Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 616 Your Majesty is so generous!

Chapter 616 Your Majesty is so generous!

August, Shouchun.

In the government office, Xu Huang knelt down on the couch with an indifferent expression, looking at the edict conferring him the title of General of Chariots and Cavalry on the desk, feeling indescribable bitterness in his heart.

He has been working for the Cao family for many years, and he is very satisfied with his ability as a general in all directions. As for generals such as chariots and hussars, Xu Huang often did not dare to ask for them. After all, no matter it was the Cao Pi period or the Cao Cao period, the high-ranking general title was destined to be left to the Cao family.

Today, he has been besieged in Shouchun for half a year. Today, he is looking forward to reinforcements to relieve the siege. Unexpectedly, he has received an edict from Cao Pi conferring him the title of General of Chariots and Cavalry.

However, the official title that he longed for in the past is now indifferent to him, and it is even a bit ironic. This is not a canonization edict, but an edict forcing him to fight to the death.

Touching the silk-textured edict, Xu Huang sighed and said, "Your Majesty is so generous!"

Chang Diao didn't know what to say, so he only bowed his hand to Xu Huang and said awkwardly: "The late emperor did not forget the general's achievements when he was critically ill. Congratulations to the general on his promotion!"

"Congratulations on your promotion, general!"

The rest followed Chang Diao's words and said absently.

"General, what should we do if there is a shortage of food and grass in the city?" Chang Diao asked worriedly.

Now, after many months, they once again received news from the outside world. It was not the news that they were eager for reinforcements, but the news that Xu Huang was canonized as a general of chariots and cavalry, and the death of Cao Pi, which once again destroyed everyone's confidence.

After a while, Xu Huang seemed to be deceiving himself and said in a firm tone: "Wei and the thieves are not at odds with each other. How can we surrender now? If we hold on for a few more months, troops and horses will surely come to our aid."

Hearing this, everyone in the hall was silent.

"Mr. Wei County, before the death of our late emperor, in order to allow our army to defend, Xu Huang was specially appointed as General of Chariots and Cavalry. Xu Chaqiu strictly obeyed the edict and wanted to defend for another three months. However, due to the current situation, the food and grass in the city are exhausted. The soldiers and civilians are hopelessly disorganized, and Shouchun is destined to be unable to defend it for long.”

Xu Huang understood Chang Diao's meaning and opened his mouth to say something, but he glanced at the towel on the table and fell silent.

After saying that, Chang Diao hesitated for a few moments and said: "General, the soldiers in the city are tired, the medicine and food are exhausted, and the people's hearts are gradually losing focus. Now that the soldiers have heard that the late emperor has passed away, they all say that there are no reinforcements to relieve the siege, and there are many people who want to surrender to the Han. Given the current situation, there may be no need to hold on!”

Chang Diao's words are very obvious. There is a shortage of food in the city, Cao Pi is dead again, and people's hearts can no longer be used. It is better to surrender to the Han as early as possible, and maybe a good result can be achieved.

Wei Yin did not hesitate to speak his mind and said, "Xu Huang has been rewarded by the late emperor, so I want to repay him with my death. Wei has not been very kind to you and me, so how can I sacrifice my life and live and die with Shouchun! Moreover, the soldiers know that your majesty has passed away, and they have no intention of defending Shouchun for long. If the people's hearts are not at my disposal, how can I defend Shouchun for long?"

Xu Huang reluctantly stood on the spot and asked: "How is the situation in the city today?"

Lu Fang asked tentatively: "Mr. Wei County is guarding the north gate, but I don't know what you think?"

Everyone looked at each other, and many showed disappointed expressions. A few people even showed resentment. For example, Shouchun ordered Wei Yin to be dissatisfied with Xu Huang's decision, and then looked at Yangzhou to engage in Lu Fang, as if he had decided something.

Xu Huang was not in good health, so he gave some instructions and asked everyone to retreat.

Xu Huang sighed and said: "Prioritize the rationing of sergeants. We must last until March until winter comes."

Chang Diao wanted to say something, but after a few hesitations, he didn't say much.

Shaking his head, Chang Diao said: "General, the soldiers in the city heard that His Majesty had passed away. Under the instigation of the Han army, many soldiers climbed over the wall and surrendered to the Han army. And the Han army seemed to know that our army would be running out of food and grass. , cooking food outside the city as a temptation. "

However, the Han army adopted the tactic of encircling but not attacking, and the flood flooded Shouchun. The city gradually ran out of food and fuel, the combat effectiveness of the sergeants declined rapidly, and the people fell into famine. Everyone did not dare to have too much hope. People's hearts gradually became confused. There was a loud voice of surrender, but Xu Huang suppressed it.

Shouchun ordered Wei Yin to leave the hall, and he and Lu Fang, who was in charge of Yangzhou, came to the secret gathering place of the two in the past.


Everyone was not a fool. Ever since Shouchun was besieged and Cao Pi withdrew his troops, they knew that Cao Pi would most likely not be able to rescue them. But everyone, encouraged by Xu Huang, had a bit of luck, hoping that they could rely on the fortified city to consume the surrounding Han army and hold on until the winter and spring. When Cao Pi gathered enough troops and horses to help, the crisis could be turned into safety.

Xu Huang covered his abdomen, and with the support of his attendants, he got up from the couch and sighed: "Now that I am trapped in Shouchun, what use can a general of chariots and cavalry do? If I can exchange for something else, I am willing to use the title of general of chariots and cavalry. In exchange for 100,000 stones of grain, or the lack of luggage in the city."

"I have the same intention as Mr. Wei!"

Lu Fang pondered for a while and then said coaxingly: "Today Shouchun cannot be maintained. I want to find a way to survive, but it is a pity that I am not able to do it."

With a serious look on his face, Wei raised his hands and said, "Because of my lack of talent, I have more than a thousand soldiers and horses under my command, stationed at the north gate of Shouchun. If I can get in touch with the Han army, I am willing to open the north gate to welcome the king's troops into the city."

Lu Fang no longer concealed himself and said with a smile: "Fang has served Huo Da Sima for many years. Now I would like to contact Da Sima on behalf of the Lord Wei. We have agreed on a time to take action and welcome the king to the city." At that time, Liu Fu first entered Yangzhou, but there was no one around him. , conquered Lu Fang and engaged in Yangzhou. Lu Fang had a very good relationship with Jiang Ji. Under Jiang Ji's inducement, Lu Fang, who came from a poor family, received a lot of money.

Corroded by Huo Chen's long-term interests, and with no hope of promotion, Lu Fang was finally tempted by Jiang Ji's letters one after another, and Lu Fang decided to provide intelligence to the Han army.

In the early days, Lu Fang only planned to sell information and earn money to satisfy his family. However, as Huo Jun gradually encroached on Jianghuai, Lu Fangzheng'er began to consider the issue of retreat. With Jiang Ji's contact, Huo Jun accepted the post of governor.

With Bentou, Lu Fang had been trying to develop an internal response in Shouchun. After Huo Chen and his long-term observation, he chose Shouchun Ling Weiyin.

Because Wei was greedy for money and lust, and loved fine clothing and food, he had collected many bribes since he took office. Especially during the siege, Wei Yin showed his tendency to be timid, and Xu Huang reprimanded Wei Yin for this.

After Wei Yin and Xu Huang developed a grudge, Lu Fang drew closer to Wei Yin and even tested Wei Yin's attitude with words, but Wei Yin showed a tendency to surrender. Finally, with Lu Fang's unremitting efforts, Wei Yin began to consider surrendering to the Han Dynasty.

Nowadays, because of Cao Pi's death, Wei Yin fell into despair and was completely inclined to surrender to the Han Dynasty, so he talked with Lu Fang about surrendering to the Han Dynasty.

When Wei heard about Lu Fang's identity, he was surprised and happy. He grabbed his arm and deliberately threatened him: "I thought that Wei Jun was close to the Han, but unexpectedly he surrendered to the Han long ago. I will sue General Xu and have you punished." "

Lu Fang smiled and said: "If Grand Sima knew that I was being reported by Lord Wei, Lord Wei would probably follow in my footsteps after Shouchun City is destroyed."

"Ha ha!"

Wei Yin let go of Lu Fang's arm and said with a smile: "Lv Jun and I are of the same mind, An Hui would do such an unjust thing. Now it is up to Lu Jun to contact Da Sima on behalf of someone and agree on a time for the uprising to welcome the king's troops into the city." ”

As he spoke, Wei Yin lowered his voice and said, "It's a good thing to have Lu and Lu engage in some kind words and take care of each other in the future!"

"rest assured!"

Lu Fang gave the guarantee and said, "Da Sima is generous and will treat the county king favorably!"

"I'll wait for news from Mr. Lu!"

After Shouchun ordered Wei Yin to express his loyalty to Huo Jun through Lu Fang, Lu Fang's letter appeared on Huo Jun's case that night.

"Captain, Shouchun ordered the guards to guard the north gate. Because the city is running out of food, they want to open the north gate to welcome our army into the city. Lu Fang is afraid of a long night and dreams, so he wants to let the guards open the door to start an uprising when the guard changes tomorrow morning. At that time Our army took the opportunity to enter the city."

Jiang Ji looked excited and said: "If we can succeed today, our army will be able to capture Shouchun City tomorrow. When the opportunity comes to destroy the city, the governor should take advantage of the situation and take advantage of it!"

Huang Quan frowned slightly and said, "Chang Shi, could this be Xu Huang's plan to fake surrender?"

"will not!"

Huo Jun touched his moustache and said: "Today, nearly a hundred Wei soldiers came out of the city. They all gave the same account. They all said that after the soldiers learned that Cao Pi had died of illness, the people in the city were panicked. In addition, there was a shortage of food and medicine in the city, so they turned over. The city surrendered to me. Therefore, it is probably true that Wei Yin surrendered."

"Of course!"

Jiang Ji nodded and said: "Our army has been besieging Shouchun for a long time. Now we have an opportunity to break the city, so we must not miss it. No matter what, we should try it now. If we can break the city, the war can be stopped!"


Huo Jun thought for a while and said: "Zitong replied to Lu Fang and asked Wei Yin to open the north gate tomorrow to welcome our army into the city."

With that said, Huo Jun looked at Huang Quan and said: "It is not appropriate to let too many people know about the breach of the city tomorrow. So tonight, Gong Heng can lead ten thousand people to the north gate to join Guan Ping. Tomorrow the north gate will be opened. After opening, you led the elite troops into the city first, while Jun gathered all the troops as backup."


Jiang Ji and Huang Quan accepted the order.

That night, Jiang Ji sent people to the south of the city to wave ten flames to show their agreement with Lu Fang's suggestion.

In order to avoid the exposure of intelligence personnel in the city, unilateral communication was often adopted when not necessary, that is, the inside of the city sent messages to the Han troops outside the city, but the Han troops outside the city did not send messages into the city. In response to the content of the letter, an open fire is often held at the south gate to express agreement or disagreement.

Lu and Wei wanted to open the north gate to welcome the king's troops into the city. They needed to make a plan and then send a letter to the Han army's stronghold.

After Lu Fang received the signal from Jiang Ji, he went to Wei Yin to discuss it overnight. Wei did not dare to relax, so he immediately summoned his cronies to discuss the matter.

(End of this chapter)

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