Chapter 75
Facing the menacing Tai Shici, Liu Bei pulled the reins and tried to ride his horse back.However, Zhang Fei tightened his grip on the spear and said angrily: "Brother, you and Zhong Miao go back first. Wait until I go to meet Tai Shi Ci and see how he dares to be ungrateful."

Liu Bei said in a deep voice: "Yide, don't be reckless!"

Zhang Fei grinned and said with a smile: "Brother, don't worry, Fei knows Ziyi's temperament. Those provocations a few days ago were all because of my absence, otherwise how could Ziyi be allowed to show off his glory."

After saying that, Zhang Fei led a dozen riders to fight back.

Liu Bei looked at Zhang Fei's back and felt helpless, so he had no choice but to stay and skim the formation for Zhang Fei to prevent him from making mistakes.

Zhang Fei leaped his horse, reined it in and stood on the hill. When the two sides were about forty steps closer, Taishi Ci also stopped in unison.

"Taishi Ziyi, do you recognize Zhang Yide from Yan?"

Zhang Fei's loud voice resounded throughout the wilderness, and those who heard it couldn't help but feel shocked.

Taishi Ci also recognized Zhang Fei with his sharp eyes like a falcon, and was about to stop him from riding forward.Unexpectedly, a cavalryman who was known for his outstanding bravery had already taken the lead in the battle without waiting for Taishi Ci's military order, and rushed forward without fear of death.

But Zhang Fei didn't move his horse, his fierce eyes stared straight at Lai Qi, and the grin on his face became heavier.

Between the horses, the spear in the enemy's rider was as fast as lightning, piercing Zhang Fei's chest.

At this moment, Zhang Fei moved, and the one-foot-eight-foot-long arm was like a giant black python waiting for an opportunity to move, rushing toward the enemy with lightning speed.

As the spears struck each other, the enemy rider felt as if the palms of his hands were hit by hammers weighing hundreds of kilograms. There was a sharp pain from his forearms to his shoulders. He could no longer hold the spear body with both hands and was instantly knocked away.

Immediately afterwards, the attack continued unabated and stabbed the enemy knight directly. The sharp blade penetrated from the chest to the back, directly poking a hole.


Zhang Fei held the spear with one arm, and the veins in his arm were bulging. He exerted force suddenly and forcefully picked up the enemy cavalry.The seriously injured enemy rider left his horse and jumped into the air, kicking his feet and holding on to the pole with both hands. Blood foam was spitting out from his mouth, trying to beg Zhang Fei to finish him off.

Zhang Fei twitched and walked away. The enemy knight fell heavily to the ground with a plop, lifeless.

Everyone was horrified when they saw this scene.Zhang Fei did not move and allowed the enemy's cavalry to attack. Within a moment, the impactful spear was thrown away, and his whole body was hung in the air by Zhang Fei's long spear.

They are all good at riding, but they all know how difficult it is to complete this task. It places extremely high demands not only on people's reflexes, but also on their physical strength. This is no longer an ordinary person.This man's bravery is beyond human, like a ferocious beast!
Zhang Fei turned his tiger eyes to Tai Shi Ci's eagle eyes, and their eyes met, refusing to give in to each other.

Zhang Fei sneered, his anger dropped, and he said, "Does Ziyi remember the old Zhang Yide?"

Taishi Ci slightly cupped his hands and said, "We haven't seen each other for ten years, but the general's demeanor is still there. It's really admirable!"

Hearing this, Zhang Fei became furious and cursed: "Taishi Ziyi, it turns out that you still remember what happened ten years ago. I thought you had forgotten it."

"Why did the general say this?" Taishi Ci said in fear: "In the past, the general and Xuande Gong braved the dangers and responded to Ci's request to rescue Kong Beihai. How could I forget that!"

Zhang Fei raised his voice and said, "Then you still dare to insult my brother, and now you lead your cavalry to chase him. Is this an act of loyalty by Ziyi?"

Taishi Ci sighed, but was not timid, and said: "I was ordered by your Majesty to guard Haichang. Today, Duke Xuande leads an army to invade our border. How dare you forget the importance of official duties for personal selfishness? If Xuan The Duke of Virtue withdrew his troops and left the country, and Ciyuan came to apologize."

"How can Ziyi see Liu Yangzhou?" Zhang Fei said mockingly.

Hearing this, Taishi Ci's expression was gloomy. His previous monarch was Liu Yao, but he surrendered to Sun Ce.After his death, he led troops to Yuzhang and recruited tens of thousands of his troops to surrender.Although Liu Yao did not reuse Taishi Ci, Taishi Ci's actions were slightly unethical.Taishi Ci remained silent and led his troops away.

Zhang Fei laughed a few times, expressing his unhappiness.Although he was a martial artist, he was not without plans. In addition, he had a history with Taishi Ci, so he naturally knew the weaknesses of a man like Taishi Ci who always spoke of kindness.

Seeing this scene, Huo Jun smiled and said, "Mr. Xuande, how is Ziyi like this?"

Liu Bei pondered for a while and said: "Ziyi has always been ambitious, brave and courageous, devoted to faith, and noble and committed, which is rare in the world. He is well-equipped civilly and militaryly. In the past, he rode out of the city alone to ask for help from the plains to save Kong Beihai. Respect it.”

Huo Jun held the riding whip and said, "Have Duke Xuande ever met with Tai Shici?"

Liu Bei shook his head and said, "The soldiers are too busy to meet."

"Then tomorrow Mr. Xuande will go out without armor or weapons. He will go out on horseback and meet Tai Shici. He will not talk about military affairs, but only about personal friendship."

After saying that, Huo Jun turned to look at Liu Bei and said with a smile, "I wonder if Mr. Xuande dares?"

Liu Bei chuckled lightly and said, "Zi Yi is a man of faith. How can he not dare to speak out in a righteous manner? Don't you know what Zhong Miao wants to do?"

Huo Jun tugged on the reins and said in a deep voice: "Without it, it's just a way to create a separation. Although Sun Ben and Tai Shi Ci share the same general, they are not subordinate to each other, and there is secret discord among their subordinates. If Sun Ce were still alive, the two would be People can advance together to defend against the enemy, and they dare not have gaps in their minds. Now we use the strategy of separation to divide the hearts of Taishi Ci and Sun Ben. If the morale of the army is scattered, the general can unite the elites, divide them and break them, and unite their tribes."

Hearing this, Liu Bei put his hands on his hands and laughed loudly, saying: "Zhong Miao is really talented, and his plans come from his heart. He can gain something just by observing the camp on horseback. He is truly an unparalleled scholar in the country!"

Liu Bei's words were really not flattering, he really felt that Huo Jun was not ordinary strong.Then someone would walk around the camp, understand the background story of the opponent's generals, and come up with a strategy to defeat the enemy.

This kind of person is no longer suitable to be called a hero, a virtuous person, or a sergeant. Only a national scholar can be called worthy of it.

In response to Liu Bei's praise, Huo Jun smiled and acquiesced.He had already thought about using alienation tactics to divide Taishi Ci and Sun Ben.Jia Xu's trick of wiping books to drive a wedge between Han Sui and Ma Chao was a stroke of genius. Now he is going to slightly modify it and use it on Tai Shi Ci and Sun Ben.

Liu Bei suppressed his smile and said, "Please give Zhongmiao a detailed explanation!"

Huo Jun pointed to the two camps in the distance and said: "Tomorrow the general will meet Taishi Ci Qingqing on horseback, and then storm Sun Ben's camp at night. In addition, there will be many lights and drums outside Taishi Ci's camp, thinking it is a bluff, so that he will not Dare to save each other. If Taishi Ci invites a fight during the day, our army will stay behind closed doors. If Sun Ben comes, our army will..."

Jia Xu's trick of erasing books to alienate Han Sui and Ma Chao cannot be directly applied to Tai Shi Ci and Sun Bi.After all, the relationship between these two people is different from that of Han Sui and Ma Chao, and their characters are also different. Therefore, the details of the strategy and the implementation steps are different.

For example, when Cao Cao attacked, Han Sui already had the idea of ​​negotiating with Cao Cao, so he sent Yang Qiu as an envoy to cede territory and ask for peace.However, Ma Chao disagreed, and the two had strategic differences.Cao Cao only used two simple moves, lightly subduing Han Sui to see Han Sui, and wiping out Ma Chao's book, which easily made Ma Chao suspicious.

Sun Bi and Tai Shi Ci are different. Although there is a gap between them, it is not like Han and Ma.It is necessary to use more tricks to arouse suspicion to make Sun Ben feel afraid, so that Huo Jun can find an opportunity to defeat the enemy.

Liu Bei listened to Huo Jun's plan, frowned slightly and said: "Although we have [-] people, the Yellow River is floating above the lake, so it may be difficult for us to use it."

Huo Jun chuckled a few times and said confidently: "Huangjiang Xia has entered Yuzhang today, and its territory has expanded hundreds of miles, annexing the two counties of Xiazhi and Chaisang, as well as the Xuancheng copper mine. It will be a happy life and the most profitable. The general can send Yuan directly met Huang Jiangxia and said that he would use the advantages and disadvantages to send generals to lead troops to assist our army, so there is no need to worry about the lack of troops and horses."

Now that Huang Zu had obtained the results of his victory, if he had the intention to fight passively, he would not sit back and watch Liu Bei and Liu Qi's defeat.Because once the two of them were defeated, it meant that if he wanted to keep the fruits of victory, he would need to face Jiang Dong's power alone, and it was impossible for Huang Zu not to know that he could not fight Jiang Dong alone.When Liu Bei and Liu Qi are defeated, he will vomit as much as he eats.

As for when Huang Zu would be passive and sabotage, it was probably because Jiangdong could no longer threaten Chai Sang.

(End of this chapter)

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