Rebirth of a chartered wife

Chapter 254 Lin Lan’s Study Plan

At this time, the Fu family members who heard the greeting rushed over as long as they were at home.

Looking at the embroidery spread out in Grandma Fu's hands, it was obvious that there was only one small piece, and it was obvious that most of them only appreciated the embroidery as a matter of beauty or not.

But at this moment, they all felt that this embroidery was really beautiful.

Maybe it's because they almost saw the good fortune coming with their own eyes and embroidered it bit by bit.

Now that I have actually seen the finished product, I feel a similar sense of accomplishment!

After everyone had finished reading, Liu Xiumei, under the guidance of her mother, took away the embroidery to clean, while Fu Yunlai took the opportunity to check the prompt that had just appeared in the system.

"Congratulations to the player for completing an embroidery and sewing combination task (professional design task). Completion: experience*100, money*100, and rewarded professional supplies*1."

The content of the prompt did not surprise Fu Yunlai. She specifically checked the rewards that had been stored in the system backpack.

A total of ten sets of twelve-color embroidery threads are automatically sorted by the backpack according to the material and color of the embroidery threads when Fu Yunlai opens them.

Compared with the last time Lucky Lai embroidered a name as a joke, this reward has indeed come a long way.

But for Fu Yunlai, the biggest surprise is just to expand her embroidery thread variety.

I have to say that it is indeed a reward called professional supplies!

As for this 100 experience, I don’t know if I should be happy even if I am lucky enough to have it.

After all, based on the time she spent on this piece of embroidery, she would probably have made at least ten times as much if she had made it as a headdress.

Fu Yunlai has already known the role of this experience, and its role is not just as simple as upgrading.

As she thought about it, she couldn't help but move her fingers slightly.

Perhaps only by embroidering again can we truly discover the difference!

It's a pity that the experience requirements for the next upgrade are too high.

Even now, a few months have passed since the last system upgrade. If you want to move up to the next level, you still have to accumulate nearly tens of thousands of experience points.

According to the fact that she can gain nearly 3,000 experience points a month if she works hard, maybe... she may not be able to improve the system by another level even after she finishes college!

After all, once you enter college, you are no longer a natural place for leveling up at the Qianjin Shoe Factory.

Without the daily tasks to accumulate experience day after day, just relying on her current embroidery ability and speed, it is estimated that if she wants to upgrade, that will be called a grind.

Thinking about it this way, I feel instantly dejected when good luck comes.

But looking at the second nephew and eldest niece who seemed to be stimulated by her and working harder and harder, and the eldest nephew who seemed to have nails on the bench and would move his buttocks after sitting for a while, he couldn't help but laugh at the good fortune.

The children are still working so hard!

What is she so frustrated about?

Just as she was sighing, Lin Lan's familiar voice came from outside.

Before Fu Yunlai could go out to greet his friends, Lin Lan, who was also familiar with the Fu family, had already entered by himself.

When she saw clearly the Fuji brothers and sisters who were studying hard in the main room, she couldn't help but subconsciously take a step back.

Isn't her friend too cruel?

Not only do you want to recruit her to join the gang, but also your own brothers and sisters?

It's not that she, Lin Lan, looks down on these brothers and sisters-in-law, but because of their friendship, they may not necessarily be familiar with each other's family members, but they have heard a lot from each other's mouths.

Just like the entire Lin family, if there is anyone who can continue to learn, there is probably no one other than her brother-in-law.

Didn’t you see that after Lin Lan got the friend request, he didn’t even mention it to his parents?

It's not that she kept it secret... but even if it wasn't kept secret, if these people knew about it, it wouldn't be of any practical help to them other than random speculation.

After hearing the greeting, several people in the main room found that there was no movement, and couldn't help but raise their heads, just in time to see Lin Lan standing motionless at the door.

The two people, who had no intention of studying at all, subconsciously stood up to greet the guests.

But some people respond faster than others!

Fu Manhe quickly stood up in front of his brothers. While leading Lin Lan to find his sister, he glanced at the strap of the satchel that Lin Lan subconsciously grabbed and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly. If he guessed correctly, there is probably something to learn from it.

This is really... Should he lament the good relationship between these two little sisters, or should he sympathize with the child and join in their headaches in the future?

Fu Yunlai didn't wait for the two of them to go into the room to look for her. After hearing the sound, she put her embroidery frame away and came out directly.

Looking at his brother and sister-in-law who were obviously a little distracted, Fu Yunlai felt a slight movement in his heart and simply took his friend to sit down in front of the big table in the main room.

Coincidentally, the Fu family members who were forced or voluntarily studied also sat in half a circle honestly.

"Lan Lan, have you made your study plan?" Fu Yunlai asked straight to the point.

When asked, Lin Lan nodded without any strange feeling and went straight out to take out something.

But others who were listening nearby were instantly dumbfounded.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Lan emptied her satchel bag.

Not only did he take out a notebook, but he also took out several draft notebooks.

Then she spread the things out in front of her friends and explained them carefully: "I specially used high school textbooks to test my current level..."

Having said this, Lin Lan couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Although she is self-aware, she knows that apart from reading the newspaper occasionally in the past two years, she really has not had much contact with it.

But she never thought that in just two years, only such a small part of the knowledge she had studied so seriously could be retained.

Suppressing the unspeakable feeling of shame, Lin Lan continued: "Things like Chinese, history, politics, and geography that need to be memorized...I don't have much left."

"I tried to do the after-school exercises, but it's almost impossible not to read the textbook."

"It's okay after I read the textbook. I feel like I still have some vague memories. Even if I want to get it all right, I guess it will take a lot of time and energy."

"So regarding this part, my plan is to read it thoroughly, read it intensively, and then spend a certain amount of time every morning or evening to memorize it."

"As for the time and content of recitation, I think we can plan an adaptation period first."

"Exception. Come on, the notebook you gave me has a relationship diagram of knowledge points. I think that thing should be very useful."

"What you recorded above is relatively simple. I tried it today and found that not only reading a book can make it easier to find the key points, but it can also make it easier to remember."

As he said that, Lin Lan couldn't help but glance at his friend again.

Although she did not continue asking this morning, she had doubted more than once whether this was really necessary.

But the trust she has always had in her friends is still convincing her and supporting her.

Especially when I came to Fu's house today and saw this scene, even Brother Fu, who had put down his books for more than ten years, could not escape the clutches of his friend.

That friend's seriousness and persistence in this matter were indeed enough for her to continue to persist countless times.

The random thoughts in his heart did not delay Lin Lan's next words.

Before she was going to see her friend, not only at home, but also on the road, she had gone through what she wanted to say countless times in her mind.

Sometimes, she actually doesn't quite understand.

They are obviously similar in age and have a deep relationship!

Why is it that when her friends do something serious, she can't help but obey, and many times, she listens to the opinions of her family members more than others?

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