Chapter 86
The war situation was urgent, so Guan Yu's and Huo Jun's armies set out respectively the next day. Guan Yu took the land route to the east, and Huo Jun took a boat to the northeast.

As the boat sailed out of Poyang Lake, the water and sky were the same color, with vast waves.Huo Jun was wearing Zhongjia, with one hand on the hilt of his sword and a white whip fastened to his waist.Standing on the bow of the boat, looking at Pengze City, which is getting closer and closer.

At this time, the ship flying the 'Gan' flag approached, and Gan Ning shouted from the deck: "Zhongmiao, Peng Ze has arrived now, and Ning is leading the navy back."

Huo Jun returned the gift and shouted: "Thank you Xingba for escorting me all the way. I'm waiting for you in Pengze to report the good news!"

Gan Ning put his fingers in his mouth and whistled sharply. Hearing the whistle, Gan Ning's ships turned around on the spot and returned to Yuzhang to complete his escort mission.

There was no other way to let Gan Ning lead the navy to escort him.Although the Jingzhou Army captured the counties in northern Yuzhang, its actual control was weak.Moreover, as the war progressed, bandits in local villages and counties became more and more rampant.

There are many water thieves hiding in Poyang Lake alone. In the past, they looked like fishermen, but if they encountered traders, they would turn into jackals and plunder.After hearing what Gan Ning said, the largest force of water thieves in Poyang Lake was the Poyang thief Peng Hu, who had tens of thousands of men and women under his command.

The logistics of the coalition forces could be guaranteed. Fortunately, Huang Zu led the Jiangxia navy to escort them during the period, so the grain ships were not disturbed by these daring water thieves.

Today, when Huo Jun goes to Pengze to defend the city, he can't just bring people with him. A large number of military supplies such as arrows, crossbows, weapons, and food used to defend the city need to be transported.Without Gan Ning's escort, the more than [-] people under Huo Jun's tent would be a bit unsafe.

After a while, as the fleet approached Pengze Pier, Huo Jun also saw Zhao Yun standing in the wind on the shore, waiting for him.

"Sail down!"

"Drop anchor!"

When Zhao Yun saw the fleet approaching the shore, he waved his hand and shouted: "Master, unload the cargo!"


Zhao Yun glanced at the ship behind Huo Jun and asked, "Zhong Miao, how many arrows did you bring?"

Huo Jun stretched out a finger and smiled without saying a word.

"One hundred thousand arrows?" Zhao Yun asked tentatively.

Huo Jun shook his head and said with a smile: "A total of 100 million arrows, plus a thousand more bows and crossbows. Is that enough?"

"That's enough!" Zhao Yun said excitedly: "One million arrows and only 100 to 3 enemy invaders are not enough."

One million arrows were distributed to an army of more than 100 people, which was on the upper side of the crossbow arrow ratio in the Han Dynasty. During the Han Dynasty, a crossbow was equipped with five arrows (fifty arrows).If there are frequent border wars, the ratio of bows, crossbows and arrows will reach the level of 3000:1.

With 100 million arrows and 1 sergeants, the crossbow-to-arrow ratio can reach 333:[-]. This may seem like a high figure, but considering that it will be a siege battle that will last for several months, it is within normal limits.

Huo Jun took out Liu Bei's letter from his pocket and said, "General Zhao, this is a letter from General Zuo, talking about the cooperation between the two armies."

Zhao Yun's expression calmed down, he took Liu Bei's letter, read the full text carefully, checked the seal on the scarf, raised his hand and said, "Yun has seen Jingbei Zhonglang General!"

"Today, there are 190 infantrymen, 730 new recruits, and 340 surrendered soldiers under the cloud tent. The total number of our own soldiers is about 110 soldiers. There are 53 cavalrymen and 130 infantrymen. We are waiting for Huo Jingbei. Dispatch.”

Zhao Yun is quite qualified and is not dissatisfied with Liu Bei's military orders. Instead, he quickly expresses his attitude and agrees with Huo Jun's control of his troops.

"Don't dare!" Huo Jun didn't dare to be arrogant, and raised his hands and said: "General Zhao has been on the battlefield for a long time. If Jun makes a mistake in his command, he should give you some advice. There are 150 cavalry in Jun's army, and they are actually deployed by the eldest son and General Zuo. Today They can be transferred to the general's tent and command together."


Zhao Yun raised his hand and pointed at Peng Zecheng and said, "Sun Quan's army will arrive soon. Yun will introduce Pengze City to Huo Jingbei."

"Please!" "Please!"

Under the guidance of Zhao Yun, Huo Jun began to understand the topography of Pengze City.

Pengze City is different from Chaisang City. Chaisang City is located on a narrow land in the middle of the two lakes. The city structure is extremely unique and different from ordinary Han Dynasty cities.Pengze City is relatively normal. It controls Jingchu on the top, southern Anhui on the bottom, the Yangtze River on the north, and is surrounded by mountains on three sides.If the infantry wants to enter Yuzhang, they must break through Pengze City.

At the same time, due to the terrain, the southern section of Pengzen's city wall was built against the towering Haoshan Mountain. It winds like a giant python and is easy to defend but difficult to attack.If you want to attack the city, you can only attack it from the east, west and north.Generally speaking, Pengze City is larger than Chaisang City. Due to soil and foundation problems, the city walls will be slightly higher.

As he rode his horse and raised his whip, Huo Jun's white whip was particularly conspicuous. He raised his whip and pointed at Haoshan in the southeast city and said: "Haoshan is from a high place, overlooking the surroundings of the county. If you want to hold on to the city, Haoshan must station troops."

Zhao Yun nodded slightly and said: "Yun is really what Huo Jingbei meant. The mountains are towering and dangerous. If they are captured by the enemy, it will not be a blessing to our army. However, before, Yun had insufficient soldiers and horses and did not dare to go outside. Now Huo Jingbei When you lead the troops, you can divide them to garrison Hao Mountain."

Huo Jun pondered for a while and said: "According to General Zhao's intelligence, General Sun Quan is coming with more than [-] troops."


Zhao Yun suggested: "Previously, we had more than 5000 soldiers and horses in the attack on Ma Tun, and Sun Quan had [-] soldiers in Jingkou. Now that the army is coming, it should be no less than [-] people. If you look at what Yun sees, you can station a thousand soldiers and horses on the mountain." , the rest of the soldiers and horses defended the city, thinking of the power of the horns."

Defending the city does not mean defending the city, but relying on the geographical facilities around the city to enhance one's own advantages and inflict damage on the opponent as much as possible.

Haoshan in the southeast corner is much higher than Pengze City. If Huo Jun only relied on the city's defense, he would give up Haoshan to Jiangdong's army.In the early stages of defending the city, Huo Jun will be at a disadvantage.Therefore, what Zhao Yun said about stationing troops above and forming a horn will be the right choice.

Huo Jun looked at the surrounding terrain and remained silent.

Zhao Yun thought that Huo Jun was worried about the supply problem after going up the mountain, so he said: "The south gate of Pengze is close to the mountain. If the troops are stationed in Haoshan Mountain, the grain, grass and baggage can be transported up the mountain to supply the troops and horses on the mountain. There are also springs and streams in the mountains that can supply more than thousands of troops. If every soldier drinks it, there will be no problem in supplying it.”


Huo Jun nodded slightly and said: "Moving our troops to the vast mountains, condescending and powerful, it will be beneficial to defend the city!"

Perhaps influenced by the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, many people can think of Ma Su when they see the garrison mountain.But in fact, the military garrison on the mountain needs to be viewed objectively and based on the terrain of the mountain.

When it comes to attacking from a high position, the best example is the Battle of Dingjun Mountain.On Liu Bei's garrison mountain, he not only had a panoramic view of the Wei army's battlefield arrangements and formations, but also at the tactical level.The army can also launch an attack from a high position, using potential energy to form a more violent charge.

It also has advantages in defense.On the military garrison mountain, it is difficult for those at the bottom of the mountain to see and observe the movements of the enemy troops. The mountain peaks will also hinder their judgment of the size of the army on the mountain. This is the case with soldiers surrounded by vegetation.

As for Ma Su, he had fewer troops than Zhang He, which was indeed beneficial to his defense, but he did not see the disadvantages of stationing troops on the mountain.

When a qualified military commander stations troops in the mountains, he first considers logistical supplies, and secondly considers detailed but fatal issues such as enemy fire attacks.Without exception, these pitfalls were all stepped on by Ma Su, whose depth lacked understanding of the details of the battlefield.

Strategy can be macro, but tactics need to be micro.Throughout the ages, people engaged in logistics such as Zhao She and Zhuge Liang have known how to fight. Although there are some who are extremely talented, what is more important is that they have two perspectives to think about war, the grand and the subtle.

Huo Jun looked at Peng Zedong's east gate and asked, "Can the east city gate be opened?"

"Pengze City is small and there is no urn city, so the east gate dare not be opened. Yun has ordered the soldiers to pile up stones to block the city gate." Zhao Yun replied.

Huo Jun pondered for a while and then said: "General, please make sure that the city gates are connected to each other as much as possible, and the city gates must not be closed." Jun and the general led a thousand elite men and two hundred cavalry to garrison on the Haoshan Mountain, and Huo Xiaowei led more than [-] troops. People guard the city.”

"Huo Jingbei, what's the purpose of this arrangement?" Zhao Yun asked in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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