Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 88 Persuade to surrender

Chapter 88 Persuade to surrender
In October of the eighth year of Jian'an, Sun Quan's army of ten thousand men approached Pengze.

The warships that stretched for miles were like giant dragons entrenched on the river. More than ten thousand people disembarked one after another, with guns and halberds like a forest, and flags flying.Sun Quan camped more than ten miles outside the city and sent Qin Song into Pengze to persuade them to surrender.

At this time, Huo Jun and Liu Zhong were checking the garrison supplies in the city and recording the number of men, women and children in the city.In historical offensive and defensive battles, the number of people seems to be very different. In fact, the number of defensive personnel is often more than the strength on paper.Where does its population come from? It always lies in the people in the city.

Among the common people, strong men are given priority to be recorded as reserve troops; women can be used to carry supplies.Even the elderly and children have corresponding tasks, such as distributing food and collecting other supplies.

As for whether he is willing or not, it is not within Huo Jun's consideration.In the face of war, it's not voluntary, it's compulsory.

Huo Jun is checking the population today in order to arrange tasks for these people.

Huo Jun pointed to the mountains south of the city and ordered: "The mountains south of the city are lush with trees. It will be cold today, so you can cut down the trees for fuel to prepare for the winter!"

"We need to be vigilant about the poor people in the city to prevent details from being revealed. The people in the city will verify the truth and issue wooden signs. Ten households will be one. If any household hides it and fails to report it, it will be punished by sitting together." Huo Jun said in a deep voice.


As mentioned before, in the battle to defend the city, the most important thing is to avoid problems within the city. Now we are guarding against the poor, not because we look down on the poor people.It is the poor people who are most likely to hide spies and become enemy spies.

The scout rushed to Huo Jun, raised his hands and said, "General, Jiangdong soldiers and horses have camped more than ten miles away. We are sending envoys into the city to persuade them to surrender."

"Persuade to surrender?"

Huo Jun raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said, "Let the envoy come into the city to answer the question."



In the government office, Huo Jun sat upright and received Qin Song.

Qin Song was dressed in Confucian clothes and looked at the person on the couch. Seeing that he was not as young as Zhao Yun, he saluted and said, "I am Qin Song, Qin Wenbiao. I am here to pay homage to the general on the order of my master. I don't know that the general is the commander in chief of the city." ?”

Huo Jun smiled slightly and said: "I am Huo Jun, Huo Zhongmiao, the chief general in the city. I wonder what you can teach me, sir?"

Qin Song's intelligence was a step too late. At the moment, he thought the person in charge was still Zhao Yun.Little did they know that Huo Jun had already taken over the defense of Pengze City, and Zhao Yun stationed troops on Haoshan.

Seeing that Huo Jun was young and not as famous as Zhao Yun, Qin Song felt a little contemptuous in his heart and said: "Now my master has led [-] troops to the west of Yuzhang to cut off the river. There is also Cheng De's plan to recruit [-] troops and enter from Danyang. Yuzhang. Your army is about to be defeated. Why should the general do useless things?"

"General, why don't you surrender now with your troops, pay homage to the officers, and serve my lord!"

Huo Jun pretended to be deep in thought and said: "Sun has captured [-] soldiers, and Jun is really invincible. However, there is an order in Jingzhou that if you can defend the city for a month, your family will not be in trouble if you surrender. Jun dare not disobey it. I wonder if you can tell me, sir." Sun besieged the captives, and after thirty days, he left the city and surrendered to the general."

Qin Song thought he saw Huo Jun's cowardice, and scolded him sternly: "With thirty thousand troops here, Huo Jun doesn't think you can hold on for how many days? Why don't you surrender to the Lord today, otherwise the sword will fall straight down, and Peng Ze will do all he can" It’s rubble!”

Huo Jun looked frightened, hesitated a little, and said, "Sir, can you let Jun think about it for a few days?"

"General, it is better to make a quick decision!"

Seeing that the effect was achieved, Qin Song did not want to push too hard. He smiled warmly and said: "Now that the [-] troops are out, the general will enjoy wealth and honor early when he returns. If the master waits to attack the city, it will be too late."

Although Huo Jun was disdainful in his heart, his face showed cooperation. He smiled modestly and said, "Let Jun think about it for a few days."

Qin Song raised his sleeves and asked casually: "I have a relationship with General Zilong. I wonder where he is now?"

Huo Jun was slightly embarrassed and said: "General Zilong has been transferred back to Yuzhang by the eldest son."


Qin Song's eyes brightened slightly, as if he had picked up some information, and said: "If General Zilong is not under the command of Liu Bei, why was he transferred back to Yuzhang by the eldest son?"

Huo Jun just smiled awkwardly, as if to cover up.

Qin Song gained a little bit, raised his hands and said: "General, we must make a quick decision, Song and leave." After Qin Song left, Huo Jun changed his timid appearance before, with a calm demeanor and sharp eyes.

Zhao Yun walked straight out from behind Fuzhen and asked, "Is Zhong Miao a tactic to delay the attack?"

Huo Jun picked up the tea cup on the table, took a sip, and said with a smile: "Otherwise, this is the strategy of a proud soldier!"

Zhao Yun knelt down beside the couch and asked doubtfully: "Didn't Zhong Miao want to deceive Qin Song with the thirty-day period?"

Huo Jun raised his eyebrows and said, "Zilong, don't you think there are no experts in Sun Quan's army?"

Zhao Yun was at a loss again and asked: "Since Zhong Miao expected that the wise men in Sun Quan's army would be able to see through this plan, how could he extend the period of thirty days?"

Huo Jun put down the tea cup and explained: "If Jun is facing him now with timidity, the people in Jiangdong will be arrogant. He also gave them thirty days to think that he has a plan. If Jun's prediction is correct, Sun Quan will lead his troops tomorrow. Outside the city, show off your force and show off your power to force Jun to make an early decision, leave the city to accept surrender, or raise an army to invade."

Hearing this, Zhao Yun suddenly realized and said: "Zhong Miao wants to take advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness tomorrow and go out of the city to attack the thieves."


Huo Jun spread out the map of Pengze City and said: "Jun said the day before yesterday that if his troops are not compromised, people will be uneasy. I can't defeat ten thousand people now. I falsely claim that there are thirty thousand people. Today I am trying to persuade you to surrender. I think you are underestimating me. In fact, I am trying to persuade you to surrender." This is a good opportunity. When the cavalry and soldiers are unexpectedly surprised and the formation is in chaos, if you use elite troops to cover it, your army will be broken, and you can use it as a plan."

By occupying Haoshan in advance and being in a commanding position, the details of Sun Quan's army were basically clear to the scouts.Qin Song's bluffing strategy had already been figured out by Huo Jun.Seeing that Qin Song thought he had a plan, Huo Jun followed his wishes and acted out a play with him.

Qin Song's clichés later, and Huo Jun's temporary performance, made Qin Song think that there was a conflict between Liu Qi and Liu Bei, so he picked Zhao Yun back and sent the "obscure" Huo Jun to guard it.After all, Zhao Yun had been stationed on the mountain since Huo Jun arrived in Pengze, and rarely appeared in front of everyone.

Zhao Yun cheered up, raised his hands and said, "Please give me Huo Jingbei's orders!"

"Tomorrow..., that's all!"


Jiangdong military camp, inside the big tent.

Qin Song raised his hands to Sun Quan who was in a high position, and said: "Song has fulfilled his mission and has found out the information in the city. Moreover, after being persuaded by Song to surrender, General Huo Jun has already expressed his intention to surrender, but he is still considering it."

Sun Quan was shocked and asked: "I have a written form, please tell me quickly!"


The second brother took the lead and started his performance, telling how he lied about being a soldier and defrauding the young Huo Jun; how he intimidated Huo Jun when Huo Jun hesitated; and finally, through his agility, he detected the possible conflict between the two men.The ups and downs of the description are fascinating.


Sun Quan took the lead in applauding and cheered: "Sir, you really have the style to control celebrities!"

"Don't dare!"

Qin Song looked slightly sad and said: "My subordinate, Huo Jun has given us thirty days, so I'm afraid he might be delaying. We should force him to submit and let him surrender at the expense of the city."

Sun Quan turned to look at Zhang Hong and asked, "What do you think of Dongfang?"

Zhang Hong pondered for a while and said: "If we go by what the article says, Huo Jun stationed his troops on Haoshan and strictly fortified the city. He must have the intention of guarding for a long time, so there is a term of thirty days. My subordinates can follow what the article says, Tomorrow we will deploy troops outside the city to intimidate everyone in the city."

"If they don't surrender, we can send troops to seize Haoshan. At that time, we will be condescending and have a clear view of the movements in the city. It will be easy to break the city!"

In ancient times, there were no airplanes and no satellites spinning overhead.Through the city wall, the layout of the city is almost invisible.This is also why watchtowers are built in the army. It is to use the height to observe the enemy's situation from a high position and facilitate the mobilization of the army.

Zhao Yun and Huo Jun like Haoshan. How could Zhang Hong, who has strategic vision, fail to see Haoshan?
Sun Quan also stood up and said, "Come here, set up a formation outside the city tomorrow to show off the power of our army."


 After the correction, I will refer to Sun Quan as his subordinate. Thanks to the book friend for correcting me.
(End of this chapter)

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