Chapter 67
When the enemy attack sounded, Xu Sheng responded.

"Luo Shen! Luo Shen!" he shouted anxiously.

Bai Chang, who was watching the battle on the tower, jumped out and shouted: "Here it is!"

"The enemy is attacking from the west gate. You lead your troops to fight towards the west gate and stop the enemy's attack. Then you patrol and guard, ready to be dispatched at any time."

"As ordered!"

"Boys, come with me!"

The big Han named Luo Shen was also the chief of Xu Sheng's tent. He had a face as black as coal, broad shoulders and long arms. His military prowess was second only to that of the Qin and Song dynasties.As soon as Xu Sheng's military order was issued, he immediately summoned his soldiers and headed for the west gate where he was attacked.

"Ming Ting, the south gate is under attack!" the attendant shouted hoarsely: "Captain Wang from the east gate has gone to the rescue!"

Hearing this, Xu Sheng looked at the Qin and Song Dynasties outside the north gate as if they were in no one's land. He slapped the city wall angrily and cursed: "Huang She, you are so despicable! Regardless of the lives of your men, you lured me to guard the north gate until I mobilize my troops. When the horse is ready, raise troops to attack."

Xu Sheng was really furious. He really didn't expect Huang She to be so scheming and spend so many lives playing a show with him for a whole day.When Qin and Song led their elites to fight out and killed the crossbowmen until they lost their helmets and armor, they really thought that Huang She was about to be defeated, but suddenly they told themselves that they had been deceived.

Angry and angry, but the battle still had to be fought, Xu Sheng drew out his Han sword and shouted: "Devide another hundred people to guard the south gate, so that the enemy cannot rush into the city."

"Send an order to the Qin and Song Dynasties to withdraw their troops and return to the city quickly. Don't be greedy for military exploits."


A long time after Xu Sheng issued the order, soldiers with bloodstains on their uniforms stumbled over and shouted: "Mingting, the west city has been captured, the water gate is wide open, and the enemy invaders have poured into the city!"


Xu Sheng's eyes widened and he grabbed the soldier's arm and asked, "Didn't Luo Shen go to Xicheng?"

The soldier shook his head and said: "Luo Baichang left late. The soldiers were too elite. The boat suddenly appeared from hiding in the reeds. The boat was as fast as a horse. It climbed up the wall with a flying hook. I'll wait a few seconds. Ten people were caught off guard and they captured the city wall."

Xu Sheng's expression changed drastically. When he learned that the water gate of Xicheng was attacked by enemies, he sent 100 people to ask for help, while he stayed at the north gate to beware of Huang She's army.I thought that it would be enough for Luo Shen to break through the water gate, but I didn't expect that the enemy came so quickly and his combat power was so strong.

Xu Sheng ignored Huang She's army in front and walked away with his gun, shouting: "Leave one group to cover Qin Baichang's entry into the city, and the rest will follow me to rescue Xicheng."


Halfway through the walk, the soldiers shouted in horror: "Luo Baichang is dead!"

I have to say that Gao Xiang is indeed powerful. He can climb from a local powerful to a Shu Han general. His force value is really good.He quickly took control of Xicheng, cleared the water gate, and gathered his sergeants to form a military formation. Luo Shen, who led the elite to try to break the formation, died under the spear.

Xu Sheng took a deep breath. The war's sudden devastation was beyond his control. The only way he could save the situation was to retake the West City and clear out the enemy soldiers at the city gate.

"Kill!" Xu Sheng clenched his spear and shouted.

After saying that, Xu Sheng stepped forward and led his soldiers to fight to the death with Gao Xiang's troops who occupied the west city.

The next moment, the two sides clashed hand-to-hand.

Facing the military formation formed by Gao Xiang occupying the city tower, Xu Sheng quickly made arrangements and ordered his powerful men to hold long spears and attack the opponent's lower three routes without shields.Among them were soldiers with nimble hands and feet. They held spears and pierced the feet that had no time to recover. They pierced the cloth shoes and the bright red blood overflowed.

Because the soldier's foot was injured, he screamed in agony and pressed down to raise his shield. Unexpectedly, Xu Sheng seized the opportunity and pointed the spearhead directly at his unprotected chest, penetrating hard and tearing his internal organs, bones and flesh. , almost across the entire chest.

On the battlefield, spears are king. Unless you are extremely skilled in martial arts and can dodge the spears, you will be punctured by the spears and you will either die or be disabled.

Under Xu Sheng's command, one man died and the military formation formed by several people was broken.

A thin warrior took the opportunity to rush forward with a sword and shield in his hand, rushing in, trying to break through and disintegrate the army formation with the ring-shou knife in his hand.

However, he was too reckless, and a spear stabbed out of the gap between the people and hit his chest. Soldier Chaisang was in unbearable pain. He roared and raised his hand to try to do something, but his strength was instantly lost. Disappear, fall on his back.

Within a few breaths, two people from both sides died in battle; ten times later, both sides were completely strangled together.Compared to the desperate fight on the west gate tower, the situation at the south gate was progressing smoothly.

Huo Jun, who entered the city from Shuizhai, understood the situation in the city and decisively approached Li Wei, who was about to go to the south gate.Leading the troops all the way to the gate of Nancheng without any hindrance.

Compared with the smoothness of the west gate, the south gate is really not smooth.Gao Xiang was able to use a small boat to rush to the foot of the west gate city, but Huo Du's men were discovered when they came out with a ladder to go down the mountain, and the east gate quickly came to help.

Huo Du saw that there were many people with bows and crossbows on the other side. Considering the casualties of his own soldiers, he was forced to move forward cautiously, eventually forming a deadlock.

When Huo Jun led Li Wei's hundred men to kill Chaisang's soldiers from the city, they were helping Huo Du to relieve the siege.Huo Du, who was under the city, saw that his side was coming for support, and quickly responded to the crowd and climbed up.A simple ladder was set up on the tower, a light flying hook was stuck on the wall, and dozens of warriors took advantage of the situation.

Huo Jun held a spear, strode forward, stabbed Chaisang's soldier in the arm, and then stabbed the enemy soldier to death with a spear, and met Huo Yuan who was climbing up the stairs.

Seeing that it was Huo Jun, Huo Yuan took three steps in front of Huo Jun and said anxiously: "Join the army to dispatch the army, how can you go to the battlefield in person. I, Huo Wenying, came here earlier, please join the army and retreat."

With that said, Huo Yuan pulled his subordinates over and said, "Protect yourself and join the army."


Looking at Huo Yuan who was charging forward, Huo Jun shook his head.The higher his official position is, the more his clansmen won't let him go to the battlefield in person. It is obvious that he is a general who can defeat hundreds of thousands of people, and his force cannot be said to be tyrannical, but he can also be praised.

When the Huo's tribe below the city tower came up to kill them, the situation that was originally in the middle of a fierce battle suddenly changed. A large number of Huo's tribe attacked Chaisang's defenders.

On the noisy battlefield, swords and guns were interlaced, arrows were flying, and the sound of fighting was loud. As the battle progressed, more and more soldiers fell to the ground.

However, according to Huo Jun's observation, Chaisang's soldiers had the most corpses. After all, if more were used to defeat fewer, one's own soldiers could not die more.After all, he was not Huang She. He was beaten by Xu Sheng with an army of four thousand, and his crossfire was exploded by Xu Sheng.


A stray arrow flew past Huo Jun, and a big hand pulled Huo Jun, using a shield to protect him, blocking him in front with his broad body.


Huo Jun took a closer look and saw that it was Huo Du who was covering himself with a shield to protect himself from being hurt by the stray arrows.

Huo Du put down his shield, hugged Huo Jun's arm, and said, "Zhong Miao, swords and guns are blind on the battlefield. As a general, you must not act lightly."

"Well!" Huo Jun's heart felt warm and he said, "Brother, be careful too!"

In this troubled world, there are very few people he can rely on. Only his brother can be trusted, and brothers can trust each other with their lives.

Huo Du held his shield, changed his tone, and asked in a deep voice: "Join the army, where will my unit go to fight now?"

Huo Jun looked around and saw that the fighting on the tower gradually subsided. Sixty or seventy Chaisang soldiers died, and the remaining more than a hundred soldiers surrendered directly.

"Please ask the captain to rush to the west city for reinforcements. Xu Sheng is still fighting with the Gaobei tribe today." Huo Jun ordered: "Li Wei is left to recruit the prisoners. Gao Chen, you lead your headquarters and follow me to the north gate to meet General Huang."


The three of them bowed their hands and went to do their own work.

Huo Du led hundreds of Huo's tribe towards the west gate, preparing to attack Xu Sheng's troops from both front and rear, while Li Wei commanded the soldiers and asked them to collect the weapons of the surrendered soldiers.

Huo Jun looked straight at the north gate. He couldn't see clearly the battlefield situation through the tower, but he saw that Huang She's headquarters had not yet entered the city.He also frowned slightly. Huang Shooter had 4000 people under his command. He couldn't even handle those 200 people!
"Let's go!" Huo Jun walked with his sword and shouted: "Yaohui, come with me!"


At the north gate of Chaisang, Huang She was overjoyed when he received the news order from Huo Jun.His crossbowmen were being suppressed and beaten by Qin Song who suddenly rushed out of the city with 200 people. The troops sent out to rescue were also involved in a fierce battle. If Huo Jun hadn't been 'lost', he didn't know what he would have done.

(End of this chapter)

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