"Master Lailai wanted her to have a quiet study environment, so he called her back to live at home."

"But recently it seems that the time for the college entrance examination is getting closer and closer, and some people are looking for me regardless of working hours."

When she said the last words, Liu Xiumei looked at her daughter.

Fu Yunlai also looked at her mother with some surprise. She actually hadn't mentioned it to her parents until now. After all, in the past week, more and more people came to her, and it became more and more obvious.

But she hasn't been back this week, and today, she went outside the city again.

Fu Yunlai didn't know how her mother knew, but she still lowered her head slightly in embarrassment.

She thought her family thought she was hiding something.

In fact, Liu Xiumei was just guessing based on the situation in her own factory. Now that she saw Fu Yunlai's reaction, she was even more certain.

"So, our family has always thought that we should prepare for the exam at home first." Liu Xiumei continued.

When she mentioned this matter, she really had no other thoughts at all. She just wanted to change the subject.

After all, for her old father, only her daughter's affairs can divert the old man's attention the most.

But in the eyes of Grandpa Fu, it couldn't be easier. The old man said angrily: "Then there's no need to worry, you're not at work anyway, can you just take over your daughter's job temporarily?"

Everyone in the Fu family was stunned. They really had never considered this method from beginning to end.

Not for anything else, they probably feel from the bottom of their hearts that they will definitely pass the college entrance examination this time.

So what they consider is never just a temporary job replacement.

But Grandpa Fu's words seemed to open a window for them, allowing them to react instantly.

If Fu Yunlai really passes the college entrance examination, then she will definitely not keep her position.

Based on the current situation of their family, there are naturally only two ways to deal with it, one is to let Liu Xiumei take over, and the other is to let others take over.

Of course, if we really want someone else to take over, the candidate for this successor will have other worries.

Now, Grandpa Fu's proposal is simply... retreating can be used to attack, advancing can be defended, which is definitely the best way for Fu Yunlai.

After all, although everyone does have confidence in her, they will not be completely relieved when the college entrance examination has not started or ended, and the admission notice has not been received.

And this job position will naturally be her greatest guarantee.

Moreover, strictly speaking, Fu Yunlai is still an apprentice, so it is easier to arrange for replacement.

Of course, for the second team, that's not necessarily a good thing.

But isn’t it already November?

In fact, the power of one person's luck really doesn't have such a big impact.

Fu Yun came to see the heated discussion among the family and opened his mouth slightly, but in the end he did not say what was in his heart.

She knew that her family's arrangement was out of caution, so that if she really encountered the one in 10,000 situation and failed to pass the college entrance examination, there would still be a way to turn back.

But Fu Yunlai was really determined. Even if it wasn't this year, she would definitely pass the college entrance examination and go to university.

Of course, she also has that confidence and feels that she has a high chance of passing this year.

Forget it, let her mother take this class first!

Anyway, according to her age, she will have to retire in two years.

So, with Fu Yunlai's acquiescence and the arrangements of the Fu family, just as the college entrance examination was approaching, Fu Yunlai took Fu's mother to the factory and went through the procedures for temporarily taking over the position. Liu Xiumei, who started working again after a few years and had to live in a large dormitory, felt really complicated when she saw her daughter leaving.

She always felt that after joining this class, she would not be able to escape so easily.

Fortunately, her body was nourished by health pills, especially in the past two years, when she led a group of people to climb hills and mountains to collect herbs.

Even after several years, apart from being a bit uncomfortable when she first went to work, she had already gotten used to it by the time she came home for the second time.

On this day, luck came and they had finished the exam.

On Monday, November 11, all students who registered for the college entrance examination passed the three-day examination, left the examination room, and began to wait for their fate.

Fu Yunlai faced her mother who came home on Sunday and asked her how she felt about the exam. She really didn't know how to answer.

Just like when she came out of the examination room after taking the exam and faced her family members who wanted answers, she didn't know how to answer!

How would she answer?

Tell your family that the difficulty of this college entrance examination is indeed as expected by later generations. It is really not that difficult!

And throughout the entire exam, what she struggled with was not how to complete the exam questions.

But how to control the score!

After all, as a person with secrets and things around him that cannot withstand scrutiny, it is indeed not suitable for him to be too pushy.

Although Fu Yunlai also knew that if it was just a review for admission, the most they could do was check whether her net worth was innocent.

It's not like we'll really go into detail.

After all, every candidate comes with a letter of introduction when applying.

Today's letters of introduction are more credible than later generations' ID cards.

After all, whichever place or unit opens it means that that unit guarantees you.

Since there are currently no travel conditions that make it difficult to move without any difficulty, there is basically no need to worry about this at all.

Of course... that is if Fu Yunlai does not answer the questions realistically according to her level of knowledge accumulation.

To put it bluntly, even though she has not completely given up studying for so many years, there is definitely no problem if she gets full marks in all the subjects of the exam, not to mention eighty-five or above. .

The question is, in this era, what kind of level does this score of 85 or above belong to?

So this time after taking the exam, Fuyunlai was really a hard worker.

Not only did she have to work hard to control her scores, but she also worked hard to find the pitiful memories of this era in her previous life.

It seems... there has been a TV series where the protagonist only scored over 300 points, which is considered a good score.

Then should she control it within this range? Or is it a little more than that?

However, is it really enough to only take this score?

It was with this mentality that Fu Yunlai came back from the examination room and did not recover for a long time.

The Fu family was more confused. They had checked the answers with Lin Lan, Dazayuan, and even other acquaintances who had taken the college entrance examination, and they all felt quite sure.

How come she has learned more solidly than them, and the contents of the notebooks one after another prove her knowledge reserve. How come she has become like this after just one test?

After Fu's mother pressed again, Fu Yunlai finally got up and vomited out the big things she had done in the examination room.

After listening to Fu Yunlai's words, the Fu family's minds went numb.

I don't know how long it took before Fumanjiang calmly asked directly: "Have you ever estimated the score? What is the approximate score?"

She already knew this blessing in her heart when it came to her, so she agreed directly.

Hearing her score, the Fu family breathed a sigh of relief.

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