Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 8 The key to chasing women

Chapter 8 The key to chasing women
Huo Jun has been in Xiangyang for eight or nine days. In addition to reading books and learning theoretical knowledge every day, he also attended many banquets under the leadership of Wang Can, a prodigal, and got to know the outstanding people in Xiangyang City.

With Fu Xun's comments and Wang Can's praise, everyone was quite polite to Huo Jun.When I attended the Yiji banquet today, most of the people I saw were old faces.

"Zhong Miao!"


Huo Jun walked sideways to the table and said hello to Wang Kai, who was already seated.

After a preliminary understanding, Huo Jun further understood the forces in Jingzhou. In addition to the three forces of northern scholars, Xiangyang clan, and Liu Biao's relatives, there was also a force in Jingzhou that was attached to Liu Biao, namely the eldest son Liu Qi.

Liu Qi's team is also simple, with most of his own relatives as the core, and a few northern scholars attached to him. At present, he is in the same boat as the Cai family in Xiangyang, and conflicts occur frequently.

The reason why Liu Qi had a conflict with the Cai family in Xiangyang was related to Liu Biao marrying the Cai family.Liu Qi doesn't like his stepmother, and her stepmother doesn't like Liu Qi either.Because of personal preferences, they are involved in political battles.

The Wang Kai in front of Huo Jun was one of the core figures of the small group around Liu Qi. He married Liu Biao's daughter, Liu Qi's half-sister, and was Liu Qi's brother-in-law.

At that time, Liu Biao wanted to marry his daughter to Wang Can, but because Wang Can looked really poor, he instead married his daughter to his handsome clan brother Wang Kai.Wang Can was always smiling, and secretly complained to Huo Jun about Wang Kai being useless except for his face, and about Liu Biao not being able to recognize people.

As for Liu Cong, he has not yet been involved in the struggle between Liu Qi and the Cai family, but soon, when Liu Cong marries the Cai family's daughter, he may become a pawn for the Cai family to suppress Liu Qi.

Just as Wang Kai and Huo Jun were chatting happily, Liu Bei finally arrived.

"General Zuo has arrived in Yuzhou!" the attendant shouted.

Yi Ji stood up to greet him, and everyone stood up with him, cupping his hands and greeting him: "I have seen Liu Yuzhou!"

"I've met you all!"

Liu Bei had a humble attitude, a smile on his face, and greeted everyone without any pretense, which made people feel comfortable.

Yi Ji led Liu Bei to his seat and walked all the way to the guest seats. At each table he introduced the names of the guests to Liu Bei, and Liu Bei also greeted them one by one.

"Zhijiang Huo Jun, Huo Zhongmiao!" Yi Ji introduced him as he walked in front of Huo Jun.

"Jun has met Liu Yuzhou!" Huo Jun cupped his hands and said.

Liu Bei saw the tall and upright Huo Jun early in the morning, and when he got closer, he took a closer look. Seeing that the man in front of him had an upright appearance, a well-mannered manner, bright eyes, and heroic spirit, he felt a little fond of him and replied: "Hello, Mr. Huo!" "

When Liu Bei took his seat, the banquet officially began.Everyone was drinking and chatting happily, drinking and drinking, throwing pots for fun, playing swords and singing.For a moment, I was so happy.

As the host, Yi Ji took the initiative to act as a wingman and handed over the leadership of the banquet to Liu Bei.Liu Bei, who travels all year round and is a guest of princes, shows his amazing charm and extraordinary social skills, and quickly becomes the center of the banquet.

At this time, Wang Can, who usually liked to show off, fell silent and looked at Liu Bei carefully with his wine glass in hand. It was obviously Huo Jun's words yesterday that made Wang Can curious about Liu Bei.

When Liu Bei was talking about what he had seen in the north, Wang Can stopped his wine glass, cupped his hand and asked, "May I ask Liu Shijun, when Cao Gong was conquering Xuzhou, Tao Gongzu asked your envoy to save him. Shijun is not afraid of Cao Gong's power, so he can Why did the weak soldiers rush to rescue him?"

Hearing this, Liu Bei, who was holding the wine bottle, looked reminiscing and said: "Bei was born in a humble background and knew the suffering of the people. Cao Cao was cruel and ruthless, relying on tiger and wolf soldiers to invade Xuzhou. Wherever he passed, chickens and dogs did not crow, and there were countless corpses floating around. , The bones are exposed in the wild, and the Si River does not flow. Although Bei has a weak army and few generals, how can he sit back and watch the people being slaughtered."

"And Tao Gongzu didn't send envoys to ask for help because Bei's army was outnumbered and weak. How could Bei dare not go?"

Liu Bei's sincere words made everyone here feel it. They, the northern scholars, had no choice but to abandon their hometown's foundation and go all the way to Jingzhou because of the war in the Central Plains and to avoid the war and turmoil.

Wang Can had already been moved, so he raised the wine bottle and said, "Liu Shijun is really a heroic man. He resists violence with weakness and has a heart of benevolence and righteousness. Can Can respects him!"

"Zhongxuan, please!" Liu Bei responded with a toast.

After sitting down, Wang Can looked at Huo Jun and sighed: "Although Liu Yuzhou is in decline, his heroic spirit will not change. As Zhong Miao said, if Liu Yuzhou encounters a storm, he will be able to conquer the world."

Huo Jun lowered his head and smiled, and when he was about to speak, he heard Yi Ji ask: "A few days ago, we had a small gathering with Zhong Miao and talked about Xichuan. Zhong Miao was sure that Liu Yizhou would not be able to defeat Zhang Lu. He did not hear the reason at that time. , I wonder if I can tell you the reason today?”

Huo Jun raised his head and saw the gazes from all around quickly gathering. In his peripheral vision, he even caught a glimpse of Liu Bei looking at him with curiosity.Then he cupped his hands and said, "In that case, let's deduce one or two things."

"Zhang Lu's occupation of Hanzhong was based on the dangerous points of the Shu Road. He also used the ghost road to attack Zhang's teachings. It can be said that the foundation has been established. If he can protect himself, he only needs to gather troops to guard the danger and cut off the Shu Road, and he will be in an invincible position. .”

Huo Jun looked around at the crowd and said in a deep voice: "Looking at Yizhou, the ruler is weak, the ministers are fighting among themselves, and the generals are arrogant for a long time. Zhao Wei's disciples dare to rebel within, how can they break through Zhang Lu!"

Listening to Huo Jun's reasons, everyone nodded in agreement.Liu Bei also looked moved. Unlike everyone at the table who only talked about military affairs on paper, he was a hero who had been in the world for more than ten years and had grown up through ups and downs. After thinking about Huo Jun's words, he understood.

Although Huo Jun's conclusion is only a few hundred words long, he has actually analyzed the internal and external reasons for the dispute between Liu and Zhang from many aspects.

For example, "The dangerous point of Shu Road" shows that Zhang Lu occupies the dangerous point geographically, and "Also holding the ghost road" shows that Zhang Lu won the hearts of Hanzhong.With Zhang Lu already established, Zhao Wei's rebellion further illustrates Liu Zhang's difficulty in convincing the public.

Zhang Lu's side had the advantages of geographical location and people, but Liu Zhang's side not only lost the location, but also lost his own people and people.Therefore, Zhang Lu has a high probability of succeeding in separatist rule.Liu Bei raised his wine bottle and looked at Yi Ji. Yi Ji asked again: "Zhong Miao is good at judging general trends. I don't know what the situation in the Central Plains is like? Can you give me a few words?"

Huo Jun paced a few steps, cupped his hands and said, "I don't dare. I dare to make a false statement. If there is any fallacy, I hope you won't blame me."


"The affairs of the Central Plains are decided by Yuan and Cao. In the two battles of Guandu and Cangting, Yuan Benchu ​​was defeated. Although Cao Mengde tried his best to return to the army, Hebei was turbulent and there were many rebellions. Yuan was strong and Cao was weak, and Cao Mengde annexed It is a foregone conclusion that Hebei will unify the Central Plains."

"So, when will Duke Cao unify the Central Plains?" someone asked.

Huo Jun thought for a moment and said: "As for when the Central Plains will be unified, it may take five years, or it may take three years. It is unknown."

Huo Jun traveled to the end of the Han Dynasty and relied on his own reading of "Three Kingdoms" to understand the changes in the situation. Together with the occurrence of major events such as battles, he was able to generally know the specific direction of the situation.

The Battle of Guandu took place in the fifth year of Jian'an (AD 200), the Battle of Cangting took place in the sixth year of Jian'an, and now Liu Bei has arrived in Jingzhou.According to Liu Bei's six or seven years in Xinye, the well-known Battle of Chibi probably took place around the 13th year of Jian'an (208 AD).

In other words, after Yuan Shao's defeat, it actually took Cao Cao five or six years to pacify Hebei, and he did not go south until Liu Biao died of illness.

Liu Bei frowned and asked, "Now, if Bei and Liu Jingzhou make a northern expedition to the Central Plains, what can they do?"

Huo Jun considered for a moment and said: "Now Yuan Benchu ​​has been defeated several times, Hebei is in shock, and although Cao Mengde has won, he has suffered huge losses. He is gathering his troops to train. If he wants to help the Yuan family, the Northern Expedition at this time is a good opportunity."

When Liu Bei heard this, his brows softened slightly and then became tense again. Yes, Huo Jun did not give him an answer. He just stated that the Northern Expedition was now a good time to help Yuan Shao.

"If we really raise our troops, how do you think the outcome will be?" Liu Bei asked.

Huo Jun looked at Liu Bei meaningfully, raised his hands and said: "Jun is not a god, so how can he predict the victory or defeat! Kuang Bing, a major event in the country, has many causes for victory and defeat, how can you make rash judgments? It's just that Jun thought Liu Jingzhou's Northern Expedition It can change the overall situation, but Liu Shijun's northern expedition is not a wise move."

"It is difficult to change the overall situation with hasty tactics."

As soon as these words came out, the hall became quiet.Huo Jun's words seemed to be a slap in Liu Bei's face. Liu Biao had never led an army before, and his Northern Expedition could change the overall situation.And Liu Bei, a great hero in the world, has been fighting for half his life, but the Northern Expedition can hardly change the overall situation. Isn't this a subtle way of telling everyone that Huo Jun is not optimistic about Liu Bei leading the Northern Expedition?

Liu Bei seemed calm, but his hand was clenching the wine bottle. He was obviously a little angry at Huo Jun's words.But upon closer inspection, I felt that there was something in Huo Jun's words.

Wang Can seemed to have noticed something. He stepped forward to support Huo Jun and said, "Zhong Miao is too drunk. He is drunk!"

Yi Ji also consoled him and said, "Mr. Xuande, Zhongmiao may be drunk and may have made a mistake in his words. Please don't be offended!"

Liu Bei forced out a smile and responded, "Zhong Miao is drunk!"

With Huo Jun's words, the joyful atmosphere dissipated, and everyone at the banquet lost their interest in feasting and left one after another.

On the way back in the car, Wang Can was full of confusion and asked: "Since Zhong Miao wants to make friends with Liu Yuzhou, how can he say those words? Will he not be displeased by Liu Yuzhou?"

Looking at Wang Can who had a crush on Liu Bei, Huo Jun smiled a few times and said, "Does Zhongxuan know the secret of pursuing a beautiful woman?"

"What's the secret of pursuing a beautiful woman?" Wang Can looked confused. He was ugly. If it weren't for an arranged marriage, it would be difficult to even pursue a girl. How could he know how to pursue a girl?

Huo Jun moved his body and answered: "Everyone desires a beautiful woman. However, few people get her heart. The beauty lies in attracting rather than pursuing, which is the essence. Let her want but not get it, and her heart will feel like scratching an itch. If you favor someone and make good friends, you will be respected by them."

Huo Jun also chased girls in his previous life, and he knew the weakness of human nature when it comes to matters between men and women.They have no shortage of people to like beautiful girls. To make them like you, the key is to attract them.

In the process, make her laugh, make her cry, and cause her to have emotional fluctuations, so that she will remember you in her heart.At the same time, when the relationship between two people is determined, don't rush to confess. Wait until the situation is smooth and the girl is anxious, then the boy will confess, which will make the girl feel more secure.

Comparing a beautiful woman to the relationship between a monarch and his ministers is also similar. In Three Visits to the Thatched Cottage, Zhuge Liang used his skills to make Liu Bei not get what he wanted. This is what he meant.

Wang Can suddenly realized it and said: "Zhongmiao's words are exactly what is said in the Book of Songs "Han Guang". There are trees in the south, so you can't stop thinking about them. There are wandering girls in the Han Dynasty, so you can't think about them. The Han Dynasty is so vast that you can't swim in it; the river is so vast. Forever, beyond imagination."

Huo Jun and Wang Can looked at each other and said in unison: "The wrong salary was raised, and it was said that Chu would be cut off; when the son returned, he was told that his horse would be harvested. The Han Dynasty was so vast that it was impossible to think about it; the river was so long that it was impossible to think about it. "

Wang Can laughed a few times and sighed: "Zhong Miao is worthy of the beauty of Mao's Poems, and he uses a beautiful woman to describe his lord. I just don't know whether Liu Shijun can live up to Zhong Miao's intention."

Huo Jun said confidently: "If Mr. Liu doesn't have the capacity to accommodate others, then he is not Jun's wise master!"

 Don't force me to send you the manuscript, I don't have any left...

  Recently, the content has been rewritten and rewritten, which is such a waste of time.

(End of this chapter)

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