Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 632 Jinling Tour

Chapter 632 Jinling Tour
The move of the capital to Jinling mentioned by Huo and Ge did not mean that all soldiers and civilians in Wuhan city would be moved there, but that some functions of Wuhan would be transferred to Jinling. Transfer the corresponding political rights and Jianghuai scholars to obtain their full support to ensure that the Jiangzuo Society can be successfully sent to the front line.

Therefore, the operations of the Southern Han Dynasty were somewhat similar to Zhu Di's operations in the early days of moving the capital to Beijing. For example, Zhu Di first changed the name of Peiping to Beijing, built an army headquarters in Beijing, and set up the governor's office of the left-behind army in Beijing. In order to mobilize northern resources to support Zhu Di's northern expedition to Mongolia.

The Southern Han Dynasty changed Moling to Jinling and set up a platform in Jinling to mobilize Jiangzuo grain and grass, turning Jinling into a blood supply machine to support Huo Jun's Northern Expedition. It was established as a companion capital to give Jiangzuo scholars corresponding political status in exchange for their support.

Of course, changing from a one-city system to a two-city system and dividing Wuhan's political interests with Jinling will inevitably cause dissatisfaction among Jingchu scholars. Especially after the Zhou Buji and Li Yan incidents, Huo Jun did not dare to act hastily and could only adopt gentler political operations.

Wuhan Palace, outside the meeting hall.

In the first month of the year, in the depth of winter, Wuhan is wet and cold.

More than 20 civil and military personnel came to the outside of the palace, took off their shoes, took off their swords, and walked into the palace under the guidance of the attendants. Among the crowd, only Huo Jun, wearing a sword and wearing shoes, walked into the hall unhurriedly.

When the civil and military officials on the left and right saw Huo Jun, they all bowed and said hello to show their respect. Huo Jun smiled and returned the favor.

Before sitting down, Huo Jun and Zhuge Liang looked at each other as if they were conveying some signal.

"Your Majesty is here!"

After a while, Liu Chan, wrapped in woolen clothes, entered the main hall from the side of the palace and sat on the couch.

Seeing this, everyone bowed with great salute and said: "Greetings to Your Majesty, I wish Your Majesty a long life and long happiness!"

Liu Chan helped everyone out of thin air and said, "Get up!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Everyone responded and took their seats in order of rank.

Looking at the people in the hall, Liu Chan asked: "Is there anything important to report today?"

"Your Majesty, I have something to report to you, Ma Liang!"

Ma Liang presented the memorial and said.


"Lü Dai, the governor of Jiaozhou, told me that Jiaozhou covers thousands of miles, is crowded with barbarians, and has dangerous roads. Jiaozhi and Nanhai are important tax areas, but there are many barbarians around, and there is no peace all year round. In order to live up to the trust of the Han Dynasty, Lu Jiaozhou led his troops to conquer the south and the north. , shocking the barbarians and sweeping across Jiaoling."

Ma Liang held the wat board in his hand and said in a deep voice: "Danjiao Ridge is very vast, and Lu Jiaozhou feels very weak. At present, the seaside of old Guangzhou is often harassed by pirates and barbarians, and it is difficult to find peace. Now please report to the court and send someone else. He will be stationed in the South China Sea to eliminate chaos on the seaside."

Liu Chan flipped through the memorials and asked: "I read history books and remember that Emperor Xiaowu surrendered South Vietnam and ordered Fubo General Lu Bode to cross the sea and conquer Zhuya eastward. After that, there were two counties of Zhuya and Dan'er, but they had to abandon them because of the rise of barbarians. Of."

"During the Han Dynasty, Jiaoling was not level. Fortunately, horses came to the south to conquer Jiaozhou, and Dan'er and Zhuya counties were merged into Hepu. Over the past three hundred years of the Han Dynasty, Guangzhou's seaside has undergone many changes. I wonder what the situation is now?"

"Your Majesty, Zhuya Prefecture is full of barbarians. The barbarism has not yet been transformed. Miasma is everywhere and poisonous insects are raging. Although the son does not know his father and only knows his mother, the products are abundant and the fields are fertile. If you can cultivate the land and convert the people, it will open up the frontier. And open up the land to enhance the prestige of our country," Sima Zhi said.

The young Liu Chan seemed to be quite interested. He turned to look at Huo Jun and said, "Da Sima, how do you like Lu Jiaozhou's invitation? Can Dan'er and Zhuya counties be restored?"

"Your Majesty, since ancient times, Zhuya Prefecture has been the territory of our Han Dynasty. In the past, the barbarians were in chaos and had to be abandoned as a last resort. Today, in Da'an, Jiaoling, it is appropriate to send troops to Zhuya Prefecture to re-establish the old rule of the former Han Dynasty and organize households. Qi people, in order to promote the prestige of our Han Dynasty."

Huo Jun pretended to be deep in thought and said: "Dai Liang, the prefect of Nanhai, moved to the post, and now there is no one on the Guangzhou coast. From what I can see, your majesty might as well appoint the prefect of Nanhai, and also command the governor of Guanghai, and take control of the military and political power, so as to restore Zhuya, Dan'er County."

After a pause, Huo Jun said: "Nanhai is not connected to Zhuya, so Hepu County can be separated into Gaoliang County. Let the prefect of Nanhai also serve as the governor of Guanghai, with 3,500 troops, and the governor of the four counties to sweep away the barbarians and use their authority. The barbarians of the vast sea.”

Huo Jun split and reestablished the three counties of Guang and Qiong, not only to exile Li Yan, but also to develop the Leizhou Peninsula and Hainan Island. After all, the development of the south is a trend for the next two thousand years. Now, for the sake of future generations, these barbarian lands must be managed.

Liu Chan nodded slightly and said: "I think it is feasible to set up the governor of Guanghai to govern the coastal areas of Guangzhou and restore the old areas of the Han Dynasty. However, if you want to govern the four counties of Guanghai, you must have civil and military talents. I don't know who can take this position. Important position?"

Ma Liang received Zhuge Liang's signal, raised his hands and said: "Your Majesty, I thought that Li Jun, the minister, could take on this important task!"


Li Yan, who was watching the play, looked shocked when he heard that Ma Liang recommended him to be the governor of Guanghai.

Before Li Yan could react, he stepped forward to Xiang Lang, raised his hands and said, "Li Lingjun ruled Nanzhong, and all the people and barbarians were obedient, and the powerful surrendered. When assisting the Prime Minister to pacify the south, Li Lingjun made many surprising plans, used his troops in a methodical way, and defeated many armies." According to Lang Guan, the only candidate for governor of Guanghai is Li Lingjun."

After listening to Ma and Xiang's recommendations, Li Yan calmed down and turned to look at Zhuge Liang fiercely. In Li Yan's mind, Ma and Xiang would never recommend him without Zhuge Liang's indication.

Liu Chan maintained his demeanor and asked, "I wonder what Li Lingjun's intention is?"

Li Yan left the table and stood up, and said bravely: "Your Majesty, please return to Da Sima. Yan is ill and suffers from foot problems. He may not be able to go south to serve."

Pan Jun suddenly came out and said: "Your Majesty, Li Lingjun has a foot problem, and I have a good horse to travel for him. Your Majesty can also send a good doctor to accompany you to ensure Li Lingjun's health."

"Your Majesty~"

"Da Sima~" Seeing that everyone insisted on driving him out of Wuhan, Li Yan couldn't help but be afraid, so he looked at Huo Jun with a look of pleading.

Huo Jun didn't move his eyelids and said calmly: "Your Majesty, the governor of the four counties of Guanghai is as good as the governor of Hanzhong. The military and financial personnel can be controlled by the governor himself. Looking at the ministers in the court, there are few who can serve as the governor of Guanghai. It is better to let Li Lingjun temporarily Moved to the governorship of Guanghai."

"Da Sima!"

Hearing this, Li Yan's eyes widened and he looked back and forth on the faces of Huo and Ge, showing a look of disbelief. He never expected that Huo and Ge would join forces to drive him out of the Central Committee. You know, he expressed his loyalty to Huo Jun a few days ago!

For a time, Li Yan was heartbroken and had no choice but to accept the appointment as the governor of Guanghai.

"Thank you, Chief Sima, Prime Minister!"

Li Yan thanked Huo and Ge, and said with a bit of loneliness: "Your Majesty, Yan is not feeling well, can you please withdraw from the court first?"

Being squeezed out by two big bosses, Li Yan probably had no shame in staying in the court, so he might as well pack his luggage and make plans to go to Nanhai County.


Liu Chanyi smiled and said: "You can withdraw from the court first, and I will send an imperial doctor to diagnose you later!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

When Li Yan retreated, Zhuge Liang held the wat tablet and said: "Your Majesty, the former Grand Sima wanted to send a large army to the north to conquer the Central Plains. I thought that I should teach the Great Sima the affairs of the East. For example, if we set up a platform in the three states of Xu, Yang, and Yu, we would pay homage to the Great Sima. Sima is appointed as the Minister of Xingtai, and then he appoints the Minister Pu She, the Minister, the Minister, etc. "

"Gu Yong, the governor of Jingzhou, has deep worries and heavy responsibilities, and has been benevolent in his administration. He has governed Chu for more than ten years. His administration is harmonious and he does not pick up things on the way. I think I can worship the minister of the Three Prefectures Xingtai, Pushe, to assist Da Sima in the Northern Expedition."

Liu Chan was almost a mouthpiece and asked: "How is Da Sima doing?"

Huo Jun stood up and bowed and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for granting me the title of Minister of Public Affairs. Mr. Gu has a high status and his political achievements have reached all the states. Now I appoint him as the Minister of Public Affairs. Although he fulfills his duties, I am afraid that his official title will be lacking!" "


Liu Chan followed his good deeds and said: "Now I worship Gu Yong, the governor of Jingzhou, as a servant and servant of the three prefectures of Xu, Yu and Yang, and then he will be appointed as a servant to assist the Great Sima in the Northern Expedition. Those who are left in Taiwan will serve as officials, and the Great Sima can choose them by himself. ”


The attendant is an official position within the palace. He has the right to move around the palace and enter and leave the palace. He is an adviser to the emperor, and his rights can be high or low.

Today, Gu Yong is appointed as the governor of Jingzhou and becomes the minister of servants. In terms of salary, his salary has been reduced. He has been added to the rank of servant, and he can barely be said to have been promoted.

"Currently, there are vacancies for the Secretary of State and the Governor of Jingzhou. I wonder who can fill them?" Liu Chan asked.

"Your Majesty, I think that Yan Jun Mancai (Yan Zhen) can be appointed as the governor of Jingzhou." Zhuge Liang recommended it and said: "Yan Mancai has a loyal temperament, treats people with sincerity, and is rigorous in governing affairs. He can be transferred now."

Yan Zhen, together with Bu Zhi and Zhuge Jin, joined Liu Bei in the past. Bu Zhi had already served as the governor of Yangzhou because of his outstanding ability. Although Zhuge Jin also served as the governor of Yizhou because of Zhuge Liang. Yan Zhen's ability was not as good as Bu Zhi's and Zhuge Jin's, so he was half a step behind in official promotion.

At present, Yan Zhen's official position is the Grand Administrator of Nanjun. In terms of qualifications and official titles, Yan Zhen's promotion to the governor of Jingzhou is not a problem. And it also followed the political principle of using people from Huaisi and Jiangzuo to govern Chu.

Zhuge Liang hesitated a little and said: "As for the ministerial order, Liang thinks that he can be moved to the ministerial order by Chen Zhen. Chen Junxiaoqi is a loyal and pure man who can cooperate with all officials and has outstanding political achievements. He can now be moved to the ministerial order."

Normally, when Shangshu Ling resigns, Shangshu Pushe will be promoted to the post. However, the current minister's servant She Ma Liang has already served as a minister, so it is not appropriate to receive the minister's order again.

Another minister servant shot Fei Guan. Considering that in the future Northern Expedition, Fei Guan, who had both civil and military skills, would need to accompany the army, so he could no longer serve as minister.

Chen Zhen was a native of Nanyang with a simple and honest character. He served successively as the governor of various counties, and was later promoted to the chancellery by Zhuge Liang. During his tenure at Shangshutai, due to his outstanding political achievements and his loyal character, many people became friends with Chen Zhen.

In order to prevent the Shangshu Ling from losing control, Zhuge Liang discussed with Huo Jun and chose the honest man Chen Zhen to come to power. As long as Chen Zhen is here, there will be no trouble in the Chancery.

"How's it going, Da Sima?" Liu Chan asked.

Huo Jun slightly cupped his hands and said: "Yan Jun Mancai and Chen Jun Xiaoqi are both loyal and trustworthy talents. I have no objection!"


"In this case, we will move Yan Zhen to be the governor of Jingzhou and Chen Zhen to be the Shangshu Ling. The remaining official positions are vacant and can be appointed by the Grand Sima and the Prime Minister after discussion." Liu Chan concluded.

"Your Majesty is wise!"

ps: There will be another chapter tonight

(End of this chapter)

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