Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 74 Observing the Camp

Chapter 74 Observing the Camp (3k)

Liu Bei led his troops to hold on and withstood Tai Shici's pressure.In the next few days, Gan Ning took the lead in arriving at the camp by boat alone, followed by Zhang Fei and Guan Yu.With three tiger generals and [-] more soldiers, Liu Bei's backbone in the army became a little stronger.

Huo Jun, who had traveled the farthest distance, was the last one to arrive.But when I arrived, the reception was the biggest.Not only did Liu Qi, the nominal commander-in-chief of the army, greet him personally, but Liu Bei, the actual commander of the army, also came to greet him. Even Liu Pan came to join in the fun and wanted to see who Huo Shenjun was, as Liu Qi was talking about.

Huo Jun was dressed in armor again, with both civil and military spirit. He came with a sword and was full of heroic spirit, which made people admire him.

Seeing Huo Jun appear, Liu Qi stepped forward to hold Huo Jun's hand and said happily: "Since Chaisang was defeated, Qi has been thinking about Zhongmiao day and night for the past [-] days, and now we have finally arrived."

Huo Jun also let Liu Qi hold his hand and said with a smile: "It took a few days to recruit soldiers in Xuncheng. I'm sorry, sir!"

Liu Qi held Huo Jun's hand and said quite puzzled: "Qi also has soldiers and horses under his tent. Zhong Miao can divide the troops and lead them if necessary. Why bother recruiting troops?"

Naturally, Huo Jun would not say that Jingzhou's troops and horses were generally useless. He wanted to build an iron army that he expected.Therefore, facing Liu Qi's words, Huo Jun just smiled and said nothing.

This picture of the monarch and his ministers in harmony made Liu Bei feel a little sour in his heart for some reason.But he quickly disappeared. After all, Huo Jun was actually working for him.

"I've seen Duke Xuande!"

"Hello Zhongmiao!"

After Huo Jun and Liu Bei said hello, Liu Qi took Huo Jun to introduce Liu Pan and said, "Brother Pan, this is Huo Zhongmiao, who joined the army under Qi's account and also led Zhonglang General. He is known as a scholar of Jingchu State who has the talent to help the world with both civil and military affairs. Only when the scholars in Jingzhou praise him highly can he be as good as Wu Qi."

"Zhong Miao, this is me, General Liu Guoan of Jingzhou. I am an official general who is powerful in Changsha. People from Jiangzuo dare not invade. Yi Qi is his younger brother and is as close to me as a brother." Liu Qi introduced.

"Jun has always heard of General Liu's reputation. It's a great honor to meet him today," Huo Jun said.

"The strategy of joining the army to obtain firewood is very exciting!"

Liu Pan first noticed that Huo Jun was very handsome, and then saw that he had such a close relationship with Liu Qi. He fell in love with Huo Jun, and he also had a good impression of Huo Jun.

Regarding the battle to capture Chaisang, Huo Jun and Huang She both said that this was Huo Jun's plan, allowing Huang She to attract Xu Sheng's firepower from the front, and then arrange the main force to capture Chaisang.In this way, Huang She's face was saved, and Huang She was given the credit for conquering Chaisang, while Huo Jun received the credit for providing advice to defeat Chaisang.

After some pleasantries, Huo Jun asked: "How is the battle going today?"

Liu Qi shook his head and said: "To be honest with Zhong Miao, the enemy's troops are strong and difficult to defeat. Moreover, the enemy general Tai Shi Ci is skilled in bow and horse, and his shooting skills are comparable to those of ghosts and gods. He is really respectable."

Apparently Taishi Ciqi shot an arrow and broke the flagpole, which left a deep memory for Liu Qi and left a psychological shadow.Afterwards, he was lucky that his head didn't show up. If it did, Tai Shici would be shot in the head with an arrow.

Huo Jun put his hand on the hilt of his sword and said with a smile: "Tai Shi Ci is just a brave man, and our army still has some princes and general Zhang, who are so powerful in the Central Plains that they are known as Generals of Tiger and Wolf. Tai Shi Ci is famous for his shooting skills, although there are some brave men." Yes, but with thousands of armies fighting in battle formations, the power of one person is nothing to be afraid of."

There are two types of brave cavalry officers. One is the sudden cavalry. They charge into the formation with long iron armor and break the formation to kill the enemy. This is the case with Zhang Liao in Wei, Guan Yu in Han, and Wen Yang in Jin.Zhang Liao rode his horse in front, and in the battle at Bailang Mountain, he killed Tadun with a small number of enemies; Guan Yu led his troops to break out of the formation, and in the battle of Baima, he took Yan Liang's head; Wenyang rode into the battle alone, and killed hundreds of people in Shouchun battle. Yu Qi.

The other type is represented by Taishi Ci and Gongsun Zan, who are outstanding in riding and shooting.Gongsun Zan was surrounded by knights who were good at shooting, named White Horse Yi Cong. In order to save Kong Rong, Taishi Ci rode out of Beihai City alone and shot more than ten people.

Of course, it doesn't mean that a good rider can't draw a bow, and a good archer can't get into battle. It can only be said that there must be a level gap between the two.After all, not all cavalry generals are Lu Bu. He is good at riding into formations, defeating Zhang Yan's army with dozens of cavalry, and defeating Yuan Shu with [-] cavalry. He is also good at archery, and is famous as a flying general in Bingzhou. Later, he can shoot halberds at the gate to defuse conflicts.

Therefore, compared to Taishi Ci, who was good at shooting and brave, he looked scary and threatening.But in Huo Jun's eyes, the danger on the battlefield is not as great as that of Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Yun.In a water battle, Tai Shi Ci was not as brave as Gan Ning.

Liu Bei intervened in the conversation between the two and said: "Zhongmiao, the difficulty now lies in the troops of Taishi Ci and Sun Ben, and Sun Fu's troops are also on the way. By then the three troops will join forces, and the enemy will be strong. Although our army is powerful and numbers as many as 2, the number of soldiers capable of fighting is actually less than [-]."

Although Huang Zu, Liu Qi, Liu Pan, and Liu Bei had more than [-] soldiers together, Liu Qi, as the commander of the army, lacked ability, and Liu Bei, the actual leader of the army, lacked prestige and lacked the authority to speak.Previously, Liu Pan's pursuit of Taishi Ci was defeated because he did not listen to Liu Bei's advice.

Looking at the army and horses, although Liu Bei currently has 2000 soldiers, nearly half of them are new soldiers. Excluding Zhao Yun's 5000 men who defended Pengze, there are only 5000 or [-] men who can fight.Huang Zu held the army and floated on Poyang Lake. Huang She stayed behind at Chaisang to supervise the transportation of food and grass for the army. The army of ten thousand people was outside the army.The real main force is still the more than [-] men led by Liu Pan and Liu Qi, Liu Bei's [-] men, and Huo Jun's more than [-] troops.This is the shortcoming of the United Army. People are not united and each has his own thoughts. Although we are a crowd, we cannot work together.

Huo Jun pondered for a while and asked, "Has Sun Quan made any changes?"

"Zilong wrote yesterday, saying that he had defeated Ling Tong. According to his investigation, after Sun Quan returned to Jiangxia and defeated the Danyang Baotun bandits, he left the governor Chen Qin to lead thousands of people from various ministries to besiege Ma Tun. He led his troops back to Wu County and dispersed the generals to attack the bandits in local counties." Liu Bei said.

It has to be said that the coalition army's attack on Jiangdong was stuck at a very suitable time. Sun Quan led his troops back to Jiangdong and defeated Baotun.In order to quell the local bandits, Han Dang, Zhou Tai, Lu Meng and others were all released to serve as county magistrates or county magistrates.

I thought that Taishi Ci, Sun Bi, Sun Fu, and Xu Sheng, with nearly [-] soldiers and horses, could repel the coalition forces from Chaisang. Unexpectedly, the coalition forces used the navy to divide their forces and moved quickly. Liu Bei led his army to cross Chaisang and block Taishi. Ci goes north to rescue Chai Sang.Then Huo Jun and Huang She defeated Chaisang City in only two or three days, which caught people off guard.

When Sun Quan heard that the alliance had penetrated into the counties in the northern part of Yuzhang, he wanted to lead his troops to help.However, his cronies sent the school out to conquer the thieves, but they could not gather many troops at the same time. It would take a lot of time to recruit them again.

Huo Jun knew clearly that now had reached the most difficult time in the initial plan. He must seize the time and make a time difference to defeat the coalition forces of Taishi Ci and Sun Ben, and then force Sun Quan and Zhou Yu to retreat.Of course, the current situation is much better than he expected.

In the plan he conceived, Sun Quan and Zhou Yu had already come to send troops, and he needed to rush to Pengze County to hold on to the city and block Sun Quan and Zhou Yu from advancing westward.At the same time, Liu Bei must defeat Taishi Ci and Sun Bi before he can gain a foothold in Yuzhang.

Huo Jun cheered up and said, "Mr. Xuande, can you take me to see Taishi Ci and Sun Ben's camp?"


After a while, as the camp gate slowly opened, more than forty Liu Bei, Huo Jun, and Zhang Fei came out of the camp and rode on.Far around the camp of Taishi Ci and Sun Ben.

Liu Bei raised his whip and pointed, saying: "To the east is Sun Ben's camp, and to the west is Taishi Ci's camp. Taishi Ci's camp is neat and well-organized. We had previously sent Zhongye and Uncle to attack Ziyi's camp, but they couldn't defeat it."

Huo Jun followed Liu Bei's instructions and saw that Sun Bi and Tai Shici did not join the army into one battalion, but lived in separate camps, more than ten miles apart.Compared with Taishi Ci's camp, which had strict flags and a complete set of Juma antlers, Sun Ben's camp was a little loose. The trenches outside the camp were not dug deep, and Juma antlers were only placed in strategic locations.

Seeing that Huo Jun didn't say anything, Liu Bei led his horsemen to ride slowly again and said: "Most of Ziyi's soldiers and horses are from the old tribe of Zhengli Gong (Liu Yao). Sun Ben had some conflicts with Zhengli Gong. In the past, the troops of both sides had some conflicts." During the attack, there was not much contact between the two armies. In addition, there was little coordination between the two armies, so they lived in separate camps."

Liu Bei has been fighting in the Central Plains for decades and has been fighting for half his life. It has long been necessary to learn the enemy's intelligence.After more than twenty days, the contradiction between the two of them was basically figured out.

As Liu Bei told it, Huo Jun also gradually understood the problems that Sun Bi and Liu Yao had with Tai Shi Ci.

The friction between the two sides still originated from Liu Yao.In the past, Liu Yao was appointed as the governor of Yangzhou, and the state government was located in Shouchun. At that time, Jiangbei was in chaos and could not be settled.Seeing a good opportunity, Wu Jing and Sun Ben welcomed Liu Yao to Qu'a in the south of the Yangtze River and appointed Liu Yao as the governor of Yangzhou.

Liu Yao arrived in Qu'a, recruited his troops, and on the grounds that Yuan Shu was trying to rebel, he killed the donkey and drove Wu Jing and Sun Ben to the north of the Yangtze River.How could Wu Jing and Sun Bi not be angry, so they defected to Yuan Shu again.With Yuan Shu's support, they fought against Zhang Ying and Fan Neng across the Yangtze River. They fought continuously for more than a year without deciding the outcome.

Until Sun Ce went south to Jiangdong, breaking the balance of the war.Zhang Ying and Fan Neng were defeated at the hands of Sun Ce, and Liu Yao was also driven to Yuzhang.After Liu Yao died of illness, Taishi Ci returned to Sun Ce and took charge of Liu Yao's old tribe.In order to accommodate Tai Shici, Sun Ce assigned six counties in Yuzhang to him, thus forming today's situation.

Sun Ben and Liu Yao had an old grudge, and tribesmen on both sides had attacked and killed each other. Taishi Ci inherited Liu Yao's military legacy and actually inherited the problems between Sun Ben's army and Liu Yao.

Taishi Ci and Sun Bi were both in Yuzhang County. One of them led six counties and was dispatched by the monarch; the other was the prefect of Yuzhang and was also dispatched by the monarch.There were old grievances, and Sun Ce's arrangements at that time also had checks and balances in mind.

Looking at Taishi Ci's camp, Huo Jun narrowed his eyes slightly, brewing a plan in his heart.

At this moment, the gate of Taishi Ci camp suddenly opened, and dozens of horses galloped out, pointing directly at Liu Bei, Huo Jun and other horses.

Taishi Ci held his horse in front and shouted loudly: "Where is Duke Xuande? Wait for Ci to take your head!"


(End of this chapter)

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