Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 78 Framed

Chapter 78 Framed (3k)

Taishi Ci took the initiative to shoot Liu Bei, which was a helpless move. Looking at the governors of all the counties in Jiangdong, they were all from the Sun clan.

Except for Sun Quan who was appointed as the prefect of Kuaiji, Sun Fu, the prefect of Luling, Sun Bi, the prefect of Yuzhang, Sun He, the prefect of Lujiang, and Sun Yi, the prefect of Danyang, were all close relatives of Sun Ce. Only Zhu Zhi, the prefect of Wu Commandery, and Tai Shi Ci, the governor of Jianchang, were not named Sun. man of.

Who is Zhu Zhi?
Although he is not a member of the Sun clan, nor is he a relative of the Sun clan, his status is no different from that of a Sun clan member.

When Sun Jian raised his army, he joined Sun Jian's army and followed him in the southern and northern campaigns.On the occasion of the attack on Dong, the Yuyang people defeated Dong Zhuo and invaded Luoyang. Later, he became the captain of the governor army and led his infantry and cavalry to help Tao Qian conquer the Xuzhou Yellow Turban Army.

After Sun Jian's death, Zhu Zhi was appointed as the captain of Wu Commandery by Ma Rixi and stationed troops in Qiantang. He not only took care of Sun's mother and son, but also advised Sun Ce to go to Jiangdong.When Sun Ce went to Jiangdong and entered Danyang from Liyang, Zhu Zhi attacked Wujun from Qiantang, defeated Xu Gong of Wujun, and took the post of governor of Wujun.

Judging from his achievements and qualifications, Zhu Zhi has worked for the Sun family for more than ten years. As the initiator of the Jiangdong strategy and the main force in conquering Wu County, Zhu Zhi has long been a core member of the Sun family.

After Sun Quan came to power, in order to win over Zhu Zhi, the first thing he did was to declare Zhu Zhi as the general of Fuyi, and made the four counties of Lou, Youquan, Wuxi, and Piling Zhu Zhi's seat, allowing him to appoint officials by himself, and favoring him. Extremely.

Therefore, if Zhu Zhi is included in the Sun clan, only Tai Shi Ci has an embarrassing status. As a clan member with a foreign surname, he is also a surrendered general. However, he was favored by Sun Ce and was able to lead thousands of troops, rule six counties, and enjoy the power of the prefect.I don't know how many people stared at Taishi Ci's troops and status, including Sun Quan as the monarch.This is why, before his death, Taishi Ci lamented the regret that great achievements could not be achieved.

After he died of illness, Sun Quan did not let his son Taishi Heng inherit the tribe like others. Instead, he took away Taishi Ci's military power and let his son Taishi Heng serve as a civil servant.Without military power, the status of the Taishi clan in Soochow was inevitable.

Therefore, if he does not prove his innocence, when Sun Quan is in the hands of Sun Quan, even if Taishi Ci is an innocent person, he will be like yellow mud falling from his crotch, either shit or shit.

With the idea of ​​proving his innocence, Taishi Ci led more than a hundred riders out of the camp, and asked Sun Ben to lead dozens of his followers to follow them, and invited Liu Bei to come out of the camp to meet him.

In the camp, Liu Bei received an invitation from Tai Shici to meet and called Huo Jun, Xu Shu and others to discuss the matter.

Upstairs, Liu Bei looked at Tai Shici's cavalry and asked, "Why do you think Ziyi's invitation means something?"

Guan Yu stroked his long beard, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said: "Ziyi has too many soldiers and horses, and there seems to be murderous intent in the cavalry. Brother, don't go lightly."

Xu Shu looked at it for a long time and then said: "My lord, our army attacked Sun Ben's camp the day and night before. Taishi Ci has called your lord out of the camp now. He should prove his innocence and act with caution."

After sending the letter, Liu Bei no longer concealed his plan, but informed his close associates about Huo Jun's alienation plan.When everyone understood the content of Huo Jun's plan, they were impressed by the cleverness of Huo Jun's plan and the insidious steps, which were comparable to those of celebrities in the Warring States Period.

"What do Zhongmiao think?" Liu Bei asked.

After carefully observing Taishi Ci's cavalry, Huo Jun said: "It is true as General Guan and Yuan Zhi said, the general is not allowed to go."

As he said that, Huo Jun pointed to Sun Ben, who was riding a tall horse in the cavalry and was surrounded by people, and said: "The night before, our army stormed Sun Ben's camp. Taishi Ci did not rescue him, which made Sun Ben suspicious. Yesterday, the general wiped the book with Taishi again. Ci, will Sun Bian be indifferent?"

"Tai Shi Ci's invitation will definitely harm the life of the general, so that he will not collude with our army. If Jun's prediction is correct, Sun Ben will be among the cavalry, and the man wearing iron armor, a tassel helmet on his head, riding a big horse, is among the others. The one among them must be Sun Ben, who is out of the camp now to observe Taishi Ci's actions."

Liu Bei frowned slightly and asked, "In Zhongmiao's opinion, what should Bei do?"

Huo Jun held the hilt of the sword in his hand and smiled, saying: "Jun thought he could use his trick to make Taishi Ci suffer harm instead of proving his innocence."

Liu Bei's eyes lit up and he asked, "Where does the plan come from?"

"Since we know that Sun Ben is hiding among the cavalry, we might as well block Taishi Ci separately, and send a general to rush into the formation to see if he can take Sun Ben's head. If Sun Ben dies, everyone can help Taishi Ci. Even if Sun Ben does not die, It can also make him suspect that Taishi Ci has other thoughts and intends to collude with us." Huo Jun said.

Liu Bei took a deep breath and said, "If Zhong Miao's plan is followed, Ziyi will jump into the river, and it will be difficult to clear his grievances."


Liu Bei sighed and said, "What a pity Ziyi!"

Compared to Liu Bei's sigh, Xu Shu was quite excited and said: "If we can defeat the combined forces of Sun Bi and Tai Shi Ci, then Yuzhang can be taken. Please do it quickly, my lord."

Liu Bei is not an indecisive person. Although he has a benevolent heart, he is not a pedantic person who knows what is important. Otherwise, he would have been in a different place in these troubled times.

Liu Bei looked at the increasingly anxious Taishi Ci, slapped the railing with his hand, and ordered: "Yun Chang led his cavalry to fight and stop Taishi Ci. Yide rode through the formation to see if he could kill Sun Ben."

Guan Yu looked slightly serious, raised his hands and said: "Nuo!"

After agreeing, Guan Yu went downstairs along the wooden ladder, and quickly called Zhang Fei and more than a hundred of his close friends to ride out of the camp.

Outside the camp, Taishi Ci held the reins, looking anxiously at the camp gate from time to time.

Suddenly, the gate of the village opened with a creaking sound, but what appeared in front of Taishi Ci was not the Liu Bei he had expected, but the murderous Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and more than a hundred riders. "Please ask Duke Xuande to come out of the camp and answer the question!"

"Brother knows what Ziyi wants. After taking Luling, he will make Ziyi the prefect of Luling."

Guan Yu held the pole and reined up his horse in front of the formation, laughed loudly and shouted: "Ziyi, what the Lord said in the letter yesterday must not be wrong."


Taishi Ci's face changed drastically, and with rising anger, he cursed: "Big-eared thief, how dare you be so mean? Ci mistakenly trusted you."

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Fei laughed and said: "Thank you Ziyi for telling me. I will wait for Fei to take Sun Ben's life before talking to Ziyi again."

After saying that, Zhang Fei led more than a hundred cavalry out and ran directly towards the cavalry at the rear.

Hearing this, Taishi Ci's face turned red with anger and he yelled, trying to stop Zhang Fei and others. However, how could Guan Yu let Taishi Ci escape so easily.

Relying on the speed of his horse, Guan Yu stabbed Tai Shici in the chest with the spear in his hand, and said with a sneer: "I have heard that Ziyi is skilled in bow and horse, and Yu is willing to ask for advice."


Taishi Ci subconsciously raised the long spear in his hand to block, and when the two spears intersected, Guan Yu's tiger-bear power was instantly transferred to his hand. Unprepared, his tiger's mouth was shocked to the point of numbness.

Taishi Ci spat, and seeing that he could not stop Zhang Fei, he also became fierce in his heart. He rode his horse forward and fought with Guan Yu, as if he wanted to vent out the grievances and resentment he felt in his heart. Guan Yu's vital point was poked.If it weren't for Guan Yu's superb martial arts, ordinary people would really not be able to stop Tai Shi Ci with the anger buff.

Taishi Ci still had martial arts skills to fight, but when Sun Ben saw Zhang Fei, who had a face as black as coal and a burly body, shouting "Zhang Yide from Yan" and led his cavalry to kill him, he was already panicked, turned around on horseback and went away. He left and cursed: "Taishi Ci is not the son of a human being!"

Zhang Fei was not angry when he saw Sun Ben leading his troops to leave. He shouted angrily: "Sun Ben, you can leave today, but you cannot leave tonight. Taishi Ziyi has surrendered to our army, and your army will be defeated!"

Taishi Ci fought with Guan Yu for more than ten rounds. When he turned around and saw that Sun Bi had been scared away by Zhang Fei, he knew that his innocence was hard to prove.


Between the horses, under Guan Yu's gravity, Taishi Ci seemed to be unable to hold the long branch in his hand, and was carried away by the tip of the branch, falling four or five meters away.

Taishi Ci glanced at Changshu who flew away in panic, and cursed angrily: "Liu Bei is dishonest in his words and pretends to be loyal. You and Liu Bei are nothing but despicable people. You will die under my arrows in the future."

Guan Yu originally wanted to let Taishi Ci go, but seeing how insulting he was, Danfeng's eyes opened angrily, and he glared at Taishi Ci. His long beard rose up in the wind, and he shouted: "A bold maniac is seeking his own death!"

The God of War opens his eyes and no one can stop him!

Taishi Ci was intimidated, so her fake escape turned into a real escape, and she rode away.However, as he was running away, Taishi Ci reached for the heavy bow.

The old man watching the battle in the camp secretly thought something was wrong. The authorities were confused, but the bystanders knew clearly. He had fought with Tai Shici several times, but he didn't know the pros and cons.He rode his horse out of the camp in an attempt to catch up with Guan Yu.

While galloping, I saw Taishi Ci holding a bow and holding an arrow, hiding in the belly of the horse, ready to go.Just when Taishi Ci turned around and stretched out his ape-like arms, bent his bow and shot an arrow, he shouted: "Your Majesty, bow your head, this is Taishi Ci returning his horse's bow!"

Hearing this, Guan Yu, who was pursuing, lowered his head. He only heard the sound of breaking through the air. He suddenly felt a chill on his head. He subconsciously touched his head, only to find that his helmet had been penetrated by Tai Shici's heavy arrow, and he shot down Douchun.

Guan Yu looked at the annoyed Tai Shi Ci, and a chill ran down his back. If it hadn't been for that cry that told him to lower his head, Tai Shi Ci's heavy arrow would have hit his head, and he would have survived.


The old man took out his bow, aimed his arrow at Taishi Ci, and shouted: "Taishi Ci, do you recognize Nanyang Huang Hansheng?"

Taishi Ci had quick hands and eyes. He ducked sideways to avoid Huang Zhong's arrow and cursed: "Old thief Huang Zhong, why are you still alive?"

After scolding, Taishi Ci felt a little relieved, but seeing that his plan had failed, he had no choice but to return to the camp.

Looking at Tai Shici walking away, Guan Yu was still frightened. He cupped his hands in thanks and said, "Thank you, Brother Han Sheng, for saving Yu's life."

Huang Zhong put his bow back into his bag and replied: "Tai Shi Ci's shooting skills are amazing. I don't know how many lives of our soldiers were killed by this move. The king was just unaware of it for a moment."

(End of this chapter)

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