Rebirth of a chartered wife

Chapter 237 Overseas Chinese Store

Chapter 237 Overseas Chinese Store

Xu Chunhua is self-aware. Compared with her parents, they are more like her husband's grandparents!

But her brother did not have the courage and far-reaching considerations of her uncle.

The more she thought about it, the more complicated Xu Chunhua's mood became.

But Mao Guixiang was completely different. She continued: "As for the confidentiality of the health pills... Dad, Mom, I have also thought about it. I want to borrow uncle's prescription!"

Apparently, she also prepared health pills mixed with medicine and took them back to her parents to take.

Seeing that she had even considered this point, Liu Xiumei simply asked them to distribute the amount of medicinal materials collected this year.

Fu Yunlai was not prepared to participate in what happened next. She specially called her parents into the room: "Dad, Mom, you can make the final decision regarding the health pills in the future!"

When Liu Xiumei heard this, she couldn't help but roll her eyes at her husband, and then she took her daughter's hand and asked: "Come on, what's the matter? If it's not convenient for you, your sister-in-law and the others can leave this matter alone. ."

Fu Yunlai quickly shook his head: "Dad, Mom, I didn't mean that."

"It's just that... my friend may never be able to show up, so if the health pills are only taken at home, there will be no problem, but once more people take them, the origin will always be a problem."

"But isn't there that prescription now?"

"We ourselves are taking health pills. As long as we can keep them confidential, I can help her find a replacement."

"As for relatives and friends... of course it's best not to leak anything if you can. But there are also unavoidable relatives like the elder sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law's mother's family!"

"Actually, this is human nature!"

"After all, let alone the elder sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law, I also want to give my master an extra share!"

"So in the future... our family will also look outside to find the medicinal materials in these prescriptions! There are probably many opportunities for those prescriptions to be used."

"Besides, I am usually in the factory and come back once a week to learn embroidery. I really don't have the energy or time to take care of this matter."

Liu Xiumei and his wife looked at each other and had to admit that their daughter was right.

Over the past year, the two sisters have been so busy that they hardly have time to go with the family to collect medicinal materials.

According to Grandma Fu's plan for the two of them, they may be even busier in the coming time and need to be more focused.

After all, throughout this year, they have basically been learning the basics, and next year will be the time when the two of them really start to learn embroidery from childhood to adulthood.

For this reason, Grandma Fu, who had never spoken to Fu Yunlai, also asked Fu Yunlai to bring back more embroidery thread.

Fortunately, during this period of time, I have practiced various embroidery stitches and basic patterns, and I have started many new tasks. Among them, there are indeed many special tools for embroidery.

The embroidery threads come in a pack of twelve types of the same color series, but in different shades.

What she has saved now, not to mention the quantity, but the richness of the colors, even when she took it out for the second time, Grandma Fu praised her greatly.

With this thought, Liu Xiumei and his wife agreed to Fu Yunlai's proposal.

Sure enough, neither the couple came to Fuyun to discuss whether the elder sister-in-law or the second sister-in-law exchanged health pills.

They only mentioned it every time when Fu Yun came to exchange for health pills.

However, in exchange for the things, Fu Yunlai received a lot.

Seeing the overseas Chinese coupons saved in his hand, Fu Yunlai took advantage of the Chinese New Year to find Sister Li in the front yard.

She is actually only a little over a year older than Fu Yunlai.

However, unlike children from other families who do not pay much attention to school, she not only goes to school early, but also becomes a true dominion in primary school under the guidance of her parents.

It's a pity that in this era, being a top student didn't make her special at all.

On the contrary, because she is a rare only child in this era, she and her parents have been criticized a lot. After Li's sister graduated from technical secondary school, she was directly assigned to work in the overseas Chinese store where her mother worked.

Hearing the purpose of Fuyunlai coming to her, the young lady was surprised. After asking Fuyunlai if he had prepared overseas Chinese coupons, she readily agreed.

The overseas Chinese store was relatively far from the shoe factory. Fu Yunlai didn't even eat after get off work at noon, so he rushed out on the bicycle he borrowed from the master last night.

When he arrived at the place, Fu Yunlai looked up at the four-story building and couldn't help but admire it.

Sister Li had been waiting outside early, and when she saw Fu Yunlai's figure, she immediately came up to greet him.

The two stood together in front of what Fu Yunlai wanted. Sister Li couldn't help but ask again: "Xiao Fu, although these paintings are products from overseas Chinese stores, are you really prepared to buy them home?"

Fu Yun turned around and nodded affirmatively. If she could, she would really like to buy all the handicrafts on display here.

Although she had heard about it in her previous life, in this era, antique calligraphy and paintings were once openly displayed as handicrafts in overseas Chinese shops, and were sold to foreigners and Chinese people holding overseas Chinese coupons.

But when this scene was really before her eyes, she was still so excited that she couldn't believe it.

She looked with fascination at the calligraphy and paintings of various styles hanging neatly behind the counter.

Then he looked at the various pots and jars placed inside and on the glass counter.

In fact, regardless of past and present life, Fu Yunlai has never heard of such things as antiques.

She has not even watched the famous treasure hunt show a few times.

She only had limited knowledge about antiques from novels, film and television works, etc.

So even after traveling to this era until now, Fu Yunlai has never had much ambition to collect antiques.

Even if she knows that these things may only cost a small amount of money now, or even cost nothing at all, how much wealth they will bring her in the future.

But it was an unfamiliar industry and she didn't dare to get involved easily without enough professional knowledge.

So, over the years, she has been going to junkyards full of possibilities.

But she has already realized that she is not the only smart person!

The possibility of her getting it this way is really slim!

Who knew that her sister-in-law had spent a lot of effort to get overseas Chinese tickets in order to exchange for health pills.

The moment I see something, my heart is filled with good luck.

It would be difficult for a novice like herself who knew nothing about antiques to get involved easily, but what if... she went to a place where she could guarantee to buy genuine goods and do business openly?

Can she also have a little daydream?

But unfortunately, the overseas Chinese vouchers in her hand are really limited.

With a sigh of regret, Fu Yunlai's eyes returned to the calligraphy and paintings hanging behind the counter.

As for appreciation, the sketches in my previous life and the painting and embroidery patterns I learned from my grandmother for nearly a year have given me some luck.

But maybe it was too much, even Fu Yunlai couldn't believe the judgment of her eyes.

So Fu Yunlai once again asked Sister Li for advice.

With her help, Guan asked about the prices of these paintings and calligraphy.

Although Sister Li was still quite helpless, thinking about the situation of the Fu family, she secretly guessed: Maybe Xiao Fu didn't buy these for herself.

After she thought she had figured it out, she stopped trying to persuade her.

Seeing that Fu Yunlai didn't know much about these things, she simply asked Fu Yunlai about the overseas Chinese coupons that Fu Yunlai had, and then accurately helped Fu Yunlai choose.

(End of this chapter)

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