Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 95 Zhou Zhi

Chapter 95 Zhou Zhi
After the first day's defeat, Sun Quan followed Zhang Hong's advice, built a fort, forged weapons, and settled down for a few days.The morale of the soldiers and civilians in Pengze City increased a bit, and under the command of Huo Jun, strategic materials were prepared.

That day, the sky was slightly bright, the fog was hazy on the river, and naval warships were looming out of the thick fog.The oars of the ship cut through the river and broke through the waves.

On the flagship deck in the center, there is a man wearing armor, handsome and tall, with deep eyes and a strategic mind.He stood facing the wind, holding his sword in his hand, with a look of deep contemplation on his face.

This person is Zhou Yu, the general of Jianwei Zhonglang and the protector of the army, known as Zhou Lang of Jiangdong and the husband of Xiao Qiao.

"Why is Gong Jin thinking about this?"

"Zi Jing!"

Zhou Yu looked for his voice and saw Lu Su stretching out of the cabin and said with a smile: "You can sleep?"

Lu Su sighed helplessly and said, "What can I do if I don't sleep? Sun Kuaiji can't use me, and Gong Jin won't let me go!"

It was not too late for Lu Su to seek refuge in Jiangdong, but it was very late for him to be reused.When Lu Su first entered Jiangdong, the monarch was still Sun Ce.Sun Ce admired Lu Su quite a lot, but his appreciation was appreciation and he did not reuse Lu Su.

After Sun Ce died of illness, Lu Su used the excuse that his grandmother had died of illness to return to his hometown to prepare for the funeral and prepare to seek refuge with Zheng Bao who was entrenched in Chaohu.However, his mother happened to be taken to Wu County by Zhou Yu. Because his mother was in Wu County, Lu Su gave up the idea of ​​seeking refuge with Zheng Bao.

After Sun Quan came to power, because his foundation was not stable, he still could not reuse Lu Su recommended by Zhou Yu.Now it happened that the Jingzhou army was invading, so Zhou Yu took Lu Su and rushed to the battlefield together.

Zhou Yu was not embarrassed, and said with a heroic smile: "Today Jingzhou is invaded, it is really the time for Zijing to show his talents. It would be a pity if he walked away now. As everyone knows that in troubled times in the world, not only the king chooses his ministers, but the ministers also choose the king. Today, the Lord is dear to the virtuous man. Noble scholar, sit down and seize the southeast. Qiyu once heard a secret that the one who succeeds Liu in heaven will definitely rise in the southeast. Isn’t that right for the Lord!"

After a pause, Zhou Yu asked, "What does Zijing think of the current military situation?"

Lu Su pondered for a while and said: "This is a life-and-death situation in Jiangdong. Liu Bei and Liu Qi are relying on Jingzhou, with abundant money and food. Since the Jingzhou army entered Yuzhang, they have broken dozens of cities and occupied Yuzhang. They are extraordinary enemies. If Yuzhang is lost, Jiangdong loses an arm, and Jingzhou becomes more powerful. By then Gong Jin’s wish will surely come true!"

After saying that, Lu Su sneered and said: "If we can break Pengze City and lead the troops into Yuzhang, the Jingzhou troops will be able to retreat!"

Talents like Zhou Yu are particularly accurate in their judgment of the situation.At the beginning of Sun Quan's succession, he chose to support Sun Quan and became a core minister.Then he also showed his ambition. He often advised Lu Su and his guests that there was an imperial spirit in the southeast.

When Cao Cao asked for a proton, Zhou Yu also made it clear. Taking Chu as an example, he believed that Sun Quan relied on the foundation of the six counties to cast mountains into copper, boil the sea into salt, and use sailboats as horses, so he could compete with the north.

Zhou Yu's words really gave young Sun Quan great confidence.

Zhou Yu sighed and said: "To be honest, Pengze City is small, but there are capable people to hold it. When the Lord first arrived at the city, he fell into the trap of the enemy's arrogant soldiers. Song Borang died in battle, Huang Gong was killed in a stray arrow, and the morale of the army was defeated. "

Hearing this, Lu Su's face became serious and he asked: "It seems that the invasion of Jingzhou is very powerful and unusual. Can the navy enter Pengli Ze?"

Zhou Yu shook his head slightly and said: "Huang Zu insisted on stationing the navy at Chaisang and did not lead the attack. If our navy wants to enter Yuzhang, it can only break through Chaisang."

"What about Gong Jin's intention?" Lu Su asked.

Zhou Yu thought for a while and said: "Pengze City has a small army and few troops, but Chaisang has many troops and horses. It is easy first and then difficult. Our army is gathered here. Yu wants to attack Pengze first. If that is not possible, he will then circle the city and capture Chaisang."

In Zhou Yu's eyes, Pengze was a small city with only more than 3000 soldiers and horses. Compared with Chaisang, who was guarded by Huang Zu, it was obviously easier to attack.At the same time, it is also dangerous to bypass Pengze and attack Chaisang. Once the attack fails, Pengze City may affect their food and grass supplies.

"That's okay!" Lu Su responded.


In Pengze City, Huo Jun and Huo Du were on the city tower, inspecting the city defenses.

Huo Du looked relaxed and said: "In the past few days, the enemy invaders have been timid and dare not invade. We have prepared the city defense well. We have reserves of wooden curtains, gold juice, rolling stones, hammering wood, and arrows." Compared to Huo Du, who was more relaxed, Huo Jun was not optimistic. He squinted and seemed to see the "Zhou" flag planted in the Jiangdong military camp through the woods.

Shaking his head, Huo Jun said: "How can a siege battle be so simple? If I were an enemy and saw that our city tower was not high, I would use a catapult to hit the siege tower with stone bullets, and then use a ladder to approach the city and attack it with ants. I will Use golden juice and rolling logs to repel the enemy, and the enemy will use ladder carts to approach the city. By then, the golden juice and rolling logs may be useless."

If we use ordinary long-ladder ants to attack the city, we can still use some gold juice and rolling wood.However, if a ladder truck is used to attack the city, it will be difficult to use gold juice and rolling wood.Therefore, to break the ladder truck siege, other methods must be used.

As he spoke, Huo Jun walked around on the city tower, then marked five or six points and said, "Brother, please order your soldiers to dig a hole in the city wall that can be as big as a log to break the ladder cart."

"No!" Huo Du said in a deep voice, accepting the order.

The attendant walked up to the city in small steps, raised his hands and said, "General, the outside of the city has been marked."

"it is good!"

Huo Jun looked outside the city and saw those eye-catching range markings, and nodded slightly.Sun Quan's army was setting up camps and building fortifications these days.Huo Jun ordered his men to urgently build a batch of crude human-powered catapults and mark them outside the city. When the enemy entered the city, the lookout could signal the stone catapults inside the city to launch.

Just when Huo Jun was observing the situation outside the city, he found dozens of riders walking far around the city, apparently observing the city's defense.Soon after, they rode horses to Haoshan Mountain to observe the mountains.

Huo Jun put his hand on the cold hilt of the sword, narrowed his eyes and said, "The enemy is about to attack!"

Huo Du calmed down and asked, "I'm afraid Feng Lu is in danger!"

After the first day of fighting, Huo Jun and Zhao Yun moved their troops into the city, and Gao Xiang led 800 troops to garrison Haoshan.


Huo Jun pondered for a while and said: "If the enemy attacks us, they must first capture Haoshan. Haoshan is our army's outpost and cannot be lost. Tonight, 300 people will be sent out of Nancheng to move along the mountain road to the mountain, under the command of Huo Yuan."

Nancheng is close to the mountains and was built according to Haoshan Mountain.In the past, the communication between Haoshan Fortress and the city was through the South City Gate, which was very convenient.It's just that the mountain road is winding, making it difficult to march.

After a pause, Huo Jun asked: "How was the Yuanyang Formation training?"

"I have achieved some success, and Fenglu's department is very proficient." Huo Du replied.


The dozens of cavalry in Huo Jun's eyes were Sun Quan, Zhou Yu, Zhang Hong and others. After the two armies merged, Sun Quan took Zhou Yu to observe the city defense.

Sun Quan drove his horse forward and asked, "Gong Jin, what do you get from looking at the city's defenses?"

Zhou Yu pondered for a long time and then said: "Under Qi Cun, Huo Jun has arranged the layout well. There are trenches and iron caltrops outside the city. It is estimated that there are also horse pits. It will be difficult to attack. However, Pengze City is built on the mountain, which is really a disadvantage. If we can Capture the Haoshan fortress, raise it from a high position, and take advantage of the situation to attack it; or you can observe the layout of the city and know the deployment of its men and horses to help our army break the formation."

"Gong Jin's intention is to capture Haoshan tomorrow?"

Zhou Yu nodded slightly and said: "Pan Wengui (Pan Zhang) has more than a thousand soldiers under his command and is known for his bravery. Quan Zihuang was ordered by his father to lead the Danyang army with thousands of soldiers to support him. These two soldiers are good at fighting in the mountains, so they can Order these two as vanguards to capture the enemy camp at Haoshan. Our army can take advantage of the situation to attack the city tower and divide their forces to see if they can achieve anything."

"You can follow Gong Jin's words!"

ps: There is another chapter on the way, it may be late

(End of this chapter)

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