Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 634 Magnificent Ambition

Chapter 634 Magnificent Ambition
In the spring of the second year of Jianxing.

The cold is gradually disappearing and the sun is shining brightly, so it’s time to go out.

Hundreds of horses were scattered around the hunting ground. The yellow dogs ran into the forest and drove the wild deer, deer, pheasants, rabbits and other prey into the middle.

In the center, more than ten attendants surrounded Liu Chan, chasing his prey. But he saw Liu Chan galloping on his horse, bending his bow and shooting an arrow, and then with a "whoosh" sound, the sharp arrow whizzed out and hit a fleeing mountain deer.

The mountain deer seemed to have been hit hard. After running for more than ten steps, it was surrounded and intercepted by the domestic dogs. It eventually died of excessive bleeding.

A horse galloped out, drove away the yellow dogs, observed the deer on the mountain, and shouted loudly: "Your Majesty's amazing shot, hit a deer!"

"Your Majesty has been struck by a deer!"

Liu Chance immediately stepped forward, looked down at the dying mountain deer on the ground, and said with a smile: "It seems that today, I and you all will have a good time!"

"Your Majesty, there is a deer in front of you, do you want to continue hunting?" Congqi turned back and reported.


Liu Chan looked at the dazzling sun in the sky and said with a smile: "Although there are many things in the hunting ground, you have to take them in moderation. I got a lot today, so everyone doesn't have to hunt anymore!"


Liu Chan pointed his whip at the mountain deer on the ground and said, "I am not as happy as everyone else. I will give this deer to Da Sima to reward my father for his hard work."


The attendant dragged the body of the mountain deer onto the unmanned horse, and then led the unmanned horse away.

"His Majesty!"

After a while, I heard that Liu Chan stopped hunting, and Huo Yi, Guan Xing, and Zhuge Ke rode over to join them and compare their victories.

"Mr. Bo, how are you today?"

"I am not as good as your Majesty. I only have three deer and five rabbits." Huo Yi replied.

"Where are An Guo and Yuan Xun?"

Guan Xing looked very happy and said, "Xing was able to hunt two deer, five deer, rabbits, and chickens. The harvest was very rich."

Zhuge Ke glanced at Guan Xing and said with a smile, "I'm just lucky that there are more headhunting deer deer than An Guo!"

"Ever since Yuan Xun and I hunted together, Yuan Xun always came first!" Liu Chan said.

"It's time to eat now, let's go back to camp and roast our prey."


Looking at Zhuge Ke's fat back, Guan Xing curled his lips, looking a little dissatisfied.

Although he rarely practiced writing, he was quite proficient in riding, archery, and horse riding due to Guan Yu. Therefore, when he went hunting with Liu Chan and others, he often ranked first in his performance. However, since Zhuge Ke entered the court, Zhuge Ke used some intrigues to replace him, which made Guan Xingduo a little unhappy.

Liu Chan rode his horse ahead, while Guan Xing and Huo Yi advanced side by side.

Guan Xing pulled the reins and asked: "Zhuge Yuanxun is good at writing but not good at martial arts. Does Mr. Bo know why Zhuge Yuanxun can always win the first place in hunting?"

Huo Yi blinked, looked at Zhuge Ke in front of him, and asked curiously: "Why?"

Guan Xing showed disdain and said: "In order to get prey, Zhuge Yuanxun often chases the young animals with dogs and cavalry first, and then the mother animals protect the young animals, which are easy to be obtained by the dogs and cavalry. He licks the calves to trap and kill them. Because of the deer deer thing, I can always get more than you and me!”

In Guan Xing's eyes, Zhuge Ke's methods were too despicable. Shouldn't those who hunt on horseback use their bow riding skills to hunt their prey?

Today, Zhuge Ke is not good at bow riding, but in order to gain Liu Chan's appreciation, he found another way and took advantage of his love for his son to attack the cubs, and then trapped and killed the cubs' parents to ensure his top position.

Hearing this, Huo Yi gently clamped his horse's belly, remained silent for a while, and said: "Yuanxun is impatient and loves fame. Now that we know his nature, we can know what he does. My brother once discussed Yuanxun with me, and he said that Yuanxun was impatient. However, if you ask him to supervise food, you can't do it; if you ask him to lead an expedition, you can't do it; but if you ask him to participate in military affairs, you can!"

Huo Fan and Zhuge Ke worked together to capture barbarians in Danyang. After two or three years of getting along, Huo Fan had mixed reviews of Zhuge Ke. Huo Fan believed that Zhuge Ke was too successful and famous, so for certain benefits, he often relied on his extraordinary intelligence to take shortcuts.

There is no problem with taking shortcuts, but the problem is that Zhuge Ke relies on his own intelligence and uses magic to make up for the shortcomings of Tao. Once Zhuge Ke tastes the sweetness, he becomes addicted to taking tricks, despises the fundamentals, and fails very easily.

Therefore, when Huo Fan discussed Zhuge Ke with his younger brother Huo Yi, Huo Fan believed that Zhuge Ke would be more suitable to participate in the military affairs in the future rather than command the army.

As for Huo Jun's views, they are not much different from Huo Fan. Zhuge Ke was very smart, and there were very few people in the second generation who were smarter than Zhuge Ke. But Zhuge Ke, who was too smart, would rely on his own talents and take shortcuts.

Especially in the military, those who use tricks and shortcuts may win once or twice because of their cleverness, but if you meet those who use troops prudently, you will eventually lose. All outstanding commanders attach equal importance to Taoism and martial arts, so how can they be biased towards one end of the spectrum?

Listening to Huo Yi's comments, Guan Xing sighed slightly and said: "Brother Shizai's words can enlighten people. From now on, you and I should advise your majesty more to prevent your majesty from trusting Yuan Xun."

As he spoke, the hunting camp appeared in front of everyone. The monarch and his subjects dismounted from their horses, and under the service of their attendants, went to rest in the gauze tent.

In the gauze tent, Zhuge Ke specially selected a good-looking deer and asked his attendants to barbecue.

Guan Xing sat on the banquet and said sarcastically: "Although the deer is an animal, it must have spiritual energy. If you use your love for your son to lure and kill it with a bow, you may not be benevolent!"

Zhuge Ke raised his head and glanced at Guan Xing, and said calmly: "If you don't kill the mother now, you should kill the son. Although I kill the eldest, but keep the young, why can't I be benevolent. I wonder what the similarities and differences are between what Guan Jun and I did?" "

"How can a hunter win by relying solely on bows and cavalry to do something contrary to benevolence and boast about it?" Guan Xing asked rhetorically.

Seeing that everyone on the left and right looked over, Zhuge Ke said with a smile: "The ancients used hunting to train their troops, so it can be regarded as a military activity. Now when we use troops to march, how can we care about friendship and loyalty like Duke Xianggong of Song Dynasty, who was defeated and destroyed himself after being provoked." Xing's face was a little dark. He was suspecting that Zhuge Ke was teasing him by using his father Guan Yu's defeat by Xu Huang, but he had no actual evidence.

As he spoke, Zhuge Ke lightly nodded at Guan Xing and said: "There is no way in the world that can accomplish anything. Don't you see that Jian'an is floating in the mountains and is called an island? There is also another way to get to the palace. Wangguan You should learn from others and don’t make the same mistakes again.”

Jian'an is now Fujian. Because Fujian is surrounded by high mountains, ancient people often needed to take boats to reach Jian'an County, so it was also called the sea route. Zhuge Ke used the road in Jian'an County as a metaphor, which means that all roads lead to Rome.

However, coupled with the words of the predecessors mentioned later, the meaning of yin and yang becomes more and more serious.

Guan Xing had a straightforward temperament and immediately retorted: "What you said is very evil. Based on your principles, horses eat fine grains and horse excrement flows down from the ground. Why do you need food? Why don't you eat horse excrement?"

Zhuge Ke was a little angry, but in order to maintain his appearance, he smiled and said: "You can eat chicken eggs!"

"Chicken eggs?"

Liu Chan, who was watching the excitement, was stunned and asked: "Anguo ordered you to eat horse excrement, but you asked Anguo to eat chicken eggs. Why is this?"

Zhuge Ke rolled down his sleeves, bowed his hands to Liu Chan, and said, "Your Majesty, the source is the same!"

"The source is the same?"

Liu Chan understood something and laughed with everyone around him.

Eggs and chicken feces come from the same place. Zhuge Ke elegantly refuted Guan Xing with words, and implicitly verified the saying that all roads lead to Rome.

Not only that, Zhuge Ke also used cold jokes to relieve the solemn atmosphere in the tent, making Liu Chan have to look at Zhuge Ke.

"That's it!"

Liu Chan stopped the two from continuing to argue and said with a smile: "Chicken eggs are very delicious. When I return to the palace today, I will ask the waiter to boil the eggs and share them with you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" everyone replied with cupped hands.

Then, in order to lighten the atmosphere, Liu Chan changed the subject and asked: "I heard that the Grand Sima and the Prime Minister are busy with military affairs, but I don't know why?"

"Your Majesty, I wanted to contact Ke Bineng in the past, but there was no way. Fortunately, after searching in many ways, we found that because there are merchants in Longyou doing business with Xianbei, our country has a road to the Hetao. Therefore, the Grand Sima and the Prime Minister are now selecting envoys. Discuss the trivial matters of alliance with Ke Bineng," Huo Yi said.


Liu Chan nodded slightly and said, "If we can contact Ke Bineng, then the north and south will raise troops at the same time, and the overthrow of the Wei Dynasty will be just around the corner!"

As he spoke, Liu Chan said with a helpless tone: "Since Emperor Xiao'an, most of the territory of the Han Dynasty has been invaded by the Hu people. It was Beidi at first, then Hetao, and then Shangjun. By the end of Emperor Ling, the territory of Guanxi The soil is mostly occupied by Qiang and Hu."

"Today's plan is to destroy the Wei Dynasty, and I have to make an alliance with the Hu people. I hope that the Northern Expedition will be successful and the world will be unified, and then drive the Xianbei outside the Great Wall, save the border people from fire and water, and live up to the legacy of the Han family!"

"Your Majesty has great ambitions. When the time comes to restore the old capital and unify the world, the merits will be as good as those of the two ancestors. When the barbarians are driven away, it will be the right time." Zhuge Ke said.

"I and all the ministers should encourage him!" Liu Chan said.


Just because Liu Chan is lying down and doing nothing does not mean that Liu Chan does not have great ambitions. As a young emperor, he had been studying the biographies of emperors of the two Han Dynasties all year round, and he had hopes of revitalizing the Southern Han Dynasty.

In his mind, the first stage of the goal was to conquer Henan and recover the old capital; the second stage was to completely sweep the world and bring the prefectures and counties under Han rule; the third stage was to see whether he could attack Xianbei north and regain Hetao, North Korea took back all the Han family's homeland under its rule.


Liu Chan thought of something and asked, "How is the situation in Bashu since Lu Qiaoqi returned to the west?"

"Your Majesty, since Lu Huiqi returned to Chongqing, he has sent people deep into Yinping to either pacify the Qiang tribe or to conquer the hostile barbarians." Guan Xing replied.

"Has Lu Qiaoqi contacted Ma Chao?" Liu Chan asked.


Guan Xing pondered for a while and said, "Lu Qiaoqi seems to have asked Governor Huang to make friends with Ma Chao."

"Has Huang Hanzhong made friends with Ma Chao?"

"Lu Qiaoqi conquered the evil barbarians of Yinping?"

Liu Chan frowned slightly, very confused about what Lu Xun and Huang Quan were doing.

According to the content of the previous discussions, within this year and next, Lu Xun will be the first to deal with Ma Chao and ensure that the Wei army in Kansai will not affect the battlefield in Kanto, and only then will Huo Jun make the Northern Expedition. But looking at Lu Xun's operations now, it seems that he has no intention of attacking Ma Chao.

"If your Majesty has any doubts, it is better to send someone to Chongqing to ask!" Guan Xing suggested.

"No need!"

Liu Chan waved his hand and said: "Da Sima is not in a hurry. I don't need to be in a hurry. Let's wait and see what the Hussars General does."

As he said that, when he saw the barbecue being brought up, Liu Chan smiled and said, "Let's not talk about business, let's have a meal first!"


(End of this chapter)

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