Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 70 Miner

Chapter 70 Miner
The war is finally over, but the dead cannot be resurrected.

That night, when Huo Du came to Huo Jun's house with a bunch of signs and reported the number of dead and wounded soldiers to Huo Jun, tears rolled down his cheeks.

Ever since the Huo family rose from the Changsha Rebellion, whether they were fighting for the salt road to the north or going south to follow the army, so many people had never died. In the battle of Chaisang, more than [-] people were killed and more than [-] people were slightly injured. There were still five or six people seriously injured on the couch, and the loss could not be said to be small.A few more games and Huo's Trilogy might be scrapped.

This made Huo Du, who personally brought them to the battlefield, feel uncomfortable. Not only Huo Du, but also Huo Jun felt uncomfortable. Most of these people could be related to him and had gone through the hardships of starting a business together, but now they fell down. Chaisang.

Although Huo Du looks burly and powerful on the surface, he is actually a delicate person with a soft heart.He would go to express condolences to the lonely elderly people in the clan, and every year he would ask the wealthy clan members to spend money to help those who were unable to solve the problem at home.

While comforting his brother Huo Du, under the illumination of an oil lamp, Huo Jun polished his pen according to the nameplates of those who died in battle, and wrote letters one after another, informing these people of their death in battle, commending them for their achievements, and reassuring them. , the clan will provide subsidies to help them and support the elderly and the weak.

These letters, together with the clothes of the dead soldiers, will be sent back to Zhijiang along with the seriously injured soldiers the next day.

Before daybreak, Huo Jun got up from the couch and sent away the injured soldiers at the ferry who had returned to their hometowns to recuperate. He told them to go back to their hometowns to recover and then return to the army to fight.

Then Huo Jun went to look for Huang She and said that he was about to lead his troops to Xuancheng to recruit people.Huang She was also generous and gave all the equipment in Chaisang City's arsenal to Huo Jun as a thank you gift from Huo Jun for taking Chaisang for him.About [-] crossbows, [-] arrows, [-] spears, [-] ring-hand knives, [-] collars of iron armor...

Facing these weapons, Huo Jun was not polite and took them all away.However, he also gave gifts in return. Among the more than 300 people who surrendered to him, he only detained Xu Sheng and collected hundreds of qualified soldiers, and gave nearly 200 people to Huang She.

It's not that Huo Jun is grand and doesn't want those two hundred people, but that these two hundred people look like elites, but in fact they are just soldiers.I have followed generals such as Liu Xun and Li Shu. Although they are brave and brave, they will surrender every time they encounter a deadly battle.

This kind of soldier source does not meet Huo Jun's requirements for recruiting soldiers. Bravery can be cultivated and martial arts can be trained, but human obedience can only be found in the initial state.

Just like most scumbag men are not born scumbags, but evolved from being a scumbag. That kind of heartfelt love for a girl can only be felt for the first time.When their love is betrayed, they will be conservative. The more they are betrayed, the more conservative their love will be.

Therefore, the same is true when it comes to fighting. These soldiers have recognized their masters for the first time and still have the idea of ​​repaying their kindness. It doesn't matter if they change their leaders too much. They can fight the battle with the wind, but they cannot fight the battle with the wind.

Compared with Huo Jun's pickiness, Huang She accepted the meat and vegetables happily and told Huo Jun that he could recruit troops from all over Jiangxia.Huo Jun was still pointing at Xuncheng, and he wanted to lead his troops to move westward.

It is not difficult to know why Huo Jun is so fascinated by Xuncheng.There are copper mines in Chaisang, and Xuncheng is around the copper mines, which is the Ruichang area of ​​Jiujiang in later generations.Xuancheng is adjacent to Xunyang of the Lujiang River to the north, Jiangxia Xiaji to the west, Yuzhang Chaisang to the east, and Mufu Mountains to the south.

There are a large number of copper mines in the mountains and ridges of Mufu Mountain, and smelting began in the Zhou Dynasty. Since the Eastern Han Dynasty did not implement the official salt system of iron and salt, local clans and powerful men often fought with each other for copper mines. The people's customs were fierce and their habits were strong. Fight, fight bravely.

As the world was in chaos, Sun Ce went to Jiangdong, causing regional turmoil; Huang and Sun competed for the Yangtze River, and wars broke out. People in the counties of Xunyang, Chaisang, and Xiazhi in the middle hid in the Mufu Mountains to avoid the wars.

On the hills, Liu Zhong, the leader of Xun City, pointed to the mountains to Huo Jun and said, "I am going to join the army. There are many families in the mountains south of the city. Since Sun Tui pacified Jiangdong and confronted Huang Jiangxia, the war has been chaotic. Xunyang, Xia, Many people around Pheasant and Chaisang have taken shelter in the mountains. Including local clans, the number of people living around the mountains ranges from more than [-] to tens of thousands."

Counties are divided into big and small, and townships are also divided into big and small. The chief executive of a large township is assigned by the county and has a rank of hundreds of stones. He is called "youzhi miser", and the province is called youzhi.The stingy man in a small town is appointed by the county, and is referred to as "the stingy man".As a large township, Xuncheng naturally has order.

Liu Zhong was born as a son of the Liu family in Chaisang, a local powerful person in Xuncheng, and the Sun family ruled Yuzhang. In order to win over local powerful people, he appointed them as local governors, and Liu Zhong was one of them.

Huo Jun squinted his eyes and looked at the Mufu Mountains. As the meal was approaching, he could see the smoke curling up from the mountains, accompanied by the crisp chirping of birds and the sound of hunting mountain wind, which created quite an artistic conception.

Huo Jun stood holding his sword and asked: "How is the life of the people, can they survive?" Liu Zhong, who had a sword at his waist, said with a wry smile: "Joining the army, Xuncheng is rich in minerals and the land is barren. If it were the Taiping years, it would be Jingzhou above and Jingzhou below. Continuing from Yangzhou, Xuancheng smelted copperware and made people rich. However, during the war, the copperware was difficult to sell, the land was barren, and it was difficult to produce food, so the people became poor."

Huo Jun squatted down and touched the soil. When he saw that the color of the soil was reddish brown, he knew the reason.Red soil is highly acidic, has poor fertility, and has low crop yields.In the previous life, the mountains and plains of Fujian were covered with this kind of land, and the only suitable crop was tea trees.

Patting the red soil on his hands, Huo Jun generally knew that he was in the right place.

These mountain and mine men are accustomed to fighting and have a tough temperament. Moreover, these people in the mountains have no intention of intrigue and have a simple temperament.In times of peace, they had copper mines and no shortage of ways to survive. In the current troubled times, food is the most expensive and copper coins are difficult to sell. They live in poverty. To make a living, serving as soldiers is their way out.

Liu Zhong slightly cupped his hands and asked, "I wonder if you came to Xuancheng to recruit soldiers?"


Huo Jun put his hand on the hilt of the sword and asked, "How do you know if you have rank?"

"In the past, Xu Chai..., Xu Sheng once sent people to recruit troops. Xu Wenxian, a hundred-year-old man who joined the army behind him, once said that the soldiers in Xuancheng are brave and can be used." Liu Zhong pointed at the man behind Huo Jun and explained.

Xu Wenxian, named Xu Ming, was of the same clan as Xu Sheng.Huo Jun served as Xu Sheng's chief for hundreds of men. Seeing that his bravery was useful, he surrendered.He had experience recruiting soldiers in Xuncheng, so he asked him to go with him.

Xu Sheng was still stubborn and did not easily agree to work for Huo Jun.Perhaps after some time, when the battle situation is clear, Xu Sheng may be able to serve.

Huo Jun smiled and said: There is still a shortage of a thousand soldiers in a certain tent, and I want to recruit soldiers here.I wonder if Liu Youzhi can help. "

"How dare you not want to!" Liu Zhong cupped his hands and responded: "Please join the army and give orders!"


Huo Jun called Huo Du, Gao Xiang, Huo Yuan and others, and said: "Today we are recruiting soldiers in Xuncheng. All men who join the army will be given rations to their families, and they will go down the mountain to distribute fertile land. No taxes will be levied on the land. This is a custom." Lieutenant Huo, you two need to keep this in mind."

In this siege of Chaisang, Gao Xiang was the first to take the lead. Huo Jun commended him and recommended him as a captain.He and Huo Du share a thousand men under their own account, and each has a recruitment quota of [-].The letter of recommendation has been sent to Liu Qi, and there is basically no problem in passing it.


"There should be rules for recruiting soldiers this time, and you should keep them in mind. Anyone who is selected to join the army should not use the following categories of people. People from the market cannot be used; people with fair skin and tender skin cannot be selected; people who wander in the countryside cannot be used. Those who are afraid of officialdom, strong physiques and simple temperaments can join the army," Huo Jun warned.

In troubled times, military resources are precious, so we should not be so picky.However, Huo Jun's account only has 2000 soldiers, so he naturally has to adopt the route of elite soldiers to maximize the use of limited resources.

"No!" Everyone responded.

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(End of this chapter)

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