Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 94 Reflection

Chapter 94 Reflection

It was dark at night, and in Pengze City, which was lying quietly in the wilderness, except for a little firelight swaying on the city wall, there was no sound of cheering from people.Sun Quan stood on the deck of the flagship, looking at the blurry city, feeling chilled in his heart.

Breaking two formations in a row, beheading three generals in a row, killing and injuring several people, General Huang Gai died. Zhao Yun's power of heaven and man frightened Jiangdong generals, and even his voice became a little softer.Subsequently, Zhao Yun and Huo Du led their troops to withdraw into the city, and Jiangdong generals sent out their troops to pursue them symbolically. After dealing with the situation, how could they dare to confront the evil star head-on again.

After reining in the fleeing defeated army, the generals abandoned the camps they had set up yesterday and moved to the river bank to camp.After being frightened by Yun Danu, Sun Quan also followed everyone's wishes and moved his base camp to the flagship to prevent the group of madmen in the city from conducting night attacks.

Unprepared, Sun Quan and Zhang Hong also recovered.Zhao Yun was transferred away, and he led his cavalry to camp on Haoshan Mountain. Huo Jun had no intention of surrendering, so he ordered eight hundred of his elite troops to ambush behind the gate wall.It was obvious that Huo Jun had set up a trap for them this morning. It was estimated that even Qin Song was used to fake the battle report.

Everyone had a chance to vent their anger and asked Qin Song to be dealt with strictly on the spot.The angry generals in front of Sun Quan also followed the trend and accused Qin Song.No matter how much Qin Song shouted his grievances, it was useless, and he became the scapegoat.

Is Qin Song the first person responsible?Of course not, he was just tricked by Huo Jun and took the opportunity to trick him into passing on false information.As for who is really responsible, there is no doubt that it is Sun Quan.

Does Sun Quan understand?
Of course I understand.

Standing on the deck, Sun Quan sighed. He missed his brother Sun Ce.If his brother Sun Ce commanded the army, why would he be like this?It is estimated that when Zhao Yun was charging into the enemy formation, he led his cavalry to repel Zhao Yun. How could such a tragic situation occur?

Ling Tong and his more than 3 troops were the first troops to bear the cavalry attack. Their loss ratio reached 4/60, with only five NO.[-] people left.Ling Tong's face was left with deep scars. If he hadn't relied on his agility to avoid it, he might not have even died.

One of Song Qian's and Zhang Yi's troops was killed and the other wounded. Song Qian's troops were attacked many times by Zhao Yun's cavalry, and nearly half of the defeated soldiers were lost.The flanks of Zhang Yi's troops were broken, and they were driven into the formation by the cavalry. The losses were the most severe, with only two or three hundred of the thousand men left.

Huang Gai's troops suffered little loss, but Huang Gai's death was bad news for Sun Quan.Huang Gai successively served as officials for three terms: Sun Jian, Sun Ce and Sun Quan.He was a serious man and good at training soldiers. Every time he went on a campaign, his troops were brave and good at fighting, and they were all vanguards.

The death of such a core general in battle was undoubtedly a painful blow to Sun Quan.If the soldiers are gone, they can be recruited, but if the loyal generals are gone, who can the soldiers and horses be handed over to?
Just when Sun Quan was worried and sighing, Zhang Hong came looking for an opportunity and consoled him: "Victory and defeat under his command are common affairs for military officers. In the past, when Cao Mengde started his army, there was the defeat of Xingyang and the difficulty of Puyang. Why is he so worried? Now the main force of ten thousand soldiers and horses is If we still survive, if we can revive our military morale, we may not be unable to fight."

Zhang Hong also understood Sun Quan as a person. Sun Quan had great ambitions and often tried to imitate his elder brother Sun Ce. However, he got the appearance but not the essence.Sun Ce himself had superior force and outstanding military ability.But Sun Quan always promoted talents and harmonious people.If you follow suit forcefully, it may be counterproductive.

Sun Quan angrily beat the ship's railing and said: "Today's enemy is cunning, and he underestimated the enemy for a while and was defeated. In the east, what if I want to unite the troops to attack the city tomorrow?"

Zhang Hong stopped Sun Quan and said, "My subordinates, please calm down for the time being. It is a taboo for military strategists to raise an army out of anger. Huo Jun and Zhao Yun are not people without plans, and their abilities can be seen in the current war. Huo Jun has always had strategies, and Zhao Yun has He is brave and invincible and should not be underestimated.”

Zhang Hong held Sun Quan's arm and said patiently: "My subordinates, please do not forget Sun Tuini's last words."

Hearing this, Sun Quan was also a young man, and his anger came and went quickly. He took a long breath, adjusted his mentality, and asked: "What Dongfang said is reasonable, but looking at the current situation, how do you think Dongfang should respond?"

Zhang Hong stroked his beard and said: "I am reporting to my subordinates that the enemy has been aggressive, the general has been killed, and the morale of the army is unstable. Now it is really a bad idea to attack the city by force. In Hong's opinion, it is better to build fortifications and build siege equipment, and wait for Gong Jin to lead the army. When the troops arrive, Sun Lujiang will send troops to Sun Lujiang." Sun Lujiang and Sun He are also here.After Sun Quan defeated Lujiang, he appointed Sun He, a member of his clan, to worship the mighty Kou Zhonglang General and lead the Lujiang Prefecture.Sun He stationed troops in the north of the Yangtze River to resist Cao Cao in the Central Plains, and rarely mobilized his troops.However, the army was defeated today and had to be mobilized.

As for Zhou Yu, he gathered troops and horses in Wu County. Chen Wu, Pan Zhang, Sun Jiao, Quan Cong and others will rush to Wu County and will arrive in Wu County in a few days.

"Waiting for Gong Jin to arrive?" Sun Quan pondered for a while and asked: "Do you think Gong Jin can take on a big responsibility in the east?"

Zhang Hong smiled softly and said: "When it was difficult for my subordinates to succeed to the throne, Gong Jin led his troops to Wuxian to support his subordinates. When Cao Cao used his official position to transfer military power, Gong Jin declared his righteousness and persuaded his subordinates not to send protons. So why can't Gong Jin Accept the great responsibility!"

After a pause, Zhang Hong said: "Gong Jin is an extraordinary talent, a strategist in both civil and military affairs, and he is as good as Sun Tuini. They are both flesh and blood. If you want to defeat Peng Ze now, it is better for your subordinates to listen to Gong Jin's advice!"

Sun Quan nodded slightly and said, "In that case, order the entire army to build forts, forge siege equipment, and wait for Gong Jin's troops to arrive."

After saying that, Sun Quan sneered and said: "When the army gathers and is under siege, let's see how long Huo Jun and Zhao Yun can hold on?"



In the city, Huo Jun, who had finished celebrating with his soldiers, leaned on the table and recorded the gains and losses of the war for reference.

Today's battle was quite beautiful, but in Huo Jun's eyes, there was something worth regretting.He was conservative in this battle. Before preparing for this battle, Huo Jun only deployed two troops, Huo Du and Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun led two hundred cavalry, and his performance exceeded his imagination.He cooperated with Huo Du's infantry, rushed into the formation, and shot Huang Gai dead.If Huo Jun still had a force of troops to dispatch at that time, he could have helped them stop Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin's troops, and waited for Zhao Yun and Huo Du to defeat Huang Gai's army.

If Huang Gai's army formation is broken, Huo Du and Zhao Yun can rush into the central army and once again pose a threat to Sun Quan in the central army.Sun Quan lacks soldiers and horses, so his troops must leave.Once he moves the banner, the entire army will be defeated.

And this is what Huo Jun regrets. If he had been bolder before the battle, maybe this battle might have turned into a defeat.If I missed this opportunity, I might not have another chance in the future.

Zhou Yu?

Huo Jun put his pen on the desk and let out a breath.If Zhou Yu comes, what strategy can I use to defeat him?

(End of this chapter)

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