Rebirth of a chartered wife

Chapter 266 Admission Notice

Fortunately, this kid is not completely stupid. He controlled his scores just to avoid becoming the most powerful one.

It's not that you completely give up your advantages.

"I just..." Fuyun said a few words and then couldn't continue.

After all, she couldn't explain how she came to know that everyone's scores in this college entrance examination were not very good.

So although she controlled her score, she was worried because it wasn't too low.

"We have passed the exams. We now just need to wait patiently for the results." Liu Xiumei advised calmly.

As time passed, she became more in awe of the efficacy of the health pills.

Therefore, she was surprised by Fu Yun Lai's decision, and she was even a little sad and disappointed.

But she didn't feel that her daughter's decision was wrong!

The worst thing is...just take the exam again!

Wait... It seems that even after controlling for scores, her daughter's estimated score is the highest she knows so far?

So, her daughter’s college entrance examination is actually quite promising?

Thinking like this, Liu Xiumei couldn't help but look at the rest of the family with disgust again.

In this family, the person with the highest score is Fumanhe, then Mao Guixiang, and finally, of course, Fumanhai.

The scores of Lin Lan and the children from the Li family were slightly lower than Fu Manhe's by ten or twenty points, but they were obviously much better than Mao Guixiang and Fu Manman.

In fact, Liu Xiumei admires her eldest daughter-in-law's achievements the most.

After all, among the children she knew who took the college entrance examination, she was the only one who had been away from school the longest and had given up studying the longest.

However, Liu Xiumei disliked her second son's grades, but she also knew that compared to her younger daughter who never gave up studying, her younger son studied early for his own goals.

And the original results are good, including the daughter of the Lin family, the daughter of the Li family, and the eldest daughter-in-law.

It is really not easy for him to achieve this result.

Moreover, strictly speaking, his results are not bad.

After all, if the entire family area of ​​the textile factory takes the college entrance examination, only a few can achieve better results than Fumanhe.

Even, this is not just the situation in their family area.

Liu Xiumei recently worked in a shoe factory. Although she started as an apprentice, Zuo Cuifang took care of her. Not only did she blend in well, she also listened to all the gossip.

As far as she knew, those people who were eager to ask her daughter for advice most likely didn't even take the college entrance examination.

Even if the rest participated, some people didn't even dare to estimate their scores.

However, she heard by chance that the scores could be estimated to dozens of points, so she could probably guess what the people who didn't dare to estimate the scores were doing.

Time passes day by day, and the waiting for good fortune becomes more and more anxious.

This time the college entrance examination, no scores were announced, and no scores can be checked.

This makes Fuyunlai particularly uncomfortable!

Even though she thought that based on the scores she controlled, there should be an admission quota, but she still couldn't help but worry.

Especially the fashion design she wanted to study, there was no specialized school in this era.

Even because it was difficult to collect application materials, Fu Yunlai could not guess whether the fashion design major that some colleges in his impression would have would exist.

In desperation, Fu Yunlai had no choice but to choose a comprehensive college with more majors to fill in her application.

In this way, even if you don’t major in fashion design, you can still have related majors to choose from.

For this reason, Fu Yunlai's choice of colleges has narrowed a lot.

When we first discussed filling out the application form, my family members were also worried about this.

As we watched, December passed and January came.

After several suggestions from Liu Xiumei, Fu Yunlai, who still hadn't returned to his job, returned to the courtyard with the admission notice he had just received amidst bursts of big black barks.

The He family, who originally heard Dahei's bark and just came out to take a look, turned around and went back to the room when they saw the youngest daughter of the Fu family, who had been staying at home recently.

But when he turned around, he immediately reacted.

Just then, she seemed to vaguely see that what Xiaofu was holding looked like a big envelope?

Grandma He's family quickly turned around and took a closer look at what Fu Yunlai was holding and the excited look on her face. ", did you receive the notice?" Grandma He still couldn't believe it.

It's just that in their courtyard, there is more than one person taking the college entrance examination, and everyone is waiting for the notification every day.

But the person who got this first notice turned out to be from the Fu family?

Although, she had to admit that if there was anyone in their yard who really loved learning, this child would definitely be one of them.


"Yes!" Fu Yunlai answered particularly crisply.

She was so happy that even when facing Grandma He who usually just wanted to stay away from her, she answered without hesitation.

But Fu Yunlai's answer left Grandma He unable to recover for a long time.

When she came to her senses, she no longer had the energy to talk nonsense with Fu Yunlai. She turned around and rushed back to her home.

Fu Yunlai looked at the other party's crisp voice and was still guessing at the reason.

As a result, the next moment, there were bursts of screams from the He family, accompanied by the scolding of the He family's grandmother.

After listening to her complain about how lazy her eldest grandson was, he was still lying on the bed at this point.

After sending him to school for so many years, he can't even recognize the characters, let alone take the college entrance examination.

Then he went on to teach his second grandson to follow his mother, and he was a half-blind man!

It was a waste of registration fees to take the college entrance examination. Even the answers in the exam could be written in the wrong line.

This was the first time Fu Yunlai had heard of such an operation, and he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

I don't know if this is just a random excuse for the He family boy to come back, or if such a ridiculous thing really happened.

After this day, Fu Yunlai's excitement calmed down a little.

When everyone in the Fu family came home from get off work in the evening, they saw the notification of Fu Yun's arrival. Everyone else was fine, but Fu Manhe was particularly nervous.

He and Fu Yunlai applied to the same school, the local Nanshan University.

It is a well-known domestic university with a history of more than fifty years, founded by a well-known great man.

It's just that Fu Yunlai applied for the main school of a comprehensive university, and he applied for the medical school of this school.

Regarding the future, when the brother and sister were discussing their application for the exam, Fumanhe was already very clear.

The reason why he studied hard in the first place was actually to learn more about medicinal materials.

The school does not offer a separate major that only focuses on understanding, picking, processing, preserving, and transporting medicinal materials. Therefore, if he wants to continue working in this field, he can only choose to apply for medical school.

The arrival of Fuyunlai's admission notice is just the beginning of the entire textile factory family home.

As the Spring Festival is getting closer, more and more people have received admission notices, and of course there are more people who have never received any news.

Like a sea of ​​blessings!

Fu Manhe, Lin Lan, and Mao Guixiang all chose to apply for admission to their local universities for various reasons.

Therefore, only three days after Fu Yunlai received the admission notice, the three of them also received the notice.

However, besides Lin Lan and Fu Yunlai going to the same school, Mao Guixiang chose another school.

Although that school was not comparable to the prestigious school that Fu Yunlai and the others applied for, it was enough to satisfy Mao Guixiang's idea of ​​taking care of her family while going to school.

In addition, there are two other people in their yard who have also received admission notices, one of them is the Li family sister.

Compared with Fu Yunlai and the others, who almost all chose not to stay far away from their hometown, she chose the distant Beishi.

On the day I received the admission notice, my uncle and aunt from the Li family made a special trip to the Fu family.

It can be vaguely seen from the surprise and sadness on their faces,

Perhaps the school that the Li family sister applied for did not go according to the family discussion.

But it is extremely difficult to pass the exam now. Even if their parents are unhappy and worried, they can only look for someone to take care of her.

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