Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 83 Man!

Chapter 83 Man!
The night was starry and there were bonfires on the mounds.

Taishi Ci walked hobblingly, leaning on a long tree.His son Tai Shiheng supported him and let him rest on the tree.

"General, General Zuo said that there were many casualties under the general's command, so he sent people up the mountain to deliver medicine." Chen Yan said, "I wonder if we should accept them?"

The pale Taishi Ci nodded slightly and said, "Please accept Duke Xuande's kindness!"


Tai Shi Heng smiled and said, "Get some medicine to treat arrow wounds."

"No need!" Taishi Ci waved his hand and said, "Just heal the soldiers' wounds!"

Taishi Heng couldn't understand and asked: "Now Xuande Gong sent people to deliver medicine, why didn't father use it?"

Taishi Ci panted and said: "This is Xuande Gong's plan to attack the heart. If I don't accept it, I will be resented by the soldiers; if I accept it, the soldiers will surrender with their lives. I have no life-giving kindness to the soldiers. Why should I ask him to die in retribution?"

With tears in his eyes, Taishi Heng said, "Since my father wanted to surrender, why didn't he treat the arrow wound?"

Taishi Ci reached out and touched his son's head, and said with a wry smile: "Father, An Neng surrenders! Tomorrow you lead the troops down the mountain to submit to Duke Xuande. With Duke Xuande's benevolent heart, I will treat you well."

After a pause, Taishi Ci saw that his son could not understand his words and asked, "Does Heng'er know Li Ling?"

Taishi Heng woke up and had a runny nose. He nodded and said, "I know a lot. He was a general of the Former Han Dynasty. He marched around Monan with [-] infantry and shot countless Huns. However, due to the difficulty of the rescue by Colonel Lu Bode, a powerful crossbowman, In the end, he was defeated due to poverty and surrendered to the Huns."

"What do you think of Li Ling and Su Wu?" Tai Shici asked.

Taishi Heng was silent for a while and said: "Li Ling surrendered after fighting hard, which is respectable. However, it pales in comparison to Su Wu's Beihai Shepherd."

Taishi Ci looked up at the bright moon in the sky and said with emotion: "As a father, I lived with faith and received the grace of my grandson to fight against rebellion. He granted me the land to protect the territory. If I surrender to Duke Xuande now, how will I be different from Li Ling? Sun Ben fell into the trap and thought he was colluding with Liu Bei. , However, if the falsehood becomes true like that of Li Ling, my Taishi clan will be burdened with fame and be despised by the world."

As he said that, Taishi Ci looked at Taishi Heng and said: "Between observing integrity and seeking survival, father should put integrity first. How can you be greedy for life, afraid of death, greedy for wealth, break your promise and be inferior to others. But Heng'er is different. You are still young. You are young, your achievements have not yet been accomplished, now you should put survival first, even if you submit to Duke Xuande, you will still be respected by others because of your father's name."


Taishi Heng cried endlessly. He already understood his father's intention and said: "Liu Bei used the strategy of alienation to cause his father's defeat. This is because the son killed his father's enemy. Now An can work for him. The son lurked out at night to protect his father." Find reinforcements."


Taishi Ci angrily rebuked: "Even if you lurk out, you won't be able to find reinforcements. Previously, Sun Ben withdrew his troops and left. If he wins now, he will apologize; but if our army is defeated, he will see me with his face."

While speaking, Taishi Ci broke out in a cold sweat and said: "Soldiers are cunning. My father also planned to shoot Xuande Gong, but he saw through it. How can you blame Xuande Gong for being cunning and dying for his father? What's the point? Today's defeat is not due to Duke Xuande, but to Sun Ben who abandoned the army and left, causing our army to have to fight."

Taishi Ci endured the arrow wound in his abdomen and tried his best to resolve Taishi Heng's dissatisfaction.In fact, he has been forced to Liangshan Mountain and was defeated today. If he breaks out and leaves, this is his best solution.

However, he was unexpectedly blocked on the mound by Gan Ning. He became famous, but now he is burdened by fame.If he does not die, his reputation of surrender will be confirmed, and the Taishi clan will be despised.He was not afraid of death, but he could not worry about his son Tai Shiheng.

But looking at the world, it seems that the only person in the world who can entrust his son is Liu Bei.As for Sun Quan, let’s not talk about whether he can break out. Considering the situation of the Yuzhang war, he will definitely not deal with Sun Bi.After all, Sun Bi was appointed as the governor of Yuzhang, and his younger brother Sun Fu was appointed as the governor of Luling. If they were offended, Sun Quan would have no place to cry.

Seeing his father like this, Taishi Heng could only cry with his head buried in his head.

"General, General Zuo sent Guan Yu up the mountain to persuade the general to surrender," Chen Yan said.

"Let him come!"

Taishi Ci patted his son's head and said, "Don't let outsiders see me, Taishi Erlang, crying."


Tai Shiheng wiped his tears and knelt down beside his father.

A few moments later, Guan Yu came in light clothes and carried a sword. When he saw Tai Shici, who was leaning against a tree with a pale face and serious injuries, he strode forward and asked with concern: "How is Ziyi's health?"

Taishi Ci raised his eyes and saw Guan Yu. He twitched the corners of his lips and said with a smile, "I'm still alive, but my life will soon be over!"

Guan Yu's expression changed and he asked: "Yu immediately called the doctor to go up the mountain to treat Ziyi's injuries."

"No need!" Tai Shici gasped and said, "The prince is going up the mountain, but he wants to persuade you to surrender."

Guan Yu squatted on the ground and said: "My lord admires Ziyi as a man of faith and righteousness. He is both civil and military. Now that he has done his best for the Sun family, why not return to my lord and make achievements together to serve the Han Dynasty."

Taishi Ci chuckled lightly and said: "General, why did you abandon your seal and hang gold? Why don't you serve Xuande in Nantou? Don't you know that a gentleman has something to do and something not to do." Guan Yu remained silent and could only ask Taishi Ci. Salute.

"Yun Chang doesn't know if he can ask Xuande Gong to go up the mountain. I have something to ask of you." Taishi Ci said, "You can lead your troops up the mountain and collect the people under Ci's tent."

"Ziyi wait a moment, Yu calls brother to come."

Guan Yu got up and quickly went down the mountain. He couldn't persuade Tai Shici, so he could only place his hope on Liu Bei.

After a while, Liu Bei trotted over. Seeing Tai Shici's expression already unbearable, he called out, "Ziyi, why are you like this?"

When Taishi Ci saw Liu Bei, he braced himself up and said, "Thank you, Mr. Xuande."

Liu Bei held Tai Shici's hand and said, "Sun Tuini is dead, so why should Ziyi die to repay his kindness?"

Taishi Ci shook his head and said: "Mr.

Liu Bei sighed and said: "In the past, Fan Li traveled all over the world, from south to north. Ziyi doesn't want to do anything for Bei. He could just imitate his predecessors, so why bother!"

Taishi Ci held the hilt of the sword and laughed and said: "Living on the last breath is not something a man can do, how can Ci be humiliated!"

With that said, Taishi Ci handed the hand of his son who was standing beside him into Liu Bei's palm, and gasped: "I regret that Ziyi cannot serve the general early, otherwise he will run for the dogs and horses. Now that Ci is about to die, he only thinks that the dog is young, and fortunately the general trusts him more than anything else." In this world, I have both great talents and talents, but now I don’t know if I can support them with my family!”

Liu Bei assured him in a deep voice and said: "Your son is your son. Your family must be supported by you."

Taishi Ci nodded happily and said: "I am young and have no weapons, so I have to worry about the general taking care of him. He is proficient in civil and military affairs. If he can use it, he will use it; if he can't, just give him a few acres of thin farmland to cultivate. Those tribes are under Ci's care. Therefore, if there is a lot of wandering around, the general can put it under his account and collect it for his own use."

As he spoke, Taishi Ci held the crossbow tightly in his hand and sighed: "When a man walks in the world, he should hold a three-foot long sword to achieve great achievements. At the end of his life, he will die. Although his ambition has not been achieved, he can still uphold morality and justice in the world, keep his integrity and keep his promises. Isn't it not okay? Huh!"

As he said these words, the crossbow arrow in Tai Shici's hand was inserted into his abdomen, and warm blood continued to gush out. His whole body was weak and he fell on the grass.

Taishi Heng threw himself on his father's body and cried loudly.

Liu Bei couldn't hold back his tears, wiped the corners of his eyes with his hands, and blamed himself: "Although Bei did not kill Ziyi, Ziyi died because of me."

At the same time, more than twenty tribesmen saw their master dead, and they all drew their swords and killed themselves, thinking that they were buried as martyrs.

Such a scene made Liu Bei's hair stand on end, but he was deeply in admiration.

"Ziyi is a great man!" Liu Bei ordered: "Don't let him be humiliated. He should be buried with the courtesy of a marquis!"

At the foot of the mountain, Huo Jun sighed deeply when he heard that Tai Shici had committed suicide and that 28 of his followers had committed suicide.

In fact, Huo Jun used the strategy of alienation and slander to deal with Taishi Ci and Sun Ben. He might have imagined Taishi Ci's end.Taishi Ci is not a person like Lu Bu or Ma Chao. He cannot care about his reputation.

If you want to survive, your reputation as Taishi will be ruined and humiliated; if you keep your integrity, you will gain the reputation of loyalty and be respected by others.

Huo Jun looked at his clean hands that were actually stained with blood, and was speechless, wondering who would die next in his hands.

People who do great evil do great good.Perhaps it is a reflection of my own life.

"Heroes": Taishi Ci, courtesy name Ziyi, was a native of Donglai.Hengfu, the governor of Youzhou. ... When Zhongzu challenged Yuzhang, he faced off against Sun Ben and Ci. Ji Ci was brave, so Zhongzu used Huo Jun's plan to drive a wedge between them. ... Ben fell into the trap and ran away, Duci fought with Zhongzu.Ci was defeated and walked away, with arrows in his body and trapped in the earth.

Zhongzu sent Guan Yu to persuade him to surrender, but he was kind to Sun Ce and refused to surrender.When Ziheng was young, Ci entrusted his son and his tribe to Zhongzu.

Zhongzu said: "Why did the general die in retaliation for Sun's rebellion?"

Ci said: "The ancients repaid life with death, expecting it to end at the end of the festival, and then it was over. Ci returned to surrender, but how could he have the face to meet Sun Jun!"

Zhongzu reluctantly said: "General, why don't you follow Fan Li's example, save your life, and travel around the world?"

Ci held the sword and said: "Living on the last breath is beyond the power of a man. How can Ci be humiliated!"

On his deathbed, Ci sighed: "When a real man walks in the world, he should hold a three-foot long sword to achieve meritorious deeds. At the end of his life, he will die. Although his ambition has not been achieved, he can still uphold morality and justice in the world, keep his integrity and keep his promises. Isn't it wrong?"

Upon hearing this, Zhongzu shed tears and said, "I will not kill Ziyi, but Ziyi died because of me."

Sadly, the men of ancient times couldn’t do this!

 Being swallowed up by the backstage, I made a new chapter
(End of this chapter)

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