Chapter 90

Ling Tong had 300 people and Song Qian had 700 people. The total number was one thousand.The purpose of the second group was to repair the antlers to prevent the enemy invaders from Mount Hao from attacking from the side when the army formed a formation to attack the city.

Surrounding the mountain and repairing antlers is a basic operation. Why Zhao Yun entered the battle at this time is because Sun Quan's army had just arrived outside the city. It was in the early stages of setting up the battle formation and building fortifications, and the army was not yet stable.If we wait until the formation is completed, the two hundred cavalrymen will be unable to accomplish anything no matter how strong they are.

As Zhao Yun said, when the army is dispatched, it can be attacked by cavalry.

Two hundred cavalrymen galloped down the mountain from the forest. With the help of momentum, in a few breaths, they went straight through Ling Tong's three hundred steps.Its momentum continued unabated and rushed directly towards the 700 people under Song Qian's command.

With Ling Tong's obstruction, Song Qian was able to see the appearance of the enemy general.This person is wearing a large armor with bright light, and a striking red tassel is inserted diagonally on his back. As the horse gallops, the red tassel flutters in the wind, making it extremely eye-catching.

However, what is more eye-catching is the white horse under the crotch, with slender limbs, strong bones and muscles, and clear muscles.When the mane is white and thick, it flies in the wind like a wild lion.

Any general who dares to dress up like this on the battlefield is either a fool or a fierce general.

Which one Zhao Yun belongs to needs to be experienced by Song Qian himself.

Song Qian held the spear and shouted: "This enemy will be brave, don't be careless!"

As he spoke, Song Qian slapped the panicked soldiers with his spear, trying to get them to form a spear formation to fight against the enemy's cavalry.These soldiers from the Jiangdong area had never seen this formation of cavalry before, and were frightened by its momentum.Under Song Qian's greeting, they reluctantly formed a formation to deal with it.

However, the cavalry led by Zhao Yun were more difficult to deal with than he imagined.Zhao Yun, who had anticipated this, divided his two hundred cavalry into two groups in advance and marched around the formation.

Zhao Yun buckled the bow on the victory hook and walked around the formation. With sharp eyes, he immediately noticed the chaos in the corners of the formation. He took out his bent bow, opened the bow and nocked an arrow, and shot out a series of arrows.


Following Zhao Yun's movements, Baiqi, who was following him, also shot arrows at the same time.More than a hundred arrows pierced the sky and hit the corners of the formation with crackling sounds. Immediately, there was an endless sound of wailing, and all the soldiers in the formation's corners were wiped out.

Having followed Gongsun Zan, Zhao Yun was familiar with the techniques of cavalry to break formations.The cavalry is afraid of strict military formations, but it is not impossible to deal with strict military formations.

Take the cavalry of ethnic minorities as an example. When they break the infantry formation, they will walk around the formation to see how strong the formation is.Then use bows and arrows to shoot at the weak points of the phalanx, causing holes in the military formation, and then lead the cavalry into the formation.

If we take the Han cavalry as an example, if they want to break the formation, they, wearing armor, will charge from the corners of the formation, like peeling potatoes, in three batches.Within the corner of the formation, kill as many people as possible and eventually overwhelm the formation.

Therefore, to deal with cavalry, in addition to long-range crossbows and solid vehicle formations, the military formations also need to be arranged in a circular formation.However, in such a hurry, it was not easy for Song Qian to form a square formation. How could he ask for so much?But he didn't ask for so much. What was waiting for him was a tiger-like cavalry.


Zhao Yun aimed at the opportunity and adjusted the horse's head tightly. The cavalry immediately used him as the tip and charged straight into the military formation along the empty formation corner.

There were only ten Jiangdong soldiers in the corner of the formation. They held long spears in their hands. Listening to the wails of their colleagues who had been shot, and feeling the thinness of their own military formation, a sense of timidity arose in their hearts.Looking at the cavalry approaching more and more in front of them, with their spears and spears raised like a forest, the rumbling sound of hoofbeats, and the tall horse knights, they suddenly became timid.

At the moment when the cavalry was about to collide, they fled to both sides, not daring to face the mighty cavalry.In this way, Zhao Yun's troops easily crossed the corner of the formation and entered the army formation.

Shiren led a hundred cavalry in a circle, following Zhao Yun's route and then tearing apart the army formation.And as the cavalry on both sides gradually deepened, the queues that were originally gathered together began to disperse.

The light cavalry led by Shiren followed the left and right sides, stabbing Song Qian's infantry with swords and spears, and drove them away.At the arrow point of the cavalry, the trapped cavalry led by Zhao Yun fought left and right, charging rampantly, almost unstoppable.

Song Qian saw his troops fleeing in all directions. He was furious and shouted towards his subordinates, "Follow me and kill the enemy generals to frighten them!"

"Promise!" When Song Qian followed Sun Ce to Jiangdong, he worked for him as a cavalryman and was praised by people in the army for his bravery.

Song Qian immediately led a dozen cavalrymen to meet him, trying to intercept Zhao Yun's attack diagonally.However, Zhao Yun had already seen it out of the corner of his eye and shouted: "Ten people will divide the riders and leave the rest to someone!"


Zhao Lie rode out and stopped Song Qian on both sides.Zhao Yun flew out and rushed to Song Qian in the blink of an eye.There were three riders, including Song Qian, stabbing from three directions in front of him.

Zhao Yun flipped his wrist, and his long body was like a swimming dragon, blocking and blowing, and the one who came forward first died from the left side.Then Zhao Yun deliberately showed a flaw. Song Qian was overjoyed when he saw the flaw. He smiled grimly and raised his spear to stab Zhao Yun diagonally.

Zhao Yun raised his spear to look at each other. Seeing the tip of the spear in front of him, Zhao Yun dodged sideways, lowered his left hand and drew his sword back with his right hand.

After crossing the horse, the sharp long sword pierced through the iron armor. A short sword was stuck on Song Qian's waist. He fell off the horse with a plop, and hot blood dripped down the sword body onto the soil.

Song Qian rested his head on the sand, looking at Zhao Yun who was getting further away. His back was trampled by the horse again, and he spit out blood. He looked at the "Zhao" written on the flag and closed his eyes unwillingly.

Song Qian died, and his [-] infantrymen scattered and fled.

The two hundred cavalrymen came through the formation instantly again, breaking through two formations and approaching the central army.The leader, Zhao Yun, looked majestic, holding a spear in his hand and riding a white horse.

Sun Quan's army of ten thousand people was divided into four divisions: the front left, center and right. The left section faced Haoshan. Jiang Qin led it with a thousand men, and was assisted by two generals, Ling Tong and Song Qian, with a combined force of 2000 men.The front part was commanded by Huang Gai, with 4000 soldiers, for the purpose of showing off his strength.

Zhao Yun borrowed the power from the mountain to defeat the two generals Ling Tong and Song Qian who were repairing the antlers.Today, between Zhao Yun and Sun Quan, there are only a thousand soldiers of Jiang Qin left, and besides that, there are only a thousand soldiers of Sun Quan's army left.

Zhao Yun rode his horse and galloped, looking at the approaching troops, he called up the military formation map in his mind and positioned himself.In his deep sleep, he found the route to break out of the formation in his mind.

"Come with me!"

Zhao Yun raised his long spear high and shook it, leaning on the horse's back and shouting loudly.

"Keep up! Keep up!"

Shiren's roar could be faintly heard in the wind.

Zhao Yun didn't bother to look back. He stared straight ahead, his gaze strikingly aimed at the base of the Chinese army's command.

If you look down from the sky, you can see that nearly two hundred cavalrymen rushed straight into the tunnel between Jiang Qin's headquarters and the front army, and two huge infantry teams shuttled between the head and tail.The infantrymen on the outside looked at the cavalrymen galloping past and were at a loss.They didn't react until the cavalry was far away. Looking around, they saw that the cavalry was aiming directly at Sun Quan's command.

Zhao Yun's bold move frightened everyone.The first to bear the brunt was Sun Quan and his army's civil and military forces. These people were either from Jianghuai or Jiangdong. They had never seen such a terrifying scene like northern cavalry trapped in battle.

"Why is the enemy general so brave? Where did he come from?"

Looking at Zhao Yun approaching him, Sun Quan shouted in panic.

Sun Quan naturally saw Zhao Yun coming down the mountain from the chariot, but he could not imagine how Zhao Yun dared to bypass Jiang Qin's troops with 200 men and directly attack his own army.

Isn't this guy afraid of being surrounded?
"My subordinates, the cap is gorgeous and eye-catching. The enemy generals will definitely recognize this cap. They should quickly climb up the hill to avoid the enemy's charge." Zhang Hong pulled Sun Quan out of the car and said.

(End of this chapter)

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