Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 85 White Whip

Chapter 85 White Whip

The person who benefited the most from Taishi Ci's defeat can be said to be Liu Bei.

Taishi Ci had more than 2000 people, and more than 4000 people surrendered.Liu Bei took away more than [-] people, and ate more than a thousand left by Tai Shici. The number of surrenders was nearly [-], plus the three or four thousand soldiers and horses previously recruited by Gan Ning, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei.

Liu Bei's troops quickly expanded to more than 5000. If Zhao Yun's troops guarding Pengze are included, the number of troops is as high as [-].Regardless of the quality, it was three times larger than the [-] troops and horses when they entered Yuzhang.

Liu Bei awarded 500 soldiers and horses to Guan Yu, [-] soldiers and horses to Zhang Fei, and [-] soldiers and horses to Gan Ning.He himself commanded more than [-] people, and asked Chen Dao to select [-] elite soldiers for his tent.Tai Shiheng was appointed as the halberd man, and he and his son Liu Feng guarded the big tent.

After resting for a few days, the army marched into Yuzhang County to govern Nanchang and faced off against Sun Bi and Sun Fu's armies.

In the camp, Liu Bei sat cross-legged on a high platform, watching the soldiers practicing on the school field. He was quite bored and went to work at his old job, braiding yak tails in his hands.

Weaving yak tails was also a new habit Liu Bei picked up. When he first arrived in Jingzhou, someone gave him a yak tail.Liu Bei remembered the skill of weaving mats and selling shoes when he was young, so he used it to weave, but unexpectedly he failed.In my spare time, my hands are itchy and I always want to weave yak tails into ornaments. (Note ①)

"Yuan Zhi!" Liu Bei asked, busy with his hands, "Tell me whether Zhong Miao likes the tail!"

Xu Shu was commenting on the military affairs, without raising his head, and said perfunctorily: "The tail of the knot made by my lord is unparalleled, Zhong Miao will definitely like it."

Liu Bei tied his mantle and sighed: "This time in Yuzhang, the situation we are in today is all thanks to Zhongmiao's contribution. He proposed a strategy to capture Penglize, attack Chaisang, and devise a plan to separate. These three strategies should be used To express his merits. However, I still send him to someone else's house, so I cannot express my merits to him. I can only use the tail as a gift."

Xu Shu's pen moved like a dragon and said: "My lord, the eldest son has already served as Zhongmiao's representative to Jingbei Zhonglang General. This is a great achievement!"

Liu Bei sighed and said: "This is exactly what Bei is worried about. Zhongmiao's heroic weapon is something that only a few people can have. Now Jingzhou can give official positions, but Bei cannot. Between the two, I'm afraid Zhongmiao will have this problem. read."

Hearing this, Xu Shu stopped writing and asked, "My lord, do you think Zhong Miao is a man who is greedy for petty profits?"

Liu Bei shook his head and said, "Zhong Miao is not such a person!"

Xu Shu said helplessly: "Then why is my lord worried?"

Liu Bei looked confused and said, "Bei is just worried!"

After a pause, Liu Bei tied his knot and said: "As I said at the beginning, Zhong Miao was working for Liu Jingzhou. However, in the future, Zhong Miao will work for Bei instead. Bei is afraid that others will talk about it. How can Zhong Miao be wronged like this?" "

Obviously, Taishi Ci's behavior of observing integrity made Liu Bei think wildly and worry about Huo Jun's reputation in the future.

Xu Shu picked up the pen again and said: "Zhong Miao is not Ziyi. He is extremely resourceful. Since he can secretly serve Liu Jingzhou, he must have his own way not to be burdened by his reputation."

Chen Dao raised his hands and asked, "My lord, five hundred of our elite soldiers have been selected. What are their names?"


Liu Bei's thoughts were still on Huo Jun, and he was stunned by Chen Dao's question. He then looked at the white cannon in his hand and said perfunctorily: "They can be called white cannon soldiers, and they are decorated with white cannons."


Liu Bei continued to weave the white grate and asked, "Bei has a daughter at his knees. It's a pity that Zhongmiao doesn't have any biological children, otherwise he can marry her."

Liu Bei and Xu Shu exchanged words with each other. It was not until the military report came that they stopped chatting and called Liu Qi, Wenpin and others to discuss the matter.

In the tent, Liu Qi held the military report in his hand and asked: "According to General Zilong's report, Sun Quan will mobilize ten thousand troops to attack Pengze. Also, according to reports from Poyang County, Cheng Pu and Han should wipe out the local bandits." , the combined number is about 6000. Now in our army in Yuzhang, although our army defeated Tai Shici, Sun Fu arrived again and faced off with our army."

After saying that, Liu Qi turned to look at Liu Bei and asked, "I wonder if uncle has any strategy to deal with this?"

After hearing this, Liu Bei pondered for a while and said: "We should divide our troops to defend him. The two generals Cheng Pu and Han Dang are veteran generals on the battlefield. They followed Sun Jian and Sun Ce in the south and north, and they were quite brave. Yun Changke, under the prepared account, Command the troops to defend them, but they are few, so the eldest son can send other generals to assist him, and attack the two of them together."

Liu Qi nodded slightly and asked the generals of Jingzhou, "Guan Junhou leads the troops to defend against the enemy. I wonder who would like to be his deputy general?"

Liu Qi had no objection to Guan Yu serving as a partial army officer.Except for Liu Bei and Liu Qi, there was no one else with a higher official position than Guan Yu. Not to mention that Guan Yu had already become a powerful figure in the world, and no one else could compare with Guan Yu.

Huang Zhong stood up from his seat, held up his hands and said, "Zhongsu heard that Cheng Pu and Han Dang are brave generals. If Guan Junhou will not give up, Zhongsu is willing to lead his troops and go with the generals."

"What do you think?" Liu Qi asked.

Guan Yu Danfeng raised his eyes slightly, and when he saw that it was Huang Zhong who saved his life, he cupped his hands and said, "Han Sheng can follow Yu."

"Okay!" Liu Qi saw that the first army had dealt with it, and asked: "How should Sun Quan and Sun Ben's armies deal with it? Move troops to fight Sun Quan, or confront Sun Ben."

Huo Jun straightened his back, cupped his hands and said, "I would like to report to you, eldest son, that we have achieved victory in Yuzhang today. We should work together to conquer Yuzhang. How can we switch to fight against Sun Quan because of his arrival? Jun thought that we should attack Sun Bi from the south." , occupy Sun Quan in the east."

Liu Bei nodded and agreed and said: "Yuzhang and Wujun are separated by mountains and rivers. If we can eliminate Sun Ben and Sun Fu, we can concentrate on heading east to compete with Sun Quan. Therefore, we should follow Zhongmiao's words and attack Sun Ben from the south. Seize Sun Quan in the east. Although Sun Ben is a veteran general, he has few strategies and is not worth worrying about. Bei and the eldest son unite their troops here to look for opportunities to confront each other, which is enough to defeat the enemy."

"Then how can Sun Quan's troops be based on it?" Liu Qi asked worriedly: "Although he has tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in command of the waterway, there will be heavy troops behind him in the future, so we should not underestimate it. Do you have any good plans for my uncle and Zhong Miao?"

Not long after Liu Bei first arrived in Jiangdong, he only knew that Pengze must be defended on land, and he did not dare to speak about the water battle for the time being.Liu Bei and Liu Qi looked at Huo Jun together, hoping to hear solutions from his mouth.

Facing everyone's gaze, Huo Jun looked calm and said confidently: "As the eldest son said, even if Sun Quan is invaded by thousands of people, he will surely have a large army to assemble later. Therefore, it is not possible to just defend Pengze, and he still needs to collect water and die at Chaisang. "

Liu Qi straightened his back and asked: "The enemy navy is marching from the east. Why is it that instead of garrisoning Pengli Ze, the garrison garrison Chaisang?"

Huo Jun took out the map he collected in Chaisang from his arms and asked his attendants to spread it out. He stood up and gave instructions: "Penglize is divided into two lakes, the north and the south. The river flows through the isthmus between the two lakes. The mouth of the south lake is like the mouth of a gourd. When you first enter, Once it was narrow, it suddenly became clear..."

During the Three Kingdoms period, Penglize was divided into two lakes, north and south, with the Yangtze River passing between the two lakes.Among them, Nanhu Lake gradually invaded the land southward with the changes of the times and became the Poyang Lake well-known to later generations.

The terrain outside the Yangtze River section of Poyang Lake is quite special. It belongs to the Hulukou terrain. The river channel for ships entering the lake is narrow. But when you enter Poyang Lake, you will suddenly see that the water and sky are connected and boundless.

Due to the special terrain of Poyang Lake, the entrance and exit are in the shape of a gourd mouth.Therefore, as long as the city guarding Hulukou is blocked, the passage into Poyang Lake can be blocked.The west of these two cities is Chaisang and the east is Pengze.Zhao Yun did not lead his army back to the camp before, just to control the flanks of the army and guard Pengze City.

As for why the navy was stationed in Chaisang, the reason is simple.If Jiangdong wanted to bypass Pengze City and enter Poyang Lake directly, its large warships would have to enter and leave the narrow mouth of the lake.At that time, the Jiangxia Navy located in the upper reaches can intercept the Jiangdong Navy along the river when it enters the lake entrance, achieving an effect similar to that of a half-crossed attack on land.

Therefore, unless Jiangdong's army can remove Pengze City and enter Yuzhang by land, if they want to bypass Pengze City, they must defeat Chai Sang's navy, enter Poyang Lake, and reach Yuzhang by water.

Listening to Huo Jun's analysis, Liu Qi nodded slightly and said: "If it is Zhongmiao's wish, let Huangjiang Xia garrison Chaisang to intimidate the Jiangdong navy. At the same time, send other soldiers to reinforce Pengze City and block the Jiangdong soldiers from the land."


Huo Jun stood up, cupped his hands and said, "If the eldest son and General Zuo do not give up, Jun is willing to lead his troops to reinforce and guard Pengze City with General Zhao."

Liu Qi looked at Liu Bei and asked, "Uncle, what do you think of Zhong Miao's words?"

Liu Bei pondered for a while and said: "Zhongmiao is both civil and military, and his military skills are superior; Zilong is as brave as Yun Chang and Yide. It is feasible for the two of them to garrison Pengze City."

"Who can take charge?" Liu Qi asked.

"Zhongmiao has the strategy of a general, so he sent a letter to ask Zilong to be controlled by Zhongmiao and guard Pengze City together." Liu Bei said.

"Okay!" Liu Qi patted the case and said, "In that case, Qi sent a letter to Huang Jiangxia. Mr. Lao Yuanzhi went there and asked him to move his army to Chaisang with kind words to defend our army from Jiangdong Navy."

After the military meeting was over, Liu Bei went to Huo Jun and asked, "Zhongmiao is leading his troops to Pengze. Do you know if the troops are sufficient?"

Huo Jun stood with his sword in hand and said with a smile: "General Zilong and my headquarters have more than three thousand soldiers and horses, which is enough to defend the Jiangdong army. If too many soldiers and horses are sent to Pengze now, it may affect the Yuzhang war."

After saying that, Huo Jun slightly cupped his hands and said in a deep voice: "General, please concentrate on the war in Yuzhang. Peng Ze will be guarded by Jun. If the general ends the war in March, Jun can hold on for three months; if it takes half a year to wipe out Sun Bi, Jun can hold on for half a year." "

Liu Bei held Huo Jun's arm and assured him, "Zhongmiao, please rest assured. Within half a year, we will prepare to pacify Yuzhang and Luling counties and raise troops to the east."

Then, Liu Bei took out the whip he had tied for Huo Jun from his arms and said, "Zhong Miao has been running for Bei for a long time, but Bei has nothing to show for it. Now I will tie a white grate as a whip for Zhong Miao to ride his horse."

Huo Jun took the unique white whip with both hands. The whip handle was made of ivory, and the white whip was rolled into a whip body, which was about two feet long.Touching the horse whip gently with the same hand, you can feel its soft texture and white body.

After a long silence, Huo Junxin had a thousand words to say, but in the end he just handed over his hand and said: "Zhongmiao will definitely live up to the general's expectations."

"The sword has no eyes, please be careful!" Liu Bei patted Huo Jun on the shoulder and warned him.


①: "Wei Lue": Bei's nature is good at tying knots. At the right time, someone would tie an oxtail to Bei, so Bei tied it with his own hands.

(End of this chapter)

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