Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 631 Governor Guanghai

Chapter 631 Governor Guanghai
As a minister, Li Yan destroyed the harmonious environment within the government and tried to put himself on the fire, which made Huo Jun unbearable.

If Li Yan simply relied on him, like Sima Zhi, Jiang Ji and others, and assisted him in handling government affairs, Huo Jun could accept Li Yan as his disciple. After all, with Huo Jun's status, it is impossible to say that there are no officials working for him in the court.

Even for Zhuge Liang, he has reliable confidants such as Ma Liang, Ma Su, Xiang Lang, and Zhang Yi. When Zhuge Liang implemented administrative orders, he sometimes needed the help of his close confidants to carry them out.

Li Yan's real purpose is to get promoted and gain more power. Even for certain purposes, political battles will be launched to involve more people.

For example, in history, in order to gain more power, Li Yan did not hesitate to sabotage Zhuge Liang's three expeditions and deceived Zhuge Liang into returning to Hanzhong on the grounds of lack of food and grass. Then he sent Liu Chan to Shu in advance, wanting to defeat him and slander Zhuge Liang to withdraw his troops in advance.

Now there are signs that in order to prevent uncontrollable situations, Huo Jun will no longer let Li Yan take charge of the chancellery. After all, the Chancery is a central secret. If it is destroyed, it will be no less than a nuclear bomb exploding.

As for moving the capital to Jinling, Huo Jun probably already has an idea.

In front of Chang'an and Luoyang, whether it is Jinling or Wuhan, they are all younger brothers. However, in order to assist the Northern Expedition and concentrate manpower and material resources on the Central Plains, it was inevitable to transfer political interests to Jiangzuo.

With the distribution of political interests, those Jiangzuo scholars will use their status as locals to do their best to ensure that food and supplies can be safely transported to the front line.

But Huo Jun has gradually made plans in his mind on how to distribute the benefits and move the capital. If Li Yan hadn't escalated the situation and had the tendency to cause a political fight, Huo Jun would have planned to set up a platform next. Then through political statements, such as Liu Chan's eastward tour of Jinling, he quietly promoted Jinling to be the companion capital.

Soldiers living in Wuhan do not need to go to Jinling to move to Jinling. After all, the upgrade of Jinling was just to better squeeze Jiangzuo's money and food.

As for the failure of the Northern Expedition, how to coordinate the relationship between Jinling and Wuhan can only be considered in the future. For the Northern Expedition, some things cannot be considered too long-term.

The next day, Huo Jun first asked Huo Yi to enter the palace, express his attitude to Liu Chan on his behalf, and tell Liu Chan what Li Yan said. Huo Jun then took a vehicle to the Shangshutai to meet with Zhuge Liang to discuss relevant important matters.

In the Tai Pavilion, Zhuge Liang, who was approving the report, heard that Huo Jun had come to visit him and got up to greet him personally.

"Jiang Ling Gong!"

"Ge Xiang!"

Zhuge Liang invited Huo Jun to take a seat and said with a smile: "Brother, I came to visit you. Is it because of the matter of moving the capital to Jinling?"

Huo Jun sat on the couch and said: "Li Yan leaked the secret of moving the capital, so that everyone in the government and the public knew about the proposal to move the capital. For the sake of the Northern Expedition, we cannot sit idly by and ignore it."

"Brother, are you saying that the person who leaked the secret before was Minister Li Yan?" Zhuge Liang said in surprise.


Zhuge Liang frowned and said, "Before, when the Eight Lords were discussing matters, Liang asked around. I thought he was leaking secrets for his attendants, but now I never thought it was Li Yan who was leaking them."

After saying that, Zhuge Liang asked in confusion: "I wonder where my brother got it? And why did Li Yan leak the secret?"

"It's a long story!"

Huo Jun sighed slightly and said: "Yesterday, Li Yan came to visit and his words were all flattering. ... In order to gain power, he did not hesitate to persuade Gu to depose Chengming. Then he persuaded Gu to be promoted to the king's title and receive the honor of Jiuxi. …….”

Huo Jun didn't hide anything and told everything Li Yan told him yesterday. In particular, he focused on Li Yan's attempt to persuade him to be promoted to a noble rank and accept Jiuxi.

Zhuge Liang's face darkened and he said angrily: "The matter of moving the capital is a secret of the country. As a minister, how can Li Yan be greedy for petty profits and regard national affairs as trivial!"

Li Yan was recommended by Zhuge Liang. At first, Zhuge Liang valued Li Yan's talents, so he appointed Li Yan as the minister. What Li Yan did at the moment really disappointed Zhuge Liang.

Huo Jun said with relief: "Li Yan initially obeyed Liu Biao, then surrendered to Shu, and then surrendered to me. Although he was talented in civil and military affairs, he had no worries about the country and the people. He was greedy for small favors and sought profits for his own safety. Now he can move the capital. Knowing his heart and recognizing his despicable behavior is a good deed."

Zhuge Liang was angry at first and then sighed, saying: "When the late emperor passed away, many people said that Li Yan had great talents and could be entrusted with the affairs of the Western Territories. Therefore, when Liang led the troops to Anba and Shu, he ordered Li Yan to lead his troops. Li Yan had rules and regulations in using his troops. , Wherever he went, the people were obedient, and Liang took pity on them because of his talents. In order to meet his temporary needs, he expressed his gratitude to the minister. "

With that said, Zhuge Liang didn't want to say anything more, but asked: "Now Li Yan has the desire to gain profit and does what he does to sow discord among ministers. How do you want to treat him?"

Huo Jun hesitated a little and said: "Li Yan is a junior but has a high talent, so he cannot be entrusted with big things. Today Dai Liang, the prefect of Nanhai, is relocating, which means that Li Yan is the governor of Guanghai, and also the prefect of Nanhai County, with jurisdiction over Gaoliang, Zhuya, Dan "The three counties of Gaoliang, Zhuya, and Dan'er?"

Zhuge Liang showed a strange look. In his impression, there was Gaoliangshan in Hepu County, while Zhuya and Dan'er counties had already been abolished in the turmoil.

After Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty established the Nanyue Kingdom, he continued to expand eastward, such as establishing Zhuya and Dan'er counties on Hainan Island. Later, due to the cost of governance, Dan'er was merged into Zhuya County.

Immediately afterwards, due to the corruption and bribery of the Han officials stationed in Hainan Island and the search for treasures, the local barbarians rebelled, which eventually led to the Western Han Dynasty abandoning Zhuya County on Hainan Island. Only Julu County (Haikou) remains on the island and is governed by Hepu County on the Leizhou Peninsula.

Huo Jun's operation to establish three counties was probably to allow the Southern Han Dynasty to resume its rule on Hainan Island. The minister ordered Li Yan to gain more power on the surface, but in fact he was sent out of the central government and had to deal with barbarians for the rest of his life.

Seeing that Zhuge Liang understood what he meant, Huo Jun confessed directly and said: "Hepu County has a vast territory with crisscrossed mountains and rivers, and there are many barbarians and bandits in the county. It can be divided into Gaoliang and Gaoliang County, and Xuwen can be established as Zhuya County. Then Zhulu County was used as the administrative seat and Dan'er County was reestablished."

"Li Yan is greedy for profit and always wants to take power. Now it is better to take advantage of his wishes and act as the governor of Guanghai, reclaim the four counties, control the barbarians deeply, organize the people into households, and strengthen our country. If Li Yan disobeys, Lu Dai, the governor of Jiaozhou, soldiers and horses If you have it in hand, it’s enough to level it.”

Li Yan cannot deny his ability due to moral issues. Now that Li Yan is staying in the central government and causing trouble for the government, it would be better to make the best use of it and throw it into the Guangqiong area. Nanzhong was governed by Li Hui, and Jiaoling was governed by Lu Dai. It happened that the Guangqiong area lacked ministers to develop it.

Hainan Island has been alienated from the Han Dynasty for a long time, and Li Yan has been determined to take charge of the power, so he can use his power to help the Han Dynasty manage the Guangqiong area. This can be regarded as a benefit to one party.

Zhuge Liang hesitated for a while and said: "Although Li Yan is greedy for fame and fortune, he has made great contributions to the Han Dynasty. Now that the Han Dynasty is in danger, it is better to consider the shortcomings, praise his achievements, and join the Northern Expedition. At present, he is demoted to Zhuya for no reason. If you stay in a barren place, you may feel that you are being treated poorly and may attract criticism.”

Regardless of the reputation of the four governorates, Li Yanzheng'er's official position was the prefect of Nanhai, and the remaining three counties were almost occupied by barbarians. Now Li Yan was sent to a barren land by Huo Jun without any fault according to the order of the Han Dynasty Minister, which inevitably made Zhuge Liang feel inappropriate.

Huo Jun's tone increased and he said seriously: "Kong Ming leads by example and always wants to be harmonious to everyone, thinking of the Han Dynasty's great plan. However, Li Yan has no worries about the country, how can he talk about reviving the Han Dynasty with his colleagues like insects!"

Huo Jun has worked with Zhuge Liang for many years and already knows Zhuge Liang's character. Zhuge Liang's political methods have never been known for being tough, but rather for uniting and uniting political partners.

For example, in history, Li Yan has been seeking political benefits from Zhuge Liang in the name of assistant minister. Zhuge Liang ignored everyone's opposition and treated Li Yan favorably many times. I hope that I can use political interests to exchange for Li Yan's support.

However, Zhuge Liang forgot that some people are destined to be unable to unite. It is even said that absorbing such people into the collective will actually destroy the political atmosphere. Therefore, the result of Zhuge Liang's compromise with Li Yan was that Li Yan did not hesitate to sabotage the Northern Expedition and chose to stab Zhuge Liang in the back in order to gain more benefits.

When it comes to employing people, Zhuge Liang is inferior to Liu Bei. Liu Bei would compromise because of certain things, but he would never be merciful. Except for his close associates, Liu Bei would kill anyone who would undermine the great cause of the Han Dynasty.

Although Zhuge Liang was strict in governing, he did not like killing people. As a powerful minister, Zhuge Liang targeted Li Yan, Liao Li and others, and the result was mostly exile instead of killing. If it were Liu Bei, he would have been killed long ago.

The things Li Yan committed today can be big or small. In order to maintain political harmony, Huo Jun must expel Li Yan from the central government.

With Huo Jun's insistence, Zhuge Liang couldn't continue to persist and said: "Since my brother has said this, Liang should follow it. But I don't know what happened in Jiangling. What are your plans?"

Huo Jun pondered for a while and said: "It is similar to what Kong Ming did in the past. Your Majesty gave Gu Xingtai the authority and then placed it in Jinling. Gu appointed Huaisi and Jiangzuo officials as ministers to elevate the position of Jinling."

"When His Majesty led his attendants to inspect the left side of the Yangtze River, he looked for an opportunity and issued an edict to make Jinling the eastern capital. Wuhan was the southern capital, Luoyang was the northern capital, and Chang'an was the western capital. Later, during the Northern Expedition, His Majesty could live in Wuhan or Jiangling and supervise the military operations of the Northern Expedition. "

Everyone was rushing to be the capital. In order to show their determination for the Northern Expedition, they simply made Luoyang, Chang'an, Jinling, and Wuhan the capital together. Anyway, in front of Luoyang and Chang'an, everyone is a younger brother.

Of course, in order not to irritate the Jingchu people, Jinling will not set up a Yin, but a Xingtai, which will only take away some rights from Wuhan.

Zhuge Liang stroked his fan and thought, and said: "It is not appropriate to move directly to Jinling. Now Zhongmiao's advice should be a feasible method. Liang Buri's cousin Shangshu accepted the order of Xingtai Shangshu in Yang, Yu and Xuzhou, and Jinling was ruled. The remaining officials, such as Shangshu Pushe and Shangshu, need to be promoted at my brother’s discretion.”

"Gu Yong, the governor of Jingzhou, can be appointed as the Minister of Public Affairs. Since Gu Yong ruled Jingzhou, the acres of land have been expanded, the money and food have increased year by year, and the rule of law has been clear. He is a talented state minister. Let him serve as the Minister of Public Affairs of Jinling Xingtai, and he will live up to you. That’s what I want!” Huo Jun recommended.

"Liang should consider who can be the governor of Jingzhou!" Zhuge Liang said after considering.


(End of this chapter)

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