Rebirth of a chartered wife

Chapter 267 A Letter Full of Blessings

And just before the Chinese New Year, the Fu family finally received a letter from Fumanman.

After seeing the life and mood of the recent period written above, as well as the good news that she had also been admitted to the Textile College, the Fuji family knew why they had not received a reply from her for several months in a row.

It turned out that Fumanman's integration in Beishi was not as smooth as Liu Xiumei and his wife had seen.

Of course, Fu Manman also wrote in the letter, so that her family would not have to worry about her, and she had also dealt with the problems that should be dealt with.

This is why I delayed contacting my family!

When I was about to contact him, I heard the news that the college entrance examination might be resumed.

She could only bring a letter back in a hurry.

After writing the letter, Fumanman threw himself directly into studying without much hesitation.

This also has to do with her integration in Beishi.

The last time the couple got married, the second sister of the Wei family came with them.

She had a best friend, and before Wei Guangji was transferred from Bei City, the two families were almost engaged.

But later, Wei Guangji was seconded to the machinery factory in Haishi to participate in an important project because of his outstanding professionalism and ability.

Originally, he could return to Bei City after the Wei Guangji project was completed.

Unexpectedly, because the project was completed so smoothly, Wei Guangji's leaders in Haishi paid special attention to him, so they thought of a way to transfer the person directly!

This lasted for several years.

As for why he went to Nan Province later, Fu Manman did not mention it in the letter.

I don’t know if she didn’t go out of her way to inquire, or if she did inquire, she wouldn’t gossip with her family.

In short, when he came back to Bei City, it was already many years later, and he brought his newlywed wife with him.

And the other party is not married yet.

That’s all!

Fumanman also said that both Wei Guangji and her husband's family had clearly told her that they had never made any commitment.

Therefore, whether she gets married or not has nothing to do with Wei Guangji or the Wei family.

But the bad thing is...she has a best friend who is the second sister of the Wei family.

After the couple returned to Hubei City together, the best friends would appear whenever Wei Guangji could be seen.

Occasionally, the second sister of the Wei family even wants to use her status to lure Fu Manman away.

Fortunately, no one in the Wei family agreed with her idea.

Not only did he not let the second sister of the Wei family live as she wished, but she also helped her in various ways, even denying her any chance to get close to Wei Guangji.

The Fu family couldn't help but darken their faces after reading the content of the letter.

Fu Manhai even counted on his fingers: "If he is two years younger than my brother-in-law... he would be nearly five years older than us, who are four years older."

"Based on the age at which the two got married, isn't the other party at least twenty-five?"

As he spoke, he clicked his tongue.

Liu Xiumei glanced at him and finally said nothing.

Fu Yunlai also secretly praised her. At this age, even in the next few decades, parents who are a little more anxious will regard them as older leftover girls to urge marriage. Is it still acceptable now?

No wonder, the other party would grasp at straws like her brother-in-law.

Unfortunately, something unexpected happened again!

Fu Yunlai sighed while continuing to read her sister's next words on the letter.

The specific content of Fumanman is not clearly written.

But when the Fu family saw it, they understood that the other party was probably quite good. Her sister was stimulated, so she studied hard!

However, Fu Yunlai never expected that the school her sister applied for would be the Textile College.

Was she inspired by her brother-in-law to join the textile industry, or was this her only interest?

Although there are still many unanswered questions in their hearts, it has to be said that with this letter, the Fu family finally felt relieved about Fu Manman's situation.

What worries me now is that Fu Manhai is the only one in the family who has not received the admission notice.

By the way...except for Lin Lan and Uncle Lin, no one else in the Lin family has received the admission notice.

Lin's father and mother Lin, who already knew that Fu Yunlai had brought study materials and notes in advance, were even more relieved that their daughter would follow in the footsteps of her best friend again.

I even feel that except for the fact that these two children are not related by blood, they are really no worse than biological sisters.

However, the family kept the news tightly so that Aunt Lin and Cousin Lin, who failed the college entrance examination, could not blame them.

Even because of this failure, the two of them finally became less arrogant when faced with the good fortune of finding their best friend.

Grandma Lin's family was even worse off than Lin Lan's family. None of the family members were admitted to the college entrance examination.

Even sister Zuo Cuifang, who had already received the news...she didn't even take the college entrance examination!

But this is not a problem!

The problem is that she gave all the textbooks and materials that Zuo Cuifang specially asked many people to prepare to the male educated youth she followed to the countryside, who is her current husband.

This time, the other party naturally failed the exam!

When Zuo Cuifang mentioned this to Fu Yunlai, she was not surprised at all, and said with great disdain: "Don't talk about this exam, even if he takes the exam ten or eight times, that person will not be able to pass the exam."

She has really seen people who study seriously, so she naturally knows that the person who is the most capable person with only one mouth, apart from putting on airs, is actually a real idiot.

It was her girl who was so in love that she couldn't see his true face clearly.

But she was very happy in her letter. She felt that it was a good thing she didn't take the exam, otherwise even someone as outstanding as her husband would not be admitted. Her taking the exam would not only waste the registration fee, but also delay earning work points.

These words and tone were the reason why when Zuo Cuifang talked about it again, she was so angry that she wanted to rush directly to the place where her sister went to the countryside to shake the water out of her head.

Moreover, there is another news that makes Zuo Cuifang even more depressed.

Her sister declared very firmly in the letter that she would firmly support her husband's progress in the next few years.

After all, a man as smart as her husband!

It’s just bad luck that you didn’t pass the exam!

Just like this time, it was because the test questions were too simple.

However, her husband paid too much attention to the college entrance examination and put all his study energy into overcoming difficult problems.

Who would have thought that the leaders above set the questions to take care of those who did not study so hard and were not so smart.

So much so that her husband, who worked harder and was smarter, was not admitted because of exam questions.

Fu Yunlai's eyes widened in disbelief and she looked at her master. She really couldn't understand how her master, who had always been smart and rational, could have such a sister of the same blood.

Zuo Cuifang shook her head helplessly. She didn't want to mention her troubled sister for the time being, but said:

"Come on, compared to the shock about the college entrance examination in our factory, in the countryside, facing the sudden resumption of the college entrance examination, there are really a lot of troubles."

"Some people who have settled down in the countryside have separated from their wives and children in order to qualify for the college entrance examination."

" order to block this visible Qingyun Road, they directly tied up the opponent to death."

"In short, all kinds of human nature that I dare not even think about have been shown because of this college entrance examination."

"However, those educated youths who put down their books, picked up hoes, and endured heavy labor that they had never thought about could not even support themselves."

"After so many years of putting aside study, few people can seize this sudden opportunity."

"So, if you still want to see me these days, just go to my house!"

"Don't come to the factory again, lest some people see you and feel unhappy."

"Besides, come on... When you go to school from now on, you have to keep your eyes wide open and take a good look at the true appearance of these people."

"Whether it's making friends or not..."

"Don't let yourself get hurt!"

Fu Yunlai nodded obediently. She knew that the master was doing this because of her sister's affairs, and because she had heard too many messy things that happened due to the college entrance examination, and was worried that she would meet someone unkind in college.

However, Fu Yunlai knew that she was not that easy to get along with.

After all, even though she had lived in this simple era for nearly twenty years, some things engraved in her bones could not be changed.

There were words about good luck coming, but there was no way for her master to believe it.

So, she simply stopped talking about this issue and brought up the college entrance examination admission rate.

I remember that when Fu Yunlai took the college entrance examination in the future, her teachers once mentioned it.

When it comes to the number of people taking the college entrance examination, the largest number was in the years before the college entrance examination was resumed!

To what extent?

Even if the number of people who took the college entrance examination in ten or twenty years was less than half that number.

It was not until the implementation of a major enrollment expansion that this situation was completely changed.

In addition, there is also the admission rate... Fu Yunlai doesn't remember the specific data, but she still vaguely remembers that for several consecutive years, the admission rate was at least one out of twenty, which is still at least!

"That's great!" Zuo Cuifang gritted her teeth and almost clapped her hands in celebration.

Naturally, her sister's love brain has been completely rescued.

Then, let the couple who love each other extremely continue to build the countryside in the countryside!

But when Fu Yunlai heard this, he hesitated to speak.

It will also be a big trend for educated youth to return to the city in the future!

I just hope that when the time comes, the master will not be so angry that these two people are standing in front of him every day!

Ah... No, the master is already a married woman.

The ones who are really being stared at every day are her parents’ family!

For a moment, I didn't know whether I should be happy for the master or feel unlucky for the master's family because of the good fortune.

After the two masters said goodbye and returned home, when Fu Yunlai saw her second brother again, there was no news about her second brother's admission notice, so it seemed that he couldn't accept it.

But she didn’t dare to tell her family about the good luck coming!

Fortunately, on the third day before the Chinese New Year, Fu Manhai finally got his admission notice.

Because he didn't have enough confidence in himself at the beginning, Fu Manhai chose the school with the lowest admission score among all the schools he knew.

According to his estimate, the score was over 100, which was at least 20 points short of even 200. Both he and the rest of the Fu family were particularly surprised to receive this admission notice.

The only thing that made the family feel helpless after the surprise was that once the New Year was over and a few days passed, he might become the second member of the Fu family to travel far away.

There is no way, this school is not in their Nan City, not even in Nan Province!

But this is a fact that we already knew after filling in the application form, and the family was barely mentally prepared in advance.

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