Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 671: Your Department Should Use Military Force

Chapter 671: Your Department Should Use Military Force
Wancheng is eight hundred miles away from Luoyang, and the memorial submitted by Zhao Yan was delivered to Cao Rui in just two days.

After reading the contents of the memorial, Cao Rui was worried about the military situation in Jing and Wan, so he summoned his most trusted officials, civil and military officials, to discuss the matter.

Inside the palace, Cao Rui was weighed down with worries. Seeing the ministers arriving one after another, he ordered the assistant minister to distribute the copied memorials.

While everyone was understanding the battlefield situation, Cao Rui said, "Zhuge Liang attacked us from Xiangfan, and the General of Cavalry led the troops to resist him, and the General of the Front led the troops to reinforce him. Now the situation in Jingwan is that our troops are more numerous than the water bandits, so Zhuge Liang led the troops to defend it."

"According to the military report, Zhuge Liang's troops set up camp between the floodwaters, and cut off the water and built a bridge as a way to separate the two camps. If we can cut off the bridge, we can separate the two armies of the pirates, and then our army can use force one by one to divide and defeat them."

"The general's previous opinion was that we could, based on Zhuge Liang's camp layout, first attack the floating bridge to cut off the communication between the two camps. If the enemy sent troops to rescue the bridge, our army could send out elite infantry and cavalry to attack them. However, the general of the cavalry was ill in the army and had a different opinion. He thought that Zhuge Liang was cautious in using troops and was afraid that there was a trick, so our army should not use troops rashly."

"I wonder what you guys think?"

Cao Rui rubbed his temple and looked very tired.

In the previous deployment plan, Sima Yi and Zhang He joined forces to repel Zhuge Liang. However, he did not expect that the two generals had different opinions on the use of troops. Zhang He followed his opinion and took the initiative to use troops. Sima Yi refused to attack on the pretext of being sick.

The ministers looked at each other in bewilderment. Cao Rui was not sure how to solve this thorny problem, and they were also not sure who was right or wrong.

Sima Fu believed in his brother and said, "Your Majesty, the General of the Cavalry has been in charge of Jing and Wan for a long time, so we should trust him. For now, why not temporarily postpone the use of troops against Zhuge Liang and let the former general lead his troops eastward to join forces with Yuzhou Governor Man Chong to defeat the traitor Pang Tong, and then together with Sun Cheqi, first retreat Huo Jun."

"How can the country's major events be easily changed!"

Xin Pi opened his mouth to refute, saying: "Your Majesty once said that we should first defeat Zhuge Liang and then retreat Huo Jun. Now that the war is imminent, how can we not obey the old order and retreat back and forth? If we let the former general lead the troops to Runan, and Tian Yuzhou said that Pang Tong cannot be defeated, I wonder where you want to let General Zhang go next?"

Xin Pi and Zhang He were both surrendered people from Hebei, so they had some friendship, so Xin Pi decided to say something for Zhang He.

Of course, in Xin Pi's eyes, Sima Yi's temporary change of strategy to let Zhang He go to support Man Chong was also very outrageous. If Zhang He went to Runan with so much hardship, and Man Chong said that he could not defeat Pang Tong, wouldn't Zhang He's trip be in vain?

"Your Majesty, the Cavalry General's words are the best strategy!"

Yang Ji pondered for a moment and said, "The pirates are coming out of Huaisi, Jianghan, and they are like the two claws of a crab, clamping the troops in Henan. If our army can gather its elite forces to attack Pang Tong, we can cut off Huo Jun's wings."

"If we can defeat Pang Tong, the situation in the Central Plains will be reversed by then, and General Zhang will be able to lead his troops eastward, or westward to Jianghan. In the early morning, we will be able to cut off the enemy's heavy clamp and severely defeat their army, thus resolving the current offensive of the enemy in the water!"

Yang Ji, courtesy name Xiuxian, was from Xingyang, Henan Province. His father was General Yang Ke, and because of his military talent, he was promoted to be a close minister by Cao Rui.

"Minister Yang is a Confucian scholar, how can he know anything about military affairs?"

Wei Zhen said, "A great war is imminent, how can we change our plans so easily? Little do we know that Pang Tong's troops are a small detachment, originally formed to protect the army in Jianghuai. If we let General Zhang He lead the troops eastward, Pang Tong will retreat upon hearing the news, and this will be a waste of time for the generals and soldiers."

"It is a small matter to waste the soldiers, but it is a big matter to alert the enemy and make the Huo and Ge armies alert. If Zhuge Liang changes the old rules and camps in dangerous places, missing the opportunity to defeat the enemy, what will happen?"

Yang Ji's face straightened slightly, and he said, "Although I am a lowly scholar, Your Majesty has chosen me from among the crowd and asked you to ask. I have a humble opinion and dare not fail to speak my mind. My words may not be credible, but the General of the Cavalry is wise and resourceful, so you should believe them."

"Although the General of the Cavalry has made some achievements, how can he compare to the former general?" Wei Zhen asked, "The former general thinks we can fight, but the General of the Cavalry thinks we can't fight!"

Cao Rui was particularly troubled by the inconsistent voices of his subordinates. Both sides had their own reasons for insisting on their views.

Pang Tong had few soldiers, and as a separate army, he was the easiest to defeat. If the Wei army could defeat Pang Tong, it would not achieve the same effect as defeating Zhuge Liang, but it would free up a lot of troops for Cao Wei to deploy on other battlefields.

However, as Wei Zhen and Xin Pi said, if Pang Tong had withdrawn his troops, or if he could not be defeated, wouldn't Zhang He's trip have been in vain? Or maybe Zhang He's judgment was correct, because Zhang He ran around and missed the opportunity to defeat Zhuge Liang, wouldn't it be a pity?
The problem Cao Rui is facing now is difficult. He doesn't know whether to trust Zhang He or Sima Yi. The depth of the matter needs to be determined by Cao Rui himself.

If he trusted Sima Yi, it would mean revising the plan and Zhang He would make a wrong judgment; if he trusted Zhang He, it would mean that Sima Yi did not want to take on the heavy responsibility of defeating the enemy and was afraid of the enemy like a tiger, so he wanted to pass the ball to Man Chong.

Cao Rui was at a loss as to what to do, so he asked, "Do you have any other suggestions?"

Wu Zhi stood up from his seat and said, "General Huoqi is loyal and resourceful. He is a pillar of the country. Your Majesty can trust him."

Cao Rui did not comment on Wu Zhi's meaningless remarks.

"Your Majesty, in the past, Emperor Wu and Yuan Benchu ​​fought at Guandu. Emperor Wu used his men accurately and was good at predicting the situation. However, Yuan Benchu ​​was good at making plans but lacked decisiveness. He missed many good opportunities and was eventually defeated by Emperor Wu. The current situation is tense. Your Majesty, if you want to resolve the difficult situation, you must make a quick decision and must not miss the opportunity to alert the bandits!"

Sun Fang made some polite remarks and suggested that Cao Rui should make a decision as soon as possible and not be as indecisive as Yuan Benchu.

Hearing this, Cao Rui sighed slightly and said, "I think the soldiers hate to be separated. If the enemy is divided and we are concentrated, we will probably be able to win."

"Your Majesty, do you want to follow the general's words?" Liu Fang heard the hidden meaning of Cao Rui's words and asked.

Cao Rui frowned and said, "Please allow me to think it over. I will give you my reply today!"


After seeking inconsistent answers from his ministers, Cao Rui stood up and walked out of the hall, determined to relax in the flower garden corridor.

The corridor was winding and tortuous. Cao Rui led his attendants and walked slowly, thinking deeply about whose words he should believe!
"His Majesty!"

Hearing someone calling him, Cao Rui looked in the direction of the voice and saw the charming face of the Empress Dowager. "Mother!"

Sun Ying dressed elegantly and gracefully, walked slowly to Cao Rui, and said, "Your Majesty looks worried, I wonder what's worrying you?"

Perhaps it was because he met someone with whom he could have a heart-to-heart talk that Cao Rui poured out all his doubts.

Sun Ying heard what happened and sneered, "Your Majesty and Minister Liu devised this strategy to defeat the enemy and announced it to the generals. If Sima Yi had any doubts, he should have raised them earlier. How could he change the national order on the battlefield?"

"Now Sima Yi, under the pretext of illness, not only has he held his ground but has also tried to get Your Majesty to change the national policy and transfer the former general to lead the troops eastward. From my point of view, if Sima Yi has no fear of the enemy, then he has evil intentions."

Since Cao Pi ascended the throne, the struggle between Sun Quan and Sima Yi gradually intensified. Especially after Cao Rui ascended the throne, Sun Quan and Sima Yi each recruited helpers to attack the other.

As expected, Sun Ying would naturally stand on Sun Quan's side. After all, in her eyes, any attack on Sima Yi would help Sun Quan ascend to the throne.


When Cao Rui was at his lowest point, Sun Ying appeared and illuminated the young Cao Rui's heart. In Cao Rui's heart, Sun Ying was not like his mother Zhen Mi, but more like a close sister or close aunt.

Now, when Cao Rui was in a dilemma, although Sun Ying's words did not make him hate Sima Yi, they made Cao Rui somewhat doubtful of Sima Yi's actions.

Cao Rui had certain military qualities. After seeing the camp layout of Zhuge Liang presented by Zhao Yan, he made the same military judgment as Zhang He. He sent troops to attack the pontoon bridge, which would lure the Han army out of the camp for a decisive battle.


Cao Rui made up his mind and ordered, "Send an envoy to the south and order Sima Yi and the former general to go out of the camp and attack the enemy. Don't miss this good opportunity."


Seeing that Cao Rui had made arrangements, Sun Ying smiled charmingly, took Cao Rui's hand, and said, "I have some scented tea brewed in the palace, Your Majesty, please come and taste it!"

"Thank you for your help, mother!"

Not to mention that Sun Ying took Cao Rui to taste tea, the edict issued by Cao Rui was delivered to the Wei army camp in Yuyang day and night.

A day and a night later, the messenger came to the big tent and read out Cao Rui's edict.

"…The army is far away and Zhuge Liang has set up camp by the water, putting himself in a dangerous place. Your troops should be deployed. … The General of the Cavalry is a great general of the country. He has suffered a lot in the army despite his illness…"

In his edict, Cao Rui analyzed the shortcomings of Zhuge Liang's use of troops and agreed with Zhang He's opinion. In order to save Sima Yi's face, Cao Rui praised Sima Yi's spirit of leading troops to the battle, and then tactfully reminded Sima Yi that he should focus on the edict.

Listening to the edict issued by Cao Rui, Sima Yi closed his eyes and sighed. In the end, he failed to convince Cao Rui.

"Please accept the order, General Huqi!"

"Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty. I will obey your orders."

Sima Yi took the imperial edict and said, "Thank you for your hard work all night long!"

"Don't dare!"

After the angel left, Sima Shi looked at Sima Yi and asked, "Your Majesty has ordered my father to go to war. What should I do now?"

Sima Yi's face showed a worried look, and he said: "Zhuge Liang set up camp between the muddy water, putting himself in a dangerous situation, how can he not have a long-term plan. Your Majesty is far away in Luoyang, and only knows the surface, but not the inside. If you insist on sending a large army to fight, I am afraid you will suffer a defeat."

"Father, why don't you write another letter, explaining the pros and cons of the current situation so that Your Majesty can consider it carefully!" Sima Shi said.

Sima Yi shook his head and said, "Your Majesty has issued an edict, how can it be easily changed!"

Sima Yi said in a slightly lowered tone, "Maybe it's because my father is too suspicious. Although Zhuge Liang is cautious in using troops, he is a rookie and can only talk about war on paper. He is in a dangerous place without knowing it!"

Seeing that everyone agreed that Zhuge Liang had made mistakes in his military operations, Sima Yi could not help but doubt himself. He wondered if it was because he was overthinking or because he was suspicious.

After all, Zhuge Liang has not achieved any impressive military achievements except for the last time when he led his troops to defend the camp. The two battles of Pingnanzhong and Anwuxi are questionable because they were fought against barbarians.


Sima Shi thought for a while and said, "I wonder how father plans to use the troops?"

Sima Yi paced with his hands behind his back, and said thoughtfully: "We still need to be cautious in our use of the army, so as not to suffer a great defeat and cause unrest in the capital!"


(End of this chapter)

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