Rebirth of a chartered wife

Chapter 253 The first real embroidery

Not only was Fuyun not unhappy at all when his friend saw him off so directly, he actually felt relaxed while riding his bicycle.

Seeing her come back with a happy face, Fu's mother couldn't help but shake her head, these two children... are really just little girls.

But it is true that the current feelings are the most sincere and pure.

Thinking about it, she glared at the unmotivated guys in her family with some anger.

Although, she also knew that even if she sometimes knew that an opportunity was right in front of her, not everyone could seize it.

Moreover, it is unrealistic for two people to really concentrate on studying for a piece of news that is not yet completely certain.

The boss can calm down because over the years, even if she has a small family, she and her husband and her family have always been supporting her.

As for the second child's family, it may actually be normal.

As for the situation of their second child...Liu Xiumei actually didn't understand it!

After all, learning is not a simple matter.

With his temperament and the attributes of that scumbag, Liu Xiumei either wanted to criticize him or simply couldn't figure it out.

In the room, Grandma Fu had been waiting early.

But she is not simply waiting for good luck to come. Fu Yuanyuan, now six years old, is sitting next to the embroidery frame specially customized for her by Grandpa Fu, practicing the basic skills of embroidery seriously.

Next to her were the twins Fujian Zhong and Fujian Hua.

That is, on two equally tailor-made embroidery stands, the embroidery on one is completely invisible, but the other... is the best among the three.

This is something that no one in the Fuji family expected at all.

Even when Fu Yuanyuan wanted to learn from him because of his own interest, Mao Guixiang's casual words caused the two sons who were originally just curious to pick up embroidery needles. They had no idea that it would happen. This is the result.

Nowadays, whenever Mao Guixiang and his wife get off work, they rush to send their children back to their husband's house.

I'm afraid that the second child, who is now obsessed with embroidery, will not be able to help but take out the embroidery needle to work at home.

The family upstairs was different from the openness of her husband's family. If she really saw her letting her son pick up the embroidery needle, the saliva behind her would probably be enough to drown her.

Although Mao Guixiang was not worried about how her parents would persuade her after these words reached her family.

But she really didn't want to spend energy convincing everyone in her family.

As for changing her son's preferences... Mao Guixiang has tried it.

But the two sons who grew up in large families on both sides have never been purely obedient children.

She couldn't scare the eldest brother anymore, but she couldn't convince the second brother... either.

Fu Yunlai first checked on his nephew and niece before sitting back in his seat.

In a way, the fact that the Fujian family can completely acquiesce in Fujian Hua Xue embroidery is really thanks to Fu Yunlai's efforts.

The two children were curious at first, but Mao Guixiang's joking suggestion was to join them.

But it was Fuyun who came to see Grandpa Fu who really decided to build a special tool for the two of them.

To be honest, even with Grandpa Fu's love for Fu Yunlai, it was difficult to accept this unbelievable request from the old man. But what Fu Yun said at that time was so natural that Grandpa Fu really thought it was just for fun and really hit him.

Unexpectedly, after getting the tools, even considering the old man's thoughts, someone from the Fu family realized that it was not easy to speak immediately under such circumstances.

Then with the passage of time and the talent of Fujian Construction, some people really felt that it was not good, and it was too late.

This is how things have turned out!

Good luck comes, but every time I see my nephew's craftsmanship, I can't help but feel proud of myself.

After a few decades, their craftsmanship will become intangible cultural heritage. As the nephew of the inheritor of intangible cultural heritage, everyone will only sigh at his craftsmanship, and even more amazed by his gender!

Compared with Fujianhua's extremely talented person, Fu Yunlai realized more clearly that she was able to achieve her current skills only by relying on the system's cheating methods!

Seeing Fu Yunlai wash his hands carefully and sit down in front of the embroidery frame, Grandma Fu couldn't help but walk over.

On the embroidery frame of Fuyunlai, a childish play with butterflies has taken its first look at the finished product.

The lush grass is dotted with wild flowers, and lively and naughty kittens are chasing butterflies.

The vivid kitten has already been embroidered. During Fu Yunlai's last vacation, he had already finished embroidering the messy grass on the ground due to the kitten flapping about the butterflies, as well as the small flowers faintly exposed under the grass. wildflowers.

There are also the faintly visible branches and leaves hanging in mid-air, as well as the slightly uneven ground with dead branches and leaves left over from the previous year.

Now all that's left is the butterfly dancing in the air.

Today, Fuyunlai is going to embroider all the beautiful butterflies that have already been painted!

In this way, the embroidery is really completely finished.

Don't underestimate this piece of embroidery, which is just a small ornament, but it uses most of the basic stitches that Fu Yunlai has learned.

And the plush, soft-looking cat that just wants to be petted. Luckyunlai only prepared embroidery thread, and it took an unknown amount of time to cut the thread to complete it!

Also, they are obviously weeds and leaves, but they appear in various shades of green and shapes due to different distances and different growth conditions.

Just to get the color of embroidery thread, Fu Yunlai didn't know how long she had been plundering her inventory.

Overall, this was her first embroidery trip that made her work extra hard but also felt extremely satisfied.

The sun in the sky was slowly rising, and Fu Yunlai took advantage of the break to go around to his brothers and sisters-in-law, pointing out their doubts and at the same time attacking their confidence.

Then with a relaxed mood, I devoted myself wholeheartedly to embroidery.

Until the afternoon, seeing that the time agreed with my friend was coming soon, Fu Yunlai cut the thread for the last stitch.

Completely ignoring the new reminder from the system, Fu Yunlai first packed away the embroidery tools, and then carefully picked up the finished product.

Grandma Fu on the side had been waiting for a long time. She took over her little granddaughter's first real embroidery. While looking at it carefully, she couldn't help but nod with satisfaction.

Among the three children, Fujian Zhong, who had always been a gangster, was the first to react.

He jumped over to join in the fun while greeting people outside: "Grandpa, grandma, dad, mom, second uncle, second aunt... Come and see!"

"My sister-in-law's embroidery is done!'s so beautiful. This kitten seems to be alive and is always looking at me!"

"Really?" Fujianhua sucked at the pinprick on his finger that had just been pricked by his brother's sudden scream. He didn't care about the pain and immediately came over.

He is still practicing needlework. Although he can occasionally embroider names to satisfy his craving, he is far from his sister-in-law's skills.

Although Fu Yuanyuan next to him didn't answer, he still followed him immediately. (End of chapter)

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