Rebirth of a chartered wife

Chapter 238 Another year

Chapter 238 Another year

When Fu Yun came with his things and waved goodbye to Sister Li, he couldn't help but look back at the Overseas Chinese Commercial Station again.

In the four-story building, three floors are business halls.

The first floor is where Fuyun has been. It mainly sells handicrafts, exquisite candies, snacks and biscuits, cigarettes, tea and wine, and daily necessities.

The second floor is dominated by fabrics, clothing, blankets, etc., as well as rare toys and other industrial supplies of this era.

And on the third floor, those are the real valuables.

For example, the four most popular items in this era are even televisions, electric fans, cameras, washing machines, and refrigerators.

Of course Fu Yunlai has not seen these with his own eyes.

When I heard what Sister Li said just now, I still couldn't believe the good fortune.

She didn’t know how long ago their country’s first television set and first washing machine were produced.

But Fu Yunlai knew that even though she was born in the 1990s before time travel, her childhood memories only included television sets and electric fans.

The popularity of washing machines and refrigerators came much later.

For those who have a camera at home, it’s even later.

But she had never thought that as early as this time, there were already these things being sold openly.

At that moment, Fu Yunlai suddenly had doubts about her previous understanding of life.

Perhaps, it is not that materials in this era are not abundant, nor is it that life in this era is very difficult.

It's just that the life she has access to is still difficult and not rich in materials.

At this moment of realization, Fu Yunlai's goal became more determined.

On the way back, Fu Yunlai took the opportunity to put things into the system backpack, and then took out the things he had already prepared from the system backpack.

It happened to be a trip out, and she was going to take some of the things she was going to take home this week, so she also took out some of what she could to make a living.

When Fu Yunlai hurried back to the factory, just in time to go to work, she locked her bicycle under the factory shed and rushed to the workshop without even having time to put her things back in the dormitory.

Finally, at the last minute, I sat down panting.

Zuo Cuifang quickly handed the water glass to Fu Yunlai and asked her to drink some water first.

Time flies by and the New Year is here again.

New Year's decorations have gradually appeared on the streets, and various New Year's supplies have also begun to appear.

Good luck comes just like last year, so I prepared New Year's goods for my master and his family.

By the middle of this year, Fu Yunlai had completed his one-year apprenticeship.

Zuo Cuifang did not have the help of her apprentice in the second half of the year, so the outstanding employees of this new year naturally fell by the wayside.

But it doesn't matter. She hasn't had an apprentice since the second half of this year, and she will be able to occupy the spot again next year based on her own ability.

This is no empty talk. She has been awarded the title of Outstanding Employee of the Year more than once before she was qualified as an apprentice.

Compared with Zuo Cuifang's confidence, her old neighbor next to the sewing machine is far behind.

And even after another year passed, Du Daidi was still not qualified to be a disciple.

Stimulated by Master Fu Yunlai, she worked extra hard in the second half of last year.

However, her half-year efforts were still far inferior to those of other people who had worked hard throughout the year.

Therefore, she, who still failed to obtain the status of an outstanding employee during the Chinese New Year last year, was naturally not qualified to lead an apprentice.

And I don’t know whether she compromised with herself or felt that no matter how hard she tried, it was ineffective. This year she seemed to be flat again.

However, after Fu Yunlai successfully became a master, she seemed to have completely forgotten how she targeted the master and apprentice when Fu Yunlai first came.

Then they began to use the close position of the two masters to get close.

Even though Zuo Cuifang was released early this year and has no intention of taking on a disciple this year, it still hasn't dampened her enthusiasm.

Compared with Zuo Cuifang, who is not enthusiastic about taking on apprentices at all, Zhu Fenfang, the famous apprentice madman in the group, really took on another apprentice this year.

And that person was an acquaintance of Fu Yunlai, Cheng Sufang, who lived in her dormitory. After completing her three-year apprenticeship, she was able to receive guidance from a master in her first year.

Even though the master who took the initiative to claim her was known to the whole group as having a bad temper, she didn't seem to have any influence at all.

Even during the most difficult period in the early stage, Fu Yunlai was mostly in the dormitory, and she was only asked some sewing-related questions.

However, after half a year of running in, Fu Yunlai felt that she had adapted well.

Moreover, although Zhu Fenfang has a big temper and is impatient, she is also the person in the group who is particularly willing to let her apprentices work on the sewing machine.

Nowadays, after Zhu Fenfang's high-pressure training, Cheng Sufang's sewing skills have improved. Although it is not as good as when Fu Yunlai was an apprentice, it can be regarded as the fastest growth among the apprentices in the group this year.

This earned Zhu Fenfang a lot of praise, and at the same time, her temper seemed to have softened a bit.

And good luck comes...

After completing the one-year apprenticeship period, he finally conquered everyone with his strength and got the opportunity to take the assessment.

Even after passing the exam, she was still in the apprenticeship period.

But everyone also knows that if she can't learn to use a sewing machine with her ability, there are probably many in the group who have only learned it for a year or two, and they are not qualified to learn to use a sewing machine.

However, she was working as a sewing master, but she still received the second-year apprentice's salary of 20 yuan a month.

This is actually a good thing for the group.

After all, there are also production tasks in the team. There is an additional skilled sewing master, but he is still only an apprentice.

The team leader and deputy team leaders all believe that this year their team can gain the reputation of an outstanding team and is still ranked first, which must be due to their hard work.

As for Fuyun...she naturally feels that she has made a lot of money.

After all, after she got her own sewing machine, even if she still received the salary of an apprentice, all the benefits she received in the group were that of a master sewing machine.

In addition to being able to receive corresponding materials according to the work she can complete every day.

For those public high-end sewing machines, hemming machines, etc., she no longer needs to give in to other sewing masters.

This indeed gives Fu Yunlai more opportunities to gain experience.

She had calculated that at the current rate, she might indeed be able to upgrade the system to another level in just one year.

Of course, as an apprentice, there is no chance to be selected for outstanding employees every year.

Even though the production tasks she completes every month are not many compared to many sewing masters who have been experienced for several years.

Her master felt that with her working speed, she would actually have a chance to compete for this spot next year!

But because she won't be able to complete her three-year apprenticeship until the year after next, no matter how many production tasks she completes next year, she won't keep any records at all.

When Zuo Cuifang mentioned this matter, she was more than sorry for her young apprentice, but more importantly, she hoped that her young apprentice would learn a little bit of 'tact'.

Her little apprentice is good at everything, but he is really a bit too honest.

Ever since she started learning the craft, she has been busy all day without stopping.

Having your own sewing machine is even more powerful!

When I first picked up the materials, I almost had to ask for as much as the master, which caused the material clerk to confirm again and again.

Fortunately, she blocked it and said that he took part of it along with hers.

Anyway, when the final calculation of the completed production task is based on the shoe uppers they have sewn.

Who will receive this material... That is, it will be affected if it cannot be completed within the time required by the production task.

The production tasks are completed honestly, and the material clerk will not pay too much attention to who receives the materials.

After all, in the early days of many apprenticeships, it is normal for the apprentice to do small tasks such as collecting materials.

But he couldn't receive too much at one time, so the child finished his work early and then queued up to receive it.

Zuo Cuifang would not have discovered the sincerity of her young apprentice if it were not for the fact that after counting the number of completed production tasks, it was discovered that Fu Yunlai's name was among the top names.

And this time, Zuo Cuifang was not entirely sure that the child could understand the meaning of her words and would not act according to her words!

Or can't you even hear the meaning of her words?

(End of this chapter)

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