Rebirth of a chartered wife

Chapter 268 Fuyunlai’s Job

The arrival of Fu Manhai's admission notice made the Fu family feel relieved, but it also shocked the entire family home.

It can be said that there are hundreds of people in the entire textile factory who have signed up to take the college entrance examination for various reasons, but so far they have received less than ten admission notices.

Among them, people like Fu Yunlai, Mao Guixiang, Fu Manhe, and even the daughter of the Li family who live in the family area and are not part of the family area are excluded.

It’s still less than the ratio of one in 20 admitted and one in over 20 admitted in Fu Yunlai’s memory, but it does make most people clearly realize:

The road to college entrance examination is not as easy as imagined.

It’s not like giving everyone a chance!

But really, we are selecting talents for the country!

But the Fujia's success rate of hitting every shot has successfully subverted everyone's perception.

Therefore, the Chinese New Year has not yet come, but the Fu family has not had a peaceful day.

Some people are just purely superstitious and want to come to Fujia to enjoy the so-called happiness.

And some people...

If you are close to me and are ready to continue your struggle next year, just come over and borrow books and notes.

Anyway, even the youngest of the Fuji family, Fu Yunlai, has already been admitted to college. The next generation of children will be no more than ten years old. For a long time, there will be no need to think about the college entrance examination.

If they weren't afraid of causing public outrage, or if there were relatives in the Fu family who wanted to use these books and notes, they wouldn't have asked for them directly.

Some even bring their textbooks to their doorstep for advice.

Although this time the college entrance examination has made everyone see how difficult it is, it has also made others see hope.

After all, the test questions this time were not particularly difficult. What was difficult was that they had put down their books for too long. The time from when the college entrance examination notice was sent to when they entered the examination room was too short.

They believe that if they keep fighting for a few more months, one of them will definitely be on the list next time.

Others are not familiar with each other, or have no intersection at all.

From time to time, I would go to Fujia's large compound. Some people were superstitious and wanted to get a little bit of Wenquxing's spirit.

Some people are interested in the learning atmosphere here and want to listen in.

Having experienced the tension of early studies and the long anticipation of the admission notice, Lucky Lai didn't mind helping those who took the initiative to come to study.

However, if there are people around all day and night, and it is even affecting their normal life, they will not be able to persist.

What's more, four people from Fujia have passed the exam this time, which means that four jobs have been vacated.

Not to mention Fu Yunlai's job position, the day after receiving the admission notice, Fu Yunlai and Liu Xiumei went to the factory to complete the procedures.

Although she has been anxiously waiting for the notification at home these days, Fuyunlai has not been idle.

With time all day long, she and Grandma Fu began the most focused embroidery practice.

Moreover, through this period of accumulation, Fu Yunlai also discovered that not all the embroidery she could obtain after completion was only a mere 100 experience points.

So far, the set of clothes Fu Yunlai made for his grandma has gained the most experience and money.

Fu Yunlai quietly took the time to complete this behind Grandma Fu's back in order to thank Grandma Fu for her teachings over the past two years.

The fabrics from the Fuyunlai system are used, and the whole body is exquisitely embroidered. Even in order to be suitable for outer wear, most of Fuyunlai's embroidery is processed with dark patterns.

The whole outfit doesn't look very eye-catching, but it always has a low-key sense of luxury. Of course, you have to admit that good luck comes.

When making this suit, Fu Yunlai also deliberately showed off her embroidery skills.

She will leave home to go to school next year. Fu Yunlai specially made this set of clothes for Grandma Fu. It is not only a thank you, but also a disguised form of handing in homework.

It must be said that with the embroidery practice during this period, Fu Yunlai really felt the improvement of her skills after completing the task.

Moreover, Fu Yunlai discovered that although in terms of accumulated experience in system tasks, there seems to be no difference between these experiences.

However, after Fu Yunlai's verification, it was discovered that the task experience gained by these different tasks was not actually completely connected.

This is a bit roundabout, but it means that all their experience has improved Fu Yunlai's basic sewing skills.

But it needs to be calculated by category. The tasks she has completed...such as sewing with a sewing machine, hand sewing, knitting, embroidery, etc. will vary depending on the amount of tasks completed and the depth of the skills.

Just being affected by the basic sewing techniques, whether she is learning other sewing techniques or completing tasks related to these sewing techniques, it will be easier for her to get started.

For this reason, Fu Yunlai was able to truly calm down and continue studying embroidery with Grandma Fu.

After all, when it comes to her sewing skills, the one thing that probably needs the least practice is sewing with a sewing machine.

Obviously, in the long college life that followed, this was the only one that needed the help of a sewing machine to complete system tasks, and it became the least suitable to carry around.

Therefore, after careful consideration, Fu Yunlai immediately went to the factory and asked her about the specific method of handing over the job to her mother.

Speaking of this, people at the Qianjin Shoe Factory were also quite confused.

They have seen parents give jobs to their children!

I have also seen older siblings hand over their jobs to younger siblings!

I have even seen daughters-in-law and sisters-in-law leave their jobs to their brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, sisters-in-law, and nephews.

I have even seen the rare mother-in-law taking over the role of daughter-in-law... I have seen it!

But I have never seen a biological mother take the class of her biological daughter.

However, when Fu Yun came to take the college entrance examination, the company that issued the letter of introduction was Qianjin Shoe Factory.

The admission quota is also counted in their factory, so almost everyone in the factory knows about the situation of their mother and daughter.

There is basically no difficulty in this matter of taking over. That is to say, during the process of handling it by the mother and daughter, it will always attract a lot of curious eyes and inquiries.

Especially for the study of Fu Yun Lai, everyone is most curious.

Not long after Fu Yunlai's job was settled, the Mao family finally collected a total of five hundred yuan. They took the initiative to find the Fujia family and discuss with the Fujia family about buying Mao Guixiang's job.

This unexpected and seemingly expected approach was naturally approved by the Fu family.

The only thing that made it difficult for the two to coordinate was the five hundred yuan from the Mao family.

From the perspective of the Fuji family, Mao Guixiang's position itself was something she had brought with her when she got married.

Nowadays, getting into college depends on her own efforts!

If she really wanted to offer to return the job to her parents' family, the Fuji family would probably have no reason to object.

Of course, with Fujia's style of doing things, I really wouldn't object.

But unfortunately, not only did she not make such a request, not even the entire Mao family had such an idea.

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