Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 77 Wiping Books

Chapter 77 Wiping Books
The night was dark and cloudy, and it was difficult to see the moon. Only a few stars dotted the night sky.

In the dim night, several groups of infantry and cavalry were silhouetted in the firelight, setting off from the joint camp and heading towards the Jiangdong military camp.

The leading army held the "Guan" flag, the torches shone like stars, and the flags were held high like a forest. Their troops followed the narrow ups and downs of the road, sometimes lengthening and sometimes tightening.Groups of knights galloped forward from the middle of the road, and the vibrations of their iron hooves trampling the ground could be felt dozens of feet away.

In addition to this infantry and cavalry, there are several armies of about a thousand people passing through to the east of him. The military flags of various tribes are swaying, and through the dim firelight, 'Huo', 'Zhang', 'Wen', and 'Huang' can be vaguely seen. , 'Su', 'Gan' and other seven general flags.

Looking down from the sky, I saw Guan Yu's army of infantry and cavalry embedded in the center of Sun Ben and Taishi Ci's camp, and then "Huo", "Zhang", "Wen", "Huang", "Su", "Gan" 'The other troops surrounded Sun Ben's camp and prepared to storm the camp.

On the watchtower of the United Army Camp, Liu Bei, Liu Qi, and Huo Jun watched the battle at night and discussed strategies for alienation.

"Isn't this because war never tires of deceit?"

Liu Qi looked at the lights in the distance and asked, "How could Zhongmiao expect that Taishi Ci would come to see his uncle in such a lowly manner, and that his grandson Ben would fall in love with his uncle?"

"Ziyi is a man of faith. There is an old saying that a gentleman can bully a person, but it is hard to ignore the wrong way. If Ziyi is invited to an appointment on military grounds, how could he not go?"

Huo Jun's expression remained normal and he analyzed and said: "This strategy of alienation may seem simple, but in the end it is based on human nature. If it were Sun Ce, he would definitely not fall for this strategy. He has a close relationship with Taishi Ci, and the loyalty between the monarch and his ministers is profound. But it is Sun Ben has nothing to do with Taishi Cisu, and there is an old incident with Liu Yao. Although they can live in harmony, under the crisis, people's hearts will be different."

To be honest, the purpose of divisive tactics is to amplify the contradiction between two people and make one party unable to trust the other party.Just like Huo Jun said, if you replace Sun Bi with Sun Ce, how can this strategy succeed?Or if Taishi Ci is replaced by his brother Sun Fu, the alienation strategy will not succeed.

Taishi Ci is not Han Sui. The reason why he was able to meet Liu Bei lightly was not because he had the idea of ​​​​taking refuge with Liu Bei.But Taishi Ci is a man of faith, and based on his values, he will not do anything that violates benevolence and righteousness.

Just like the meaning of "a gentleman can be deceived, but it is difficult to ignore the wrong way", a gentleman can be deceived by reasonable methods, but it is difficult to deceive him by unreasonable things.

You lie to a gentleman that someone fell into a well and asked him to jump into the well to save the person. This is unreasonable and the gentleman will not believe it.But if you say that someone fell into the river, the gentleman saw it with his own eyes, and he can swim. If you try to use means to drown the gentleman, the gentleman will definitely fall into your trap.

If Liu Bei had not used the excuse of asking for a battle when he met Taishi Ci, Taishi Ci would probably not have gone to the appointment to avoid suspicion.

Liu Qi put his hands on the wooden railing and asked curiously: "Can the night attack be successful today?"

"It doesn't matter whether it works or not!"

Liu Bei held his belt and said: "If the elite can break Sun Ben's camp tonight and his troops are defeated, only Taishi Ci's headquarters will be left. This major event will be accomplished and there is nothing to worry about. If the camp cannot be broken, it will also help Zhong Miao's subsequent plans. ."

Two days ago, when Liu Bei Qingfu met Tai Shici, Xu Shu Qingzhou paid a visit to Huang Zu, and asked him to send elite troops to support the war based on his own personal gains and losses.

Huang Zu thought that he and Sun Quan had formed a mortal feud. Not only did he kill his father Sun Jian, but his son Huang She also killed Sun Quan's father-in-law Xu Kun, and Jiangxia annexed Chaisang City.In order to protect his own interests, Huang Zu then sent Su Fei to lead an elite army of three thousand to assist.

With these three thousand elites, Liu Bei adopted Huo Jun's suggestion to gather the elites, and asked Huo Du, Huang Zhong, Wenpin, Zhang Fei, Gan Ning, and Su Fei to take turns to attack Sun Ben's camp under the cover of night.He also sent Guan Yu to garrison troops between the two armies, erecting more flags and brighter torches to prevent Tai Shi Ci from rescuing Sun Ben.

As Liu Bei said, its purpose is twofold. One is to see if Sun Ben's camp can be broken. If Sun Ben's camp is broken, Taishi Ci will be isolated and helpless; second, if Sun Ben's camp cannot be broken, it will also intensify Sun Ben's attack The gap between Ben and Taishi Ci paved the way for subsequent alienation plans.

After all, you can tell which general can withstand the attacks of the six generals Huang Zhong, Gan Ning, Zhang Fei, Wenpin, Huo Du, and Su Fei in turn without any pressure.Perhaps this was because Su Fei's soldiers were weak. Huo Du's bravery was not as good as those four, but the combat effectiveness of his soldiers was not weak.

Under tremendous offensive pressure, Taishi Ci was forced by Guan Yu's infantry and cavalry, and in the dark, he was in a hurry and did not dare to send troops to rescue.No matter how Sun Bi could understand, he would definitely feel dissatisfied in his heart.

Under such circumstances, Taishi Ci received a letter from Liu Bei, so how could Sun Bi not be suspicious?Next, there are other means waiting for Sun Ben.

After listening to the plans of Liu Bei and Huo Jun, Liu Qi was also a man of quick wits and understood their plans. He said with emotion: "My uncle commanded well and his troops were superior to others. Qi was very lucky to have his help. He can move in three steps." After seeing the five steps, Zhong Miao is indeed a national scholar. Qi will continue the great cause of Jingzhou and will live up to his uncle and help Zhong Miao."

Liu Qi was also deeply grateful. Without the help of Liu Bei and Huo Jun, his goal of going to Jiangdong to seek military exploits would never have been achieved.

The three of them were watching the battle on the watchtower, sometimes listening to battle reports and sometimes talking about the situation.

As the war progressed, Guan Yu's troops took advantage of the darkness around Taishi Ci's camp, lit up torches, played loud drums, and launched a night attack to scare Taishi Ci's troops.However, the night had both advantages and disadvantages for both sides. Guan Yu used his strength to scare Taishi Ci. Although the six generals attacked Sun Bi repeatedly, they were limited by the darkness and the cooperation of the armies, so it was difficult to use their full strength. Sun Bi still relied on his strength. The advantage withstood the pressure.

Seeing that it was difficult to achieve results and the sky was getting brighter, Liu Bei ordered the troops to withdraw.

Looking at the sergeants returning to the camp, Huo Jun turned to Liu Bei and said: "General, you can write a letter to Taishi Ci to thank him for his help tonight, agree on the date of the war, and add more words in the letter, so that he can write Not a sentence."



The next day, when the sky was dim, a horseman galloped out of the camp, deliberately passing by Sun Ben's camp to deliver a letter to Taishi Ci's camp.

Taishi Ci had not slept all night while wearing his armor. Now he saw the enemy troops retreating. After finishing his military duties, he took off his armor and prepared to rest.The attendant took the letter into the account and said: "General, Liu Bei has sent a letter to discuss the battle. Please reply quickly, general."

Hearing this, Taishi Ci had no choice but to get up from the couch, sit in front of the desk, and open the letter sent by Liu Bei.All I could see was that the words on his letter were smudged, and the words were missing in many important places, making it difficult to form a coherent sentence. He could only agree on a decisive battle in three days at the end of the letter.

Taishi Ci frowned and muttered, "Why did Duke Xuande deliver the letter with blackmail?"

After thinking about it, Taishi Ci wrote a reply to Liu Bei.But just as he was picking up his pen and dipping his ink, Sun Ben, wearing blood-stained armor, stormed into the camp menacingly and asked: "But Liu Bei is here with a letter. I wonder if I can let Ben see what he said in the letter?"

Normally Sun Ben would not care so much about the content of the letter, but there was the matter of Taishi Ciqing meeting Liu Bei.The camp suffered heavy losses last night, but there was no rescue from Taishi Ci.With so many concerns, Sun Ben had doubts and suspected that Tai Shici had other intentions.

"Why doesn't the general want to say no?"

Taishi Ci heard Sun Ben's words of disbelief, sighed, handed the letter to Sun Ben, and said truthfully: "This is the letter of Liu Xuande."

Sun Ben flipped through the letter, and his doubts became more and more serious, and he asked: "Why do you have to blot out the important places?"

"The original book is like this, I don't know why." Tai Shici said with a confused look on his face.

Sun Ben looked up and saw the ink Taishi Ci had just ground and the brush he was preparing to write with. As he looked around, he saw Taishi Ci wearing underwear, as if he had just woken up, and he felt a surge of displeasure in his heart. Miao, I started to doubt Tai Shi Ci.

"Liu Bei has been fighting in the Central Plains for decades and has always had prestige. How could he send the draft to the general?" Sun Ben questioned: "Our army was attacked last night, and the general did not rescue him. He slept peacefully here. I dare to ask Sun Tuini if ​​he has ever been sorry. General, why is this happening now?"

Hearing this, Tai Shici's heart tightened and he secretly thought something was wrong.He smelled doubts in Sun Ben's words, thought of a series of recent events, and glanced at the book Liu Bei sent.

Suddenly, he knew that he had been tricked!

"Guan Yu attacked our army last night, and Ci did not dare to rescue him for fear of being attacked. Now that the camp is safe, Ci Fang dared to sleep. Why did Sun Yuzhang say this?" Taishi Ci calmed down his expression and said seriously: "Sun Tuini and I are loyal to each other. Although he passed away unfortunately, he was kind and did not dare to break his promise."

After a pause, Taishi Ci said: "Ci thought it must be Liu Xuande who created a plan to drive a wedge between you and me."

"The alienation meter?"

Sun Ben muttered and asked: "How can the general prove his innocence?"

Taishi Ci thought to himself, Mr. Xuande, you have put me in an unjust situation, so don't blame Ci for violating your faith.

Taishi Ci gritted his teeth and said: "Tomorrow I will invite Duke Xuande to come out of the camp to meet him, and I will secretly shoot him with bows and arrows. The general can watch from his cavalry."

"Okay!" Sun Ben was overjoyed and said, "The general should have done this long ago and shot Liu Bei with his arrow."

(End of this chapter)

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