Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 633

Chapter 633
AD 226, the second year of Jianxing, February.

While Li Yan was 'exiled' to Nanhai County, Liu Chan issued an edict to implement the four-featured capital system, with Chang'an as Xijing, Luoyang as Beijing, Wuhan as Nanjing, and Jinling as Tokyo, in order to strengthen his determination for the Northern Expedition.

In order to alleviate the dissatisfaction of the Jingchu people, while retaining their original positions, Liu Chan awarded Jingzhao Yin and Henan Yinyao to Yang Yi and Guo Youzhi except for the Jinling Yin.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Chan issued an edict to confer Huo Jun the title of Shangshu Ling of Xingtai in Xu, Yu, and Yangzhou, and temporarily govern Jinling. As a minister, Huo Jun proposed to Liu Chan that Zhang Zhao's sons Zhang Cheng, Yu Fan, Zhang Wen, Teng Yin and other people from Jiangzuo and Huaisi would serve as officials of the Xingtai minister.

Under the four capitals implemented by the Southern Han Dynasty, the Jingchu scholars were distracted by the fictitious Chang'an and Luoyang. Although there is criticism or dissatisfaction with the promotion of Jinling to the Eastern Capital, seeing that there is no Yin Shou in Jinling and only the Sanzhou Xingtai, we can understand what the Southern Han Dynasty did.

The Jingchu scholars were not loud. On the contrary, the Jiangdong scholars were very excited about setting Jinling as the eastern capital. They either speculated about what the central government was doing or inquired about the news.

When Gu Yong, the governor of Jingzhou, was appointed as Pushe, the Minister of Xingtai, Jiangdong scholars seemed to smell something. Those with connections wrote letters to Gu Yong, hoping to join Xingtai as an official.

When Gu Yong learned that he was transferred from Jingzhou governor, he was indifferent, neither happy nor sad. After handing over government affairs with Yan Zhen, the governor of Nanjun, for many days to ensure that there were no mistakes, Gu Yongfang, urged by his attendants, went to Wuhan to meet with Huo Jun.

Da Sima Mansion, inside the hall.

Huo Jun invited Gu Yong into the hall and said with a smile: "I have been waiting in Wuhan for a long time, and now I finally get to meet Gu Jun!"

"Yong pays homage to Da Sima. There are many things in Jingzhou, and it is difficult to leave lightly for a while. I hope Da Sima will forgive me." Gu Yong said.

"How can you blame me?"

Huo Jun looked gentle and respected Gu Yong very much. He said: "Gu Jun has governed Chu for several years. He upholds the law and is fair, and the Han and barbarians respect him. The reason why Jingchu has abundant food and supplies is that he is diligent in writing documents for you."

Gu Yong was much older than Huo Jun. He studied with Cai Yong when he was young, and then successively served as the county magistrate of Hefei, Lou, Qu'a, Shangyu and other counties, making political achievements wherever he went.

After serving Liu Bei, Gu Yong was not good at drinking and speaking, and he had a majestic aura. Even when Liu Bei saw Gu Yong, he would still use honorifics.

Needless to say, Zhuge Liang would salute Gu Yong and Zhang Zhao every time he saw them to show respect.

However, in addition to Gu Yong's age and calm personality, the reason why Huo Jun treated Gu Yong courteously was also because of Gu Yong's identity.

Gu Yong's wife is Lu Kang's daughter, and the Gu family has a close relationship with the Lu family. Now if we want to unite Jiangzuo's forces for the Northern Expedition, we must unify our opinions with Gu Yong.

"Don't dare!"

Gu Yong sat down at Huo Jun's invitation and said: "Now your Majesty will confer the title of Sanzhou Xingtai to the Grand Sima, and Yong will serve as a servant. I hope to ask the Grand Sima to give you instructions."

"Not urgent!"

Huo Jun asked his maid to serve tea to Gu Yong and asked: "You have the talents of Xiao and Cao, and even Kong Ming praised your talent and learning. You have been in Jingchu for a long time. Do you know why your majesty set up a palace in Jinling?"

"Yong Luo has heard that Da Sima wants to expedition to the north of the Central Plains. Jianghuai alone is not enough to accomplish the task, so the only way is to use the power of Jiangdong to provide force for the army." Gu Yong said.

Huo Jun pretended to be hesitant and asked: "Today, Jun has many doubts about China. In winter, it is difficult to cross the Huaisi River by boat, but in summer, we can use force. Therefore, many people say, send troops to harass the Central Plains, and then use troops slowly." "I wonder what Mr. Gu has to say?"

Gu Yong looked slightly serious and said solemnly: "Although Yong knows little about military affairs, he has heard that the art of war is focused on small gains. The Central Plains is vast and the city walls are strong. How can the Han Dynasty be prospered with a small number of soldiers? What this person says is that he seeks personal gain and forgets military affairs. , not for the country.”

As he spoke, Gu Yong emphasized his attitude and said: "The Central Principle is the key to the revival of the Han Dynasty, and a small army is not enough to rejuvenate the country. Moreover, at the turn of summer and winter, the situation between the enemy and ourselves has reversed, so we should fall short. In the current matter, the Grand Sima should lead the army. Expedition to the north, and then ordered the three states of Yang, Xu, and Yu to produce grain."

"Jun Gu is loyal to the country, and Jun deeply admires him!"

Huo Jun was overjoyed and asked again: "In the depth of winter, boats can travel ten miles a day, and the food from the Yangtze River and Huaihe River cannot reach Huaibei. I wonder if Gu Jun has a clever plan?"

Gu Yong saluted Huo Jun and said in a deep voice: "If the water is impassable, then the sea is accessible. If the sea is impassable, even if the people on the left side of the Yangtze River are transported thousands of miles to transport grain, the army will not be short of food and supplies."

"it is good!"

Huo Jun returned the greeting to Gu Yong and said with a smile: "I will lead the army alone in the northern expedition, and there will be no more worries!"

Gu Yong served as Shangshu Pushe. When Huo Jun was in Xingtai, Gu Yong was the second in command to assist Huo Jun. After Huo Jun left the platform, Gu Yong was actually the top leader. Huo Jun handed over such an important position, it was impossible not to test Gu Yong's attitude towards the Northern Expedition.

Fortunately, the victories accumulated over the years made Gu Yong undoubtedly support Huo Jun's option of the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains. With Gu Yong expressing his attitude, Huo Jun can safely hand over the platform to Gu Yong.

"May I ask Da Sima, when will he rush to Jinling to prepare for the trip?" Gu Yong asked.

Huo Jun pondered for a while and then said with a smile: "The matter in Longxi is still unclear, so I have to stay in Wuhan temporarily. Now Gu Jun can go eastward with the seal of the Tai Shangshu Order. Except for important matters, everything will be left to Gu Jun."

"This~" He never thought that Huo Jun would trust him so much, and Gu Yong couldn't help but hesitate a little.

Seeing the concerns in Gu Yong's heart, Huo Jun smiled and said: "The late emperor treated me with integrity, so he granted Tuogu the appointment. Now Jun is responsible for the affairs of Yi and Huo, and is responsible for the government affairs with Ge Xiang, why can't I accept Mr. Xin?"

Gu Yong's expression was touched and he said solemnly: "Please rest assured, Grand Sima, Yong will live up to your expectations."

When he first traveled through time, Huo Jun was influenced by the memory of later generations and believed that what Huo Guang did was not recognized by the Western Han Dynasty court. However, when he came to power, many people praised him for the incidents of Yi and Huo, and gradually changed their views.

Although Huo Guang was liquidated due to family matters after his death, the emperors of the two Han Dynasties still recognized Huo Guang's actions. In Qilin Pavilion, Huo Guang ranked first and was still buried with Maoling. Even after the resurgence of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Xiao He and Huo Guang were worshiped with the Zhonglao ceremony.

Why Huo Guang's reputation was ruined is actually because Huo Guang took too much blame that did not belong to him.

Dong Zhuo deposed the emperor and imitated Huo Guang's actions; Sima Shi deposed Cao Fang and imitated Huo Guang's actions. All the powerful officials in later generations who were good at establishing emperors claimed to have learned from Yi Yin and Huo Guang. Therefore, it has been used by powerful officials who have usurped the throne all year round, and Huo Guang's reputation will become bad if it does not.

Fortunately, at the end of the Han Dynasty, Huo Guang's reputation was still good. Liu Bei's edict before his death compared Huo Jun and Zhuge Liang to Yi Yin and Huo Guang. Many people praised Huo Jun, and some compared him to Yi and Huo.

However, in order to avoid Huo Guang's old troubles, Huo Jun often warned the disciples with words to give in to the trainer and his concubines to avoid criticism.

After chatting for a while, Gu Yong wanted to say something to Huo Jun, but he didn't know how to say it, and there was a lot of hesitation in his expression.

Huo Jun saw that Gu Yong had something to say, and took the initiative to ask: "If Gu Jun has something to say, it doesn't hurt to say it!"


Gu Yong hesitated a little and asked, "I wonder if you know Sun Shu'ao?"

"Have heard a little bit!"

Huo Jun sat upright and said, "If you have any advice, I will listen attentively!"

Seeing Huo Jun's sincere attitude, Gu Yong did not hesitate and said: "Although I have no deep friendship with His Highness, I see that His Highness is concerned about national affairs and is determined to restore the Central Plains. He cannot bear to see His Highness make mistakes, so Yong boldly spoke out. If Your Highness is displeased, I'm sorry. Yong Yishi is talking nonsense!”

"Please enlighten me!"

Gu Yong said: "In the past, Sun Shu'ao was the Prime Minister of Chu, and he always took pictures of the court and the people of Chu. The old man was dressed in coarse clothes and had a white crown. He was later hanged. Sun Shu'ao came to see him in full glory and asked about important matters. The old man of Chu then said Only when you are humble in your high position, respectful in your official position, and told in three words that your salary is high but your wealth is low, and Gongsun Ao listens and accepts it, can you win the respect of the world. "

After saying that, Gu Yong bowed his hands to Huo Jun again and said: "In the past, Xiao He and Wu Han both made great achievements. Xiao He seemed speechless every time he saw Gao Di; Wu Han followed Guangwu and believed in diligence. The two of them were good at advancing and retreating, so be preserved.”

"Your Highness is now the most accomplished and powerful in the world. He has reached the height of his rank and is ranked only below the emperor. Your Majesty treats His Highness with courtesy, and all ministers are in awe of Your Highness because of his name. Please forgive Yong for being bold, and Your Highness will use troops. If you keep moving forward, you will be defeated; but when you are in charge of the government and the public, Your Highness should think about retreating."

"Thinking about retreating?"

Huo Jun frowned and thought deeply, and said, "Please Gu Jun, please give me some advice!"

Gu Yong lowered his voice and said, "Your Highness should find an appropriate time to hand over the government to someone with respectful and modest character, or return the government to Your Majesty. What Zi Meng (Huo Guang) did can be learned, but it can also not be learned."

Huo Jun seemed to understand something and couldn't help but look thoughtful.

If he does not want to retire, no one can force him to return to power due to his outstanding military exploits. Huo Guang once proposed returning the throne to Emperor Xuan. Regardless of whether Huo Guang was sincere or not, one could feel that he was already worried about his own affairs.

Gu Yong's words of advice today are nothing more than asking Huo Jun to find an opportunity to retreat bravely, and not to be too obsessed with the power in his hands.

Seeing that Huo Jun was silent, Gu Yong said nothing more, but raised his hands and said, "It's too late today. If I offend you with my words, I hope your highness will forgive Yong's nonsense."

"Don't dare!"

Huo Jun maintained a humble attitude, raised his hands and said, "Jun has a deep understanding of your words of advice. I will work hard in Taiwan now."


When Gu Yong left the house, Huo Jun sat cross-legged on the couch, thinking about what he had just said.

At the same time, Master Bu came out of the side hall with a cup of tea. Seeing Huo Jun in a daze, he asked, "What are you thinking about, husband?"

Huo Jun looked at the plump Bu Lianshi and said casually: "I'm thinking of Guo Ziyi!"

(End of this chapter)

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