wei reinforcements are withdrawing today must be related to Cao Pi's death."

Jiang Ji gently stroked the tail fan and said: "Commander, Prime Minister Ge came to believe that Sima Yi abandoned Xinye and led his troops back to Wancheng. This is probably related to Cao Pi's death from illness!"

Huo Jun stroked his moustache and said: "What Zi Tong said makes sense. Man Boning is not a fool. His courage is outstanding and should be carefully prepared. I would like to ask Zi Tong to write a letter to Shi Yuan to let him be more careful." Full of pet trends.”

During the siege of the city for more than half a year, Pang and Lu repeatedly blocked Cao Hong and Man Chong's rescue attacks. Without the Wei army attacking outside, Huo Jun could be as stable as Mount Tai and besieged Shouchun for half a year.

Man Chong attacked the Han army's grain transport troops. Pang Tong sent people to break the Wei army's garrison. The two sides had contacts with each other. In the end, Pang Tong borrowed more troops and had the advantage of boats and boats, which blocked Man Chong's way of relieving the siege from the west.

Jiang Ji reminded: "Cao Hong is a general and a common man, so there is nothing to worry about. However, Man Chong has a strategy and has repeatedly led his troops to attack the soldiers. Now that Cao Pi has died of illness, we are afraid that Man Chong will do the opposite."

Ma Chao didn't know the details of the Wei army. Seeing that Cao Zhen had withdrawn his troops, he became a little reckless and led his troops north out of Jincheng to try to attack Wuwei County. Facing Ma Chao's attack, Guo Huai was not afraid, but led his troops to ambush halfway and defeated Ma Chao's vanguard.

Huo Jun pressed his hand and signaled Ding Feng not to worry. Then I read the letter and saw that it was the Longyou battle report sent by Deng Zhi.

Historically, Pang Tong was unlucky. Not long after he was in charge of his army, he was shot and killed by an arrow. In this current dimension, Pang Tong has gradually grown into an excellent military commander through long-term military training. He is known for his orderly offense and defense and his changeable strategies.


Seeing that the vanguard was frustrated, Ma Chao learned from merchants that Guzang in Wuwei County was strong and needed siege equipment to break the city. Ma Chao temporarily gave up the idea of ​​attacking Wuwei and ordered Jiang Ji to take command of Jincheng County, while he led his troops back to Longyou.

He was so doting on him that Huo Jun never dared to look down upon him. Although Man Chong started out as a scholar, he was similar to Pang Tong, Lu Su, Sima Yi and others in that he had the ability to become a general or a prime minister. Moreover, Man Chong has a very resolute temperament, is brave and resourceful, and is far more feared than the so-called Cao family's Thousand Mile Horse.

"Commander, you should be careful!"

After Deng Zhi said goodbye to Longyou, he then moved to Wudu. While raising food for Ma Chao, he also investigated Ma Chao's movements for Huo and Ge.


Both Pang and Man were people who transferred their literary skills to military positions, but their fighting styles were quite different. Although Man Chong was extremely courageous, he was well versed in strategy and was good at advancing and retreating. Pang Tong started out as a Confucian scholar, so Pang Tong used his troops steadily but also offensively, and was fickle in attack and defense.

Ding Feng wanted to say something, but a battle report was sent to Huo Jun's case.

Deng Zhi said in his letter that after Ma Chao captured Jincheng County, Xiping County was also surrendered by Ma Chao. After Ma Chao captured the two counties of Hehuang, Wei troops Guo Huai and Cao Zhen planned to jointly conquer Ma Chao. But for some reason, Cao Zhen withdrew to Chencang, and Guo Huai made no major moves.

Jiang Jizhi was slightly curious and asked: "But the new field report?"

After Man Chong took office as the governor of Yuzhou, in addition to appeasing the families of the dead and wounded soldiers and their families, he led his troops to repeatedly attack Pang Tong's camp. Fortunately, Pang Tong had already taken precautions and relied on water and land camps to fight back and forth with Man Chong.



Huo Jun nodded slightly and said: "Now Cao Pi has died of illness, Sima Yi has been retreated by Kong Ming, and Xinye has been occupied by me. Judging from this, Wei mostly has no worries about Shouchun!"

Huo Jun handed the letter to Jiang Ji and said with a smile: "In the Longyou War, Ma Chao used the Qiang to defeat Jincheng, and then swept the Hehuang two counties. Although the Hehuang two counties have a small population, there are many Qiang people in Hehuang. . If Ma Chao wins Hehuang, he will be as powerful as a tiger!"

Even though Hehuang County has the name of a county, it actually has no actual status as a county. The combined registered population of Jincheng and Xiping counties is less than 8,000 households. However, as Huo Jun said, Ma Chao could win the hearts and minds of the Qiang people, and by occupying the two counties of Hehuang, he could contact more Qiang people for his use.

Jiang Ji browsed the letter and commented: "Although Ma Chao can win the hearts of the Qiang people, he is not good at governing the people. The soldiers and horses have no food and rely mostly on my big man to provide them. How can the Qiang people be used by him for a long time!"

Although Ma Chao can win the hearts of the Qiang people, it does not mean that Ma Chao can summon the Qiang people without restriction. Ma Chao needed to pay a lot of money and food to recruit the Qiang people. Moreover, Ma Chao usually made friends with the Qiang tribe. In addition to using force to clear the way, he also used money and food to bribe them. Now it has expanded to two counties, but it has not gained many Han people to pay taxes. In order to appease the Hehuang Qiang people, Ma Chao not only had to spend a lot of energy, but even more money and food. When Ma Chao needed more money and food, he had to rely more and more on the Shu land of the Han Dynasty to provide food and grass.

Soon, Jiang Ji finished reading the letter and handed it to Huang Quan.

Huang Quan browsed briefly and said: "Da Sima, Cao Zhen withdrew his troops halfway. It seems that Cao Pi's death from illness has a great impact. Judging from the current situation, Shouchun has become an isolated city!"

Before Huo Jun could speak, Ding Feng was a little impatient and asked: "Captain, now that Cao Pi is dead, Shouchun is isolated and helpless. Can we break the city?"

Huo Jun glanced at Ding Feng and said with a smile, "Could it be that Chengyuan can't wait any longer?"

Ding Feng laughed and said truthfully: "Captain, for more than half a year, I have been staring at the city wall every day without attacking the city or fighting. I have been so idle. When people are idle, many soldiers begin to miss their wives at home. Son."

"Come on, Ding Chengyuan!"

Gao Xin exposed Ding Feng to his face and said with a smile: "Don't use the soldiers as an excuse. I guess you want to go back early to see your newborn son."

"Ha ha!"

Gao Xiang was not polite and said with a smile: "Chengyuan, you asked me a few days ago if there are geishas in Hefei. I'm afraid Chengyuan is too busy and wants to go home early to play with his wife and concubines!"



In order to protect his own image, Ding Feng hurriedly interrupted Er Gao and said: "Captain, you are just joking, don't take it seriously!"

The army is made up of a large number of individuals, and they also have personal emotions. The war at home has been going on for a long time, and I feel more or less homesick and slack off. Especially like this siege of Shouchun, under a long siege, normal people will have emotions like Ding Feng.

"Ha ha!"

Huo Jun smiled, did not participate in his subordinates' play, and asked, "What do you think Gongheng?"

Huang Quan pondered for a while and said: "Da Sima, according to the report from the fishermen, many soldiers and civilians in the city were killed or injured due to soaking in fat water. In addition, after being besieged for half a year, the food and grass in the city were exhausted, and there were many people in the city who wanted to surrender. Maybe there is something to say, He released the people in the city and left the soldiers to guard the city, but Xu Huang refused. "

"As for Xu Huang, his illness is getting worse and it is becoming more and more difficult to govern, so General Chang Diao often takes the lead. If our army can make the people in the city fully aware of Cao Pi's death, and make the people in the city feel confused, we may be able to take advantage of the situation and conquer Shouchun!"

The reason why Xu Huang held on to the people was not because Xu Huang was worried that the people would be used by the Han, or that they would change their direction and benefit the enemy. But Shouchun City is too big, and it is impossible to defend it with only ten thousand people in the city. It can only be defended with the help of the people's strength.

Of course, Xu Huang could abandon the people and the outer city and withdraw his troops to the inner city to hold on. But if he did this, Xu Huang would have no room for error. Once the inner city is breached, Xu Huang will have no way to retreat. In order to have room for error, or to be able to hold on for a longer period of time, Xu Huang could not give up on the people and the outer city.


Huo Jun nodded and agreed: "The way to defend a city is to guard the hearts of the people. If the hearts of the people in the city can be dispersed, the city can be conquered!"

Jiang Ji shook his tail fan and said with a smile: "If you want to mess with people's hearts, Ji has a plan."

"Please speak!"

Jiang Ji collected his thoughts and said: "Captain, some Japanese scouts captured Cao Wei's envoy, who was ordered by Cao Pi to sneak into the city and confer Xu Huang as a chariot and cavalry general."

"Now it is better to let him enter the city with great fanfare and tell him about Cao Pi's death, in order to spread the news. In this way, the soldiers and people in the city will know about Cao Pi's death and Xu Huang's promotion to a noble rank."


Huo Jun commented: "Before Cao Pi died of illness, he consecrated Xu Huang as a general of chariots and cavalry. It was not to admire his merits, but actually to make him fight to the death. Now let the envoys enter the city with great fanfare. Not to mention what Xu Huang was thinking, the people in the city heard about it. If Cao Pi dies, his heart must be filled with panic!"

After a pause, Huo Jun looked at Huang Quan and Jiang Ji and said, "Gong Heng is responsible for the envoy affairs. The soldiers and civilians in the city must be informed of Cao Pi's death. Zi Tongguang wrote a letter to persuade the soldiers to surrender and entered the city to see if he could induce the soldiers to surrender." I."


"It's autumn, so you can use force!"

(End of this chapter)

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