Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 670: There is no general among the bandits, Zhuge leads the troops to fight!

Chapter 670: There is no general among the bandits, Zhuge leads the troops to fight!
Zhuge Liang led the army to retreat southward along the Yu River, and divided the troops and set up camp at Laokou.

Sima Yi led his troops to find a way down and first joined the soldiers in Yuyang City. Considering the problem of small number of troops, they stopped and waited for Zhang He's troops.

The next day, Zhang He hurried to Yuyang and joined Sima Yi's troops. After the meeting, the two armies set up camp 20 miles north of the Han army's camp.

When the Wei army set up camp, Sima Yi and Zhang He led the Wei cavalry to Laokou to gather information and observe the layout of the Han army's camp.

During the day, the sun is shining brightly and the Yu River flows slowly.

Not far from Laokou, hundreds of cavalrymen and an old general approached the Han army camp.

The old general was nearly 60 years old, with white hair on his temples and wrinkles all over his face. This man was none other than Zhang He, one of the five best generals of Wei, whom Cao Rui had placed his hopes on.

Zhang He stopped his horse and looked out, gazing at the Han army camp in the distance with his bright eyes, constantly scanning the distribution of the camps.

During this trip south, he is deeply entrusted with the important task of the country!

Cao Rui gave him the elite mobile troops in the country, hoping that Zhang He would perform outstanding battles, defeat the fledgling Zhuge Liang, and then lead the victorious troops to the east to fight against Huo Jun.

With the experience of the last battle, Zhang He had some understanding of Zhuge Liang's use of troops, and gradually formed a judgment in his mind. Zhuge Liang's use of troops was not a brilliant strategy, but more of a strategy of building a strong camp and fighting a stupid battle.

If you build a strong camp and fight a stupid battle, there may be no good way to deal with ordinary generals, and you can only fight against them. But if you meet a famous general, or one with stronger logistic resources and military strength than you, you will be suppressed and beaten.

Of course, the best way to deal with a general who builds a stronghold and fights a static battle is to wage mobile warfare and lure the enemy out of the stronghold rather than engage in a head-on fight with them.

Therefore, compared to facing an enemy like Huo Jun who was as still as a mountain but as powerful as thunder when he moved, Zhang He still preferred to face an opponent who built a strong camp and fought a stupid battle, after all, you always have to pick the weak ones.

Zhang He led his cavalry around the camp and saw that the Han army led by Zhuge Liang had set up camps north and south of Laokou, and a floating bridge was laid on the river to connect the north and the south.

The North Camp was set up on a hillside, in a Chinese character “品” shape, several miles away from the Laokou. The South Camp was also stationed on a hillside, but closer to the Laoshui River. The floating bridge between the two camps was guarded by soldiers to ensure that it was unobstructed.

Because the Han army had just arrived at Laokou, the camp defenses were not yet complete. Apart from roadblocks such as deer horns and caltrops, the gullies in front of the camp were not very deep. However, if they were to force their way up the mountain to attack, they would still suffer a lot of casualties.

Zhang He secretly commented in his heart that the camp was set up cautiously, and he still had the style of Zhuge Liang!

But that’s all!

After a careful look, Zhang He gained some insights. He pointed his whip at the Han camp and said sneerily, "Zhuge is a country bumpkin who is good at harvesting wheat but not at commanding troops. Military affairs are not like farming. How can they be as simple as he thinks?"

Hearing this, the attendant responded with a smile: "But does the general have a plan to defeat the enemy?"

Zhang He stroked his beard and said with a smile: "This is my first visit to the enemy camp, and I have gained a little. But I dare not say that I have a strategy to defeat the enemy. I need to wait and see the scouts' investigation in the future!"


Zhang He rode back and called out to his men, "Return to camp!"


After Zhang He led his troops back to the camp, he immediately found Sima Yi and discussed with him the strategy to defeat the enemy.

At this time, in the Wei army tent, Sima Yi frowned and thought. Unlike Zhang He's optimism, Sima Yi had many doubts in his heart. He didn't know what Zhuge Liang was up to.

Or maybe Sima Yi still hasn't figured out what Zhuge Liang is up to!

First, compared with Wancheng, Yuyang City was not that important, and Zhuge Liang could just leave troops there to garrison. However, Zhuge Liang led his troops to stroll around Yuyang, and was reluctant to go north to Wancheng, as if Yuyang City was a must-go for the Han army.

Second, spring wheat was very important to the Wei army at that time. Therefore, the Han army had to resort to unusual tactics to cut it. But it was strange why Zhuge Liang, the commander of the army, personally went to the battlefield instead of sending generals like Zhao Yun and Wen Pin.

Third, the camp arranged by Zhuge Liang at Laokou seemed cautious and tight, but it had huge hidden dangers. Once the pontoon bridge was cut off, the armies in the north and south would be isolated and helpless, and could only travel by boat; or if the Han army in the south camp was defeated, the retreat route of Zhuge Liang's army could be cut off.

The above three doubts are currently bothering Sima Yi.

"Father, are you worried about the current military situation?" Sima Shi said as he brought the tonic soup into the tent.

Sima Yi nodded slightly and said, "Given the current situation, it is easy to stop Zhuge Liang's northern expedition, but it may be difficult to defeat Zhuge Liang's army!"

Sima Shiwei sighed and said, "If it is difficult to defeat Zhuge Liang, father, it is better for you to defend it firmly. It is better to have no achievements than to have mistakes!"

Sima Yi scooped up the chicken soup with a spoon and said, "Your Majesty's military orders are above me. As a general, how dare I disobey them!"

Sima Shi was about to say something, but the attendant quickly stepped into the tent and said, "Report to the commander-in-chief, the former general is outside the tent and wants to see you!"

In order to encourage Zhang He to fight in battles, Cao Rui specially appointed Zhang He as the general and asked him to serve the Wei Dynasty well.

Upon hearing that Zhang He had entered the tent, Sima Yi asked Sima Shi to step aside and said, "Please come into the tent, General!"

Sima Shi was able to join the army thanks to a decree issued by Cao Rui, which allowed the sons of wealthy families to join the army with armor and troops, and granted titles according to the rank of their elders. For example, Sima Shi was appointed as the Cavalry Commandant and served as Sima Yi's military officer, and followed his father into battle.

After a while, Zhang He walked in wearing armor and saw Sima Yi drinking tonic soup. He said with a smile: "General Huoqi is not even fifty years old and is at the age of being strong and capable of using military force. Why is he drinking chicken soup?"

Sima Yi put down the soup spoon, stood up to greet him, and flattered him: "General Zhang is in good health, with the courage of Lian Po and the heroism of Ma Yuan. I cannot compare to him!"

Zhang He grinned and said, "You are too modest, Governor. I am only a few years older than you!"

Saying that he is a few years older than him is quite modest!

When the Yellow Turban Rebellion broke out, Sima Yi was less than ten years old, but Zhang He had already made a name for himself and was appointed as a military commander. A military commander was a subordinate of a school lieutenant, with a rank of 1,000 dan. If the school lieutenant was absent, the military commander would lead the troops into battle.

From the Yellow Turban Rebellion to the division of the world between the Han and Wei dynasties, there was no other general with more military experience than Zhang He.

Sima Yi invited Zhang He to sit down and asked, "General, you have been observing the enemy camp for a long time. I wonder if you have gained anything?"

Zhang He was sitting on a chair and said, "Looking at the layout of the enemy camp, I think Zhuge Liang was cautious in his use of troops, but he was still immature. For example, Zhuge Liang divided his troops and set up camps on both sides of the river, with only floating bridges connecting them."

"The enemy has few soldiers and horses guarding the floating bridge, and it is far away from the enemy camp. If our army can break the bridge, we can cut off the traffic between the two sides. The two armies are isolated in the north and south, and our army can find an opportunity to defeat them one by one. If Zhuge Liang leads the infantry to escape at night, our army can chase him with cavalry and make some gains."

Zhang He was a man that was valued by Cao Cao, feared by Liu Bei, and wanted to be killed by Huo Jun, so he must have some ability.

Cao Cao's praise of Zhang He as Han Xin is a bit exaggerated, but it proves that Zhang He has skills similar to Han Xin, that is, he is good at camping and can predict the battle situation and terrain. Zhang He's ability to recognize the terrain is not comparable to ordinary generals. In history, Zhang He led 5,000 elite troops to attack Ma Chao. Because he seized the strategic position on Wei River in time, Ma Chao was unable to fight and had to flee without a fight. Zhang He's relief of the siege of Longyou is even more well-known to later generations. He cut off Ma Su's water source and defeated him.

Now Zhang He looked at the arrangement of Zhuge Liang's camp and saw through the weaknesses of the camp at a glance. The pontoon bridge was the key to both armies and must be defended.

Sima Yi pondered for a moment and said, "Zhuge Liang is not a man without strategy. The camp we set up now is different, so we should not use troops rashly. We should observe the enemy troops carefully to understand their strengths and weaknesses!"

Zhang He was not happy and said, "Zhuge Liang has come from afar. He knows that our army has many soldiers, so he refuses to fight. Our army has already known the flaws in Zhuge Liang's plan. How can we just watch and not fight?"

Sima Yi coughed a few times and said, "Zhuge Liang sent troops to the north to attack the city. He is eager to fight, so the situation is favorable to us and unfavorable to the enemy. I want to station troops here, send out light cavalry, and attack from behind to see whether he is strong or weak."

Sima Yi has his own characteristics in using troops. Before he decides whether to fight or not, he must make sure of the opponent's strengths and weaknesses before he dares to use troops. Now that Zhuge Liang's three doubts have not been resolved, he dare not act rashly.

After all, Sima Yi judged rationally that Zhuge Liang was a prudent man who would not expose his own weaknesses. Even if Zhuge Liang made a mistake, his subordinates Zhao Yun and Wen Pin would certainly advise him. As far as he knew, Zhuge Liang was not the kind of person who acted arbitrarily.

Therefore, although Cao Rui ordered to defeat Zhuge Liang first, Sima Yi still chose to be cautious and rejected Zhang He's request to use military force.

Zhang He frowned and said, "Commander-in-chief, don't you forget the current situation?"

"Huo Jun led a strong army out of Qingxu, aiming at the counties of Qi and Lu. Although Sun Quan and Wang Ling have many troops, their soldiers are scattered and it is difficult for them to stop Huo Jun. If we cannot defeat Zhuge Liang first and then lead troops to the east to provide assistance, Qi and Lu may be in danger!"

As he spoke, Zhang He emphasized, "The reason why the bandits use the scholar Zhuge Liang as their general is because they are running out of talent. The old generals who came from Jianghan were Guan Yu, Liu Bei, and Lu Meng, but now they have all died of illness, so only Zhuge Liang can lead the troops!"

"I hope the commander-in-chief will not forget your majesty's words of advice. Zhuge Liang's use of troops has a flaw. We should be aggressive and break it. How can we miss the opportunity to fight!"

Sima Yi covered his mouth and coughed, saying: "I dare not forget your Majesty's earnest words, but Zhuge Liang's intention is unclear, so we must not act rashly. If the Jingwan army is defeated, the capital will be in danger!"

"As for the land of Qi and Lu, Lu has Pengcheng and Qi has Muling. If they hold their ground, even Han Bai will not be able to take it, let alone Huo Jun."

Based on the conversation in the tent, Sima Shi realized the reason for his father's cough and secretly went out of the tent.

Zhang He didn't care about Sima Shi leaving the tent. His face darkened as he asked, "Then, in your opinion, how should we resolve the current situation?"

Sima Yi looked at the chicken ribs in the soup and had an idea to break the impasse. He said, "I heard from Runan that the rebel general Pang Tong led his troops against the Ru River. Why don't you advance eastward first to defeat Pang Tong. When the situation in Jing and Wan is clear, then lead the troops westward to defeat Zhuge Liang together with I; or take advantage of the opportunity to advance with victory, seize the Si River, and cut off Huo Jun's retreat."

"Attack Pang Tong?"

Zhang He looked uncertain. He did not expect Sima Yi to suggest defeating Pang Tong first.

After thinking for a while, Zhang He shook his head and said, "Pang Tong has few soldiers. If he sees the situation is not good, he will withdraw. If we fail to capture his troops, the troops under He's command will waste a lot of energy. Moreover, your majesty's decree is to attack Zhuge Liang first and then advance eastward. We cannot disobey your majesty's order now."

Before Zhang He finished speaking, Sima Zhao came with a dark medicine and said, "Father, the medicine is ready. Drink it while it's hot!"

Sima Yi glanced at Sima Shi, who had just left the tent and returned, and knew that his eldest son understood his intention. He pretended to be angry and said, "Didn't you see that your father was discussing military affairs with the former general?"

Sima Zhao looked aggrieved and said, "The doctor said that the medicine is useless if it is cold. I am worried about my father's condition, so I had no choice but to enter the account."

Sima Shi took the opportunity to step out and said, "Father, why don't you drink the medicine first, and then discuss military affairs with the former general!"

Zhang He was confused and asked in surprise, "Why didn't you tell your subordinates about the governor's illness?"

Sima Yi pretended to cough a few times and said, "It's just a minor illness. I'm afraid that the generals will panic, so I blocked the news. I hope the former general will keep it secret!"

"The governor is loyal to his country, and I admire him deeply!"

Zhang He sighed and asked, "But I don't know how to deal with the military operation."

Sima Yi looked embarrassed and said, "Let's discuss this later!"

"We may miss the opportunity!"

Zhang He, who was devoted to his country, thought for a long time and said, "Why not tell the general's affairs to Zhao Junshi, and then let Zhao Junshi write a report to Your Majesty!"

"That's all!"

Zhang He saw that Sima Yi was not feeling well, so he cupped his hands and said, "Please rest and recuperate for the next few days, Governor. I am sorry to bother you any further!"


Sima Yi stood up to greet Zhang He and said, "General, I will take care of the military affairs!"

"Don't dare!"

Zhang He left the tent and couldn't help shaking his head, thinking: Sima Yi is a coward, and he is afraid of Zhuge Liang like Huo Hu. If he uses his troops, Zhuge Liang will most likely be defeated!

After Zhang He left, Sima Shi said, "Father claimed to be ill and did not fight, and he also transferred Zhang He away. Could it be that he would rather seek no merit than seek fault?"

Sima Yi paced back and forth with his hands behind his back, saying, "It's not my father's will, it's just that Zhuge Liang's behavior is strange, and Zhang He didn't understand Zhuge Liang's intentions and insisted on using the troops. If the troops fail, I'm afraid the overall situation will be ruined!"

"So, for the sake of safety, your father should first carefully observe Zhuge Liang's strengths and weaknesses, and then use the troops. As for letting Zhang He attack Pang Tong, it is not to transfer Zhang He away, but a good strategy that your father has come up with after careful consideration based on the current situation."

After a pause, Sima Yi looked at his two children and said, "Pang Tong went to Rushui because Huo Jun was worried that his retreat would be cut off. If we can defeat Pang Tong and make him afraid to use his troops, then Man Chong and Zhang He will be able to move eastward and fight Huo Jun together with Wang Ling and Sun Quan."

Sima Yi understood the role of Pang Tong's troops, so he suggested Zhang He to advance eastward.

Of course, the reason why Sima Yi let Zhang He march eastward to Runan was essentially because he was not very confident of defeating Zhuge Liang!
If Sima Yi was sure of defeating Zhuge Liang, he would have already launched a powerful attack, and there would be no time for Zhang He to ask for a fight. And the pressure of defeating the enemy first right now would be best if it could be handed over to someone else!

However, Sima Yi could not have told all of the above to his two sons.
"Father, what about asking Military Advisor Zhao to submit a memorial to His Majesty?" Sima Zhao asked.

"Father Yan's illness will be cured!"

Sima Yi paced and chanted, saying: "As for Your Majesty, your father will write a letter to Your Majesty to let Your Majesty know the current situation!"

Sima Shi cupped his hands and said, "There are medicines sent to father every day!"


(End of this chapter)

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