Chapter 84

In Jingkou, Sun Quan was sitting high on the couch, and in front of him knelt a young man in his early fifteenth year. He looked frightened and uneasy, and was begging Sun Quan for punishment. This man was Ling Tong, the son of the late Lieutenant Ling Cao.

Ling Tong knelt on the ground, kowtowed and said: "Tong failed to live up to the expectations of the emperor and wounded the governor Chen Qin with a knife, causing his death. Although Ma Tun was destroyed now, because there was no one to oversee the army, he sat back and watched Zhao Yun capture Pengze. The actual unification It is a serious crime, please punish me."

When Sun Quan was retreating, Fengma and Baotun rebelled, and he led his troops to attack Baotun.Chen Qin was left as the military governor, and Ling Tong, Zhang Yi and others were left as the various tribes to cooperate to defeat the Ma Tun bandits.Chen Qin liked to drink, and relied on his high position to bully everyone at the wine table. Ling Tong was dissatisfied with his arrogance and contradicted him face to face.

Chen Qin was furious and insulted Ling Tong and Ling Cao, making Ling Tong burst into tears.After the banquet, Chen Qin insulted Ling Tong again.Ling Tong became angry and stabbed Chen Qin with a knife.A few days later, Chen Qin died of serious injuries.

Although Chen Qin died, everyone still followed Sun Quan's edict to attack Ma Tun.Ling Tong took the arrow and stone and defeated the Matun thieves.

However, things in the world are always so clever. When Ling Tong was about to return to the army to plead guilty to Sun Quan, the Jingzhou army used Huo Jun's blitzkrieg strategy and defeated all counties. Among them, Zhao Yun, who was close to them, captured Pengze City.

The generals met to discuss matters. They wanted to take advantage of Zhao Yun's unstable footing shortly after he captured Pengze County and lead his troops to attack.However, their governor Chen Qin died. Without the governor and without Sun Quan's edict, it would be a capital crime to easily mobilize troops.

Everyone prepared to rest on the spot and sent letters to Sun Quan, waiting for his edict.However, Ling Tong and a few generals believed that since the general was outside, their orders would be compromised.If you defeat Zhao Yun and recapture Pengze City now, your Majesty will not be surprised.

Everyone disagreed, so Ling Tong and a few generals gathered their troops to attack Pengze City.However, Zhao Yun was prepared for it and laid an ambush on the important road. He ambushed Ling Tong and routed his army to defeat the enemy.Fortunately, Zhao Yun had few soldiers, so Ling Tong was able to lead his troops out.

When Sun Quan received the news that Liu Bei and Liu Qi had invaded, he moved the town from Wu County to Jingkou, gathered soldiers and horses scattered around, and prepared to attack.In this case, the defeated Ling Tong went to Jingkou to plead guilty to Sun Quan.

Sun Quan looked at Ling Tong kneeling on the ground, thinking of Liu Bei who had invaded, and Wu Jing who had died of illness, and sighed helplessly.

This situation gave him a headache. It was true that blessings never come together and misfortunes never come alone.When Liu Bei and Liu Qi invaded Yuzhang, if Wu Jing was still there and Danyang's troops attacked Liu Bei to the west, the war would have been much easier.Even if Wu Jing died of illness, the [-] troops and horses he left in Danyang to attack Matun and exert pressure westward would not be able to capture the counties around Poyang Lake.

As a result, Wu Jing died of illness and it was difficult to mobilize Danyang's troops.The soldiers who were left to attack Ma Tun did not dare to attack because of the death of the governor Chen Qin, but the courageous Ling Tong was ambushed and defeated.

After grinding for a while, Sun Quan adjusted himself, got down and helped Ling Tong up. He sighed and said, "Chen Qin made trouble by drinking before the war. He also uttered arrogant words at the banquet and insulted the generals. He should be punished according to military discipline. Public achievements are owed to his father. Although humiliating and killing him is a violation of military discipline, the capture of Ma Tun has redeemed his merits."

"As for Jingzhou's invasion of Yuzhang, it was not the fault of Gongzhang. Moreover, Gongzhi repaid me with his loyalty and led his troops to attack him. Unfortunately, he was ambushed. How can this be considered a crime?"

After saying that, Sun Quan took off his robe, put it on Ling Tong, who was wearing thin clothes, and said comfortingly: "Gongzhi is quite hard, so I will step back and rest for now. When the troops are launched, Gongzhi will be my vanguard to defeat the enemy."

Ling Tong shed tears and said: "I have received great kindness from you, and I can only repay it with death."

Sun Quan gently stroked Ling Tong's back to comfort him.

It was impossible for Sun Quan not to be angry at what Ling Tong had done, but Chen Qin was dead and it was an established fact that Zhao Yun occupied Peng Ze.There is no need to blame Ling Tong and punish him. After all, Ling Tong does want to make up for his mistakes.

Now that he has succeeded to the throne not long ago, and a brave general like Ling Tong is a young man, it would be a pity if he did not show favor and become his confidant.Now he has become his confidant, and Ling Tong will retaliate with life and death.

After Ling Tong retreated, Sun Quan sat back on the couch and asked, "Is there any military report coming to Yuzhang today?"

Zhang Hong turned over the documents on the case review table and said: "Yu Zhang's military report has not yet arrived, but Cheng Gong has sent a message, saying that he has put down the Le'an bandits and can now lead his troops to the west to recover Poyang, Yuhan and other counties. . Duke Han has also put down Taimo’s thieves, so he can send troops to the west."

"Where's Gongjin?"

"Gong Jin is still gathering soldiers and horses from various tribes in Wu County, and preparing military supplies and fodder with Zhang Gong."

When Sun Quan received the news that soldiers from Jingzhou were invading, he asked Zhou Yu to gather soldiers and horses from various tribes in Wu County to prepare food and fodder for the army.He immediately moved from Wu County to Jingkou and summoned generals such as Chungu Chang Huang Gai, Wuhu Chang Zhou Tai, Liyang Chang Jiang Qin and other generals, with a combined force of about 5000 people. In addition to the more than 5000 people who besieged Ma Tun, the total number was more than [-] people.Now he is waiting at Jingkou for the arrival of Zhou Yu, the commander of various troops, and is watching the battle in Yuzhang. He has no plans to march for the time being.

After discussing the military affairs for a long time, the scout carrying the command flag hurriedly walked into the court with a slip of paper in his hand and shouted: "Your Majesty, Yuzhang urgent battle report!"

Zhang Hong took the urgent document from Yuzhang and carefully checked the mud seal on the knotted rope. Then he tore off the mud seal and spread out the bamboo slips to read.

Upon seeing it, Zhang Hong suddenly raised his head and said in shock: "My lord, according to reports from Yuzhang, Taishi Captain was defeated and died, and Liu Bei and Liu Qi have occupied the counties in the northern part of Yuzhang."

Sun Quan stood up from the couch and said in silence: "Where is Sun Yuzhang?"

Hearing this, Zhang Hong hesitated a little and said: "Sun Yuzhang joined forces with the Commander-in-Chief Taishi, and fell into Liu Bei's plan to alienate him. He was afraid that the Commander-in-Chief Taishi would collude with Liu Bei, so he led his troops to retreat, leaving the Commander-in-Chief Taishi alone. The Commander-in-Chief Taishi could not escape. He was defeated in a battle with the Jingzhou army and died in defeat. Ziheng led thousands of troops to surrender to Liu Bei."

"Sun Yuzhang withdraws his troops?"

Sun Quan laughed angrily, and he was convinced. This group of relatives was not as reliable as an outsider like Tai Shici because they missed key points.

When his eldest brother placed Taishi Ci in the northern part of Yuzhang, he was actually spying on the four counties in Jingnan.If his eldest brother had not been assassinated and died, to be honest, he would have intervened in the Changsha rebellion and attempted to capture Jingzhou, and Taishi Ci would have been the vanguard general.

After he came to power, he continued to let Tai Shici serve as the captain of Jianchang, in order to guard against attacks from Jingzhou, especially Huang Zu, who was guarding Jiangxia.After all, it only takes two days to get to Chaisang from Haihun, and it can be reached in one day by boat.But I didn't expect that Jingzhou's soldiers and horses marched like the wind, tore through Yuzhang's defense line, blocked Taishi Ci, and captured Chaisang.

However, this is not terrible. After all, there are also the brave Taishi Ci and his own veteran Sun Bi on the Yuzhang front. The two of them combined an army of more than [-] people, which is more than enough to stop the Jingzhou army.When he leads his army along the river and inserts himself behind the Jingzhou army, he will be defeated.

But Sun Quan never expected that Sun Bi, a veteran on the battlefield, would leave Taishi Ci behind and run away, leaving Taishi Ci to fight alone.If Sun Ben acted like this, wouldn't it be like putting the Sun family on the fire?

Sun Quan walked in the court, calmed down, and asked: "Ziyi died in defeat, and his wife who stayed in Wuxian County should be raised with honor. In the east, in the name of an orphan, Ziyi went to the imperial court and was granted the title of Tinghou."


After a pause, Sun Quan stopped and asked: "Dongfang, how do you treat brothers Sun Yuzhang and Sun Luling now?"

Zhang Hong stroked his beard and said: "My lord, Taishi Ci was defeated and died. He only relied on his two brothers in the Yuzhang war. If you write a letter to reprimand and demote them, I may hurt their hearts. It is better to write a letter to Sun Yuzhang now to comfort him. , and also ordered that the six counties be placed under the jurisdiction of Yuzhang County in addition to the captain of Jianchang, in order to win over Sun Yuzhang."

Sun Quan waved his sleeves helplessly and said: "This is the only thing we can do now, and there is no other way."

Sun Quan thought about the war ahead and said: "The war in Yuzhang is critical today. Gong Jin is still gathering soldiers in Wu County. Gu Dang leads the generals to march westward and attack Pengze. He decides with Cheng Gong and Han Gong to attack the lands west of Penglize and attack the Jingzhou soldiers. Horse. What does the East think?"

Zhang Hong pondered for a while and said: "Liu Bei is a hero. He alienated the two generals and besieged Ziyi, who was defeated and died. The situation in Yuzhang is urgent now. If we don't send troops to rescue him, I'm afraid brothers Sun Yuzhang and Sun Luling will not be his opponents." "

After a pause, Zhang Hong said: "My lord, command the generals to attack Pengze, and send Cheng Gong and Han Gong as partial troops to attack Poyang. When Gong Jin supervises the troops, we can defeat Jingzhou's troops."

"it is good!"

Sun Quan was also unambiguous and said in a deep voice: "Instruct all battalions to attack Peng Ze with Zhou Tai as the vanguard."


(End of this chapter)

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