Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 7 1 Time Distress

Chapter 7 Temporary Trouble

In the early morning, Liu Bei was in his room, sketching a map of Nanyang in front of him, which marked Cao Jun's stronghold.

"My lord, Mr. Yi has come to pay you a visit."


Liu Bei smiled and stepped out to welcome Yi Ji's arrival.

When Yi Ji saw Liu Bei deigning to come out to greet him, he raised his hands and apologized, saying, "I have met Mr. Xuande. Please don't be offended that I am late to meet you today."

"Not too late, not too late!" Liu Bei held Yi Ji's arm and said with a smile, "How is Uncle Ji doing these days?"

"Thank you very much, Mr. Xuande. His Japanese registration is quite good recently." Yi Ji took off his shoes and entered the house, sat on the side and said, "I don't know what I want to do when I come to Xiangyang?"

Liu Bei asked someone to serve him a cup of tea and said: "The Han Dynasty is decadent. Cao Cao upholds Henan and eliminates loyalties and harms good people. He defeated Yuan Shao in the battles of Guandu and Cangting. The situation in Hebei is now turbulent. If we don't send troops north to capture Yuzhou and suppress Cao Cao, When they unify Hebei, Jingchu and Wuyue will be in danger!"

Yi Ji nodded slightly and said: "In the past, Liu Jingzhou wanted to imitate King Wen of Zhou, cultivate virtues at home, raise soldiers, sit on the land of Jianghan, and watch the world's victory or defeat. However, the current situation in Hebei is in crisis, Yuan Cao is out of balance, and Liu If Jingzhou dares not move, we will send Duke Xuande to the north."

In fact, Liu Biao's aggressive desire in his early and middle years is somewhat different from the memories of later generations.When Liu Yan died of illness, Liu Biao sent Liu He to collude with Liu Zhang's generals Shen Mi, Lou Fa and Gan Ning to rebel. After the failure, Liu Zhang sent Zhonglang general Zhao Yu to station troops in Jiangzhou and entered a state of war with Liu Biao.

When Zhang Jinan was rushing to Nanyang, he had a conflict with Liu Biao's soldiers and was shot dead. Liu Biao accepted his nephew Zhang Xiu and settled him in Wancheng, and sent people to help the court repair the palace.

But Liu Biao's biggest problem was how he treated the Central Plains. He neither sent troops to the Central Plains nor helped either side. He had no ambitions, but he was at odds with both sides.During the duel between Yuan and Cao, everyone advised Liu Biao to choose a side to support, but Liu Biao refused to take a stand.In order to prevent Liu Biao from backstabbing, Cao Cao instigated Zhang Xian to rebel, so Liu Biao had no choice but to join forces with Yuan Shao.

In the second battle of Guandu and Cangting, Yuan Shao was defeated by Cao Cao.When the situation in the north of Cao Qiang and Yuan Ruo began to emerge, Liu Biao, who was in Jingzhou, felt the crisis.

Especially after Zhang Xiu surrendered to Cao Cao, Cao Cao's battle line moved southward significantly.Therefore, last year Liu Biao sent ten thousand people to attack Cao Cao northward, launched the Battle of Western Hubei, and faced Liu Bei's defeat in Runan. He tried to let Liu Bei replace Zhang Xiu's position and resist Cao Cao's southern invasion.

This spring, as the situation in Hebei further deteriorated.Not only did Liu Bei, who had just entered the new country, feel a sense of crisis, Liu Biao also felt threatened by Cao Cao.Under Liu Bei's strong suggestion, Liu Biao decided to support Liu Bei in sending troops to the Northern Expedition.Liu Bei came to Xiangyang this time to discuss with Liu Biao the route of sending troops and the number of troops to send.

After a pause, Yi Ji asked, "I wonder if Mr. Xuande has decided on the strategy for dispatching troops?"

"We have a strategy!"

Liu Bei took the map to point out the country of Yi, and said: "Xuchang is close to Nanyang. Now we will send troops to Wancheng, pass Bowang, go out of Xia Road, take Yecheng, and then reach Xuchang. If we can send troops to Xuchang City, we will show our loyalty to the Han officials." As an internal response, the city may be broken. Once the city of Xuchang is broken, the war situation in the Central Plains can be reversed."

Xinye is located in the Nanyang Basin. Among the main roads leading into and out of the Central Plains from the Nanyang Basin, Fangcheng Xia Road is the core road.After leaving Fangcheng Xia Road, you can go north through Kunyang to Luoyang, and you can go northeast to Xuchang.The target of Liu Bei's troops this time was Xuchang, trying to get rid of Cao Cao.

Yiji nodded thoughtfully. He didn't know much about military affairs and couldn't make profound remarks.

After chatting about business, Yi Ji and Liu Bei also started chatting and said, "Tomorrow Ji will hold a banquet at home. I will prepare a little wine. I want to invite the wise men to the banquet. I wonder if your envoy can come?"

As he spoke, Yi Ji lowered his voice and said: "The eldest son (Liu Qi) will be invited tomorrow to be a close confidant of Wang Kai, which may be of benefit to Duke Xuande. And if Duke Xuande wants to achieve great things, he must not be without his legs. At the banquet tomorrow There are many wise men, but one of them can be called a genius, and Mr. Xuande may be able to make friends with him."

Within a few months of Liu Bei's arrival in Jingzhou, Liu Bei attended many banquets and gained some knowledge of Jingzhou's internal affairs.Especially in terms of talents, due to the chaos in the Central Plains, northerners fled south to seek refuge. Currently, Jingzhou is home to many talented people.

On the one hand, these outstanding scholars were not favored by Liu Biao, and on the other hand, they looked down upon Liu Bei's wealth.Liu Bei also had the same situation. He could not hire capable scholars, but he looked down upon incompetent scholars.

However, Liu Bei will not bear any grudge against them. After all, his power is still weak, and it is not impossible to use them for himself when his power becomes stronger.

"Huo Zhongmiao!"

Liu Bei heard this unfamiliar name and asked, "Who is this handsome man?"

"Huo Jun, Huo Zhongmiao, was born in Zhijiang, Nanjun County, and came to Xiangyang in Qianqian. Not long ago, Wang Zhongxuan invited me and other scholars from the north to meet him, and we just met him."

"What are its characters like?"

Yiji pondered for a while and said: "With his majestic appearance, high-spirited outlook, and his words and deeds, he can be called a Jingchu scholar. Zhongmiao studied under Ji Changgong's family. He is familiar with military strategy and economics. He is especially good at making decisions. He knows everything about the general trend of the world. He failed. Zhongxuan praised him for being more talented than Wu Zi, and Gongti also said that he was "a great talent made by nature."

"In the battle of Guandu, the Cao family was expected to win and the Yuan family was defeated; in the Changsha rebellion, the Liu family was expected to win and the Zhang family was defeated. Everything was as it was said. He is good at training the army and his troops are as brave as the elites of Cainan County; he is also good at Guanzi. The wonderful thing is that building a city will benefit one side." "I am only twenty or four years old, and I am extremely talented and can be called a hero. Now that I have entered Xiangyang, I may have the intention of making achievements and becoming famous. Xuande Gong wants to achieve great things, so he can accept this person. Put it under the account.”

At the banquet, how could Yi Ji not be clear about the double act performed by Wang Can and Huo Jun, as well as the intention of asking Fu Xun to comment.Huo Jun was born in a powerful family and had little fame. What else could he do if he entered Xiangyang not to seek official position and make a name for himself?In these troubled times, Yi Ji is also a knowledgeable person.

The reason why I talked to Liu Bei about Huo Jun was because I wanted to do a favor for him.He had a good relationship with Liu Bei, and sometimes he would serve as a bridge for Liu Bei, helping him recruit heroes and make friends with nobles.Now recommending Huo Jun to Liu Bei will be beneficial to both parties whether it succeeds or not.

Listening to what Yi Ji said, Liu Bei actually became somewhat interested in Huo Jun. He traveled all over the country, wandered for half his life, and met many heroes.In the past, Tian Yu, Chen Qun, and Chen Deng were all capable men under his command. Unfortunately, these people left him one by one after his defeat.

Now he seems to be respected by others, and Liu Biao treats him politely, but that's all.There were only a few generals under his command, including Guan, Zhang, and Zhao, and there were only a few thousand soldiers. Liu Biao helped him with the money and food for the generals.Therefore, in order to accumulate strength, he continued to recruit heroes and accumulated strength bit by bit.

Liu Bei pondered for a while and said, "In that case, don't bother Uncle Ji. Bei will go to the banquet tomorrow."



In the study room, Huo Jun was studying military books attentively. There were many theoretical books from various schools piled next to his desk.

The wars in the late Han Dynasty were no different from the Internet society in the future. It was extremely difficult to obtain knowledge.First of all, paper books were not popular, and it was inconvenient to write bamboo slips, so it was not easy to obtain books; secondly, various schools passed down their poems and books, and each surname had the right to explain the books, forming a school clan; thirdly, due to the war in the late Han Dynasty, a large number of books were burned in In the midst of war.

Wang Can's study room with more than 48 volumes, which is comparable to a small book, really fascinated Huo Jun. The [-]-part "The Art of War of Wu Qi" made him unable to put down the volume.



"It's me!" Wang Can shouted.


Huo Jun put down the bamboo slips in his hand, stood up, opened the door, and welcomed Wang Can into the room.In the past few days, Wang Can gave up his library to Huo Jun and rarely disturbed him.

After entering the room and sitting down, Wang Can looked at the neatly stacked books on the table and said with a smile: "Zhong Miao is diligent in studying, can he gain something?"

Huo Jun handed the tea cup to Wang Can and said: "There are faces in the book like jade, and Jun caressing them is like caressing a beautiful woman!"

"Zhongmiao is really interesting when using a book as a metaphor for a beautiful woman!" Wang Can burst out laughing.

After the two exchanged pleasantries, Wang Can took a sip of the bitter tea and said, "Tomorrow Uncle Ji will hold a banquet at home, and General Zuo will also be here. Zhong Miao may prepare something."

Then, Wang Can said with slight hesitation: "However, I think that although Liu Yuzhou is loyal and famous all over the world, it is a pity that he abandoned Xuzhou and went to Runan. His power has declined, and I am afraid he is not a good leader."

Huo Jun raised his eyebrows slightly and said with a smile: "Otherwise, I think Liu Yuzhou is a hero in the world, but now he is no more than Longyou Shoal. If there is a storm, he will be able to cross the rivers and seas."

Standing up and pacing, Huo Jun added: "For example, in the past, our great ancestors were defeated by Xiang Yu several times. He left Pengcheng and abandoned his wife and daughter. In the next battle, he finally defeated Xiang Yu and established the foundation of the great Han Dynasty!"

Wang Can seemed to be pondering.I also heard Huo Jun say: "It's like Duke Cao. He was defeated by Lu Bu's men several times. When he was in trouble, he only had three counties. But he finally recovered and defeated Yuan Shao in Guandu, and finally became a general trend."

"How can a hero be cut off because of temporary difficulties?" Huo Jun added tea to Wang Can's cup and said with a smile.

Wang Can frowned, picked up the teacup, and didn't drink for a long time.

"Han Ji Huo Da Sima's Family": "The handsome appearance is majestic, and he is more than eight feet long. In the past, Fu Xun saw Da Sima and said: "The king is not doubtful in his conduct, and his results are not straightforward. He is round on the outside and square on the inside. Talent. "However, Wang Canbi was a talented person like Wu Qi and Xishou, and people at that time did not take it seriously."

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(End of this chapter)

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