Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 71 Sweep

Chapter 71 Sweep
In fact, it was not only Huo Jun who recruited troops there. At the same time, Guan Yu, Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei, Gan Ning and others served as the third group of troops. After arriving by boat on the west coast of Pengli Ze, they also began to attack the city and recruit troops.

In Fanyang County, there was an endless stream of people drinking wine and laughing in the county hall.

Zhang Fei's dark face was slightly red under the influence of alcohol.On his left and right sides, seven or eight sect thieves sat, all with shiny faces, toasting Zhang Fei and praising his might.Zhang Fei also refused to accept anyone who came, and the host and guest enjoyed themselves.

Suddenly, Zhang Fei put down his wine bottle and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, the Sun family is conquering Yuzhang with violent conquests. General Zuo wants to expel the Sun family and help the Han Dynasty. I wonder if you can help."

After everyone heard this, the joyful atmosphere turned solemn, and they looked at each other in silence.Obviously they were unwilling to help Zhang Fei's General Zuo and help him support the Han Dynasty.

After a while, Commander Zong, who was slightly older, said: "General, our abilities are limited and we may not be able to travel around for General Zuo. I would like to provide some food and grass. I wonder what the general thinks?"


With someone taking the lead, the other sect commanders responded in unison.In their eyes, Liu Bei and Zhang Fei had just entered Yuzhang. If they wanted to govern Shanyang well, they had to rely on themselves.

As for Zhang Fei wanting them to contribute, who are you kidding? Whether they can gain a foothold in Yuzhang is a question.If you really want to contribute, you should at least wait until the situation between Sun and Liu is clear before placing your bet.

Zhang Fei seemed to have anticipated this situation. He looked at the county magistrate Fang Chun and said, "It seems a bit difficult to handle!"

Fang Chun wiped the sweat from his forehead, but he knew that General Zhang in front of him was not easy to mess with.These sect thieves were able to come to the banquet because he was forced by him and sent someone to invite them.

"In that case, don't blame Fei for being rude!"

After saying that, with a thud, Zhang Fei threw the wine bottle in his hand to the ground and shouted sternly: "Where is the swordsman?"

After breaking the cup as a sign, fifty swordsmen and axemen poured out of the rooms on both sides of the county house, rushing in with murderous intent, ready to eradicate the clan thieves in the hall.

Unexpectedly, these sect thieves were also prepared, and the guards around them were guarding them with soldiers.The clan thief who is close to Zhang Fei is tall and powerful.With a clang, he drew his sword out of its scabbard and said sternly: "Zhang Fei, I will wait for General Zuo's reputation before giving you some food and grass. An dare to be so bold today, he is really impatient."

Hearing this, Zhang Fei seemed to have heard something funny and laughed a few times, as if he was laughing at this person's ignorance.

Seeing that Zhang Fei was ridiculing him, the clan thief was angry and stabbed Zhang Fei with his sword, as if he wanted to poke Zhang Fei into pieces.

Seeing this, Zhang Fei's eyes exploded with fierce light, and a compelling aura rose up.At this moment, everyone felt that there was a bloodthirsty beast hidden under this scholar's clothes!
Zhang Fei turned sideways to avoid the incoming sword, rushed in, and faced the clan thief with his bare hands.

The clan thief felt a sense of crisis and wanted to take action.

Unfortunately, Zhang Fei was faster than him. As fast as lightning, he grabbed his hand with one hand and slapped him on the face with the other. He shouted violently: "Why don't Lu Bu neglect me like this, Zhang Fei? Who are you? Cao Cao is afraid of my brother. How dare you say such words."

The power of Zhang Fei's palm was beyond imagination, and his voice shocked everyone present.


With one palm strike, most of Zong Thief's face was swollen, and blood overflowed from his ears.

Then, Zhang Fei grabbed the man's collar, closed his palm into a fist, and hit the man's temple, hitting him until stars appeared in his eyes, his vision went dark, and he fell to the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Many sect thieves in the hall looked on dumbly. A young sect thief who was very close looked at this scene, his legs became weak, and the light yellow liquid soaked his trousers.

Zhang Fei waved his hand nonchalantly, and then punched and kicked away the two attendants who rushed towards him.However, he stared at everyone with his fierce eyes, staring at the past one by one, as if staring at a dead person, which made people feel cold but at a loss.

Zhang Fei showed his yellowed teeth and tried to use a gentle tone, saying: "Fei always convinces people with reason. I wonder if you are willing to donate your money to help General Zuo?"

Zhang Fei's words seemed light, but under the dazzling sword and axe-hand and his just astonishing force, everyone fell silent again.

The elder Zong Shuai spoke again and said: "General, please calm down. We are willing to dispatch from the general."


"We are willing to follow General Zuo to support the Han Dynasty and drive out the Sun family."

"A certain person is willing to send a hundred of his clan members to fight with the general." "Me too!"

Everyone was talking about it, vying to express their loyalty to Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei grinned and said: "You are here to sign the documents one by one, and then ask your cronies to return to the clan with men, money and food to redeem the people. Don't go back unless we gather 500 people." "

After living in the north for so long, Zhang Fei became more savvy. Of course, he couldn't let them go back easily. He had to let them bring young men, money and food to redeem their people.

As for why not kill them all and embezzle the tribe.The main reason is Liu Bei's repeated advice not to ruin his reputation.Otherwise, Zhang Fei's character would not be able to tolerate a group of insects like them.

"General, there are 300 members of that clan that fell to the ground. He intended to murder the general, so the general can collect all his people." Someone suggested.

"Okay!" The smile on Zhang Fei's face grew brighter and he said, "Just wait until you gather a thousand or two hundred people. When Fei conquers Yuzhang, all these men will return home rich and rich."

Zhang Fei waved for everyone to sign up in front of Fang Chun, but he was sitting next to him drinking wine. Seeing them quarreling with each other and forcing each other to have more men, he grinned.

After this incident, Zhang Fei didn't believe that they could still get together.

Under Zhang Fei's persuasion, he recruited 500 new soldiers in Fanyang County. Adding his own [-] troops, he could make up [-] soldiers.


Pengze County is an important county on the east bank of Poyang Lake.Zhao Yun defeated the defenders and captured the city.

One day, Zhao Yun led hundreds of soldiers to block the entrance of Zhou's village.

The head of the family, Zhou Fu, who was wearing leather armor, showed his head behind the wall and shouted: "Who is the general? He has come all the way and doesn't know why?"

Zhao Yun dismounted his horse, raised his hands and saluted, and said: "A certain person is the shepherd of Yuzhou, and he is under General Zuo's tent, and the middle man is Zhao Zilong. Today, the Sun family has rebelled, and Zhao has sent troops with the army to conquer. However, when he came here, he heard that there were many men in the king's clan. I don't know. Is there anyone willing to serve the country?"

Zhou Mansion looked at the burly men and horses under Zhao Yun's tent, holding bows and spears in their hands. They looked like they were recruiting soldiers.I guess if I refuse, I don’t know what will happen to Zhao Zilong.

"General Zhao, please wait a moment. The government will discuss with the tribe for a while." Zhou Fu shouted.

Seeing this, Zhao Yun frowned slightly, looked up at the sky, and saw a line of wild geese flying by. He took off his bow and arrow, bent the bow and nocked the arrow, and fired the arrow.

"Yun paid his first visit and could not return the favor. Now he shoots wild geese as a gift."

After saying that, there was a whoosh, the arrow shot through the sky, and the wild geese fell down with a mournful cry.

Zhou Mansion in the village looked up and saw such a scene. He trembled all over and shouted hurriedly: "General Zhao, there are only 300 men in the clan. Is it feasible for the family to have 80 men?"

"It's feasible!" Zhao Yun replied: "I offended you today, please forgive me."

Zhao Yun's methods were relatively mild. After some operations, he only recruited more than 700 people. With the hundreds of surrendered defenders, the number barely reached [-].


Poyang County is located on the bank of Poyang Lake, with dense water networks and lakes, where thieves and thieves of money and copper are entrenched.

In order to recruit soldiers, Gan Ning sent people to recruit Qian Tong, but he refused.Gan Ning led 800 men under the leadership of his guide to attack the water bandits camp at night.Qian Tong was captured and surrendered to Ganning with 500 of his men.Including the thousand people Gan Ning recruited in Poyang County, the number of followers under the tent reached more than [-].

Compared with the hardships of the other three, Guan Yu is so famous that he is still sweating.The heroes and knights in the county heard about Guan Yu's fame and rushed to join him.In addition, Guan Yu personally recruited troops, and in less than ten days, more than [-] people were recruited.

The four generals Guan, Zhang, Zhao and Gan swept through the counties on the west coast of Pengli Ze and recruited soldiers and horses, gaining nearly 5000 people.Together with the [-] troops and horses of the headquarters that went down to Jiangdong, Liu Bei's soldiers numbered nearly [-].

(End of this chapter)

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