Rebirth of a chartered wife

Chapter 204 Secrecy

Hearing Liu Xiumei's words, Aunt Fu and Grandma Fu immediately took a closer look at the little coat on Fu Manman's body.

They originally thought that Fumanman looked particularly good-looking this year, and thought it was because the little girl had grown up and knew how to dress herself up.

It's not like they didn't know the life of the youngest family in the past few years.

Who would have thought that at this glance, two women of different ages, but both of whom love beauty, could see this little trick.

Both of them couldn't help but nod while watching. When they had seen enough, Fu Ergu sighed: "It doesn't take long to learn how to make clothes here, right?"

"Why have you done so well?"

"Then the craftsmanship of making shoes..."

"The shoe factory is different. It is divided into different workshops. Lai Lai is in the sewing workshop, and the work she usually does is actually sewing. This is how she learned the stitches for making clothes." Liu Xiumei was half modest and half confident. explained proudly.

"Then she is very talented at making clothes!" Second Aunt Fu said jokingly, "If this child went to a clothing factory instead of a shoe factory, she would probably learn better!"

"Actually, this is what Grandma Lin taught me!" Liu Xiumei said sheepishly: "Back then, I made a special trip to come to that kid to learn from Grandma Lin."

"In the family area of ​​the shoe factory, they say that Grandma Lin was particularly famous for her craftsmanship."

"Will she work in the shoe factory? Or when the shoe factory was first established, I invited her to join the factory."

"Nowadays, there are still many people in the factory who were taught by Grandma Lin, or were brought out by people she brought."

"This is also the reason why after their family released the news, as soon as someone saw the job posting, they rushed to tell them."

Grandma Lin would let out the news, so she naturally knew that the factory had plans to recruit workers at that time.

But the Lin family didn't have this need, and neither the factory nor herself were too embarrassed to get involved.

And she also thought that with the current situation, the recruitment notice had to be posted anyway.

It’s a question of when to post it and how long to post it.

No, as soon as she released the news, and then as soon as the recruitment notice was posted, didn't someone immediately come to her house to notify her?

The Fu family and Fu Yun Lai, and even Lin Lan thought it was a coincidence.

Only Grandma Lin's family and Mother Lin knew that this was not a coincidence at all, but that the Lin family had really put some thought into it.

Even Lin Lan herself knew it, because she got it by being coquettish in front of her grandma for a long time.

However, this is also because the shoe factory really has plans to recruit workers.

Otherwise, Grandma Lin’s family wouldn’t go out of their way to operate it.

But the Fu family didn't know about it, and now Aunt Fu and Grandma Fu who heard about it didn't know about it either.

But the more I listen to this, the more envious I become of my good fortune.

Perhaps her luck does not lie in entering the factory.

But having such a friend is simply more rare than entering a factory!

The group of people chatted for a while, then Second Aunt Fu's family left first, and the Fu family naturally left as well.

Fu Gaoming was quite silent as he took the New Year's gift from his eldest brother's family and the dishes specially reserved by his mother.

And Liu Xiumei was even more annoyed. She was not the kind of person who liked to go around offering treasures, so why couldn't she hold back today?

Perhaps, this is why every mother cannot bear the slightest criticism of her children.

Even if those words may not have any derogatory meaning!

At this time, Fu Yunlai had already arrived at Grandma Lin's house with his things. Looking at his friend who was the first to greet him, Fu Yunlai couldn't help but feel happy.

Lin Lan happily bit the toffee that was stuffed into her mouth by her friend, and then said quietly: "My third aunt is also waiting for you at home today!"

"She even guessed that you would come over. She went back to her parents' house in the morning and hurried back as soon as she had lunch!"

"But it's also because my mother and I are coming over!" Fu Yunlai gave her friend a look of thanks, and as soon as she entered the yard, she saw her master, Grandma Lin, and Mother Lin all there.

Zuo Cuifang was really helpless when she saw the big and small bags that Fu Yunlai had brought over.

But when good luck came and went, she gave him something in return.

There was nothing to bring back to Fuyun.

Fu Yunlai had already grasped the needs of the Lin family, and Zuo Cuifang was reluctant to return the things he gave her.

But fortunately, in addition to the New Year items that Fuyun came to help exchange, their family also prepared some themselves.

In addition, there were also gifts from some relatives and Grandma Lin’s apprentices.

Only then will you not be embarrassed about returning gifts when good fortune comes and goes.

Fu Yunlai was a little embarrassed. She really didn't stay at her master's house for too long.

But it was getting dark early now, and Lin Lan and the others happened to be going home, so the whole family came together.

Of course, according to Lin Lan, "I just happened to be here to ride a bicycle, so I don't have to sit in front of my dad. It's uncomfortable to bend over, and my butt hurts after sitting for a long time!"

"I still have to worry about whether my dad will knock me down while riding."

Today, every family is going back to their parents’ home. For a family with a rich population like the Lin family, this bicycle is really not enough!

Fu Yunlai and Zuo Cuifang were both amused and distressed when they heard this, so naturally they would not let her sit on her father's front bumper again.

On the way back, Lin Lan sat behind her friend's car, hugging her waist tightly and talking all the way.

In order to have a good chat with my friends, I even directly told my parents that they would go back later.

Fu Yunlai slowed down his riding speed, stopped the bike in the middle, and took out a pack of beef jerky from his backpack.

Lin Lan marveled that she could still hide her secrets, while she happily ate one by herself and fed Fuyun another one.

Fu Yunlai couldn't stop laughing. When she was about to arrive at Lin's house, she found a dead-end alley and rode directly into it. She parked her bicycle at the end of the alley and solemnly took out a wooden box from her backpack.

Gently stroking the simple tree pattern on the box, Fu Yunlai looked up at his friend and said with a smile: "Lan Lan, you have to remember, you must, you must keep it completely secret for me!"

"It will be kept secret until one day, I will tell it myself!"

Lin Lan didn't know what was in the wooden box in his friend's hand, nor did he know why his friend was so solemn.

But I guessed that maybe it was something that was difficult to take out and I wanted to entrust her to keep it.

Look at the size of the could be something small like gold or jewelry!

Although she was speculating in her heart, Lin Lan agreed to her friend without hesitation: "Don't worry, you can give me anything you have!"

"Not only will I keep it well, I will also prevent anyone from discovering it!"

I couldn't help but feel happy when my luck came. How could this thing be used for preservation?

Moreover, how could she ensure that no one would find her taking such a big box back?

Fu Yunlai's expression was so real that it made Lin Lan chuckle. She whispered: "There used to be a big mouse hole at the foot of the bed in my room."

"Isn't it because we needed to hide something? My parents simply used that hole."

"So, I want to take this thing back, and there is no need to take it in through the gate."

"That's's not easy to dig there, so you have to dig a hole with me and put it in first!"

At the end of the sentence, Lin Lan also felt a little guilty.

The little bit she made with her fingers was not easy to dig out, but it was not the real little bit... (End of Chapter)

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