Chapter 89
At dawn, the sky turned white, and a red sun slowly rose.

On the rugged and high mountainside, Zhao Yun was washing the stains on his beloved horse. After working for a long time, he took out the fine grass mixed with minced meat from the bag.

Horses appear to be vegetarian animals, but in fact horses occasionally need protein supplements. They will eat meat to ensure that they have sufficient energy, but only in small amounts.

This special habit of war horses was discovered by the nomads in the north or the Han cavalry on the frontier, and was also used in combat.

On normal days, considering the gastrointestinal function of horses, horses are generally not fed grain mixed with minced meat; but before emergency battles, they will be fed a little minced meat, just like a stimulant in later generations.Let the war horse maintain sufficient physical strength and be able to sustain long-term combat.

Zhao Yun stroked the war horse's mane and doted on it.After feeding the minced meat and fodder, they also fed refined salt to ensure that the horse would not die suddenly during strenuous exercise.And the snow-white horse also turned its head and rubbed Zhao Yun's chest. It was obvious that the relationship between the master and pet was deep.

It was still quite cold on Haoshan Mountain at sunrise.Huo Jun was wrapped in a blanket and looked at the Jiangdong military camp. He glanced at Zhao Yun and asked, "Are the two hundred cavalry available?"

Zhao Yun raised his head and looked at Huo Jun and said with a smile: "Last night, all the knights were timid. The two hundred cavalry were commanded by Zhao Dingfang (Zhao Lie) and Shi Junyi (Shiren). Dingfang, a member of the Yun tribe; Jun Yi, my lord’s old subordinate. These two are both veteran generals on the battlefield. They are brave and fearless of death, and their military spirit can be used.”

Shiren belonged to Liu Bei's old tribe. He joined Liu Bei in his pursuit of the Yellow Turban at the age of 15. He followed Liu Bei to fight for more than ten years, never abandoning him and following him loyally and bravely.

Huo Jun glanced at Shiren, who was tall and tall and was calling his cavalry to prepare for battle seriously, with a strange look on his face.How could such a loyal and brave man surrender to Jiangdong more than ten years later in the original history? Could it be that he has enjoyed wealth, weakened his bones, and is greedy for life and afraid of death?
The rising sun was already rising in the east, and drums were resounding in the Jiangdong Army's camp.

Zhao Yun's ears twitched slightly and he said: "Zhong Miao, the three-way drum has sounded, Sun Quan is about to send troops!"


Looking from the southeast to the northeast, the morning light does not hinder your vision.In Huo Jun's field of vision, Jiangdong's army of ten thousand people appeared in front of him.

The infantry, as dense as ants, continued to appear from each camp, and soon there was another group, as if there was no end.Moving forward slowly, spears and halberds are held high like a forest.As their steps undulated, the military flags rolled along with them, like thick clouds covering the sun, creating a spectacular sight.

If you observe carefully, you can find that although the military formation is huge, the queues are messy and intertwined, making it difficult to describe the movements of arms.This is the shortcoming of Jiangdong's soldiers and horses. As the commander of the army, Sun Quan is not good at commanding the army, and it is quite difficult to regulate the army.

Compared to the large and chaotic infantry, there were only a small number of cavalry. They walked along the ranks of sergeants from various ministries. The different styles of clothing on their bodies showed that they came from different generals.

This is the disadvantage of the partial award system. An army composed of private soldiers of different generals does not have the unified action capabilities that a large-scale army should have.When Sun Ce was still alive, he was able to cover up these problems with his outstanding military capabilities.But when it was Sun Quan's turn, due to his lack of tactical quality, it was really difficult for a force of this nature to be able to command with an arm.

In the center of the marching army, a gorgeous cap stood in the sky, the Sun banner fluttered in the wind, and there were attendants on the left and right sides.

However, Huo Jun, who was living on Mount Hao, was too far away. Even if he squinted his eyes and tried his best to identify, it was difficult to confirm whether the person under his command was Sun Quan.However, based on the civil and military officers and soldiers surrounding him, as well as the huge banner beside him, he could still vaguely recognize that the person under his command might be Sun Quan himself.

Huo Jun made a rough estimate and found that it was not the 3 people Qin Song said, but still the [-] people reported by the scouts yesterday, and he couldn't help but make up his mind.

Turning to look at Zhao Yun, Huo Jun asked: "What do you think of the soldiers and horses in the east of the Yangtze River? Can Zilong use the cavalry to attack them?"

Zhao Yun held the reins and looked down from a high position. He could see Sun Quan's army at a glance. He observed it for a long time and replied: "The morale is very high, but the ministries are disorderly and the military formation cannot be said to be tidy. If you send cavalry to attack it, you should coordinate it with his army." When the time comes, lead your troops into battle."

After pondering for a while, Zhao Yun said: "We can wait for a while."

Listening to Zhao Yun's answer, Huo Jun nodded slightly and chose to agree with Zhao Yun's opinion.In terms of cavalry, Zhao Yun's level is way ahead of Huo Jun's. Huo Jun must recognize Zhao Yun in this regard.

On the field, Sun Quan put his hands on the carriage rails, looked at Pengze City, and ordered: "Stop the army and form an array."

"Where is the writing list?"


"Go and call Huo Jun to surrender the city. If you don't obey, no chickens or dogs will be left behind when the city is destroyed." Sun Quan said coldly.


After the instructions were given, Qin Song took the carriage out and drove towards Pengze City.Under Sun Quan's command, Jiangdong's army also began to form formations.Sun Quan, who was commanding tens of thousands of people for the first time, was quite excited. With Zhu Zhi's help, he began to command the military formation.

At this time, Zhao Yun, who was halfway up the mountain, memorized the Jiangdong Army's formation on the field in his mind. He closed his eyes and the trajectory of its entry into the formation emerged, constantly changing, and formed in his mind.

Zhao Yun clenched his fist tightly, inhaled deeply, exhaled deeply, and said: "Yun comes down the mountain, wait for Zhongmiao to give the order!" "Yes!" Huo Jun said: "Listen to the sound of Jun's trumpet!"


After Zhao Yun and Huo Jun nodded, they wore bright light armor, held long spears in their hands, and led the white horses down the mountain.

Mingguang armor has been around since the Three Kingdoms period, and its large-scale military use was still in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and it reached its peak in the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

Qin Song drove to the gate of Pengze City and shouted: "Where is General Huo? The Lord has ordered you to surrender quickly, otherwise there will be no chickens or dogs left under the army."

At the top of the city, Huo Du leaned on the female wall and laughed and said: "My general said, Sun Quan can't conquer Pengze City, why should we surrender!"


Qin Song was furious and shouted: "Huo Jun, don't forget what you said last night. Are you really not afraid of an army of [-] people?"


Just when Huo Du was about to scold him, a loud horn sound came from Haoshan Mountain.

Huo Du glanced at the swaying trees at the foot of Haoshan Mountain, laughed and said, "Mr. Qin, look back, my general is treating you to a big show!"

Qin Song subconsciously looked for the sound, and saw a group of cavalry coming from the foot of Haoshan Mountain, three or four miles away from the military formation, with great momentum, running like thunder, towards the 300-man troop who was preparing to place antlers at the foot of the mountain. The team kills.

Seeing this, Qin Song took a breath and looked horrified.

At the same time, Sun Quan's army also discovered Zhao Yun's cavalry.

Attendant Gu Li heard the horn sound on Haoshan Mountain, glanced at it, and shouted loudly: "Lord, there are cavalry coming from Haoshan Mountain to kill!"

Before Gu Li finished speaking, Sun Quan took a closer look and saw that the cavalry was facing Ling Tong's troops, and he led his troops to the foot of the mountain.

Sun Quan breathed out nervously and said: "Although Gongji is young, he is quite brave, and his troops are brave and good at fighting. If we form a formation, we can fight with the enemy's cavalry for a while, and then Song Borang (Song Qian)'s thousands People should be able to stop the enemy from coming down."

However, the reality could not be as he wished. The next scene made Sun Quan feel worried.

The cavalry led by Zhao Yun came too fast and fiercely. Two hundred cavalry came from three or four miles away, as fast as a bolt of lightning.In a few breaths, when Ling Tong's troops were in panic and confusion, but had no time to react, they rushed into the queue of 300 people.

"Not good!" Sun Quan shouted anxiously: "Our performance is in danger!"

Zhao Yun waved the spear in his hand and blocked the spear in front of him. With the impact of the horse, the sharp spear pointed directly at Ling's tribe's chest.Then he took a step forward and walked away with his backhand.

Ling Tong, who was in the formation and called for everyone to line up, saw that there were so many casualties among his troops. He roared angrily and rode his horse and raised his spear to fight.

Zhao Yun obviously had no interest in this 15-year-old kid, so he blocked it with a wave of his hand.

This made Ling Tong's hands numb and his tiger's mouth dry and cracked. He could no longer hold the spear and let him fly away.However, Zhao Yun had no impact and Chang Shan withdrew his stab.

The tip of the spear brought out a stream of blood, and Ling Tong groaned and fell off his horse.However, Zhao Yun still dodged this move, leaving a long wound on his young face, blood dripping down, and the flesh and blood were blurred.After all, at the age of 15, he had quick reflexes and evaded in an emergency to save his own life.

In the blink of an eye, two hundred cavalrymen marched into the formation, spears like a forest, stabbed at them, blood flew everywhere, and the horses trampled them. This army, which was good at water warfare, was cut through by the cavalry.

Ling Tong fell to the ground, looked at the general with a white horse and silver armor, closed his eyes and took a long breath.I don't know whether he was glad that he had escaped a disaster, or he was sighing at the man's bravery.

But Zhao Yun still led the cavalry team straight forward!

(End of this chapter)

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