Chapter 66
Small boats shuttle among the reeds.

A boatman secretly came to Huo Jun's boat and said, "I'm going to join the army. Huo Xiaowei, Gaobie's Yanchai Sangxi, and Nanmen's men have been transferred away. The city gate is empty. Can we attack now and seize it?" Door?"

Through the reeds, Huo Jun saw that the two sides had begun to shoot at each other. Arrows pierced the sky and flew toward their respective enemies. One side used the wooden wall as a cover, and the other side used the female wall as a shield. You came and I went, and the battle was quite tense. fierce.

Huo Jun sat on the deck and said: "Don't worry, both sides are shooting, it's hard to tell the winner. Let's see how the two armies are doing, and see if the Huang Pianjun can sustain it. Everything must obey the military orders!"


When the battle reached noon, the sun in the sky became more and more dazzling, and the exchange of fire between Jiangxia Army and Chaisang's defenders did not slow down at all.

Xu Sheng also took the bow and arrow, nocked the bow and pinched the arrow, and aimed at the elite archers behind the wooden wall through the female wall.


The arrow was like a meteor, hitting the archer's eye socket. The eyeball burst open and blood spattered out.The archer fell to the ground with his head in his hands, wailing, and was tortured to death.


Arrows flew across the sky. Whether it was the soldiers of Chaisang on the tower or the soldiers of Jiangxia below the tower, many people who were hit by arrows either fell to the ground and cried out for help, or fell in a pool of blood.

Shanke, the defender of Chaisang, could nest on the parapet to protect himself even if he fell to the ground.The Jiangxia crossbowmen below the city were a little miserable. After falling to the ground, they basically became targets for arrows.

After a long period of shooting, the two sides no longer had salvos, and instead fell into a situation of competing for individual shooting skills.In this battlefield environment, the Chaisang defenders' own advantages were magnified. Although their numbers were not as good as the Jiangxia army below the tower, their personal shooting skills were excellent. At the same time, they relied on their condescending advantage to overwhelm the Jiangxia army. Shooting, many people died.

Xu Sheng hid on the city tower and peeked at the situation below the city. He saw that the Jiangxia crossbowmen who had dared to shoot with him earlier were now huddled behind wooden walls or mounds and did not dare to show their heads.

In an instant, Xu Sheng's plan came to his mind and shouted: "Where are Qin and Song?"

Qin Song shrank his head, bowed down from the tower, and said, "Mingting, do you have any important orders?"

Xu Sheng raised his head, pointed to the bottom of the city, and shouted: "Look, the enemy has lost their courage now and no longer has the courage to shoot at them. Now to attack, you can take advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness and go out of the city to cover up and kill the enemy soldiers. I don't know Qin Bai." Do you dare to lead two hundred warriors out of the city to defeat the enemy?"

Qin Song carefully observed Jiangxia's military formation and said with a smile: "Why don't you dare!"

It wasn't that Xu Sheng was too timid to fight, but because of Huang She's reputation.He was worried that Huang She would make a false plan to defeat him. If he got trapped out of the city, Chai Sang might be gone.

As for letting Qin and Song go to war, Xu Sheng also considered his courage and ability to fight.He joined Sun Ce at the same time as Xu Sheng. Although he was not as brave as Xu Sheng, he was still a warrior.

Xu Sheng patted Qin Song on the shoulder and said: "I will hold the battle for you on the tower. If something unexpected happens, just retreat to the city. Remember, wear more layers of armor."


After the instructions, Qin and Song went down the city wall and selected warriors who dared to fight.


At this time, Huo Jun, who was watching the battle on the boat, seemed to notice something. There were fewer arrows on the city tower and the timid Jiangxia soldiers below the city.

"Come here!" Huo Jun called to the scouts and said, "Tell Gao Beibu and Li Wei to prepare to approach the water gate in the west. When the drum sounds, the ladder will fly and grab the gate."


After a while, heavy drums sounded from Chaisang's tower.


Below the city tower, Jiangdong Lishi gritted his teeth and used all his strength to remove the wooden bolts on the city gate. The city gate that Jiang Xiajun had dreamed of opened little by little to both sides.

There was a buzz of people under the city gate, and the military flag stood high among the crowd, with a big word 'Qin' embroidered on it.The two hundred warriors were strong and strong, with fierce eyes.Qin and Song stood in front of everyone wearing heavy armor and holding swords and shields.

"Kill the thief!"

As the shouts broke out, the two hundred warriors ran down the mountain like tigers towards the Jiangxia crossbowmen outside the city.

Its footsteps were like thunder, and its sound shook the sky. It was less than a hundred steps away, and it could be as fast as ten seconds or as slow as two or thirty seconds. In a few breaths, before Jiangxia's crossbowmen had time to react, they struck with an overwhelming force. He rushed into the formation of crossbowmen.


"God help me too!"

When Huo Jun on the boat saw Qin and Song leaving Chaisang City, he laughed a few times. At the same time, he pressed his hand on the hilt of his sword and said in a deep voice: "Instruct all the troops to beat the drums and go out to fight."

"No!" After a pause, Huo Jun pulled the scout over and said, "Tell General Huang that our army wanted to hold down the battle for the general, but unexpectedly got lost and walked to the south gate. Now the army has launched a strong attack at the south gate. , request the general to put pressure on the north gate and work together to capture Chaisang for Huang Jiangxia."


The scout drove a small boat alone to find Huang She's army, while Huo Jun led his guards to the west gate by boat.

At the same time, along with the sound of military drums, dozens of fast boats stood out like galloping horses among the yellow reeds moving in the wind.

On the slender boat, several rowers on both sides blushed, veins appeared in their arms, and they used the oars quickly.In an instant, the boat cut through the water and rushed eastward like a sharp arrow, towards the water gate in the west.

On the city tower, the alert Chaisang soldiers changed their faces and shouted: "Enemy attack!"

"Watergate enemy attack!"

As soon as he finished speaking, dozens of fast boats approached and arrived at the water gate of Xicheng.

"Flying hook!"

The warriors standing on dozens of small boats waved the flying hooks in their hands and threw them hard, and the iron flying hooks got stuck on the city wall.

The flying hooker hooks onto the city wall and climbs up; the warrior climbs the rock first and breaks the city.

There were 800 people in the city. When they met the enemy at the north gate, Xu Sheng deployed 500 people to guard the city, and the remaining three gates each had a hundred people. Later, they fired at Jiangxia's army and removed 50 people. Today, there are only 50 people at the city gate.With so few soldiers, defense is really difficult.

"One chops the flying hook, the other shoots it!"

In a hurry, the commander made a choice to prevent the enemy from climbing the wall as much as possible.

However, how could the soldiers who had planned for a long time be unprepared?The officer on the fast boat was holding a knife and shouted early: "shoot arrows, cover!"


The sailors who rowed the boats picked up the crossbows that had been loaded in advance on the boats and aimed them at the sparse Chaisang soldiers on the city wall.


Soldier Chaisang, who was about to chop the flying hook with his sword, was hit by an arrow in the chest. He screamed, leaned forward, and fell into the water with a splash.

"Follow me, gentlemen!"

With the cover of the crossbowman's protruding face, Gao Xiang held a knife in his mouth, held a shield, and climbed up with a flying hook. Using the friction of the city wall with his feet, he climbed up step by step. A distance of four or five meters. It's too close.After a while, Gao Xiang arrived at the foot of the tower.

When the crossbows on the boat stopped firing, Gao Xiang flew over the female wall and jumped onto the Chaisang city wall.Before he could stand still, he was struck with a knife.


Gao Xiang blocked the blow with the wooden shield on his left arm, and then took out the sword in his mouth with his right hand to fight back.After being dodged by his opponent, he committed seppuku.Gao Xiang stepped forward, blocking the knife with his left arm again, exerting force with his right hand, following the direction of the enemy's blade, and swung the knife back.


The sharp ring-headed knife struck the enemy's arm. Taking advantage of the enemy's pain, Gao Xiang retracted the knife and stabbed the enemy soldier's abdomen with the blade, killing him.


With Gao Xiang climbing the wall first, the following soldiers followed the flying hook and climbed up the city wall one after another.Of course, there are also some unlucky ones who get arrows and fall into the water while climbing.Fortunately, there was water below and they were rescued by their colleagues on the boat.

First there were five people, then ten people, then 30 people.As time went by, the sergeants had penetrated into the city wall. They fought in coordination and fought with the Chaisang defenders.

Gao Xiang took the lead, fought side by side with his fellow tribesmen, broke into the enemy army, killed several people with his bravery, and scared several Chaisang soldiers to break away.As two to three hundred soldiers climbed onto the city wall, the entire west gate city wall was controlled by Gao Xiang.


The water gate of Chaisang was opened. Li Wei directed dozens of small boats to follow the waterway under the city gate and anchored at the dock in the city. The three to four hundred soldiers on board had also entered Chaisang City.

Gao Xiang shouted to Li Wei on the dock from the tower: "You lead a hundred people to the south gate to help Captain Huo. I will stay at the west gate to fight with Xu Sheng's men!"


 Today is a waste. I was addicted to playing Total War this morning.

(End of this chapter)

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